Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Better tell Hillary that.
I seriously doubt you have any idea of what that even means.
All Divine Wind does is
I noticed .
His name should rancid flatulence.
What's truly sad is that the party of Truman and JFK has been reduced to a bunch of junior high school idiots who use bully tactics against anyone who doesn't agree with them 100%.
The party of Kennedy etc is much closer to then now than is the GOP, which is a monstrosity compared to the party of Eisenhower and Ford.

Good Republicans may have to abandon the GOP and move over to the Libertarian Party for a sane alternative.

I wouldn't blame what's left of the good republicans to start a new party. Taking the mantle of the Libertarians doesn't make much sense. That's what the Christian fascists did to the GOP. would be more honorable to start from scratch. If the honest politicians want a clean house they must start with a clean break from what they were forced to co-habitate with after the religists overtook the GOP.

It would take a lot of work but they already know the job at hand and it certainly couldn't be harder than what the GOP has been putting it's members through what with the dialing for dollars and quotas that the members have been forced into participating under the threat of displeasing the current GOP leadership.
Vandals is right.

If we thought there was a chance for completeing a 1900 mile wall, we would all be putting together "let's build a wall" companies on the boarder. We could employ a lot of our black, white, and hispanic poor folks on it.

But it is not going to happen.

Democrats wouldn't do that because they have no intention of controlling the border. When Trump gets elected, the preparations will commence.
Interesting that Trump would hinder the importation of his undocumented workers.
Not a chance
No chance of what?

You might try quoting the material you're referring to so people know what the hell you're talking about.

We'll since my post is not addressed to anyone in particular, maybe then it's addressed to the question in the title. Is that difficult for you?

I just assumed that you are a dumbass who doesn't understand posting etiquette.
It wasn't addressed to you and you're going to speak of etiquette? Bitch please.
That would be a tiny number of jobs.
Illegals didn't cause companies to outsource their manufacturing.
Would you pick fruit and vegetables for the wages they get?
You might have to if that kind of mass deportation happens or pay huge amounts for fresh food.
Typical LW lying and derailing. The fact both Democrats and Republicans profit from illegals isn't directly related to offshore outsourcing of jobs. That outsourcing does, however, explain why so many Americans are jobless and why illegal immigration has become an important issue.

What part is bullshit?
Vandals is right.

If we thought there was a chance for completeing a 1900 mile wall, we would all be putting together "let's build a wall" companies on the boarder. We could employ a lot of our black, white, and hispanic poor folks on it.

But it is not going to happen.

Democrats wouldn't do that because they have no intention of controlling the border. When Trump gets elected, the preparations will commence.
Interesting that Trump would hinder the importation of his undocumented workers.

They aren't "his" workers.
Still lying, squirming and weaseling, I see.
nope but you sure as hell are pitching a fit.

Asking you to answer the question is "pitching a fit?" That's just more squirming and weaseling.
False! It's pitching a fit when the question has been asked and answered.
Btw you are still pitching a fit

Damn you're ignorant.

You haven't answered it, douche bag. All you've done is dodged and weaseled

Who do you think you're fooling?

Are you the comedian who says he never lies?
Vandals is right.

If we thought there was a chance for completeing a 1900 mile wall, we would all be putting together "let's build a wall" companies on the boarder. We could employ a lot of our black, white, and hispanic poor folks on it.

But it is not going to happen.

Democrats wouldn't do that because they have no intention of controlling the border. When Trump gets elected, the preparations will commence.
Interesting that Trump would hinder the importation of his undocumented workers.

They aren't "his" workers.
There are many instances of Trump using undocumented workers.
Vandals is right.

If we thought there was a chance for completeing a 1900 mile wall, we would all be putting together "let's build a wall" companies on the boarder. We could employ a lot of our black, white, and hispanic poor folks on it.

But it is not going to happen.

Democrats wouldn't do that because they have no intention of controlling the border. When Trump gets elected, the preparations will commence.
Interesting that Trump would hinder the importation of his undocumented workers.

They aren't "his" workers.
There are many instances of Trump using undocumented workers.

Hmmm, no, his subcontractors were caught using illegal aliens, not him.
Sending people HOME is not the same as sending them to DEATHCAMPS.
Sending some of these illegal migrants home is a death sentence.

I don't see how you would separate the refugees from the illegals without providing trials instead of hearings.

The ability and willingness of America to absorb Third World Immigrates is a finite resource.

It has been vastly abused by and exceeded by your leftist importation of tens of millions of Third World voters over the last 60 years.

It is too late for you to suddenly pretend to care about the extreme cases now.

In the leftwing universe, if you aren't willing to extinguish American culture for the sake of illegals and convert us to a third world economy, you're a racist.
OH! it says so in the New American! I guess that I got a little distracted when reading their section asking for donations! Well, If the New American says that Illegals are fleeing AZ because of a law that has been voided as not being within the state' jurisdiction, who am I to deny it? I am sure that you know a whole lot more than I do, wherever the hell you live. I just get by on the local news from Tucson and Phoenix, As near as I can tell, they are in a state of pure hysteria because of the illegal immigrants who are here! (Or, is the entire crisis over, and AZ no longer has an illegal immigrant problem? Your choice, which is true? No, let me guess. All the illegal immigrants fled, and now they are back again, right?)

You are a hoot, Easy!
You get busted LYING...or being STUPID...and the best you have is 'I declare your source to be invalid'?! Yeah, I bet you do, VAL. It's the only way to save face.

Yes, Barry did step in and (try to) stop others from doing what he refuses to do - actually enforce immigration laws. Yes the 'exodus' stopped as a result, but you were just proved to be a LIAR or completely IGNORANT!

You said 'no migration' occurred, yet, as pointed out in the article, the 3 major networks reported on it. It would be easy enough - knowing that - to do more research on your own, but you would rather sit there with 'liar/ignorance' written on your forehead due to either laziness or - which is probably the truth - because you already know you lied / were wrong. No one from Az could NOT know about this story because it was huge. It captured the nation's attention at the time....except somehow, as you showed, liberals like you, even those claiming to live there, 'missed' the whole thing. LOL!

So, again, VAL, are you a liar or just stipid?

Easy, I did not mean to cause you to have a stroke. No more caffeine for you, fella! My Rx for you is to lay off the RW blogs that you are addicted to, take a valium, lose yourself in a fantasy movie....maybe something like Star Wars, where the Dark Side always loses in the end, and spend at least 30 minutes per day in medication at your Trump altar, while chanting, "Hail, Donald, full of grace, blessed is the fruit of thy rhetoric....."
The only thing you did was get caught in a lie, VAL. Are you even from Arizona? It's hard to believe that illegals were flowing out of Az, the 'big 3' networks were doing numerous stories about it, businesses were openly voicing concern about how it would negatively impact them, the Obama administration took action against Az to stop it....but you somehow 'missed' it all. Maybe you were busy 'dodging sniper fire'. :p

And, apparently, you missed it, too, or you would post direct links to those network reports of illegals fleeing AZ!

I confess that I am amused, visualizing panicky Mexicans who had walked 200 miles across a rattlesnake infested desert with no water, in 110 degree heat,(leaving 300 of them dead out there per year), fleeing the state, all because of an AZ law that was never implemented.....
Sorry, Val, but unlike you I watched those reports and saw / knew what was going on. Sorry 1 link isn't good enough for you, but hey - that's liberals caught in a lie in a nutshell.

If you actually lived in Az you wouldn't have to imagine it. You would have seen it.

Did you see thousands of people in New Jersey celebrating when the towers fell, as well?
If you were wondering what they mean by "Make America Great AGAIN"...

"Make America Great Again!" is code for "Bring Back White America!'

Don't worry, Hillary will bring in plenty more H1-Bs and keep Blacks on welfare and food stamps.
That's a problem with both parties. Republicans love those low wage employees.

I didn't know that Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg were Republicans.
If you were wondering what they mean by "Make America Great AGAIN"...

"Make America Great Again!" is code for "Bring Back White America!'

Don't worry, Hillary will bring in plenty more H1-Bs and keep Blacks on welfare and food stamps.
That's a problem with both parties. Republicans love those low wage employees.

I didn't know that Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg were Republicans.

They are Greedians.
If you were wondering what they mean by "Make America Great AGAIN"...

"Make America Great Again!" is code for "Bring Back White America!'

Don't worry, Hillary will bring in plenty more H1-Bs and keep Blacks on welfare and food stamps.
That's a problem with both parties. Republicans love those low wage employees.

I didn't know that Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg were Republicans.

They are Greedians.

You found a way to let Democrats off the hook. Congratulations! You win the "Weasel of the Month" award.
Not a chance
No chance of what?

You might try quoting the material you're referring to so people know what the hell you're talking about.

We'll since my post is not addressed to anyone in particular, maybe then it's addressed to the question in the title. Is that difficult for you?

I just assumed that you are a dumbass who doesn't understand posting etiquette.
It wasn't addressed to you and you're going to speak of etiquette? Bitch please.
There's no rule that says you can't respond to posts that aren't addressed to you. In fact, it's encouraged.
You just don't get how this forum works, do you?
That is incorrect. Jobs are available now and there are some shortages of workers
I don't see American going for those jobs.
Feel free to provide evidence...and I'm not just talking about Bernie speeches.

That said, a worker shortage doesn't justify you supporting the victimization and exploitation of illegal immigrants. Why not support immigration reform? Worker visas? Why do you support illegal immigrants who can be exploited for profit and not lawful workers who have the protection of the law?

I'm in the business of medical instruments, consumables and reagents. I do not have illegal employees but I have lots of legal Asian, Hispanic middle easterners, Russian immigrants............... My company is predominantly white Americans....... but when it comes to blood products, warehouse, refrigeration and janitorial jobs......... my fellow Americans are none existent.
Some applied and take the jobs but most they do not last long or quit the next day. I know tons of other business owners like hospitals, hotels, manufacturing operations etc. are also facing the same problem. As I said jobs are available now but where are they?
I also know several small business owners like mom and pop shops that hire illegals............ They are facing shortages of workers and are willing to hire Americans or anybody but where are they?
I do not support illegal immigration and I do not support deportation.
I support immigration reform and that is where I stand.

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