Could paul ryan be any more of a back stabber?

Twice in this thread while discussing the 14th Amendment you brought up the founding fathers and their intentions.

You cannot hide from your own post, they are there for the whole world to see

I sure did. And I stand by it.
Now, did you get a chance to find out why you're wrong yet?

I gave you the tools you needed.

The root of the problem here is your limited knowledge and intense desire to be a radical Leftist. ;)
No, he's not a back stabber because he went against Trump, he's a back stabber because he went against most of us. We want to see an end to Anchor Babies. It's not just an idea Trump approves of. Most all conservatives want an end to anchor babies.

An actual Conservative wants the Constitution to be followed and not ignored.

Something you and your friends do not understand

Actually, it’s what we are asking for in this case.

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If that were the case you would not be cheering on any POTUS attempting to alter it via EO.

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Sure I would because after he does that, it will be challenged by the left and then the case will eventually be heard by the Supreme Court. Do you think Trump actually believes he would write such an order and the leftist activist judges wouldn’t shoot it down? Of course he knows that.

You might think Trump is some buffoon, but Trump is three or four moves ahead on everybody else.

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Yeah yeah, I know Trump is playing 4D chess while the rest of us play checkers...

The only problem is that 4D chess is not real and neither is most of what Trump says.

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Then grab a seat, sit back, and watch if it doesn’t play out exactly as I stated. If Republicans keep the House, or better yet, gain seats, he may try to go through them first. But either way, it’s going to be challenged and end up at the Supreme Court.

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Twice in this thread while discussing the 14th Amendment you brought up the founding fathers and their intentions.

You cannot hide from your own post, they are there for the whole world to see

I sure did. And I stand by it.
Now, did you get a chance to find out why you're wrong yet?

I gave you the tools you needed.

I am not wrong, the Founding Fathers did not have anything to do with the 14th, they were all dead.

Take a history class and quit being ignorant

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I am not wrong, the Founding Fathers did not have anything to do with the 14th, they were all dead.

Take a history class and quit being ignorant

Poor thing. it's ok....apparently even when given the tools to learn, you cannot. :itsok:

Law of Nations...they were alive. They apparently took this into consideration at the time.
And yes, it has a profound correlation to the 14th Amendment.

I don't have the time to spoon-feed you all the information

Law today is quite different than it was in the 18th century. But the Founding fathers were well aware of immigration issues. while that may not have been first and foremost on their plates.
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I know he wants to dismantle social security, medicare and welfare but he at least knows the Constitution. Trump is trying to distort the meaning and his sycophants reiterate Trump's regurgitation..

No place in the 14th is automatic birthright citizenship granted to children of illegal immigrants.

The United States cannot claim full jurisdiction of a child whose parents hold allegiance to another country. So long as another country can claim the allegiance of these people, the United States cannot. Therefore, these children are not under the jurisdiction of the Unites States.

If it's of any consolation, the statist courts and undereducated politicians will likely agree with you, they're just as stupid and statist as you and the rest of the bootlickers around here are. But it will be purely political bias and absent the relevant facts. The true terms of controversy that should dictate the debate will be omitted from dialogue when the decision is made. None of them really care about the Constitution.
I can't wait til this rino pos is gone...……….

Is telling the truth about s
I can't wait til this rino pos is gone...……….

So then you would prefer to hear FALSE narratives to rally around, and when someone calls Trump out on his FALSE narratives they're a backstabber? Correct.

So basically what you're saying is you would prefer to remain DUMB & OBLIVIOUS to the role of the 3 branches of government, their powers and how they work.


Don't tell me you actually VOTE!

The 5th amendment to the Constitution is very clear.

The only way to change, rewrite, repeal, or add an amendment to the Constitution requires, 2/3's of the Senate, 2/3's of the House and then has to be ratified by 3/4's of the states. The President has no say whatsoever in this process.
What does it take to repeal a constitutional amendment? - National Constitution Center

Paul Ryan rejects Trump plan to end birthright citizenship with executive order: 'You obviously cannot do that'

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How was Ryan lying or not telling the truth about the 14th amendment?

Trump patriots could care less about the constitution

like the old fart said in that interview, he tries to tell the truth ----

(when he isnt lying )
Snowflakes waxing sanctimonious about the sanctity of the Constitution reminds me of a prostitute pining about the virtues of chastity.
How was Ryan lying or not telling the truth about the 14th amendment?

Trump patriots could care less about the constitution

like the old fart said in that interview, he tries to tell the truth ----

(when he isnt lying )
I know he wants to dismantle social security, medicare and welfare but he at least knows the Constitution. Trump is trying to distort the meaning and his sycophants reiterate Trump's regurgitation...I am making a list of those idiots which claim the second amendment is sacred but the rest of the Constitution is fallible.
Agreeing with you about the Constitution means he doesn't know a thing about.
An actual Conservative wants the Constitution to be followed and not ignored.
Something you and your friends do not understand

No, "Actual" Conservatives want the Constitution followed AS INTENDED...not as interpreted by liberal judges.

The Founding Fathers intended to give birther rights to SLAVES and AMERICAN INDIANS....NOT people coming here for asylum. Allowing everyone and anyone is purely Democrat evil.

The Founding Fathers intended for the 2nd Amendment to give CITIZENS the right to arms sufficient to repel government tyranny. And further stated...."SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"...Liberals have re-interpreted that to mean they can decide who has the right to own or carry guns and exactly what guns they can and what hoops they have to jump through even IF they decided to allow them to apply.

So like a good, indoctrinated liberal, you of course demonize those wanting the ACTUAL Constitution followed by injecting your liberal poison bigotry. Surprise surprise
Actually, they didn't even intend for Native Americans to be citizens. That's why they weren't considered citizens until about 50 years ago.
Anyone with the balls to speak of course a "back stabber" to Trump and Trumpers.

To them truth is what Trump says it is and if you dare to challenge that...well you'e a RINO of course

And Ryan is no liberal...not even close.

The tax cut for the wealthy he got passed a year ago was his life's ambition...after which he of course...retired

No, he's not a back stabber because he went against Trump, he's a back stabber because he went against most of us. We want to see an end to Anchor Babies. It's not just an idea Trump approves of. Most all conservatives want an end to anchor babies.

An actual Conservative wants the Constitution to be followed and not ignored.

Something you and your friends do not understand

Actually, it’s what we are asking for in this case.

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No you are not. A plain reading of the 14th Amendment shows it does apply to anchor babies. You are asking judges to legislate from the bench and re-define the English language.
Wrong. It doesn't apply to anchor babies.
Anyone with the balls to speak of course a "back stabber" to Trump and Trumpers.

To them truth is what Trump says it is and if you dare to challenge that...well you'e a RINO of course

And Ryan is no liberal...not even close.

The tax cut for the wealthy he got passed a year ago was his life's ambition...after which he of course...retired

No, he's not a back stabber because he went against Trump, he's a back stabber because he went against most of us. We want to see an end to Anchor Babies. It's not just an idea Trump approves of. Most all conservatives want an end to anchor babies.

Since when did you get to decide what conservatism is. You are talking about alt-righters not conservatives.

Because I am a conservative. I know what other conservatives want. I surround myself with them.

You are a member of the alt-right. Conservatives no longer exist in the Republican Party. You don't know any conservatives. You know members of the alt-right.
You'll excuse us if we aren't interested in the opinion of a leftwing douchebag on who qualifies as a conservative.
He never was a real Trump supporter. He was only conservative on economic issues. He supports most left wing causes.

Economic issues are what makes a person conservative

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What makes a person conservative is being afraid of change, diversity, inclusion, and dissent – wanting to ‘eliminate’ the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment is an example of that.
Anyone with the balls to speak of course a "back stabber" to Trump and Trumpers.

To them truth is what Trump says it is and if you dare to challenge that...well you'e a RINO of course

And Ryan is no liberal...not even close.

The tax cut for the wealthy he got passed a year ago was his life's ambition...after which he of course...retired

No, he's not a back stabber because he went against Trump, he's a back stabber because he went against most of us. We want to see an end to Anchor Babies. It's not just an idea Trump approves of. Most all conservatives want an end to anchor babies.

An actual Conservative wants the Constitution to be followed and not ignored.

Something you and your friends do not understand

Actually, it’s what we are asking for in this case.

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If that were the case you would not be cheering on any POTUS attempting to alter it via EO.

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Sure I would because after he does that, it will be challenged by the left and then the case will eventually be heard by the Supreme Court. Do you think Trump actually believes he would write such an order and the leftist activist judges wouldn’t shoot it down? Of course he knows that.

You might think Trump is some buffoon, but Trump is three or four moves ahead on everybody else.

So where's the EO, rube?

The only people the Naked Emperor is ahead of is you rubes. He's pandering the ignorant racist vote for the mid terms.

Just add his non-existent EO to the pile of more than 5,000 lies he has spit into your credulous submissive faces.
An actual Conservative wants the Constitution to be followed and not ignored.
Something you and your friends do not understand

No, "Actual" Conservatives want the Constitution followed AS INTENDED...not as interpreted by liberal judges.

The Founding Fathers intended to give birther rights to SLAVES and AMERICAN INDIANS....NOT people coming here for asylum. Allowing everyone and anyone is purely Democrat evil.

The Founding Fathers intended for the 2nd Amendment to give CITIZENS the right to arms sufficient to repel government tyranny. And further stated...."SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"...Liberals have re-interpreted that to mean they can decide who has the right to own or carry guns and exactly what guns they can and what hoops they have to jump through even IF they decided to allow them to apply.

So like a good, indoctrinated liberal, you of course demonize those wanting the ACTUAL Constitution followed by injecting your liberal poison bigotry. Surprise surprise

You cannot know what the founding fathers meant. They might have agreed with some restrictions that they never thought of. By your definition, people would be able to use machine guns.

The fact is that you inject poison into the system by trying to suggest that the founding fathers were all seeing and all knowing. There are many things that the founding fathers never conceived of and to suggest they supported it when they wrote the Constitution is idiotic.

Lincoln's AG had a different take on it.
"I am quite clear in the opinion that children born in the United States of alien parents, who have never been naturalized, are native-born citizens of the United States, and, of course, do not require the formality of naturalization to entitle them to the rights and privileges of such citizenship."

James Madison
"It is an established maxim that birth is a criterion of allegiance. Birth however derives its force sometimes from place and sometimes from parentage, but in general place is the most certain criterion; it is what applies in the United States; it will therefore be unnecessary to investigate any other."

Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review
Unfortunately for you, the facts differ:

Liberals who support Obama’s amnesty agenda love to defend “anchor babies.” That is the term that conservatives such as Donald Trump use to describe the citizenship given automatically to people born in the United States… even if their parents are illegal aliens.

But in 1866, the actual author of the post-Civil War Amendment – Senator Jacob M. Howard of Michigan – explained the real purpose of what became the 14th Amendment.

Unfortunately for liberals, it was only for granting citizenship to recently freed African slaves, not foreigners. In fact, it didn’t even include Native Americans.

Howard wrote “that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”
No, he's not a back stabber because he went against Trump, he's a back stabber because he went against most of us. We want to see an end to Anchor Babies. It's not just an idea Trump approves of. Most all conservatives want an end to anchor babies.

An actual Conservative wants the Constitution to be followed and not ignored.

Something you and your friends do not understand

Actually, it’s what we are asking for in this case.

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If that were the case you would not be cheering on any POTUS attempting to alter it via EO.

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Sure I would because after he does that, it will be challenged by the left and then the case will eventually be heard by the Supreme Court. Do you think Trump actually believes he would write such an order and the leftist activist judges wouldn’t shoot it down? Of course he knows that.

You might think Trump is some buffoon, but Trump is three or four moves ahead on everybody else.

So where's the EO, rube?

The only people the Naked Emperor is ahead of is you rubes. He's pandering the ignorant racist vote for the mid terms.

Just add his non-existent EO to the pile of more than 5,000 lies he has spit into your credulous submissive faces.

I'm sure he's going to act on it after the midterms sometime. No rush, it's going to be a long battle no matter what.
The only way to change, rewrite, repeal, or add an amendment to the Constitution requires, 2/3's of the Senate, 2/3's of the House and then has to be ratified by 3/4's of the states.

So who's talking about doing any of those things? Why do you people on the left take words of people on the right, and twist them around into lies? You think that's going to fool us or something?

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