Could not have stated this better

Informative OP, in that for me the linked article confirmed that Pat Buchanan was still alive.

I agree with Buchanan's assessment of Joe Biden, the Democratic field and his assessment of free trade. My disappointment in the article was the lack of opinion whether tariffs are our best weapon? I don't have faith in tariffs. I did have hope that the corporate tax cuts would help bring industry home but I now admit I was mistaken there. Looking back I wish they had taken a bigger carrot and stick approach in terms of separate corporate tax rates for profits on domestic and imported goods.

Clearly tariffs are not working. Hence the slowing economy, the bailouts, and the uncertainty.

As long as we have the employer based healthcare….industry is going to suffer and so are worker’s wages as employers pass that cost along to the employee. I’ve never quite understood why the health/life insurance is part of your employment package and car, house, boat, windstorm, etc… insurance is not. US Domestic firms are forever handicapped by having to offer things that foreign competitors do not. It can be mitigated via passing it along to employees but in this hyper competitive global economy (and we cannot just disavow that it exists)…any edge you can get means lower prices which is all most consumers care about.
Blaming industry and government for providing and facilitating goods Americans want to buy is like blaming the gun instead of the gunman. Consumers want cheap goods and largely don’t care if it comes from Chicago or China. Manufacturers take their cue from the consumers. Trump was one of those manufacturers.

The OP is moronic
You stupid ass liberals do blame the guns and not the shooter. Unless you're a cop.View attachment 274758

Are you comparing what a cop does to what a mass murderer does?
I'm comparing liberals blame the gun on mass shootings. But blame the cop when they defend their life. Nice deflection though.

I blame making it convenient for mass killers to obtain as much fire power as they desire
Blaming industry and government for providing and facilitating goods Americans want to buy is like blaming the gun instead of the gunman. Consumers want cheap goods and largely don’t care if it comes from Chicago or China. Manufacturers take their cue from the consumers. Trump was one of those manufacturers.

The OP is moronic
You stupid ass liberals do blame the guns and not the shooter. Unless you're a cop.View attachment 274758

Are you comparing what a cop does to what a mass murderer does?
I'm comparing liberals blame the gun on mass shootings. But blame the cop when they defend their life. Nice deflection though.

I blame making it convenient for mass killers to obtain as much fire power as they desire
It's called the second amendment. It's the liberal indoctrination that makes them crazy. One of your last mass shooters hated immigrants because he thought they were contributing to global warming.
Trump's great tariff gamble - WND

We have been looted by cartel capitalism for decades (so called free trade, nothing free about it) and Trump is the 1st President with any guts to do something about it.

He could do a lot more, but he's already done more than any Democrat would be bothered to do. Both Hillary and Obama wouldn't be caught dead going against Wall Street or their BFF Red China.
Trump is the first president that doesn't need K-street cash. Trump can simply do what's best for the people without worrying about the financial backlash of Wall Street. You would think that the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd would be more supportive. The establishment of both parties hate Trump's new populist movement. They prefer the old days where lobbyist cash talks and bullshit walks. OTOH Trump still has a lot of work to do to bring China to heel without crashing the economy.
But I agree with the OP that Trump has been outstanding so far, and hope he continues to bring jobs back and wins the trade wars.
Trump is creating an economic crisis where none exists

1. Trump is going to get a fair trade deal with China or add tariffs until he gets a fair trade deal. China is a currency manipulator, intellectual property stealer, fentanyl producer, subsidizing steel dumper, with a $500b trade surplus with the US. Even Schumer and Pelosi are cheering Trump on to get a better trade deal.
Addressing China’s Trade Practices

2. You are correct that no "economic crisis" exists.

He's also trying to correct RedChina's scam under the WTO agreements that allow it to keep subsidizing its exports and other freebies by claiming it is still a 'developing nation', and he isn't alone in opposing that scam; we'll know by December if he will be successful in tt, if not he should withdraw the U.S. from the WTO; he can already block the two Judgeships coming up for expiration in December, and we all know how these 'Courts' screw over the U.S. routinely in their 'judgments'. It's not just about tariffs, it's about restoring genuine checks and balances, and again most of what Red China exports is not Chinese trade but merely intra-company transfers by global businesses, i.e. companies like Apple shipping itself stuff from its Asian subsidiairies.

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