Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

No, they will be escorted onto the buses by ICE agents.

No hearings Adolf?

Did I say there wouldn't be any hearings, douche bag?
If they buy 1000 buses, that's 100 trips per bus - something they can easily do in a year.

11,000,000 hearings in a year Adolf?

Something like 127 every second of every day….

You’re dumber than I tell people.

Who said it would happen in one year?


Like i said, you’re dumber than I tell people.

Wrong, moron, I didn't say that. You obviously have a reading comprehension problem. That's not surprising for an open borders douche bag like you.
So, I expect your next post will be a cut and paste from the COnstitution, supporting the claim?

What's the point if, as you have proven, you can't read it?

Your evasion is noted.

Relevant sections of the Constitution have been posted for you many times in the past few minutes. Just how fucking stupid are you?

And the "rights" for the illegals, were "inferred" by judges centuries after the fact.

Precedents that can and should be changed.
false !
those right were implied by the founders for every one.


I'm sure the founders had the slaves, injuns, women folks, and aliens in mind when they wrote the Bill of Rights.

Whatever. If anyone ever needed to confirm you have blinders on and that you post some stupid shit, that was the post.
Kaz, have you every even BEEN to the Mexican Border? I live on the Mexican border. There is no infrastructure. There are no roads, no electricity, no water, no sewage, no houses, no gas stations, no stores, No place for people to live and no people who want to live there if they HAD infrastructure.

And what do you think that means in terms of not having a wall? That's why illegals flow across the border by the millions

Last 3 to 5 years our BP has done a tremendous job in securing our borders. Right now it's just a trickle. Wall is just a waste.
At the same time there are about 500k tourists visa violations from last year.

More horseshit. When the BP catches illegals crossing the border, the let them go into the general population. They aren't stopping anything. You spout all the same lies the Obama administration puts out. You're nothing but a propaganda organ.

What the fuck are you talking about. Why do you lie? Do you have link to support your bullshit?

Read the entire article:

Additionally, ICE officers and agents find the mission of their jobs — which is to enforce immigration law — is often counter to the orders given to them when they are told to release criminal illegal aliens into the public.

“They are just so fed up. The organizational culture from where they’ve come from, it has become so politicized. The immigration system is not just broken. It’s dead. A lot of people at ICE are just so fed up,” the source said. “There’s no enforcement, and worse than that when you’re not enforcing you’re being told, ‘Well you basically can’t do the right thing.’ And the right thing being ‘Well, here’s someone who needs to be detained and you’re not being allowed to have this person detained.’”

Do you even understand the link you posted?
I want to give you a good chance to read your link real good what it meant before I will make a comment.
Kaz, have you every even BEEN to the Mexican Border? I live on the Mexican border. There is no infrastructure. There are no roads, no electricity, no water, no sewage, no houses, no gas stations, no stores, No place for people to live and no people who want to live there if they HAD infrastructure.

And what do you think that means in terms of not having a wall? That's why illegals flow across the border by the millions

Last 3 to 5 years our BP has done a tremendous job in securing our borders. Right now it's just a trickle. Wall is just a waste.
At the same time there are about 500k tourists visa violations from last year.

More horseshit. When the BP catches illegals crossing the border, the let them go into the general population. They aren't stopping anything. You spout all the same lies the Obama administration puts out. You're nothing but a propaganda organ.

What the fuck are you talking about. Why do you lie? Do you have link to support your bullshit?

If you are talking to Contum, it is best that you know that he is somewhat disconnected..........

You are the one who is disconnected from reality - you are way over your head in this thread - find one about basket weaving

Awaiting your response:

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.
Again, so if we can't stop every illegal crossing we shouldn't stop any illegal crossing. You already made that point.

I'm not sure where you get "50%," but who said the wall is the only thing we should do for illegals? You're full of shit

Don't get me wrong, Kaz. if I actually thought that Trump was going to build a wall, I would be down at the border right now putting together a shovel and ladder supply company. I am very pragmatic.

Damn, every time I think you can't get any dumber, you prove me wrong. So you think they'd build a cinder block wall and leave? Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

Trump proposed wall is 30 feet high. Do you know how easy it is to build 31 feet ladder? Wall is just a waste.,

Why doesn't that strategy work on the wall around the West Bank?

BTW, Trump hasn't stated how high his wall will be.

Of course, you're just another open borders douche bag traitor making excuses for doing nothing.

You are an idiot. Okay I will make it 50 feet....... How about a rope with a hook at the end? How is that?
Israel West Bank Barrier.......... Both sides of the wall are residential. Our borders are not except close to cities............. I will leave that your stupid brain why you cannot compare these 2 walls.
Wall is just a waste.

The way you stop ropes with hooks on them is to top the wall with a cylinder several times larger in diameter than the wall. Hooks can't grab onto anything.

However, one thing you are forgetting, and what all open borders douche bags like you pretend won't happen, is that the wall will have guard towers with people in them watching to see if anyone is trying to get over the wall. Apparently you believe all Americans are so stupid that they would build a wall and then leave it unguarded. I will admit that Democrats are certainly that stupid.
And what do you think that means in terms of not having a wall? That's why illegals flow across the border by the millions

Last 3 to 5 years our BP has done a tremendous job in securing our borders. Right now it's just a trickle. Wall is just a waste.
At the same time there are about 500k tourists visa violations from last year.

More horseshit. When the BP catches illegals crossing the border, the let them go into the general population. They aren't stopping anything. You spout all the same lies the Obama administration puts out. You're nothing but a propaganda organ.

What the fuck are you talking about. Why do you lie? Do you have link to support your bullshit?

Read the entire article:

Additionally, ICE officers and agents find the mission of their jobs — which is to enforce immigration law — is often counter to the orders given to them when they are told to release criminal illegal aliens into the public.

“They are just so fed up. The organizational culture from where they’ve come from, it has become so politicized. The immigration system is not just broken. It’s dead. A lot of people at ICE are just so fed up,” the source said. “There’s no enforcement, and worse than that when you’re not enforcing you’re being told, ‘Well you basically can’t do the right thing.’ And the right thing being ‘Well, here’s someone who needs to be detained and you’re not being allowed to have this person detained.’”

Do you even understand the link you posted?
I want to give you a good chance to read your link real good what it meant before I will make a comment.

Fire away. This should be entertaining.
"Make America Great Again!" is code for "Bring Back White America!'

Don't worry, Hillary will bring in plenty more H1-Bs and keep Blacks on welfare and food stamps.
That's a problem with both parties. Republicans love those low wage employees.

I didn't know that Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg were Republicans.

They are Greedians.

You found a way to let Democrats off the hook. Congratulations! You win the "Weasel of the Month" award.

Don't you have a life?
The only point that matters is Now.

We live Now.

States Now have no power to deport anyone.

Can we deport 11 million people without e-verify? Sure. At a horrendous cost to civil liberties and our national treasure.

Will the USA deport 11 million in round up? No.




You would be more persuasive if you had ever given any indication that you understood the document at all.
What's the point if, as you have proven, you can't read it?

Your evasion is noted.

Relevant sections of the Constitution have been posted for you many times in the past few minutes. Just how fucking stupid are you?

And the "rights" for the illegals, were "inferred" by judges centuries after the fact.

Precedents that can and should be changed.
false !
those right were implied by the founders for every one.


I'm sure the founders had the slaves, injuns, women folks, and aliens in mind when they wrote the Bill of Rights.

Whatever. If anyone ever needed to confirm you have blinders on and that you post some stupid shit, that was the post.

There's a reason it was called the Enlightenment, and you're not.
Neither labor nor capital has any right to cross borders into sovereign people's territories, against the wishes of those sovereign people's wishes.
Every "free trade" agreement I'm aware of requires the free flow of capital regardless of how 99% of affected citizens feel about it:


As most nations, at this point in time, are democracies, more or less, that is obviously NOT true.

And regardless, the very term "Free Trade Agreement" with the inclusion of the word "agreement" demonstrates that those AGREEMENTS, are voluntary, even if ill advised.

Neither labor nor capital has any right to cross borders into sovereign people's territories, against the wishes of those sovereign people's wishes.

If those people's political classes are failing to represent their people's interests and wishes, that is a problem that I wish them well in fixing.

Must like I hope to see it fixed here.
He gets arrested and deported.

You get the shit fined out of YOU.

How much do you have that could go to the cause?

You are going to fine me because Jose trimmed my fruit trees? So, are you telling me that I have to demand a green card from any latino who does my handyman work? Why, because he speaks with a Spanish accent? Correll, I have a saguaro in my front yard that used to be in Spanish land, because I live in what became known as the Gadsden Purchase. It was Spanish land until 1854. Jose may very well have relatives that lived here before this became part of the USA. He is self employed. I am not his employer. You and Trump are not going to turn this into a gestapo nation where you can demand identification and citizenship papers from anyone walking on the street. Trump knows that, but won't admit it. You don't even know that.

1. The fact that your land used to be Spanish before the Gadsden Purchase is irrelevant. It is American now.

2. If you are paying him for work, you are his employer.

3. Yes, fine the shit out of you. If people like you didn't give jobs to illegals, then they wouldn't be here.

No kidding Correll, Don't even think about taking up law as a profession, if you don't know the difference between employing someone and contracting with someone.I have no legal obligation to check the birth certificate of someone who I hire to prune my trees in this Fall. The fact that you think otherwise makes you a prefect "Trumpette", but, unfortunately, also makes you completely delusional. Besides, as Easy has explained to you, there are no illegal aliens down here is AZ anymore because they all ran to California when AZ passed an inoperative law that was promptly voided by the feds that scared the hell out of them, even though they could not read English, and didn't have a clue of what it was about.

Laws can be changed.

THe rest of your post is partisan blather.

Ok, Correll, let me help you. Watch this video. There will be a test, afterwards:

I remember it. IT describes HOW laws are supposed to be changed. Back before Judges left the reservation.

AND nothing in that challenges my point.

Laws can be changed.
No need.

Self-Deportation is the answer.

Romney had the right macro-level concept - he just couldn't envision viable details.
Mitt has also had his own arms-length brushes with hiring illegal immigrants:

"Mitt Romney has been trying for years to live down the Boston Globe reports that illegal immigrants were at work on his Boston lawn.

"But Romney’s business career also included a notable encounter with the wrong side of immigration law.

"The incident took place in the late 1990s, when Romney was at the helm of the private equity firm Bain Capital. It’s a similarly arms-length story that parallels Romney’s personal issue, in which he said he didn’t know a lawn-care contractor employed undocumented workers.

"In 1998, Bain owned Waters Corps., a chemical screening equipment manufacturer, which used Providence-based Aid-Maintenance Co. to provide janitorial services at its facility in Massachusetts.

"But Aid-Maintenance had a long history of hiring illegal immigrants — and getting caught doing so. In 1992 immigration officials arrested 17 janitors working for the company, the Providence Journal-Bulletin reported at the time. The following year the company’s president was fined $134,500."
Like Romney, Bain Had An Illegal Immigrant Problem

A situation which you are supporting.
He gets arrested and deported.

You get the shit fined out of YOU.

How much do you have that could go to the cause?

You are going to fine me because Jose trimmed my fruit trees? So, are you telling me that I have to demand a green card from any latino who does my handyman work? Why, because he speaks with a Spanish accent? Correll, I have a saguaro in my front yard that used to be in Spanish land, because I live in what became known as the Gadsden Purchase. It was Spanish land until 1854. Jose may very well have relatives that lived here before this became part of the USA. He is self employed. I am not his employer. You and Trump are not going to turn this into a gestapo nation where you can demand identification and citizenship papers from anyone walking on the street. Trump knows that, but won't admit it. You don't even know that.

1. The fact that your land used to be Spanish before the Gadsden Purchase is irrelevant. It is American now.

2. If you are paying him for work, you are his employer.

3. Yes, fine the shit out of you. If people like you didn't give jobs to illegals, then they wouldn't be here.

No kidding Correll, Don't even think about taking up law as a profession, if you don't know the difference between employing someone and contracting with someone.I have no legal obligation to check the birth certificate of someone who I hire to prune my trees in this Fall. The fact that you think otherwise makes you a prefect "Trumpette", but, unfortunately, also makes you completely delusional. Besides, as Easy has explained to you, there are no illegal aliens down here is AZ anymore because they all ran to California when AZ passed an inoperative law that was promptly voided by the feds that scared the hell out of them, even though they could not read English, and didn't have a clue of what it was about.

Laws can be changed.

THe rest of your post is partisan blather.
best you could do?

He pointed out a point of law. And I pointed out that it could be changed.

Everything else in his post WAS just partisan blather not worth responding to.

What part of that is confusing to you?
I have a friend who knows a lady whose husband's boss was cured of cancer by touching the TV screen when Trump was making a speech....

YOur pretense that Trump's support is some type of irrational phenomenon, reflects nothing but your closed mind that cannot imagine that reasonable people could reasonable disagree with you.

IT is a failing of your understanding and intellectual courage.
Sheesh, 500 posts in little more than a day. Can't go through all the answers here so maybe someone already posted my answer. Your reach should exceed your grasp. If you're selling something, you start high, just knowing someone will jew you down. Trump's a wheeler dealer and knows this, so he starts high. It's probably impossible to get rid of 11 million people that CAME HERE ILLEGALLY IN THE FIRST PLACE. We now have a candidate who will at least try to put a stop to this nonsense of bringing the whole third world here to satisfy the cheap labor lobby and the refugee for profit racketeteers like the catholic charities.

Got it. When Trump says that he is going to deport 11 million illegals in 2 years, he is intentionally lying. Okeedokkky. That being the case, I am surprised that he didn't say that it would only take him 3 months.

If Trump manages to ONLY decrease the population of illegals by 9 million in 8 years, I will be satisfied.

Jason made a serious and honest post, and you responded like a brain dead partisan.
Trump is going to encourage self-deportation by promising evey illegal immigrant a job in his Mexico shirt factory if they return.
I travel to Mexico quit a bit for work and have witnessed the constantly growing economy. It's not just American companies down there. In fact, from what I've seen, it's mostly Japanese and German car companies fueling the growth.
Yes, my fellow Americans will do those jobs. YOur pretense that Americans won't do those jobs is nonsense.

I'VE done some of those jobs you justed mentioned. My plumber is an American.

Pedro Go Home.
Agreed Americans will do those jobs. They will complain more about less-than-minimum wage pay and lack of benefits than an illegal immigrant. Illegals are much more easily exploited than those who have a lawful presence in the US. The fact the Left doesn't understand this is part of the Left's blindness to the truth.

The fact many RW business owners profit from illegal immigrants and are slow to support immigration reform and enforcing laws against illegals is part of the Right's blindness.

The Right is not blind to that part of the problem.

It is just that our Political Leadership has not only failed US in that regard, but has actively fought against rebels who have wanted to address that problem.

Just as they have fought against Trump.
That is incorrect. Jobs are available now and there are some shortages of workers
I don't see American going for those jobs.
Feel free to provide evidence...and I'm not just talking about Bernie speeches.

That said, a worker shortage doesn't justify you supporting the victimization and exploitation of illegal immigrants. Why not support immigration reform? Worker visas? Why do you support illegal immigrants who can be exploited for profit and not lawful workers who have the protection of the law?

Why not let the situation go until employers are pushed to do something absolutely CRAZY.

Like raise wages!

Why is the only tool in our toolbox importing cheap labor?!
If Trump manages to ONLY decrease the population of illegals by 9 million in 8 years, I will be satisfied.

Jason made a serious and honest post, and you responded like a brain dead partisan.
Agreed, but I doubt the solution will actually include the deportation of 8-9 million people. There is, of course, the problem of the deported returning. Then what? Prison at a cost of $30K/year?

The solution involves deportations, but also immigration reform and a path to citizenship or permanent legal resident. There are no easy solutions. The solutions are made more difficult because so many people are making money off the status quo.
Not a chance
No chance of what?

You might try quoting the material you're referring to so people know what the hell you're talking about.

We'll since my post is not addressed to anyone in particular, maybe then it's addressed to the question in the title. Is that difficult for you?

I just assumed that you are a dumbass who doesn't understand posting etiquette.
It wasn't addressed to you and you're going to speak of etiquette? Bitch please.
There's no rule that says you can't respond to posts that aren't addressed to you. In fact, it's encouraged.
You just don't get how this forum works, do you?
The first hint that a poster knows they are wrong is when they say shit like "It wasn't addressed to you and you're going to speak of etiquette? Bitch please".

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