Could Hillary Really Be President, If She's an Alcoholic ?

That's easy.

The New York Times
The Washington Post
The Chicago Tribune
The Los Angeles Times
The Baltimore Sun
The Atlanta Journal & Constitution
The Tampa Tribune
The Orlando Sentinal
The Houston Chronicle
The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
The News Of The Highlands

Ya big dummy.
Apparently it WASN'T "easy". I've already shown what a farce the New York Times is (Post # 164) . And just a little research could show the LA Times and some of these others to be just as bad. And you need to stop the name calling in the CDZ.
That's easy.

The New York Times
The Washington Post
The Chicago Tribune
The Los Angeles Times
The Baltimore Sun
The Atlanta Journal & Constitution
The Tampa Tribune
The Orlando Sentinal
The Houston Chronicle
The Rochester Democrat & Chronicle
The News Of The Highlands

Ya big dummy.
Apparently it WASN'T "easy". I've already shown what a farce the New York Times is (Post # 164) . And just a little research could show the LA Times and some of these others to be just as bad. And you need to stop the name calling in the CDZ.

Quit yer whining. You've authored a monumentally stupid thread here. You deserve to be acknowledged.
Quit yer whining. You've authored a monumentally stupid thread here. You deserve to be acknowledged.
The thread is done. I can't talk to you now anyway. I'm busy right now, talking to the moderators (about you and your abuse of the Clean Debate Zone - like THIS very post of yours right here now)

As for the thread/OP, it was fine, and I'm proud of it. My part in it, that is.
Quit yer whining. You've authored a monumentally stupid thread here. You deserve to be acknowledged.
The thread is done. I can't talk to you now anyway. I'm busy right now, talking to the moderators (about you and your abuse of the Clean Debate Zone - like THIS very post of yours right here now)

As for the thread/OP, it was fine, and I'm proud of it. My part in it, that is.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Somebody called me a dummy in the clean debate zone! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Quit yer whining. You've authored a monumentally stupid thread here. You deserve to be acknowledged.
The thread is done. I can't talk to you now anyway. I'm busy right now, talking to the moderators (about you and your abuse of the Clean Debate Zone - like THIS very post of yours right here now)

As for the thread/OP, it was fine, and I'm proud of it. My part in it, that is.

LOL- of course you are proud of this thread- and your source.......

When is the funeral for the queen anyway?

And Bill Clinton looks pretty spry for someone who died 3 years ago....
Quit yer whining. You've authored a monumentally stupid thread here. You deserve to be acknowledged.
The thread is done. I can't talk to you now anyway. I'm busy right now, talking to the moderators (about you and your abuse of the Clean Debate Zone - like THIS very post of yours right here now)

As for the thread/OP, it was fine, and I'm proud of it. My part in it, that is.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Somebody called me a dummy in the clean debate zone! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Protectionist loves to report is all part of his Conservative mentality.
I just realized that this thread is in "politics" and not the CDZ.

Funny. protectionist

Ya big dummy.
It WAS in the CDZ. 'll take that up with the moderators. That would be my business, their business, and none of yours.:biggrin:

I'll bet those mods just love you. Stupid enough to trust the Globe and lame enough to report people for calling you stupid. A real gem.
This is getting old. You believe the tabloids like you believe FOX News, they tell you what you want to hear. The lies by the Globe are demonstrated throughout this thread.
You believe the New York Times and MSNBC, because they tell you what YOU want to hear. You've had 3 days to produce a single lie from the Globe. You haven't, and you owe the Globe and all of its writers and sources a big apology.

We've gone over this. I don't automatically believe the New York Times or MSNBC or anyone else when they report crazy shit. Why do you automatically believe a tabloid with no evidence at all?
I just realized that this thread is in "politics" and not the CDZ.

Funny. protectionist

Ya big dummy.
It WAS in the CDZ. 'll take that up with the moderators. That would be my business, their business, and none of yours.:biggrin:

I'll bet those mods just love you. Stupid enough to trust the Globe and lame enough to report people for calling you stupid. A real gem.

He kept saying this thread was in CDZ while I was calling him a dingbat for believing tabloid trash. I don't think this thread was ever in CDZ, the OP is a special kind of person.
NY Times
Washington Post
NBC News
CBS News
Think Progress
lol All liberal Omission medias. All invalid jokes.

Anything to the left of FOX is going to be liberal to you. Just the same, I already told you I don't find any media source to be infallible like you do the Globe, an established tabloid that makes shit up and puts it on their front page.
It never stopped George, The Red Nosed President...

Bush didn't drink as president.

Nixon was an alcoholic, Clinton probably was too. I suspect Obummer abuses meth or coke.

According to a source Protectionist holds dear, Bush was doing blow in the White House.
His nose was red and he looked goofy several times....He might have blown a doobie, hey, he never has to take a drug test...

Probably from having to point his nose into all those corners Cheney commanded him to.

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