Could A Major Terrorist Attack Come In The Form Of Suicide Ebola Agents?

That would be a retarded strategy........As there are far more worse spreading bio's out there on the spread rate.

Fear fear fear fear!

Fear fear fear fear. Fear fear fear.


No, it's called IMAGINATION — the failure of which is one of the key reasons 9-11 happened, according to your own boy, Mr. Richard A. Clarke.


No, it's called hysterical fearmongering.

What makes Richard A. Clarke my "own boy", exactly?

It is a good possibility that we could be attacked with biological weapons some time in the future. Why would you call that fearmongering? It's a very viable possibility.

It's an even "better" possibility that I'm going to get hit by a car on my way to work on Monday.

But I don't feel the need to "be very afraid" of it happening.
It is a good possibility that we could be attacked with biological weapons some time in the future. Why would you call that fearmongering? It's a very viable possibility.

Ebola would make for a terrible bio weapon.

So? It doesn't have to be Ebola. It could be anything. It's the idea that terrorists could use biological weapons that could case massive amounts of death that is frightening, not the specific agent used.

Fear fear fear fear!

Fear fear fear fear. Fear fear fear.


No, it's called IMAGINATION — the failure of which is one of the key reasons 9-11 happened, according to your own boy, Mr. Richard A. Clarke.


No, it's called hysterical fearmongering.

What makes Richard A. Clarke my "own boy", exactly?

It is a good possibility that we could be attacked with biological weapons some time in the future. Why would you call that fearmongering? It's a very viable possibility.

It's an even "better" possibility that I'm going to get hit by a car on my way to work on Monday.

But I don't feel the need to "be very afraid" of it happening.

Never say never! :biggrin: You should go knock on wood NOW!
So? It doesn't have to be Ebola. It could be anything. It's the idea that terrorists could use biological weapons that could case massive amounts of death that is frightening, not the specific agent used.

You're right. It's possible they could do that. But not with ebola.

Please tell us Chris what else should we all be in the fetal position about?

Fear fear fear fear!

Fear fear fear fear. Fear fear fear.


No, it's called IMAGINATION — the failure of which is one of the key reasons 9-11 happened, according to your own boy, Mr. Richard A. Clarke.


No, it's called hysterical fearmongering.

What makes Richard A. Clarke my "own boy", exactly?

At least you're finally admitting in public now to being an insipid hack with no imagination.

Proud of ya, sport. :thup:

No, I have an imagination. I'm just not scared shitless of it.

Are you "proud" that you can scare the shit out of yourself?

You should learn how to scare yourself shitless.

You can bet terrorists do, that's for sure.

And that's what makes Richard A. Clarke "your boy", see.

Like you, he also openly admitted before the 9-11 Commission to not having exploited his imagination well enough to have surmised grim scenarios — moron. :thup:

You think that terrorists know how to scare the shit out of me? Why are you talking about the 9/11 commission? I still don't "see" how this makes Richard Clarke "my boy". What the fuck are you talking about?

It certainly doesn't seem to have anything do with what I was talking about.

Fear fear fear fear!

Fear fear fear fear. Fear fear fear.


No, it's called IMAGINATION — the failure of which is one of the key reasons 9-11 happened, according to your own boy, Mr. Richard A. Clarke.


No, it's called hysterical fearmongering.

What makes Richard A. Clarke my "own boy", exactly?

It is a good possibility that we could be attacked with biological weapons some time in the future. Why would you call that fearmongering? It's a very viable possibility.

It's an even "better" possibility that I'm going to get hit by a car on my way to work on Monday.

But I don't feel the need to "be very afraid" of it happening.

Never say never! :biggrin: You should go knock on wood NOW!

Say "never":

It's what stupid people do. :thup:

Fear fear fear fear!

Fear fear fear fear. Fear fear fear.


No, it's called IMAGINATION — the failure of which is one of the key reasons 9-11 happened, according to your own boy, Mr. Richard A. Clarke.


No, it's called hysterical fearmongering.

What makes Richard A. Clarke my "own boy", exactly?

It is a good possibility that we could be attacked with biological weapons some time in the future. Why would you call that fearmongering? It's a very viable possibility.

It's an even "better" possibility that I'm going to get hit by a car on my way to work on Monday.

But I don't feel the need to "be very afraid" of it happening.

When that car wreck happens it happens in a flash. That is from experience, and I'm lucky to still be alive. There is no way to prevent the world from stupid people, as in my case they ran a stop sign at over 60 mph...........I did not leave that morning afraid. The only fear was that I'd spill my coffee........

Which brings us to Ebola. It is not spread due to stupidity or a dumb ass behind the wheel of a car. It is spread because it is a disease and due to normal contact of people in this world.

The only cure to stupidity is to keep it from spreading by putting road blocks in the way of it terms of spreading the disease. Which means limiting travel, and or banning travel to the infected region. That cure to me, is trying to get a dumb ass Gov't to impose the bans.
No, it's called IMAGINATION — the failure of which is one of the key reasons 9-11 happened, according to your own boy, Mr. Richard A. Clarke.


No, it's called hysterical fearmongering.

What makes Richard A. Clarke my "own boy", exactly?

At least you're finally admitting in public now to being an insipid hack with no imagination.

Proud of ya, sport. :thup:

No, I have an imagination. I'm just not scared shitless of it.

Are you "proud" that you can scare the shit out of yourself?

You should learn how to scare yourself shitless.

You can bet terrorists do, that's for sure.

And that's what makes Richard A. Clarke "your boy", see.

Like you, he also openly admitted before the 9-11 Commission to not having exploited his imagination well enough to have surmised grim scenarios — moron. :thup:

You think that terrorists know how to scare the shit out of me? Why are you talking about the 9/11 commission? I still don't "see" how this makes Richard Clarke "my boy". What the fuck are you talking about?

It certainly doesn't seem to have anything do with what I was talking about.

No, it has everything to do with what we're talking about in this thread because—again, retard—Clarke apologized to the American people when he testified on Capitol Hill for the Pentagon's having had a "failure of imagination" which effectively brought about 9-11.
So? It doesn't have to be Ebola. It could be anything. It's the idea that terrorists could use biological weapons that could case massive amounts of death that is frightening, not the specific agent used.

You're right. It's possible they could do that. But not with ebola.

Please tell us Chris what else should we all be in the fetal position about?

Who said anything about being in a fetal position. It is certainly something to be considered and taken seriously. People never thought a 9/11 could happen either. NOT HERE, they said. :rolleyes-41: Silly naive people. It really wouldn't be THAT difficult to smuggle some substance into the country (look how many illegal humans they smuggle in!!), and to release it somewhere heavily populated.
No, it's called hysterical fearmongering.

What makes Richard A. Clarke my "own boy", exactly?

At least you're finally admitting in public now to being an insipid hack with no imagination.

Proud of ya, sport. :thup:

No, I have an imagination. I'm just not scared shitless of it.

Are you "proud" that you can scare the shit out of yourself?

You should learn how to scare yourself shitless.

You can bet terrorists do, that's for sure.

And that's what makes Richard A. Clarke "your boy", see.

Like you, he also openly admitted before the 9-11 Commission to not having exploited his imagination well enough to have surmised grim scenarios — moron. :thup:

You think that terrorists know how to scare the shit out of me? Why are you talking about the 9/11 commission? I still don't "see" how this makes Richard Clarke "my boy". What the fuck are you talking about?

It certainly doesn't seem to have anything do with what I was talking about.

No, it has everything to do with what we're talking about in this thread because—again, retard—Clarke apologized to the American people when he testified on Capitol Hill for the Pentagon's having had a "failure of imagination" which effectively brought about 9-11.

So what?

What does that have to do with anything I've posted in this thread?
We don't have to wait for ISIS to do anything at all. Obumble is sending our troops to Africa to get infected then return to the USA with the virus neatly packaged on their persons. America's biggest enemy has already invaded Washington D.C.
It is a good possibility that we could be attacked with biological weapons some time in the future. Why would you call that fearmongering? It's a very viable possibility.

Ebola would make for a terrible bio weapon.

Ebola is now a very CHEAP terrorist weapon. Dirt cheap. No lab needed. Just go kiss or lick some victim and you've created an incubator in your own body. Now go and spread havoc amongst your enemies.

This is cheaper than setting up a new IED pipeline where you need to smuggle in explosives, find or develop bomb makers, source the parts.
Ebola is now a very CHEAP terrorist weapon. Dirt cheap. No lab needed. Just go kiss or lick some victim and you've created an incubator in your own body. Now go and spread havoc amongst your enemies.

This is cheaper than setting up a new IED pipeline where you need to smuggle in explosives, find or develop bomb makers, source the parts.

Oh brother... :rolleyes:

I think you cons are better off trying to milk some more out of benghazi or the birther thing :thup:
Overview of Potential Agents of Biological Terrorism

Bioterrorism has now been defined as the intentional use of a pathogen or biological product to cause harm to a human, animal, plant or other living organisms to influence the conduct of government or to intimidate or coerce a civilian population(4). Biological agents are easy to develop as weapons, are more lethal than chemical weapons, are less expensive and more difficult to detect than nuclear weapons (5). Diseases caused by biological agents are not only a public health issue but also a problem of national security. Two simulated biological attacks, Dark Winter (small pox) and TOPOFF (plague), in the United States demonstrated serious weaknesses in the public health system that could prevent an effective response to bioterrorism or severe naturally occurring infectious diseases (6,7,8,9,10). The intentional dispersal of anthrax through the United States Postal Service that followed the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, brought these issues into a clear focus. The United States government began a process to strengthen the public health infrastructure. The need for law reform was recognized as law has long been considered as an important tool of public health (11). The power to act to preserve the Public's Health is constitutionally reserved primarily to the states as an exercise of their police powers. Some states like Colorado and Rhode Island had developed legislation or administrative public health plans for a bioterrorism event prior to September 1, 2001. The Model Act was designed to update and modernize the state public statutes and to avoid problems of inconsistency, inadequacy and obsolescence. The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA or Model Act) was drafted by the Center for Law and the Public's Health at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities at the request of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and in collaboration with members of national organizations representing governors, legislators, attorneys general and health commissioners (4,12). This act provides state actors with the powers to detect and contain bioterrorism or a naturally occurring disease outbreak. The Model Act is structured to facilitate five basic public health functions i)Preparedness, comprehensive planning for a Public Health emergency; ii) Surveillance, measures to detect and track Public Health emergencies; iii) Management of Property, ensuring adequate availability of vaccines, pharmaceuticals and hospitals as well as providing power to abate hazards to the Public's Health; iv) Protection of Persons, powers to compel vaccination, testing, treatment, isolation and quarantine when clearly necessary; and v) Communication, providing clear and authoritative information to the public. The act also contains a modernized, extensive set of principles and requirements to safeguard personal rights. Based on MSEHPA, legislative bills have been introduced in 34 states and the District of Columbia. As of June 26, 2002, 16 states and the District of Columbia already have enacted a version of the act and the states enacting or expected shortly to enact legislation, influenced by the Model Act were Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah and Virginia.
The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA)
Reprinted JAMA, August 7, 2002, Vol 288 No. 5 Page 625-628

A critique of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act was published by Annas G. In Bioterrorism, Public Health and Civil Liberties. NEJM, 2002 April 24:346(13) At the federal level, Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, HR 3448, was passed by the United States Congress on May 23, 2002 and signed into law (Public Law 107-188) June 12, 2002. The bill is intended to improve the health system's ability to respond to bioterrorism, protect the nation's food supply and drinking water from bioterrorist attacks, speed the development and production of new drug treatments and vaccines, address shortages of specific types of health professions, improve coordination of federal anti-bioterrorism activities, increase investment in federal, state, and local preparedness and expand controls over the most dangerous biological agents and toxins. The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) has testified before congress on issues surrounding biosecurity and has worked closely with congress in the drafting of Title II to balance Public Health concern over safely and security with need to protect legitimate scientific research and diagnostic testing. Important new provisions for the possession, use and transfer of select agents, (42 biological agents and toxins listed in Appendix A of 42 CFR part 72), are included in Title II of HR 3448, Enhancing Controls on Dangerous Biological Agents and Toxins. On July 12, 2002, the CDC announced preliminary guidance for notification of possession of select agents as mandated in Section 202 (a) of Public Law 107-188, the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 (Appendix B). The notice states that each facility should designate a responsible facility official (RFO) to complete the notification of possession form by September 10, 2002. The RFO will need to inventory the facility and consult with others (e.g. Principal Investigators) to obtain the required information. At our institution a Designated Safety Officer in collaboration with the Infection Control and Safety Committee address these issues. In order to avoid inconsistencies and noncompliance, at the July meeting, it was recommended to the Committee that the Principal Investigators provide a complete list of all the biological agents being used in their laboratories. The Safety Officer would then use the information needed to register with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and provide inspections to ensure safety and compliance with the requirements.
Ebola is now a very CHEAP terrorist weapon. Dirt cheap. No lab needed. Just go kiss or lick some victim and you've created an incubator in your own body. Now go and spread havoc amongst your enemies.

This is cheaper than setting up a new IED pipeline where you need to smuggle in explosives, find or develop bomb makers, source the parts.

Oh brother... :rolleyes:

I think you cons are better off trying to milk some more out of benghazi or the birther thing :thup:

Oh, so you feel nice and cozy do you? You think it couldn't happen here? :lol:

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