Could Hillary Really Be President, If She's an Alcoholic ?

"Could Hillary Really Be President, If She's an Alcoholic ?"

So this is the GOP's 'strategy' to run against Clinton.

Sounds like a winner – by all means go with it.
For once, I agree with you, CCJ. :biggrin:

OK. I'm outta here. That concludes your lesson for today kids.
Who did the Globe use as a source?
Are you home ? I just answered that a few posts ago. 45 minutes ago. Post #

The simple answer is they don't have any named sources. For a sensationalist rag to headline a sensationalist article, I'd want some sources before believing it. They've been wrong so often, they offer no evidence at all that anything they are saying is worth spit, dingbat.
Wow! Someone actually believes the stories in a tabloid. Defending a rag that published the autopsy photos of a six year old girl.? Stay classy.
You've already been shown to be a fool with that belief. Try reading the thread to keep from making a fool out of yourself. Very hazardous to jump into a thread not knowing what's already been said. I'll give you a break, Read Post # 146. You're welcome.

Sorry, your post does nothing at all to counter all the lies told by the Globe in this thread. It just demonstrates that you want the Clinton article to be true regardless of any facts to demonstrate it is.
Just curious and coming back to this. Can you find a retraction that the Globe ever printed? Nobody is right 100% of the time which as explained to you earlier I don't take any one news source as the gospel truth.

Anyway, if the Globe were honest, I'm sure there should be a couple of retractions out there that they've had to make.
I don't see that as a barometer of honesty. If honesty is what you're looking for try the sources I listed in Post # 164, which you have offensively been disparaging all through this thread. Go ahead. Read them.
7. TV show "The Bachelor" host Chris Harrison. -pg 4

8. Actor Carrie Fisher and her brother Todd Fisher.-pg 5/26.

9. Rolling Stone Magazine - pg 5

10. Donald Trump - pg.11

14. Natl columnist Debbie Schussel - pg 21
Yeah, some real "winners" there!
after living through the oil shortages of the 70s were the gas lines were a mile long and those in the know were telling us that all the worlds oil would be gone in 30 years, I tend to think that it is once again a hoax meant to increase the price of fuel as it did before.
However, one must consider that the scare did take us away from the 12mpg family car and sit us behind the wheel of a 25mpg family car. So, some good did come from it.
Even my 3500 diesel dually can see 24 to 25 on the highway if I drive it right. (not towing though, we dont want to discuss those fuel numbers)
Thanks, but Off Topic
not if you look at what I was replying to. but, Thanks
Of course I do. The Globe focuses on the pressing issues of the day. :thup:
Some are ..some aren't. Good ones > political, scientific, medical, economic, sociology. You don't know the Globe.
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I am assuming there were 18th and 19th century presidents that got drunk all the time.

One being grant. ;) And maybe Washington? Andrew Jackson? Military men would probably do so.

I don't see a problem as long as she functioned in her job.
I am assuming there were 18th and 19th century presidents that got drunk all the time.

One being grant. ;) And maybe Washington? Andrew Jackson? Military men would probably do so.

Legitimizing it ? You can't. Presidents need to be sober. ALL the time.
Yeah, some real "winners" there!
I notice you avoided choosing THESE. >>

1. Researcher, Dr. Richard Lipton at Montefiore Health Systems (the University Hospital for Albert Einstein College of Medicine.) - Pg. 45

2. Alzheimer study (at MHS - AECM) author, Dr. Mindy Katz. - pg 45.

3. The Journal of Medicinal Food - pg 44

4. Dermatologist Dr Rebbeca Baxt - pg 44.

5. Dermatologist Dr. Kenneth Beer - pg 44.

6. The American Institute for Cancer Research - pg 44.

11. Asst US Attorney Laura Mantell - pg.14.

12. Former US Customs agent John A. Carman -pg 20

13. Retired Admiral James A. Lyons Jr.- p 21.

15. Author Ingrid Seward - pg 22

16. Author John Morgan - pg 22.

17. Diane Sawyer (20/20 TV show host) - pg 24.

18. Author Darwin Porter - pg 25

19. Author Danforth Prince - pg 25.

20. Actor Joel Grey - pg 27

21. Judge George O'Toole (in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev case) - pg 28.

22. Ex GOP Congressman John LeBoutillier - pg 34.

23. LAPD Elder Abuse Unit - pg 40.

24. New York internist Dr. Stuart Fischer - pg 40.

25. US Marine Lance corporal David Pond - pg 55

Just happened to miss them, huh ? BE honest. You'll feel better. :biggrin:
Sorry, your post does nothing at all to counter all the lies told by the Globe in this thread. It just demonstrates that you want the Clinton article to be true regardless of any facts to demonstrate it is.
You haven't demonstrated ANY lies allegedy told by the Globe. You're fascinating. :slap:
McAuliffe: Clinton Can Beat McCain -- In A Drinking Contest

Looks like Hillary top adviser Terry McAuliffe is really upping the ante when it comes to Hillary's ability to throw back shots with the best of 'em....

McAuliffe, asked whether her shot-tossing is phony, replied that "she loves to sit, throw 'em back," adding that "she actually beat John McCain in a shot contest. She's a girl from Illinois who likes to throw 'em down with the rest of us."

McAuliffe: Clinton Can Beat McCain -- In A Drinking Contest -- The Huffington Post
McAuliffe: Clinton Can Beat McCain -- In A Drinking Contest

Looks like Hillary top adviser Terry McAuliffe is really upping the ante when it comes to Hillary's ability to throw back shots with the best of 'em....

McAuliffe, asked whether her shot-tossing is phony, replied that "she loves to sit, throw 'em back," adding that "she actually beat John McCain in a shot contest. She's a girl from Illinois who likes to throw 'em down with the rest of us."

McAuliffe: Clinton Can Beat McCain -- In A Drinking Contest -- The Huffington Post
They know it. They're just lying liberals, trying to dodge the issue, by talking about the Globe. It's the old liberal Invalidation card. If they can't defeat the message, they try to attack the messenger. This time they got more than they bargained for, though. Read the thread. You'll see what I mean.
So, now that we know Hillary is totally incompetent to be president (we know it before too, just not in this manner), who mihgt Democrats send out to take her place ? Well, HappyJoy indicated that MSNBC was one of his sources that he believes in. HA HA HA. Oh, man, This is getting better all the time.

Hey HJ! How about Al Sharpton ?
He could run his White House activities from his MSNBC TV show half the time, and from Black Lives Matter HQ (if they have one) the other half.
Hee Hee Hee!


People who work in the White House and around the State Dept have consistently said that they have seen Hillary Clinton boozed up, if not fully drunk. Some have said she walks around with a drink in her hand. These reporters have not openly identified themselves, because they fear Hillary, whom they regard as a fascist, in addition to being a drunk.

If this is all true, then how in the world could Hillary, an alleged alcoholic, ever be president of the United States ? The implications of this are mind boggling and very scary. It leads one to think about Hillary's time as Sect. of State. How did she ever do that ?

Well, say many people, she didn't. Primarily, all she ever really did was travel around the world, wining and dining with world leaders, at US taxpayer expense. When in Washington DC, some say Hillary was so often drunk, that Huma Abedin handled the business of the job. ...which could explain why so many things favorable to the Muslim Brotherhood came out of the State Dept. during those years ?

In a report published by Globe magazine entitled > "Hillary Confesses: I'm an Alcoholic!", another anonymous source reported to Globe magazine that Hillary told her daughter Chelsea . "Please help me! I'm an alcoholic" Globe also reported that before her campaign started, she secretly underwent detox, but the pressures of the campaign and the FBI probe into here emails, knocked her off the wagon and back onto the bottle.



would explain how she hit her head
People who work in the White House and around the State Dept have consistently said that they have seen Hillary Clinton boozed up, if not fully drunk. Some have said she walks around with a drink in her hand. These reporters have not openly identified themselves, because they fear Hillary, whom they regard as a fascist, in addition to being a drunk.

If this is all true, then how in the world could Hillary, an alleged alcoholic, ever be president of the United States ? The implications of this are mind boggling and very scary. It leads one to think about Hillary's time as Sect. of State. How did she ever do that ?

Well, say many people, she didn't. Primarily, all she ever really did was travel around the world, wining and dining with world leaders, at US taxpayer expense. When in Washington DC, some say Hillary was so often drunk, that Huma Abedin handled the business of the job. ...which could explain why so many things favorable to the Muslim Brotherhood came out of the State Dept. during those years ?

In a report published by Globe magazine entitled > "Hillary Confesses: I'm an Alcoholic!", another anonymous source reported to Globe magazine that Hillary told her daughter Chelsea . "Please help me! I'm an alcoholic" Globe also reported that before her campaign started, she secretly underwent detox, but the pressures of the campaign and the FBI probe into here emails, knocked her off the wagon and back onto the bottle.



Im pretty sure she could handle the position, IF they give her a service dog. They can be trained to sense your alcohol level and bark, maybe even show her some affection which she obviously hasn't been getting from Bill.

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