Could Hillary Really Be President, If She's an Alcoholic ?

George W. Bush was an alcoholic and cocaine addict. He gave them up supposedly but never went into treatment. He was a screwup.
Churchill was drunk throughout WW2, but managed to win the war with the help of Roosevelt.

George W. Bush was an alcoholic and cocaine addict. He gave them up supposedly but never went into treatment. He was a screwup.
Churchill was drunk throughout WW2, but managed to win the war with the help of Roosevelt.
Are you trying to legitimize Hillary's alcoholism with being president. I wouldn't go there. I mean really.
George W. Bush was an alcoholic and cocaine addict. He gave them up supposedly but never went into treatment. He was a screwup.
Churchill was drunk throughout WW2, but managed to win the war with the help of Roosevelt.

Maybe she should try some cocaine then, it might pep her up.
what was the name of the tsunami that hit her? see she's been hitting the thrift stores again omg
Damn, I was planning on going to a thrift store tomorrow. Well, it's OK I'm just gonna get an alarm clock.
No, that photo disqualifies her from the presidency immediately. Sorry Liberals. the deeper meaning of this photo transcends human language
I think it disqualifies her from even a lot more than the presidency. Hide your kids, folks.
Lets circle back and look at Protectionists source material again.....just for laughs...



As Jeff Goldblum said in the Big Chill

"I have to fly to Dallas tonight, reporter Jeff Goldblum remarks. "I'm interviewing a 14 year old blind baton twirler." "Where do you get those stories" a college friend asks. "it' s just good investigative journalism"....
Sorry, your post does nothing at all to counter all the lies told by the Globe in this thread. It just demonstrates that you want the Clinton article to be true regardless of any facts to demonstrate it is.
You haven't demonstrated ANY lies allegedy told by the Globe. You're fascinating. :slap:

This is getting old. You believe the tabloids like you believe FOX News, they tell you what you want to hear. The lies by the Globe are demonstrated throughout this thread.
Sorry, your post does nothing at all to counter all the lies told by the Globe in this thread. It just demonstrates that you want the Clinton article to be true regardless of any facts to demonstrate it is.
You haven't demonstrated ANY lies allegedy told by the Globe. You're fascinating. :slap:

You're so dumb, you don't even know who the queen of England is. Or that Bill Clinton is still alive or whether Sarah Palin had sex with aliens or if George and Laura Bush are still married.
Sorry, your post does nothing at all to counter all the lies told by the Globe in this thread. It just demonstrates that you want the Clinton article to be true regardless of any facts to demonstrate it is.
You haven't demonstrated ANY lies allegedy told by the Globe. You're fascinating. :slap:

You're so dumb, you don't even know who the queen of England is. Or that Bill Clinton is still alive or whether Sarah Palin had sex with aliens or if George and Laura Bush are still married.

Protectionist believes what he believes.

He is not bothered by those 'supposed' facts like George and Laura Bush's marriage.
Sorry, your post does nothing at all to counter all the lies told by the Globe in this thread. It just demonstrates that you want the Clinton article to be true regardless of any facts to demonstrate it is.
You haven't demonstrated ANY lies allegedy told by the Globe. You're fascinating. :slap:

You're so dumb, you don't even know who the queen of England is. Or that Bill Clinton is still alive or whether Sarah Palin had sex with aliens or if George and Laura Bush are still married.

Protectionist believes what he believes.

He is not bothered by those 'supposed' facts like George and Laura Bush's marriage.

He probably thinks he has the power to dictate the closure of a thread when his ass is handed to him too.
Protectionist believes what he believes.

He is not bothered by those 'supposed' facts like George and Laura Bush's marriage.
This thread FINISHED yesterday. I've created 3 new OPs since then. Time to Move on.

Philadelphia Mayor Must Be Fired | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh the fun never is finished when it comes to you and your tabloid sources!

Things Protectionist believes are true- because he read them in the tabloids....
This is getting old. You believe the tabloids like you believe FOX News, they tell you what you want to hear. The lies by the Globe are demonstrated throughout this thread.
You believe the New York Times and MSNBC, because they tell you what YOU want to hear. You've had 3 days to produce a single lie from the Globe. You haven't, and you owe the Globe and all of its writers and sources a big apology.

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