Could Hillary Really Be President, If She's an Alcoholic ?

People who work in the White House and around the State Dept have consistently said that they have seen Hillary Clinton boozed up, if not fully drunk. Some have said she walks around with a drink in her hand. These reporters have not openly identified themselves, because they fear Hillary, whom they regard as a fascist, in addition to being a drunk.

If this is all true, then how in the world could Hillary, an alleged alcoholic, ever be president of the United States ? The implications of this are mind boggling and very scary. It leads one to think about Hillary's time as Sect. of State. How did she ever do that ?

Well, say many people, she didn't. Primarily, all she ever really did was travel around the world, wining and dining with world leaders, at US taxpayer expense. When in Washington DC, some say Hillary was so often drunk, that Huma Abedin handled the business of the job. ...which could explain why so many things favorable to the Muslim Brotherhood came out of the State Dept. during those years ?

In a report published by Globe magazine entitled > "Hillary Confesses: I'm an Alcoholic!", another anonymous source reported to Globe magazine that Hillary told her daughter Chelsea . "Please help me! I'm an alcoholic" Globe also reported that before her campaign started, she secretly underwent detox, but the pressures of the campaign and the FBI probe into here emails, knocked her off the wagon and back onto the bottle.


People who work in the White House and around the State Dept have consistently said that they have seen Hillary Clinton boozed up, if not fully drunk. Some have said she walks around with a drink in her hand. These reporters have not openly identified themselves, because they fear Hillary, whom they regard as a fascist, in addition to being a drunk.

If this is all true, then how in the world could Hillary, an alleged alcoholic, ever be president of the United States ? The implications of this are mind boggling and very scary. It leads one to think about Hillary's time as Sect. of State. How did she ever do that ?

Well, say many people, she didn't. Primarily, all she ever really did was travel around the world, wining and dining with world leaders, at US taxpayer expense. When in Washington DC, some say Hillary was so often drunk, that Huma Abedin handled the business of the job. ...which could explain why so many things favorable to the Muslim Brotherhood came out of the State Dept. during those years ?

In a report published by Globe magazine entitled > "Hillary Confesses: I'm an Alcoholic!", another anonymous source reported to Globe magazine that Hillary told her daughter Chelsea . "Please help me! I'm an alcoholic" Globe also reported that before her campaign started, she secretly underwent detox, but the pressures of the campaign and the FBI probe into here emails, knocked her off the wagon and back onto the bottle.


Obama is an anti American Islamic jihadist, so why not?
He has repeatedly demonstrated that, by his actions and inactions, but that's going a bit off-topic. Let's stick to talking about Hillary, in this thread.
It's been presented and I can't prove Clinton is not an alcoholic just like I can't prove Trump did not have his nuts ripped off in an unfortunate Brazilian manscape accident.

That wasn't the question. Question was >> "what news sources do YOU rely on ?"
No shit. I have yet to see you present any evidence that the Weekly World News isn't a legit source. The photo on the cover says 'official' so it must be true. lol
I have no need to talk about Weekly World News. Maybe you could answer the question I asked Happy Joy. Want to take a shot at it ?
It's been presented and I can't prove Clinton is not an alcoholic just like I can't prove Trump did not have his nuts ripped off in an unfortunate Brazilian manscape accident.

That wasn't the question. Question was >> "what news sources do YOU rely on ?"

Multiple. As in, if one source says it (especially when they speak in the anonymous 3rd person) then I want to see other news sources back it up. Or, at least be able to know who my source's source was. Who is the Globe relying on? Why do you trust the Globe but not the Weekly World News? What's the difference?
Still waiting for someone (anyone) to present a shred of evidence to diminish the Globe as a valid a source.
No shit. I have yet to see you present any evidence that the Weekly World News isn't a legit source. The photo on the cover says 'official' so it must be true. lol
I have no need to talk about Weekly World News. Maybe you could answer the question I asked Happy Joy. Want to take a shot at it ?

Tabloids. Those are the only sources I rely on.

I am little disappointed that Laura and Geogre split up. They seemed so happy. :(
Multiple. As in, if one source says it (especially when they speak in the anonymous 3rd person) then I want to see other news sources back it up. Or, at least be able to know who my source's source was. Who is the Globe relying on? Why do you trust the Globe but not the Weekly World News? What's the difference?
1. Big difference. Weekly World News presents sensationalist nonsense. Globe doesn't.

2. As for unnamed sources, true the Globe articles rely on them, but this is to be expected in cases of calling Hilary Clinton an alcoholic. Revealing names would amount to loss of jobs and careers) for Washington DC govt workers. Want to switch a $90,000.yr job to go bagging groceries ?

3. You still haven't answered my question. "Multiple" is an adjective. What nouns is it modifying. What newspapers do you accept as valid ? Name a couple.
Multiple. As in, if one source says it (especially when they speak in the anonymous 3rd person) then I want to see other news sources back it up. Or, at least be able to know who my source's source was. Who is the Globe relying on? Why do you trust the Globe but not the Weekly World News? What's the difference?
1. Big difference. Weekly World News presents sensationalist nonsense. Globe doesn't.

2. As for unnamed sources, true the Globe articles rely on them, but this is to be expected in cases of calling Hilary Clinton an alcoholic. Revealing names would amount to loss of jobs and careers) for Washington DC govt workers. Want to switch a $90,000.yr job to go bagging groceries ?

3. You still haven't answered my question. "Multiple" is an adjective. What nouns is it modifying. What newspapers do you accept as valid ? Name a couple.

Sensationalist news like claiming Hillary Clinton is an alcoholic or George Bush does blow in the White house or George and Laura Bush have split? Sorry, dude. You need to provide more than just the Globe.
Tabloids. Those are the only sources I rely on.
So your BASIS for condemnation of the Globe is that it is a tabloid ? That's what you're saying ?

The basis of my condemnation is that the Globe is idiotic horseshit for people with the intellectual depth of a teaspoon. It appears to be right up your alley though. lol
Sensationalist news like claiming Hillary Clinton is an alcoholic or George Bush does blow in the White house or George and Laura Bush have split? Sorry, dude. You need to provide more than just the Globe.

Reporting that Hillary Clinton is an alcoholic is not "sensationalist". The cover of the WWN shown previously is. Just because something is startling, doesn't make it sensationalist. The alcoholic report could be (and peobably is) 100% true. It was startling when it was revealed that Pakistan had nuclear weapons. Not sensationalist.

No, I don't need to provide more than the Globe, and you haven't shown one shred of evidence, as to why I would. If I had presented this story from the New York Times, would you say that I "need to provide more" than just the New York Times ?

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