Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

More like freeloaders. The cost far outweighs any benefit. Turn off the welfare spigot and they will self deport. They got here on their own...they can leave on their own when there is no "gubermint" teat to suckle from.

God deng Dale you are giving me an erection again. There is no such thing as self deport.
1. The welfare benefits they are receiving is not even enough to rent an apartment. That is why they have jobs to supplement the difference.
2. All 11 or 12 millions are not 100% receiving these freebies.
3. Why in the world anyone will deport themselves when there are nothing for them on the other side.
4. You cut off the benefits ........... The worst that is going to happen is use half of the paper towel as a tissue. No matter what they will eat with their relatives. On the other side................. its worst than homeless. There is no such thing as free food or shelter. You are lucky if you can find newspaper or water to clean your ass.
5. You can cut off or put a cap the anatomical parts they will not self deport.
You are thinking like an American who got lost in the civilization.

Nope, you are wrong. I worked for a company that had a contract to repair printing equipment for a corporation that had the contract to send out contact letters for illegals and others that wanted to suck off the public teat. It was called Texas Healthsteps. I read the letter. Not only would they get them on food stamps but they would hook them up with a counselor that would explain to them what other benefits that they qualify for and it was made very clear that their immigration status would not be asked...of course on the reverse side it was written in Espanol...not only that, they inserted voter registration cards. Don't tell me that I do not know what I am talking about. I have done my research and what is happening in this country is a deliberate attempt to water down nationalism. Hispanics do not wish to assimilate. They will take over a certain part of a community that they are in and make it into "Little Mexico". I have seen that happen and it is a fact.

Yes Dale you don't know what you are talking about......... It's very simple common sense....... Why in the world you will deport yourself when there are nothing for you on the other side? That will be like a suicide.
Think about that for a moment before sending your conspiracy theories again. You are always out of wack. What is the voter registration card and your printer repair jobs has anything to do with self deportations?

Your lack of understanding of what we are facing is typical of the leftard Mexico is not a poor country but they have no desire to deal with their poorest people because they know that they can pawn them off on USA.INC and make a profit while doing so. The Mexican government encourages them to cross the border and gives them instructions on how to take advantage of the system down to the very last detail. America has been invaded and Mexico's weapon of choice is the uterus of the Mexican women that shoot out anchor babies to the tune of 50,000 a year....and that is a conservative estimate. They have lowered the wages for skilled workers that do not have a college degree. I remember that there was a time when a good framing carpenter could commands 25 bucks an hour for his skill back in 1982 but due to illegal labor? It has dropped to twenty bucks an hour (if that) thirty four years later and the fiat dollar buys a lot less now than it did 34 years ago.

Leftards seem to believe that until we had this invasion that houses were not built...lawns grew out of control and beds in hotels were unmade until we had this influx of illegals. Roads could never be built, bricks were not laid because USA.INC needed illegal immigrant are an idiot. You can't refute my claims and you can't defeat me in a debate. I know more than you....FACT.[/QUOTE]

We were talking about self deportation............... Isn't it?
I told you there is NO such thing as self deport but you cannot counter act then you fly all over the place.

More like freeloaders. The cost far outweighs any benefit. Turn off the welfare spigot and they will self deport. They got here on their own...they can leave on their own when there is no "gubermint" teat to suckle from.

God deng Dale you are giving me an erection again. There is no such thing as self deport.
1. The welfare benefits they are receiving is not even enough to rent an apartment. That is why they have jobs to supplement the difference.
2. All 11 or 12 millions are not 100% receiving these freebies.
3. Why in the world anyone will deport themselves when there are nothing for them on the other side.
4. You cut off the benefits ........... The worst that is going to happen is use half of the paper towel as a tissue. No matter what they will eat with their relatives. On the other side................. its worst than homeless. There is no such thing as free food or shelter. You are lucky if you can find newspaper or water to clean your ass.
5. You can cut off or put a cap the anatomical parts they will not self deport.
You are thinking like an American who got lost in the civilization.

Nope, you are wrong. I worked for a company that had a contract to repair printing equipment for a corporation that had the contract to send out contact letters for illegals and others that wanted to suck off the public teat. It was called Texas Healthsteps. I read the letter. Not only would they get them on food stamps but they would hook them up with a counselor that would explain to them what other benefits that they qualify for and it was made very clear that their immigration status would not be asked...of course on the reverse side it was written in Espanol...not only that, they inserted voter registration cards. Don't tell me that I do not know what I am talking about. I have done my research and what is happening in this country is a deliberate attempt to water down nationalism. Hispanics do not wish to assimilate. They will take over a certain part of a community that they are in and make it into "Little Mexico". I have seen that happen and it is a fact.

Yes Dale you don't know what you are talking about......... It's very simple common sense....... Why in the world you will deport yourself when there are nothing for you on the other side? That will be like a suicide.
Think about that for a moment before sending your conspiracy theories again. You are always out of wack. What is the voter registration card and your printer repair jobs has anything to do with self deportations?

Your lack of understanding of what we are facing is typical of the leftard Mexico is not a poor country but they have no desire to deal with their poorest people because they know that they can pawn them off on USA.INC and make a profit while doing so. The Mexican government encourages them to cross the border and gives them instructions on how to take advantage of the system down to the very last detail. America has been invaded and Mexico's weapon of choice is the uterus of the Mexican women that shoot out anchor babies to the tune of 50,000 a year....and that is a conservative estimate. They have lowered the wages for skilled workers that do not have a college degree. I remember that there was a time when a good framing carpenter could commands 25 bucks an hour for his skill back in 1982 but due to illegal labor? It has dropped to twenty bucks an hour (if that) thirty four years later and the fiat dollar buys a lot less now than it did 34 years ago.

Leftards seem to believe that until we had this invasion that houses were not built...lawns grew out of control and beds in hotels were unmade until we had this influx of illegals. Roads could never be built, bricks were not laid because USA.INC needed illegal immigrant are an idiot. You can't refute my claims and you can't defeat me in a debate. I know more than you....FACT.

We were talking about self deportation............... Isn't it?
I told you there is NO such thing as self deport but you cannot counter act then you fly all over the place.[/QUOTE]

No, there isn't any such thing as Santa Claus. These illegals come and go all the time. Take away the incentive to stay and they will not have any other choice.
There will be no wall and no mass deportation, and Mexico instead of paying for anything will be laughing at Trump, if elected.

E-very and harsh penalties on managers who knowingly violate hiring laws, the confiscation and sale of companies who have violated the hiring laws, and triple fines of dividends earned during the years of criminal hiring practices by companies would end the problem within two years.

Putting the burden on the companies and not taxing American citizens will resolve the problem easily.

Its not my fault you think SPAMMING with that is a sign of intelligence

It's is hilarious to me that you libs can say the same thing over and over again,

ie. "IT's RACIST",

and think that you are making Great Intellectual Points,

but if I give the same comment the same answer, then suddenly I am the one supposedly "spamming"?

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
No wall. No deportation. No Trump.

Saying it over and over again doesn't make it true.

That is magical thinking on your part.

Again we see that liberals cant' distinguish between their wishes and reality.
You have nothing to show that it will happen is the point.

Donnie says so. (laughter rings through the Board)

I'm not the one pretending he knows the future with certainty.

I hope Trump will win.

If he wins, I fully expect him to attempt to implement his major policy planks.

I see no reason that he cannot make significant progress on those issue

Let us remember that not long ago you were certain that Trump would not win the nomination, were you not?

You being certain of something in no way is evidence that it will happen.
Asked and answered.

No it wasn't, douche bag.
Yes it was go back and read the post again.

Quote it, douche bag. I saw no answer to the question.

He won't answer it. Because he can't without revealing he is full of shit.

Yes, I know. He has used several dozen posts to weasel out of answering it.

It is not credible that someone can so actively run away from the Truth and not realize what they are doing.

He knows that his policies and his real reasons for supporting them are wrong, and cannot stand scrutiny.

Because they are bad for American and his fellow Americans.

Yet, he still supports them.

He is knowingly on the side he knows will be harmful to his people and his nation.

He is an actual Villain, in that he knowingly is trying to make the world a worse place.
There will be no wall and no mass deportation, and Mexico instead of paying for anything will be laughing at Trump, if elected.

E-very and harsh penalties on managers who knowingly violate hiring laws, the confiscation and sale of companies who have violated the hiring laws, and triple fines of dividends earned during the years of criminal hiring practices by companies would end the problem within two years.

Putting the burden on the companies and not taxing American citizens will resolve the problem easily.

It is not an choice between those options.

We can do them all.
There will be no wall and no mass deportation, and Mexico instead of paying for anything will be laughing at Trump, if elected.

E-very and harsh penalties on managers who knowingly violate hiring laws, the confiscation and sale of companies who have violated the hiring laws, and triple fines of dividends earned during the years of criminal hiring practices by companies would end the problem within two years.

Putting the burden on the companies and not taxing American citizens will resolve the problem easily.

Mexico takes in about $2 billion a month in remittances.
The numbers behind Donald Trump’s threat to block money from being sent back to Mexico

So $24 billion a year wire transfers,money orders to Mexico from the United States.
10% tax equals $2.4 billion times 10 years equals $24 billion..
to build a wall that costs
CNBC reported in October that such a wall would likely cost more in the range of $15 to $25 billion.
How much would Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico wall cost?
Well there you go... 10% tax on wire transfers to Mexico pays for the wall over 10 years.

There will be no wall, there will be no mass deportation. That is more likely than not.

Trump will betray the far right: that is more likely than not.
There will be no wall and no mass deportation, and Mexico instead of paying for anything will be laughing at Trump, if elected.

E-very and harsh penalties on managers who knowingly violate hiring laws, the confiscation and sale of companies who have violated the hiring laws, and triple fines of dividends earned during the years of criminal hiring practices by companies would end the problem within two years.

Putting the burden on the companies and not taxing American citizens will resolve the problem easily.

Mexico takes in about $2 billion a month in remittances.
The numbers behind Donald Trump’s threat to block money from being sent back to Mexico

So $24 billion a year wire transfers,money orders to Mexico from the United States.
10% tax equals $2.4 billion times 10 years equals $24 billion..
to build a wall that costs
CNBC reported in October that such a wall would likely cost more in the range of $15 to $25 billion.
How much would Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico wall cost?
Well there you go... 10% tax on wire transfers to Mexico pays for the wall over 10 years.

We can assume that cnbc lied. It will be less.
There will be no wall, there will be no mass deportation. That is more likely than not.

Trump will betray the far right: that is more likely than not.

Says the Prophet that was sure Trump would NOT be the nominee.
There will be no wall and no mass deportation, and Mexico instead of paying for anything will be laughing at Trump, if elected.

E-very and harsh penalties on managers who knowingly violate hiring laws, the confiscation and sale of companies who have violated the hiring laws, and triple fines of dividends earned during the years of criminal hiring practices by companies would end the problem within two years.

Putting the burden on the companies and not taxing American citizens will resolve the problem easily.

Mexico takes in about $2 billion a month in remittances.
The numbers behind Donald Trump’s threat to block money from being sent back to Mexico

So $24 billion a year wire transfers,money orders to Mexico from the United States.
10% tax equals $2.4 billion times 10 years equals $24 billion..
to build a wall that costs
CNBC reported in October that such a wall would likely cost more in the range of $15 to $25 billion.
How much would Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico wall cost?
Well there you go... 10% tax on wire transfers to Mexico pays for the wall over 10 years.
We can assume that cnbc lied. It will be less.
Your assumption, based on the totality of your posting history, is given the worth it is due.
There will be no wall and no mass deportation, and Mexico instead of paying for anything will be laughing at Trump, if elected.

E-very and harsh penalties on managers who knowingly violate hiring laws, the confiscation and sale of companies who have violated the hiring laws, and triple fines of dividends earned during the years of criminal hiring practices by companies would end the problem within two years.

Putting the burden on the companies and not taxing American citizens will resolve the problem easily.

Mexico takes in about $2 billion a month in remittances.
The numbers behind Donald Trump’s threat to block money from being sent back to Mexico

So $24 billion a year wire transfers,money orders to Mexico from the United States.
10% tax equals $2.4 billion times 10 years equals $24 billion..
to build a wall that costs
CNBC reported in October that such a wall would likely cost more in the range of $15 to $25 billion.
How much wuld Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico wall cost?
Well there you go... 10% tax on wire transfers to Mexico pays for the wall over 10 years.
We can assume that cnbc lied. It will be less.
Your assumption, based on the totality of your posting history, is given the worth it is due.

I don't ask for Oracle Status.

You should chart your own path in Life.

But your HIgh Regard is noted.
Anyone who hires these people without checking their immigration status is committing a crime. Arresting them will quickly put a stop to the practice.

And if the lefties are worried about how much it would cost to arrest and imprison them we could alternatively fine the shit out of them and make the Deportation Program some what self financing.

You can start with my gardener. He drives a 1977 Ford pickup, and gets his clothes from Goodwill, but I'm sure he has millions stashed away.....

He gets arrested and deported.

You get the shit fined out of YOU.

How much do you have that could go to the cause?

You are going to fine me because Jose trimmed my fruit trees? So, are you telling me that I have to demand a green card from any latino who does my handyman work? Why, because he speaks with a Spanish accent? Correll, I have a saguaro in my front yard that used to be in Spanish land, because I live in what became known as the Gadsden Purchase. It was Spanish land until 1854. Jose may very well have relatives that lived here before this became part of the USA. He is self employed. I am not his employer. You and Trump are not going to turn this into a gestapo nation where you can demand identification and citizenship papers from anyone walking on the street. Trump knows that, but won't admit it. You don't even know that.

1. The fact that your land used to be Spanish before the Gadsden Purchase is irrelevant. It is American now.

2. If you are paying him for work, you are his employer.

3. Yes, fine the shit out of you. If people like you didn't give jobs to illegals, then they wouldn't be here.

No kidding Correll, Don't even think about taking up law as a profession, if you don't know the difference between employing someone and contracting with someone.I have no legal obligation to check the birth certificate of someone who I hire to prune my trees in this Fall. The fact that you think otherwise makes you a prefect "Trumpette", but, unfortunately, also makes you completely delusional. Besides, as Easy has explained to you, there are no illegal aliens down here is AZ anymore because they all ran to California when AZ passed an inoperative law that was promptly voided by the feds that scared the hell out of them, even though they could not read English, and didn't have a clue of what it was about.
There will be no wall and no mass deportation, and Mexico instead of paying for anything will be laughing at Trump, if elected.

E-very and harsh penalties on managers who knowingly violate hiring laws, the confiscation and sale of companies who have violated the hiring laws, and triple fines of dividends earned during the years of criminal hiring practices by companies would end the problem within two years.

Putting the burden on the companies and not taxing American citizens will resolve the problem easily.

Mexico takes in about $2 billion a month in remittances.
The numbers behind Donald Trump’s threat to block money from being sent back to Mexico

So $24 billion a year wire transfers,money orders to Mexico from the United States.
10% tax equals $2.4 billion times 10 years equals $24 billion..
to build a wall that costs
CNBC reported in October that such a wall would likely cost more in the range of $15 to $25 billion.
How much would Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico wall cost?
Well there you go... 10% tax on wire transfers to Mexico pays for the wall over 10 years.

He will be creating one job….I’ll simply send the money for them. Take a 1% cut, I make 240 million bucks.

You’re incredibly stupid.
No it wasn't, douche bag.
Yes it was go back and read the post again.

Quote it, douche bag. I saw no answer to the question.

He won't answer it. Because he can't without revealing he is full of shit.

Yes, I know. He has used several dozen posts to weasel out of answering it.

It is not credible that someone can so actively run away from the Truth and not realize what they are doing.

He knows that his policies and his real reasons for supporting them are wrong, and cannot stand scrutiny.

Because they are bad for American and his fellow Americans.

Yet, he still supports them.

He is knowingly on the side he knows will be harmful to his people and his nation.

He is an actual Villain, in that he knowingly is trying to make the world a worse place.

You can say the same thing about all leftwing douche bags. That's why I despise them all.
"No one has to deport illegals. This was proved when Arizona passed a law - before it ever went into effect. They announced it, they passed it, they declared they meant it, and they declared they would enforce it...and illegals flooded out of the state....BEFORE it ever went into effect."

Still posting the same old made up bullshit, I see, Easy, without links, because you heard it on AM radio once while driving through Dogtrot, Missouri....
I actually LIVED it, VAL. I WATCHED it and followed it in the news, I read about it in newspapers and in magazine articles. Dumbasses like you think if it isn't on the internet it didn't happen, as if everything on the internet is true.

Life is actually happening right now away from your computer / smart phone. If you really want to educate yourself go live life and experience some of it yourself.

And if you really want research on it get off your ass and learn how to use 'google'. Don't sit there and demand someone spoon-feeds your lazy ass. I have no problem leaving you fat, dumb, and lazy - if you don't care enough to make an effort I sure don't have a reason to?!

Thanks for demonstrating the 'lack of desire' I was talking about.

Easy, I live in Arizona. in fact, I live withing 30 miles of the Mexican boarder, and there was NO migration of illegals out of Arizona because of the law that AZ passed, which was quickly squashed by the feds as being out of the state jurisdiction.
There was NO migration, huh, VAL? REALLY?!

"The three major broadcast networks have ALL run dramatic stories proclaiming the great harm that will be done to small businesses in the wake of the enforcement of S.B. 1070, the new anti-immigration statute that is set to go into effect on July 29.

Particularly alarmist was the piece ran on ABC’s World News on Sunday. The correspondent wailed and the chorus chanted woe as one after another small business owner (alleged) predicted their imminent financial ruin as their most loyal customer base was washed away by the pounding tide of immigration enforcement.

One of the merchants featured in the ABC story was described as being distraught “about the quiet EXODUS — immigrant families already LEAVING THE STATE IN DROVES."

3 major news networks reported the story VAL says never happened...

Illegals leaving the state "IN DROVES"...but VAL never saw a thing, never happened.....

That's because VAL is either an ignorant dumbass or a liar. Which is it, VAL?


"S.B. 1070 is scheduled to go into full operational effect on Thursday. The EGRESS OF ILLEGALS FROM ARIZONA, as well as their ingress into American sanctuary cities should be of interest to all legal residents of the United States."

It SHOULD have been....but somehow liberals like VAL completely 'missed' the whole thing.....

Feel free to apologize for calling me a liar any time...pardon me if I don't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

OH! it says so in the New American! I guess that I got a little distracted when reading their section asking for donations! Well, If the New American says that Illegals are fleeing AZ because of a law that has been voided as not being within the state' jurisdiction, who am I to deny it? I am sure that you know a whole lot more than I do, wherever the hell you live. I just get by on the local news from Tucson and Phoenix, As near as I can tell, they are in a state of pure hysteria because of the illegal immigrants who are here! (Or, is the entire crisis over, and AZ no longer has an illegal immigrant problem? Your choice, which is true? No, let me guess. All the illegal immigrants fled, and now they are back again, right?)

You are a hoot, Easy!
You get busted LYING...or being STUPID...and the best you have is 'I declare your source to be invalid'?! Yeah, I bet you do, VAL. It's the only way to save face.

Yes, Barry did step in and (try to) stop others from doing what he refuses to do - actually enforce immigration laws. Yes the 'exodus' stopped as a result, but you were just proved to be a LIAR or completely IGNORANT!

You said 'no migration' occurred, yet, as pointed out in the article, the 3 major networks reported on it. It would be easy enough - knowing that - to do more research on your own, but you would rather sit there with 'liar/ignorance' written on your forehead due to either laziness or - which is probably the truth - because you already know you lied / were wrong. No one from Az could NOT know about this story because it was huge. It captured the nation's attention at the time....except somehow, as you showed, liberals like you, even those claiming to live there, 'missed' the whole thing. LOL!

So, again, VAL, are you a liar or just stipid?

Easy, I did not mean to cause you to have a stroke. No more caffeine for you, fella! My Rx for you is to lay off the RW blogs that you are addicted to, take a valium, lose yourself in a fantasy movie....maybe something like Star Wars, where the Dark Side always loses in the end, and spend at least 30 minutes per day in medication at your Trump altar, while chanting, "Hail, Donald, full of grace, blessed is the fruit of thy rhetoric....."
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