Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?


Its not my fault you think SPAMMING with that is a sign of intelligence

It's is hilarious to me that you libs can say the same thing over and over again,

ie. "IT's RACIST",

and think that you are making Great Intellectual Points,

but if I give the same comment the same answer, then suddenly I am the one supposedly "spamming"?

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
Nope, I am 100 percent with it.
The only thing 100% about it is that it's a steaming pile.

Kinda sucks to have all your preconceived notions blown to hell.....I understand.
Never had that problem.
You understand jack shit.
If you did you wouldn't post the nonsense you do.

If what I posted was so irrelevant, you wouldn't get your panties in a bunch when I post the things I do. Do you honestly believe that you can browbeat me into silence? That's pretty fucking funny if you do but it's not gonna happen.
you've just unwittingly highlighted your biggest flaw ,
you assume, wrongly and consistently about the effect you wish you were having on other posters .
as I 've told you countless times, the only effect you have on me is one of amusement.
fact is you're the one who's panties are in a permanent twist because your shit stacking is not having the desired effect .

Good, then be sweat off of my ass. I have had great results not only here but other blogsites. I get private messages all the time telling me to to keep doing what I do and they they wish they had the knowledge I have. They have a good idea but they don't know enough to face the doubters that throw out bullshit. I guess you could say that I am their champion for truth. Your naysaying while not being able to refute what I say doesn't hinder me in the least nor ever would it.

Hope this helps!!![/QUOTE]of course you do dear....

Its not my fault you think SPAMMING with that is a sign of intelligence

It's is hilarious to me that you libs can say the same thing over and over again,

ie. "IT's RACIST",

and think that you are making Great Intellectual Points,

but if I give the same comment the same answer, then suddenly I am the one supposedly "spamming"?

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
Nope, you are wrong. I worked for a company that had a contract to repair printing equipment for a corporation that had the contract to send out contact letters for illegals and others that wanted to suck off the public teat. It was called Texas Healthsteps. I read the letter. Not only would they get them on food stamps but they would hook them up with a counselor that would explain to them what other benefits that they qualify for and it was made very clear that their immigration status would not be asked...of course on the reverse side it was written in Espanol...not only that, they inserted voter registration cards. Don't tell me that I do not know what I am talking about. I have done my research and what is happening in this country is a deliberate attempt to water down nationalism. Hispanics do not wish to assimilate. They will take over a certain part of a community that they are in and make it into "Little Mexico". I have seen that happen and it is a fact.
So many words so many tons of bullshit.

Nope, I am 100 percent with it.
The only thing 100% about it is that it's a steaming pile.

Kinda sucks to have all your preconceived notions blown to hell.....I understand.
Never had that problem.
You understand jack shit.
If you did you wouldn't post the nonsense you do.

If what I posted was so irrelevant, you wouldn't get your panties in a bunch when I post the things I do. Do you honestly believe that you can browbeat me into silence? That's pretty fucking funny if you do but it's not gonna happen.[/QUOTE]
Its not my fault you think SPAMMING with that is a sign of intelligence

It's is hilarious to me that you libs can say the same thing over and over again,

ie. "IT's RACIST",

and think that you are making Great Intellectual Points,

but if I give the same comment the same answer, then suddenly I am the one supposedly "spamming"?

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
The only thing 100% about it is that it's a steaming pile.

Kinda sucks to have all your preconceived notions blown to hell.....I understand.
Never had that problem.
You understand jack shit.
If you did you wouldn't post the nonsense you do.

If what I posted was so irrelevant, you wouldn't get your panties in a bunch when I post the things I do. Do you honestly believe that you can browbeat me into silence? That's pretty fucking funny if you do but it's not gonna happen.
you've just unwittingly highlighted your biggest flaw ,
you assume, wrongly and consistently about the effect you wish you were having on other posters .
as I 've told you countless times, the only effect you have on me is one of amusement.
fact is you're the one who's panties are in a permanent twist because your shit stacking is not having the desired effect .

Good, then be sweat off of my ass. I have had great results not only here but other blogsites. I get private messages all the time telling me to to keep doing what I do and they they wish they had the knowledge I have. They have a good idea but they don't know enough to face the doubters that throw out bullshit. I guess you could say that I am their champion for truth. Your naysaying while not being able to refute what I say doesn't hinder me in the least nor ever would it.

Hope this helps!!!
of course you do dear....[/QUOTE]
Where do you think Trump will get the money? Will he make the illegal immigrants pay for it? :lol:

Congress isn't going to give ANY President an unlimited budget.

It sounds like Trump wants to start a trade war with China and all the other countries that take our jobs. That will wreck our economy in several ways. Prices for many things we buy will go through the roof. Gasoline will go up drastically as the OPEC countries start turning off the oil supply. Inflation forced by Trump will be out of control. Even within our own country the Fed could raise the rates and Trump can do NOTHING about it. He claims he can reduce the national debt. He can't do that if our economy is in an induced crisis.

The economy sucks now. Unemployment is high. Prices are already up. We could drill our own oil instead of being at the mercy of OPEC. Or build the pipeline already. We should stop buying the shit from China anyway. It's cheap crap and the pet food poisons our cats and dogs. I think they still try to sneak in toys with lead paint. At least we should demand better quality if we buy from them.

Our jobs are going to countries where there is cheap labor, lower taxes and more reasonable regulations. Somehow, the left thinks the solution is increasing the price of labor here by raising the minimum, raising taxes and regulating the shit out of companies. Then they wonder why companies open factories in other countries. Even as more citizens became unemployed and couldn't find another job, the administration encouraged more illegal aliens to come and take what's left. Then they pretend it's the greedy private sector that fucked things up.

I'm sorry. You think like a 5 year old.

The problem is that a mature person knows that Walmart wouldn't exist if petty greedy Americans stopped buying stuff there and started to demand only products made in America, It's really THAT simple.If you want America to have great jobs for everyone buy American and stop subverting American jobs by nickle and diming our country. I've never bought a damned thing in Walmart and do just fine. If my fellow Americans did the same Walmart and it's Chinese suppliers would be the ones looking for jobs.

If you admit you purchase ANYTHING at a Walmart I don't want to see your hypocritical bullshit on this MB crying about jobs.

Well, paint me a hypocrit then. My wife buys groceries there every week. Dont buy much else because it is cheaply made crap.

I avoid Walmart like the plague. Judging from those Walmartian emails, it's mostly low income people who rely on the store for everything from food to clothes.

I don't even buy Oreos since they aren't made in the U.S. There are many websites that list things made here in the U.S. and I've posted links on FB and I believe here in the past.

I am serious about this. I'd rather have an empty house than have one full of cheap crap.

While it may be impossible to completely avoid things made in China or elsewhere, it would make a huge difference if people bothered to do research and understand that where they spend their money decides which companies do well. People have the power to change things but many don't take that seriously. Buying some things from other countries is a good thing but buying the majority of things from other countries hurts us.

I am curious as to where you got your TV. I ask this, because tv's have not been manufactured in the USA since the late 1980's or early 1990's.

Because of the damage done we cannot purchase everything we need made in the USA. I bought my TV at a local retail store a few miles from where I live. It cost me a little more but I do not regret having priced my TV at Walmart. I do purchase all my computer equipment at a local company that recycles used puters. If I could find one that does the same with TV's I would shop there. Unfortunately that's the best we can do and still support American workers.

Thanks for asking. It offered me an opportunity to share some of my "tricks" to support American workers.
Sheesh, 500 posts in little more than a day. Can't go through all the answers here so maybe someone already posted my answer. Your reach should exceed your grasp. If you're selling something, you start high, just knowing someone will jew you down. Trump's a wheeler dealer and knows this, so he starts high. It's probably impossible to get rid of 11 million people that CAME HERE ILLEGALLY IN THE FIRST PLACE. We now have a candidate who will at least try to put a stop to this nonsense of bringing the whole third world here to satisfy the cheap labor lobby and the refugee for profit racketeteers like the catholic charities.
The economy sucks now. Unemployment is high. Prices are already up. We could drill our own oil instead of being at the mercy of OPEC. Or build the pipeline already. We should stop buying the shit from China anyway. It's cheap crap and the pet food poisons our cats and dogs. I think they still try to sneak in toys with lead paint. At least we should demand better quality if we buy from them.

Our jobs are going to countries where there is cheap labor, lower taxes and more reasonable regulations. Somehow, the left thinks the solution is increasing the price of labor here by raising the minimum, raising taxes and regulating the shit out of companies. Then they wonder why companies open factories in other countries. Even as more citizens became unemployed and couldn't find another job, the administration encouraged more illegal aliens to come and take what's left. Then they pretend it's the greedy private sector that fucked things up.

I'm sorry. You think like a 5 year old.

The problem is that a mature person knows that Walmart wouldn't exist if petty greedy Americans stopped buying stuff there and started to demand only products made in America, It's really THAT simple.If you want America to have great jobs for everyone buy American and stop subverting American jobs by nickle and diming our country. I've never bought a damned thing in Walmart and do just fine. If my fellow Americans did the same Walmart and it's Chinese suppliers would be the ones looking for jobs.

If you admit you purchase ANYTHING at a Walmart I don't want to see your hypocritical bullshit on this MB crying about jobs.

Well, paint me a hypocrit then. My wife buys groceries there every week. Dont buy much else because it is cheaply made crap.

I avoid Walmart like the plague. Judging from those Walmartian emails, it's mostly low income people who rely on the store for everything from food to clothes.

I don't even buy Oreos since they aren't made in the U.S. There are many websites that list things made here in the U.S. and I've posted links on FB and I believe here in the past.

I am serious about this. I'd rather have an empty house than have one full of cheap crap.

While it may be impossible to completely avoid things made in China or elsewhere, it would make a huge difference if people bothered to do research and understand that where they spend their money decides which companies do well. People have the power to change things but many don't take that seriously. Buying some things from other countries is a good thing but buying the majority of things from other countries hurts us.

I am curious as to where you got your TV. I ask this, because tv's have not been manufactured in the USA since the late 1980's or early 1990's.

Because of the damage done we cannot purchase everything we need made in the USA. I bought my TV at a local retail store a few miles from where I live. It cost me a little more but I do not regret having priced my TV at Walmart. I do purchase all my computer equipment at a local company that recycles used puters. If I could find one that does the same with TV's I would shop there. Unfortunately that's the best we can do and still support American workers.

Thanks for asking. It offered me an opportunity to share some of my "tricks" to support American workers.

Your intentions are good, but your mission is hopeless. The "invisible hand" of economics, for example, put the South out of the cotton business after the civil war, when Britain found out that Egyptian cotton was better and cheaper. Tobacco supported the entire economy of North America for about 350 years, and now is just a regional crop in 2 or 3 states. This enabled the South to enter the 21st century with a modern, and successful economic base. "It is not often pretty. It's not often kind....",, but nobody really cares that they can no longer buy Fruit of the Loom underwear made in America.
Sheesh, 500 posts in little more than a day. Can't go through all the answers here so maybe someone already posted my answer. Your reach should exceed your grasp. If you're selling something, you start high, just knowing someone will jew you down. Trump's a wheeler dealer and knows this, so he starts high. It's probably impossible to get rid of 11 million people that CAME HERE ILLEGALLY IN THE FIRST PLACE. We now have a candidate who will at least try to put a stop to this nonsense of bringing the whole third world here to satisfy the cheap labor lobby and the refugee for profit racketeteers like the catholic charities.

Got it. When Trump says that he is going to deport 11 million illegals in 2 years, he is intentionally lying. Okeedokkky. That being the case, I am surprised that he didn't say that it would only take him 3 months.
I'm sorry. You think like a 5 year old.

The problem is that a mature person knows that Walmart wouldn't exist if petty greedy Americans stopped buying stuff there and started to demand only products made in America, It's really THAT simple.If you want America to have great jobs for everyone buy American and stop subverting American jobs by nickle and diming our country. I've never bought a damned thing in Walmart and do just fine. If my fellow Americans did the same Walmart and it's Chinese suppliers would be the ones looking for jobs.

If you admit you purchase ANYTHING at a Walmart I don't want to see your hypocritical bullshit on this MB crying about jobs.

Well, paint me a hypocrit then. My wife buys groceries there every week. Dont buy much else because it is cheaply made crap.

I avoid Walmart like the plague. Judging from those Walmartian emails, it's mostly low income people who rely on the store for everything from food to clothes.

I don't even buy Oreos since they aren't made in the U.S. There are many websites that list things made here in the U.S. and I've posted links on FB and I believe here in the past.

I am serious about this. I'd rather have an empty house than have one full of cheap crap.

While it may be impossible to completely avoid things made in China or elsewhere, it would make a huge difference if people bothered to do research and understand that where they spend their money decides which companies do well. People have the power to change things but many don't take that seriously. Buying some things from other countries is a good thing but buying the majority of things from other countries hurts us.

I am curious as to where you got your TV. I ask this, because tv's have not been manufactured in the USA since the late 1980's or early 1990's.

Because of the damage done we cannot purchase everything we need made in the USA. I bought my TV at a local retail store a few miles from where I live. It cost me a little more but I do not regret having priced my TV at Walmart. I do purchase all my computer equipment at a local company that recycles used puters. If I could find one that does the same with TV's I would shop there. Unfortunately that's the best we can do and still support American workers.

Thanks for asking. It offered me an opportunity to share some of my "tricks" to support American workers.

Your intentions are good, but your mission is hopeless. The "invisible hand" of economics, for example, put the South out of the cotton business after the civil war, when Britain found out that Egyptian cotton was better and cheaper. Tobacco supported the entire economy of North America for about 350 years, and now is just a regional crop in 2 or 3 states. This enabled the South to enter the 21st century with a modern, and successful economic base. "It is not often pretty. It's not often kind....",, but nobody really cares that they can no longer buy Fruit of the Loom underwear made in America.

I guess it depends on what the individual really cares about. It isn't hopeless if you believe you are doing the right thing even if the vast majority does otherwise.
Sheesh, 500 posts in little more than a day. Can't go through all the answers here so maybe someone already posted my answer. Your reach should exceed your grasp. If you're selling something, you start high, just knowing someone will jew you down. Trump's a wheeler dealer and knows this, so he starts high. It's probably impossible to get rid of 11 million people that CAME HERE ILLEGALLY IN THE FIRST PLACE. We now have a candidate who will at least try to put a stop to this nonsense of bringing the whole third world here to satisfy the cheap labor lobby and the refugee for profit racketeteers like the catholic charities.

Got it. When Trump says that he is going to deport 11 million illegals in 2 years, he is intentionally lying. Okeedokkky. That being the case, I am surprised that he didn't say that it would only take him 3 months.

Like I say you start high, knowing you'll have to come down on your price. Course maybe you think that an onslaught from the third world is good for the country, diversity is strength and all that crap.
That's you opinion, which is wrong.
prove it, asshole.
Don't have to. You have to offer proof, and your word is useless as you well know.

You stated, "The fines currently in place are sufficient if they are enforced. The problem is that Obama doesn't enforce them.." Prove it,

Prove that he doesn't enforce them?

I don't have to. Everyone knows he doesn't. Everyone has worked in a building where the janitorial staff doesn't speak English. How many times have leftwing douche bags accused Trump of hiring illegals?
In other words, you don't want to post what the colors identify.

Who do you think you're fooling, you lying weasel?
I know what the colors identify it's you who's confused.

Then tell us, asshole. What are you afraid of?
Who's us?
The appeal to the masses fallicy won't fly.
There is nothing to be afraid of .

Still lying, squirming and weaseling, I see.
nope but you sure as hell are pitching a fit.

Asking you to answer the question is "pitching a fit?" That's just more squirming and weaseling.
Nope just you clowns.
You're just lashing out because you're angry and scared. The fact you don't even know who I'm voting for shows my statement to be true.
Daws is too much of a pussy even to explain what the different colors on a map identify.
Oh no the place false blame ploy again!

You can clarify the facts for everyone simply by explaining what the different colors signify. Everyone in the forum has to wonder why you are so reluctant.was talking to
why? you not smart enough to figure them out for yourself ?...........oh shit! I almost forgot who I was talking to.

This isn't about my understanding. It's about yours. We want to know what you believe so we can all laugh.

No answer the question: what to do the different colors on a map signify?
If it wasn't for that pesky constitution, we could just round um up, and ship um out! Or, as I have seen seriously suggested on this board, empower the government to plant land mines all along the border. Sure, it would make the USA pretty much like North Korea, but one has to admit that the North Koreans do not have illegal immigrants!

The Constitution doesn't prevent us from rounding them up and sending them back to where they came from.
yes it does. it's a thing called
Due process
Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all legal rights that are owed to a person. Due process balances the power of law of the land and protects the individual person from it. When a government harms a person without following the exact course of the law, this constitutes a due process violation, which offends the rule of law.

Due process requires the government to give them a 5 minute hearing, then on the bus to Mexico they go. It doesn't stop the government from rounding them up and deporting them.
Yes, my fellow Americans will do those jobs. YOur pretense that Americans won't do those jobs is nonsense.

I'VE done some of those jobs you justed mentioned. My plumber is an American.

Pedro Go Home.
Agreed Americans will do those jobs. They will complain more about less-than-minimum wage pay and lack of benefits than an illegal immigrant. Illegals are much more easily exploited than those who have a lawful presence in the US. The fact the Left doesn't understand this is part of the Left's blindness to the truth.

The fact many RW business owners profit from illegal immigrants and are slow to support immigration reform and enforcing laws against illegals is part of the Right's blindness.
The appeal to the masses fallicy won't fly.
There is nothing to be afraid of .
Better tell Hillary that.
I seriously doubt you have any idea of what that even means.
All Divine Wind does is
I noticed .
His name should rancid flatulence.
What's truly sad is that the party of Truman and JFK has been reduced to a bunch of junior high school idiots who use bully tactics against anyone who doesn't agree with them 100%.
The appeal to the masses fallicy won't fly.
There is nothing to be afraid of .
Better tell Hillary that.
I seriously doubt you have any idea of what that even means.
All Divine Wind does is
I noticed .
His name should rancid flatulence.
What's truly sad is that the party of Truman and JFK has been reduced to a bunch of junior high school idiots who use bully tactics against anyone who doesn't agree with them 100%.
The party of Kennedy etc is much closer to then now than is the GOP, which is a monstrosity compared to the party of Eisenhower and Ford.

Good Republicans may have to abandon the GOP and move over to the Libertarian Party for a sane alternative.
why? you not smart enough to figure them out for yourself ?...........oh shit! I almost forgot who I was talking to.
Dude, you're dodging. You've already proven you are a liar, a bully and, now, a coward.

Obviously the four different map colors were to delineate different countries. The UN and international law say those countries have rights such as self-defense and protection of their borders. The same applies to the United States of American regardless how many Liberals/Democrats dance around the issue.
Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?
He'd do what Obama does: blame Congress for lack of funding.
If Trump blames lack of congressional funding for a failure to remove 11 million people, will his supporters turn against him in 2020?
Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it. Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress. He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money.

"So do more agents.

"No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE. He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in.
Why do so many Left Wingers hold Trump to a higher standard than Hillary, much less Obama?
The party of Kennedy etc is much closer to then now than is the GOP, which is a monstrosity compared to the party of Eisenhower and Ford.

Good Republicans may have to abandon the GOP and move over to the Libertarian Party for a sane alternative.
Agreed, but that is like saying a turd is closer to the original meal than a drug addict is to an innocent child.

, Jake. That's what you do best because that's obviously the limit of your skills.

I did exactly that; left the RNC for the Libertarian party.

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