Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

And if the lefties are worried about how much it would cost to arrest and imprison them we could alternatively fine the shit out of them and make the Deportation Program some what self financing.

You can start with my gardener. He drives a 1977 Ford pickup, and gets his clothes from Goodwill, but I'm sure he has millions stashed away.....

He gets arrested and deported.

You get the shit fined out of YOU.

How much do you have that could go to the cause?

You are going to fine me because Jose trimmed my fruit trees? So, are you telling me that I have to demand a green card from any latino who does my handyman work? Why, because he speaks with a Spanish accent? Correll, I have a saguaro in my front yard that used to be in Spanish land, because I live in what became known as the Gadsden Purchase. It was Spanish land until 1854. Jose may very well have relatives that lived here before this became part of the USA. He is self employed. I am not his employer. You and Trump are not going to turn this into a gestapo nation where you can demand identification and citizenship papers from anyone walking on the street. Trump knows that, but won't admit it. You don't even know that.

1. The fact that your land used to be Spanish before the Gadsden Purchase is irrelevant. It is American now.

2. If you are paying him for work, you are his employer.

3. Yes, fine the shit out of you. If people like you didn't give jobs to illegals, then they wouldn't be here.

No kidding Correll, Don't even think about taking up law as a profession, if you don't know the difference between employing someone and contracting with someone.I have no legal obligation to check the birth certificate of someone who I hire to prune my trees in this Fall. The fact that you think otherwise makes you a prefect "Trumpette", but, unfortunately, also makes you completely delusional. Besides, as Easy has explained to you, there are no illegal aliens down here is AZ anymore because they all ran to California when AZ passed an inoperative law that was promptly voided by the feds that scared the hell out of them, even though they could not read English, and didn't have a clue of what it was about.

Laws can be changed.

THe rest of your post is partisan blather.
I enforced the law for decades asshole.
We are all waiting for you to show in the constitution ANYWHERE that says anyone who has entered the US illegally has ANY constitutional rights.
You can't asshole!
Ever heard the phrase "we are a nation of laws"?
Mall cops don't count, dummy.

You'll find it right next to the place in the Constitution that says you have a right to a computer.

Yes, I've heard the phrase. If you were really a LEO, and I strongly doubt you were unless it was for a day, then you should know it too.

Do Illegal Immigrants Have Constitutional Rights?

While illegal immigrants do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal immigrants are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

......our undocumented friends only have those rights which are granted by the state in which they reside. They are NOT supposed to have rights recognized by the US Constitution. ...


Wrong. See post 455

Unsurprisingly, you don't understand what you quoted.
I enforced the law for decades asshole.
We are all waiting for you to show in the constitution ANYWHERE that says anyone who has entered the US illegally has ANY constitutional rights.
You can't asshole!
Ever heard the phrase "we are a nation of laws"?
Mall cops don't count, dummy.

You'll find it right next to the place in the Constitution that says you have a right to a computer.

Yes, I've heard the phrase. If you were really a LEO, and I strongly doubt you were unless it was for a day, then you should know it too.

Do Illegal Immigrants Have Constitutional Rights?

While illegal immigrants do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal immigrants are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

......our undocumented friends only have those rights which are granted by the state in which they reside. They are NOT supposed to have rights recognized by the US Constitution. ...


Wrong. See post 455

Unsurprisingly, you don't understand what you quoted.

Unsurprisingly, you don't understand what I quoted.
You can start with my gardener. He drives a 1977 Ford pickup, and gets his clothes from Goodwill, but I'm sure he has millions stashed away.....

He gets arrested and deported.

You get the shit fined out of YOU.

How much do you have that could go to the cause?

You are going to fine me because Jose trimmed my fruit trees? So, are you telling me that I have to demand a green card from any latino who does my handyman work? Why, because he speaks with a Spanish accent? Correll, I have a saguaro in my front yard that used to be in Spanish land, because I live in what became known as the Gadsden Purchase. It was Spanish land until 1854. Jose may very well have relatives that lived here before this became part of the USA. He is self employed. I am not his employer. You and Trump are not going to turn this into a gestapo nation where you can demand identification and citizenship papers from anyone walking on the street. Trump knows that, but won't admit it. You don't even know that.

1. The fact that your land used to be Spanish before the Gadsden Purchase is irrelevant. It is American now.

2. If you are paying him for work, you are his employer.

3. Yes, fine the shit out of you. If people like you didn't give jobs to illegals, then they wouldn't be here.

No kidding Correll, Don't even think about taking up law as a profession, if you don't know the difference between employing someone and contracting with someone.I have no legal obligation to check the birth certificate of someone who I hire to prune my trees in this Fall. The fact that you think otherwise makes you a prefect "Trumpette", but, unfortunately, also makes you completely delusional. Besides, as Easy has explained to you, there are no illegal aliens down here is AZ anymore because they all ran to California when AZ passed an inoperative law that was promptly voided by the feds that scared the hell out of them, even though they could not read English, and didn't have a clue of what it was about.

Laws can be changed.

THe rest of your post is partisan blather.

Ok, Correll, let me help you. Watch this video. There will be a test, afterwards:

I enforced the law for decades asshole.
We are all waiting for you to show in the constitution ANYWHERE that says anyone who has entered the US illegally has ANY constitutional rights.
You can't asshole!
Ever heard the phrase "we are a nation of laws"?
Mall cops don't count, dummy.

You'll find it right next to the place in the Constitution that says you have a right to a computer.

Yes, I've heard the phrase. If you were really a LEO, and I strongly doubt you were unless it was for a day, then you should know it too.

Do Illegal Immigrants Have Constitutional Rights?

While illegal immigrants do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal immigrants are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

......our undocumented friends only have those rights which are granted by the state in which they reside. They are NOT supposed to have rights recognized by the US Constitution. ...


Wrong. See post 455
Already rebutted. your mind
Mall cops don't count, dummy.

You'll find it right next to the place in the Constitution that says you have a right to a computer.

Yes, I've heard the phrase. If you were really a LEO, and I strongly doubt you were unless it was for a day, then you should know it too.

Do Illegal Immigrants Have Constitutional Rights?

While illegal immigrants do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal immigrants are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

......our undocumented friends only have those rights which are granted by the state in which they reside. They are NOT supposed to have rights recognized by the US Constitution. ...


Wrong. See post 455
Already rebutted. your mind

Why not just shoot this down with the easiest shot in the grab bag?

There is no state law defining an illegal alien. Consequently, no state court can deport an illegal alien, since under state law, there is no such thing as an illegal alien.
How can someone who is here, illegally, against our democratically enacted laws, showing any "obedience"? Either that quote is taken badly out of context, or Madison was wrong.

And 2001? A recent precedent that can and should be ignored or overturned, because it is wrong.
Yes, illegal aliens have constitutional rights
I know you have no reason to believe any anecdotal "proof" I claim; however, that doesn't change the fact I've lived the last twenty-one years in a mostly illegal immigrant neighborhood with no more crime and violence that what I experienced over the preceding twenty one in mostly blue-collar white communities.

IMHO, illegal immigration is another social wedge issue designed to distract from serious threats to society like eternal war and endless debt.

"Twenty years before Zadvydas, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Texas could not enforce a state law that prohibited illegally present children from attending grade schools, as all other Texas children were required to attend.

"The court ruled in Plyler that:

"The illegal aliens who are ... challenging the state may claim the benefit of the Equal Protection clause which provides that no state shall 'deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.'

"Whatever his status under immigration laws, an alien is a 'person' in any ordinary sense of the term ... the undocumented status of these children does not establish a sufficient rational basis for denying benefits that the state affords other residents.

"A decade before Plyler, the court ruled in Almeida-Sanchez v. United States (1973) that all criminal charge-related elements of the Constitution's amendments (the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and the 14th) such as search and seizure, self-incrimination, trial by jury and due process, protect non-citizens, legally or illegally present."
......our undocumented friends only have those rights which are granted by the state in which they reside. They are NOT supposed to have rights recognized by the US Constitution. ...


Wrong. See post 455
Already rebutted. your mind

Why not just shoot this down with the easiest shot in the grab bag?

There is no state law defining an illegal alien. Consequently, no state court can deport an illegal alien, since under state law, there is no such thing as an illegal alien.

The states are sovereign entities which RETAINED the right to confer their citizenship upon whomever,

If you have HISTORICAL FACTS to dispute my assertion present them.

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Why not just shoot this down with the easiest shot in the grab bag?

There is no state law defining an illegal alien. Consequently, no state court can deport an illegal alien, since under state law, there is no such thing as an illegal alien.

The states our sovereign entities which RETAINED the right to confer their citizenship upon whomever,

If you have HISTORICAL FACTS to dispute my assertion present them.


How about the fact that in the entire history of the USA, no state has every deported someone out of this country under the authority of that state alone? I mean, come on, guys, this stuff is 8th grade Civics!
Wrong. See post 455
Already rebutted. your mind

Why not just shoot this down with the easiest shot in the grab bag?

There is no state law defining an illegal alien. Consequently, no state court can deport an illegal alien, since under state law, there is no such thing as an illegal alien.

The states our sovereign entities which RETAINED the right to confer their citizenship upon whomever,

If you have HISTORICAL FACTS to dispute my assertion present them.


How about the fact that in the entire history of the USA, no state has every deported someone out of this country under the authority of that state alone?

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.

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No need.

Self-Deportation is the answer.

Romney had the right macro-level concept - he just couldn't envision viable details.
Mitt has also had his own arms-length brushes with hiring illegal immigrants:

"Mitt Romney has been trying for years to live down the Boston Globe reports that illegal immigrants were at work on his Boston lawn.

"But Romney’s business career also included a notable encounter with the wrong side of immigration law.

"The incident took place in the late 1990s, when Romney was at the helm of the private equity firm Bain Capital. It’s a similarly arms-length story that parallels Romney’s personal issue, in which he said he didn’t know a lawn-care contractor employed undocumented workers.

"In 1998, Bain owned Waters Corps., a chemical screening equipment manufacturer, which used Providence-based Aid-Maintenance Co. to provide janitorial services at its facility in Massachusetts.

"But Aid-Maintenance had a long history of hiring illegal immigrants — and getting caught doing so. In 1992 immigration officials arrested 17 janitors working for the company, the Providence Journal-Bulletin reported at the time. The following year the company’s president was fined $134,500."
Like Romney, Bain Had An Illegal Immigrant Problem
The only point that matters is Now.

We live Now.

States Now have no power to deport anyone.

Can we deport 11 million people without e-verify? Sure. At a horrendous cost to civil liberties and our national treasure.

Will the USA deport 11 million in round up? No.
The only point that matters is Now.

We live Now.

States Now have no power to deport anyone.

Can we deport 11 million people without e-verify? Sure. At a horrendous cost to civil liberties and our national treasure.

Will the USA deport 11 million in round up? No.


Where do you think Trump will get the money? Will he make the illegal immigrants pay for it? :lol:

Congress isn't going to give ANY President an unlimited budget.

It sounds like Trump wants to start a trade war with China and all the other countries that take our jobs. That will wreck our economy in several ways. Prices for many things we buy will go through the roof. Gasoline will go up drastically as the OPEC countries start turning off the oil supply. Inflation forced by Trump will be out of control. Even within our own country the Fed could raise the rates and Trump can do NOTHING about it. He claims he can reduce the national debt. He can't do that if our economy is in an induced crisis.

The economy sucks now. Unemployment is high. Prices are already up. We could drill our own oil instead of being at the mercy of OPEC. Or build the pipeline already. We should stop buying the shit from China anyway. It's cheap crap and the pet food poisons our cats and dogs. I think they still try to sneak in toys with lead paint. At least we should demand better quality if we buy from them.

Our jobs are going to countries where there is cheap labor, lower taxes and more reasonable regulations. Somehow, the left thinks the solution is increasing the price of labor here by raising the minimum, raising taxes and regulating the shit out of companies. Then they wonder why companies open factories in other countries. Even as more citizens became unemployed and couldn't find another job, the administration encouraged more illegal aliens to come and take what's left. Then they pretend it's the greedy private sector that fucked things up.

I'm sorry. You think like a 5 year old.

The problem is that a mature person knows that Walmart wouldn't exist if petty greedy Americans stopped buying stuff there and started to demand only products made in America, It's really THAT simple.If you want America to have great jobs for everyone buy American and stop subverting American jobs by nickle and diming our country. I've never bought a damned thing in Walmart and do just fine. If my fellow Americans did the same Walmart and it's Chinese suppliers would be the ones looking for jobs.

If you admit you purchase ANYTHING at a Walmart I don't want to see your hypocritical bullshit on this MB crying about jobs.
So if you don't buy American you are 'greedy'?

Times are tough, money is tight, and prople buy from Wal Mart because their prices are cheaper. No one goes there delibrately with the idea, 'I'm going to screw over American businesses and American workers today.'

Perhaps if the economy was better - we weren't in the slowest recession since the Great Depression, food stamp use hadn't climbed to record highs, more people had jpb or the full-time jobs they USED to have begore the ACA....

Yes. If you put any money in the cash registers of Walmart you are subverting American jobs. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see the connection. Like I mentioned, I have never bought so much as a pack of gum in that store. Yes, it costs me a little more to think about the consequences of consciously spending my money in support of American jobs as opposed to ignoring every American's best interest. It isn't much but obviously it all adds up. If we all really gave a sh*t about our country's jobs instead of just giving lip service to our current position then Walmart would close it's doors and there would be room for American manufacturers to make the same stuff and better quality.
The only point that matters is Now.

We live Now.

States Now have no power to deport anyone.

Can we deport 11 million people without e-verify? Sure. At a horrendous cost to civil liberties and our national treasure.

Will the USA deport 11 million in round up? No.





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