Could paul ryan be any more of a back stabber?

An actual Conservative wants the Constitution to be followed and not ignored.
Something you and your friends do not understand

No, "Actual" Conservatives want the Constitution followed AS INTENDED...not as interpreted by liberal judges.

The Founding Fathers intended to give birther rights to SLAVES and AMERICAN INDIANS....NOT people coming here for asylum. Allowing everyone and anyone is purely Democrat evil.

The Founding Fathers intended for the 2nd Amendment to give CITIZENS the right to arms sufficient to repel government tyranny. And further stated...."SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"...Liberals have re-interpreted that to mean they can decide who has the right to own or carry guns and exactly what guns they can and what hoops they have to jump through even IF they decided to allow them to apply.

So like a good, indoctrinated liberal, you of course demonize those wanting the ACTUAL Constitution followed by injecting your liberal poison bigotry. Surprise surprise

You cannot know what the founding fathers meant. They might have agreed with some restrictions that they never thought of. By your definition, people would be able to use machine guns.

The fact is that you inject poison into the system by trying to suggest that the founding fathers were all seeing and all knowing. There are many things that the founding fathers never conceived of and to suggest they supported it when they wrote the Constitution is idiotic.

Lincoln's AG had a different take on it.
"I am quite clear in the opinion that children born in the United States of alien parents, who have never been naturalized, are native-born citizens of the United States, and, of course, do not require the formality of naturalization to entitle them to the rights and privileges of such citizenship."

James Madison
"It is an established maxim that birth is a criterion of allegiance. Birth however derives its force sometimes from place and sometimes from parentage, but in general place is the most certain criterion; it is what applies in the United States; it will therefore be unnecessary to investigate any other."

Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review
He may try to disassociate himself from the disaster that is Trump. Whether that succeeds remains to be seen.

Americans seem to have short memories.

They have already forgotten what the Republicans did to this country in the first 8 years of this century so...
The real disaster from poor memory though is the liberal bookends of those first 8 years Gore and while the Americans certainly have their short memories the liberals are creative enough to come up with "WTF are you doing?" ways/candidates to help offset them/that.
The words of the 14th are very clear, the fact you do not like them does not give you the right to ignore it.
You are no better than those trying to take away gun rights.

The INTENT of the words is ALSO VERY CLEAR.

That you liberals want to BEND what's said is testament to your agenda and corruption, not to mention outright dishonesty.

Yeah, sure...the Founding Fathers INTENDED for illegal immigrants to invade the nation.
Yeah, sure...the US Constitution was written to be a document of framework for ALL the worlds inhabitants. :rolleyes:

This is nothing more than the Left's attempt to attack the very foundation of this nation.

Can you be any more moronic or deceptive? wait, sorry I asked.
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The INTENT of the words is ALSO VERY CLEAR.

That you liberals want to BEND what's said is testament to your agenda and corruption, not to mention outright dishonesty.

Yeah, sure...the Founding Fathers INTENDED for illegal immigrants to invade the nation.

Can you be any more moronic?

Well, first the Founding Fathers did not add the 14th you moron, they were long dead by then.

I want to follow the words of the Constitution, you do not, that makes you the liberal not me.

I do not believe that attempting to determine the intent of someone that died 100s of years ago is a good way to view the Constitution, I believe we should follow it as written.

Otherwise the Constitution is at the whim of the opinions of what the intent was, and those opinions change over time

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I can't wait til this rino pos is gone...……….

Careful – soon the GOP will be nothing but ‘RINOs.’

It's going the other direction Dip Shit...……...

No, it's not. The GOP is dead. It's Trump's party now, and in case you haven't noticed, your President is toast. Nobody wants to be seen with him. He's toxic.

Hate and fear is not sustainable. It's why ISIS is gone and it will be why Trump will be gone too. Fear, loathing and desperation and destructive and exhausting for the nation. People have had enough.
You cannot know what the founding fathers meant. They might have agreed with some restrictions that they never thought of. By your definition, people would be able to use machine guns.

The fact is that you inject poison into the system by trying to suggest that the founding fathers were all seeing and all knowing. There are many things that the founding fathers never conceived of and to suggest they supported it when they wrote the Constitution is idiotic.

Lincoln's AG had a different take on it.
"I am quite clear in the opinion that children born in the United States of alien parents, who have never been naturalized, are native-born citizens of the United States, and, of course, do not require the formality of naturalization to entitle them to the rights and privileges of such citizenship."

James Madison
"It is an established maxim that birth is a criterion of allegiance. Birth however derives its force sometimes from place and sometimes from parentage, but in general place is the most certain criterion; it is what applies in the United States; it will therefore be unnecessary to investigate any other."

Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

Bull shit.

it is VERY clear what the Founding Fathers INTENDED and it is equally clear the extents you liberals have and will continue to go to re-interpret those intentions and pervert the original intent.

Lincoln's AG, Edward Bates was speaking of SLAVES...not Hondurans and Guatemalans etc. You and others are going astray by assuming and asserting that the founding Fathers were writing a Constitution for the world. They were NOT. A simple concept, yet apparently impossible for you to understand (or deliberately avoiding)

Same with James Madison. Only a fool thinks he was thinking of ALL the worlds inhabitants. Your narrow contexted post is purposefully misleading as usual.
Well, first the Founding Fathers did not add the 14th you moron, they were long dead by then.
I want to follow the words of the Constitution, you do not, that makes you the liberal not me.
I do not believe that attempting to determine the intent of someone that died 100s of years ago is a good way to view the Constitution, I believe we should follow it as written.
Otherwise the Constitution is at the whim of the opinions of what the intent was, and those opinions change over time

Now you're just being a nasty liberal. Show me where I said any such things. You can't.

You do not want to follow the Constitution, you want to re-interpret it to fit your liberal agendas.
Like RightWinger, you are a fake...a farse. A partisan hack charading as otherwise.

Then you don't believe the courts have any business re-interpreting the Constitution?
You do realize that the COURTS have been interpreting the Constitution constantly don't you. Constantly trying to change the INTENT of the Founding Fathers, on gun control, immigration etc.? THE COURTS.

Mostly liberal judges who want to over ride it.
How was Ryan lying or not telling the truth about the 14th amendment?

Trump patriots could care less about the constitution

like the old fart said in that interview, he tries to tell the truth ----

(when he isnt lying )
The only time you libroids care about the Constitution is when you can misinterpret it.
Otherwise it's just a roadblock to your illegal activities.
Liberals believe that the Founding Fathers sat down and wrote the Constitution for Hondurans and Guatemalans etc.

How sad.
The 14th was passed in 1868 long after the last FF had died and it was written by the GOP and passed by the GOP. If you have any problems with the law see above^.
Liberals believe that the Founding Fathers sat down and wrote the Constitution for Hondurans and Guatemalans etc.

How sad.
The 14th was passed in 1868 long after the last FF had died and it was written by the GOP and passed by the GOP. If you have any problems with the law see above^.

Again, can you show me WHERE I said any such thing? You libs like to run smear campaigns...but intelligent people see right through them ;)

Fell free to continue to fool yourselves, however.

Here...I'm not your Google some research....

The law of nations
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So let's make sure we understand the Liberals view on immigration and the 14th amendment.....

According to liberals......

If Russia and or China wanted to take the USA, all they would have to do is get a few hundred million citizens over here to claim refugee status needing asylum.
It might take a while, but ships large enough to transport large batches at a time do exist.

China may be contemplating it....perhaps that's why they've gotten deep into the Island building business :)

Liberals not only say this is true...but DEMAND it be this way.

But notice; They are ALWAYS advocates for illegals and NEVER do they suggest that America should be protected. God forbid.
Well, first the Founding Fathers did not add the 14th you moron, they were long dead by then.
I want to follow the words of the Constitution, you do not, that makes you the liberal not me.
I do not believe that attempting to determine the intent of someone that died 100s of years ago is a good way to view the Constitution, I believe we should follow it as written.
Otherwise the Constitution is at the whim of the opinions of what the intent was, and those opinions change over time

Now you're just being a nasty liberal. Show me where I said any such things. You can't.

You do not want to follow the Constitution, you want to re-interpret it to fit your liberal agendas.
Like RightWinger, you are a fake...a farse. A partisan hack charading as otherwise.

Then you don't believe the courts have any business re-interpreting the Constitution?
You do realize that the COURTS have been interpreting the Constitution constantly don't you. Constantly trying to change the INTENT of the Founding Fathers, on gun control, immigration etc.? THE COURTS.

Mostly liberal judges who want to over ride it.

You can call me all the name you wish, but you are far left of me and are still a moron that thinks the Founding Fathers wrote the 14th Amendment

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You can call me all the name you wish, but you are far left of me and are still a moron that thinks the Founding Fathers wrote the 14th Amendment

Name calling? haha. Looks like you've been doing the most of that .....but ooooook if you say so.
lol. I'm patient. These childish games you want to play are self evident. too....
Do some research on

The law of nations

Then, if you have any intelligence, you'll see exactly where I'm coming from on this.
You folks are really not as smart as you believe you are.

( haven't made me angry yet....keep trying) :abgg2q.jpg:
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You can call me all the name you wish, but you are far left of me and are still a moron that thinks the Founding Fathers wrote the 14th Amendment can never show exactly where I said that :abgg2q.jpg:

Twice in this thread while discussing the 14th Amendment you brought up the founding fathers and their intentions.

You cannot hide from your own post, they are there for the whole world to see

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Anyone with the balls to speak of course a "back stabber" to Trump and Trumpers.

To them truth is what Trump says it is and if you dare to challenge that...well you'e a RINO of course

And Ryan is no liberal...not even close.

The tax cut for the wealthy he got passed a year ago was his life's ambition...after which he of course...retired

No, he's not a back stabber because he went against Trump, he's a back stabber because he went against most of us. We want to see an end to Anchor Babies. It's not just an idea Trump approves of. Most all conservatives want an end to anchor babies.

An actual Conservative wants the Constitution to be followed and not ignored.

Something you and your friends do not understand

Actually, it’s what we are asking for in this case.

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No you are not. A plain reading of the 14th Amendment shows it does apply to anchor babies. You are asking judges to legislate from the bench and re-define the English language.

No, the clause Subject To The Jurisdiction Thereof has a distinct meaning. It should be up to the Supreme Court to make that determination.

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