Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Vandals is right.

If we thought there was a chance for completeing a 1900 mile wall, we would all be putting together "let's build a wall" companies on the boarder. We could employ a lot of our black, white, and hispanic poor folks on it.

But it is not going to happen.

Democrats wouldn't do that because they have no intention of controlling the border. When Trump gets elected, the preparations will commence.
Interesting that Trump would hinder the importation of his undocumented workers.
Trump has NEVER knowingly hired an illegal worker. EVER! You fucking POS!
ONCE a few years ago a contractor working on a Trump building project hired a few illegals.
When Trump found out he tore the contract up.
You are so fucking stupid you won't believe that if ANY unions who Trump MUST work with found out Trump was using illegal workers they would NEVER work for Trump again!
Fucking grow up!
That's obvious bullshit. No one has a right to immigrate to this country.
"Immigration Is a Natural Right
Nativism is the arch-enemy of the freedom to travel"

Andrew Napolitano | January 31, 2013"

Immigration Is a Natural Right


If there is a specific point in there that you like, make it yourself.

And Immigration as a "nature right" violates the Right of Self Determination of the destination nation's citizens.
No hearings Adolf?

Did I say there wouldn't be any hearings, douche bag?
If they buy 1000 buses, that's 100 trips per bus - something they can easily do in a year.

11,000,000 hearings in a year Adolf?

Something like 127 every second of every day….

You’re dumber than I tell people.

Who said it would happen in one year?


Like i said, you’re dumber than I tell people.

Wrong, moron, I didn't say that. You obviously have a reading comprehension problem. That's not surprising for an open borders douche bag like you.

- something they can easily do in a year.
I'm actually anti-immigration. We don't have enough resources or jobs. Many Americans are out of work or having to take part time jobs, etc. I just don't think rounding up over a million people and deporting them sounds very feasible. Sounds expensive and time consuming. We should beef up our border security. That would provide jobs to American citizens.
That would be a tiny number of jobs.
Illegals didn't cause companies to outsource their manufacturing.
Would you pick fruit and vegetables for the wages they get?
You might have to if that kind of mass deportation happens or pay huge amounts for fresh food.

If I had to survive and have money to pay my bills, of course. Anyone would.
Illegal US Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes, But Is It Enough? « All About America

Immigrants do jobs natives won’t do

Your liberal blogs don't carry any weight. Plenty of people would do those jobs. Jackass.

I've personally done many of the jobs they say Americans won't do.
Vandals is right.

If we thought there was a chance for completeing a 1900 mile wall, we would all be putting together "let's build a wall" companies on the boarder. We could employ a lot of our black, white, and hispanic poor folks on it.

But it is not going to happen.

Democrats wouldn't do that because they have no intention of controlling the border. When Trump gets elected, the preparations will commence.
Interesting that Trump would hinder the importation of his undocumented workers.

They aren't "his" workers.
There are many instances of Trump using undocumented workers.
PROVE IT! You lying piece of shit!
If Trump manages to ONLY decrease the population of illegals by 9 million in 8 years, I will be satisfied.

Jason made a serious and honest post, and you responded like a brain dead partisan.
Agreed, but I doubt the solution will actually include the deportation of 8-9 million people. There is, of course, the problem of the deported returning. Then what? Prison at a cost of $30K/year?

The solution involves deportations, but also immigration reform and a path to citizenship or permanent legal resident. There are no easy solutions. The solutions are made more difficult because so many people are making money off the status quo.
The WALL will stop the illegals from returning.
The serious crackdown on business who use illegal labor will mean a lot of self-deportation.
He should pay every illegal to build his wall out of his own pocket.

I've know for decades that the Great China Wall failed because the mongols bribed their way through it. i discovered last week that Hadrian's Wall in Britain failed for the same reason.

So if we can't stop every illegal crossing we shouldn't stop any illegal crossing. You're a fricking genius, got any more pearls of wisdom?"

Maybe you should consider that 50% of the illegals simply walked through the border checkpoint and overstayed their visas.

And that is why the Wall is not the only thing in Trump's anti-illegal policy.
I'm actually anti-immigration. We don't have enough resources or jobs. Many Americans are out of work or having to take part time jobs, etc. I just don't think rounding up over a million people and deporting them sounds very feasible. Sounds expensive and time consuming. We should beef up our border security. That would provide jobs to American citizens.
That would be a tiny number of jobs.
Illegals didn't cause companies to outsource their manufacturing.
Would you pick fruit and vegetables for the wages they get?
You might have to if that kind of mass deportation happens or pay huge amounts for fresh food.

If I had to survive and have money to pay my bills, of course. Anyone would.
Illegal US Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes, But Is It Enough? « All About America

Immigrants do jobs natives won’t do

Your liberal blogs don't carry any weight. Plenty of people would do those jobs. Jackass.

I've personally done many of the jobs they say Americans won't do.
It's the LIB 'man-bun' fairies who are afraid of getting their hands dirty who won't take the jobs available.
"Flowing across the border by millions?"

I have my answer, Kaz. You have never been to the Mexican border.

If we have 11 million illegals, and according to you half came over the border, then "flowing across the border by the millions" is completely accurate.
That would be a tiny number of jobs.
Illegals didn't cause companies to outsource their manufacturing.
Would you pick fruit and vegetables for the wages they get?
You might have to if that kind of mass deportation happens or pay huge amounts for fresh food.

If I had to survive and have money to pay my bills, of course. Anyone would.
Illegal US Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes, But Is It Enough? « All About America

Immigrants do jobs natives won’t do

Your liberal blogs don't carry any weight. Plenty of people would do those jobs. Jackass.

I've personally done many of the jobs they say Americans won't do.
It's the LIB 'man-bun' fairies who are afraid of getting their hands dirty who won't take the jobs available.

And thus, can't imagine that someone else would.
Trump is going to encourage self-deportation by promising evey illegal immigrant a job in his Mexico shirt factory if they return.
I travel to Mexico quit a bit for work and have witnessed the constantly growing economy. It's not just American companies down there. In fact, from what I've seen, it's mostly Japanese and German car companies fueling the growth.
So why are so many mexicans still trying to get into the US if the mexican economy is "constantly growing"?
Ya. I'd LOVE to see what a Japanese car made in mexico will look like. HAAAA HAAAAAA!
...Why not let the situation go until employers are pushed to do something absolutely CRAZY.

Like raise wages!

Why is the only tool in our toolbox importing cheap labor?!
The problem is partly due to the nature of capitalism and its inherent need for profits (raise profits/cut costs) but mostly due to human nature. Namely good old fashioned greed. Most people act out of self-interest, business leaders/owners are no different. If offered the latitude to take a cheaper or more profitable path, they'll take it.

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