Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

I'm actually anti-immigration. We don't have enough resources or jobs. Many Americans are out of work or having to take part time jobs, etc. I just don't think rounding up over a million people and deporting them sounds very feasible. Sounds expensive and time consuming. We should beef up our border security. That would provide jobs to American citizens.

Can you elaborate what you mean anti-immigration?
Are you against illegals? Or are you against legal immigration. Illegals are NOT taking over high paying jobs. It's impossible for companies like me to hire illegals. Most or all of these illegals work in mom and pop shops.
I'm actually anti-immigration. We don't have enough resources or jobs. Many Americans are out of work or having to take part time jobs, etc. I just don't think rounding up over a million people and deporting them sounds very feasible. Sounds expensive and time consuming. We should beef up our border security. That would provide jobs to American citizens.
A slight agreement/disagreement. I'm against illegal immigration and those, including major politicians and business people, who support it even if it's only by looking the other way.

Jailing those who support it will stop jobs given to illegals thus removing the incentive for them to come to the US illegally. The biggest deterrent to illegal immigration in the past 30 years? The Great Recession. Why? No jobs, no enticement to come here.

Behind the surprising drop in illegal immigration | New York Post
In 2006, 24 percent of those surveyed said they were planning to come in the next 12 months. By 2009, during the economic recession, the number had dropped to 8 percent. This year, it dropped all the way to 2.5 percent.

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

I definitely agree that business owners need to be held accountable for making sure their employees are legal citizens.
Agreed. E-Verify should be the law and violators should be prosecuted.

U.S. law requires companies to employ only individuals who may legally work in the United States – either U.S. citizens, or foreign citizens who have the necessary authorization. This diverse workforce contributes greatly to the vibrancy and strength of our economy, but that same strength also attracts unauthorized employment.

E-Verify is an Internet-based system that allows businesses to determine the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States. E-Verify is fast, free and easy to use – and it’s the best way employers can ensure a legal workforce.

Let me get this straight to both of you.......... Illegals are NOT taking over jobs in a corporate world. That is impossible......... Most work in a mom and pop shops......... There is no such thing that an illegal working in the hospitals.
I've know for decades that the Great China Wall failed because the mongols bribed their way through it. i discovered last week that Hadrian's Wall in Britain failed for the same reason.

So if we can't stop every illegal crossing we shouldn't stop any illegal crossing. You're a fricking genius, got any more pearls of wisdom?"

Maybe you should consider that 50% of the illegals simply walked through the border checkpoint and overstayed their visas.

Again, so if we can't stop every illegal crossing we shouldn't stop any illegal crossing. You already made that point.

I'm not sure where you get "50%," but who said the wall is the only thing we should do for illegals? You're full of shit

Don't get me wrong, Kaz. if I actually thought that Trump was going to build a wall, I would be down at the border right now putting together a shovel and ladder supply company. I am very pragmatic.

Damn, every time I think you can't get any dumber, you prove me wrong. So you think they'd build a cinder block wall and leave? Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

Trump proposed wall is 30 feet high. Do you know how easy it is to build 31 feet ladder? Wall is just a waste.,
That is incorrect. Jobs are available now and there are some shortages of workers
I don't see American going for those jobs.
Feel free to provide evidence...and I'm not just talking about Bernie speeches.

That said, a worker shortage doesn't justify you supporting the victimization and exploitation of illegal immigrants. Why not support immigration reform? Worker visas? Why do you support illegal immigrants who can be exploited for profit and not lawful workers who have the protection of the law?

I'm in the business of medical instruments, consumables and reagents. I do not have illegal employees but I have lots of legal Asian, Hispanic middle easterners, Russian immigrants............... My company is predominantly white Americans....... but when it comes to blood products, warehouse, refrigeration and janitorial jobs......... my fellow Americans are none existent.
Some applied and take the jobs but most they do not last long or quit the next day. I know tons of other business owners like hospitals, hotels, manufacturing operations etc. are also facing the same problem. As I said jobs are available now but where are they?
I also know several small business owners like mom and pop shops that hire illegals............ They are facing shortages of workers and are willing to hire Americans or anybody but where are they?
I do not support illegal immigration and I do not support deportation.
I support immigration reform and that is where I stand.

"Immigration reform" is a code word meaning "amnesty."
So if we can't stop every illegal crossing we shouldn't stop any illegal crossing. You're a fricking genius, got any more pearls of wisdom?"

Maybe you should consider that 50% of the illegals simply walked through the border checkpoint and overstayed their visas.

Again, so if we can't stop every illegal crossing we shouldn't stop any illegal crossing. You already made that point.

I'm not sure where you get "50%," but who said the wall is the only thing we should do for illegals? You're full of shit

Don't get me wrong, Kaz. if I actually thought that Trump was going to build a wall, I would be down at the border right now putting together a shovel and ladder supply company. I am very pragmatic.

Damn, every time I think you can't get any dumber, you prove me wrong. So you think they'd build a cinder block wall and leave? Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

Trump proposed wall is 30 feet high. Do you know how easy it is to build 31 feet ladder? Wall is just a waste.,

Why doesn't that strategy work on the wall around the West Bank?

BTW, Trump hasn't stated how high his wall will be.

Of course, you're just another open borders douche bag traitor making excuses for doing nothing.
The states our sovereign entities which RETAINED the right to confer their citizenship upon whomever,

If you have HISTORICAL FACTS to dispute my assertion present them.


How about the fact that in the entire history of the USA, no state has every deported someone out of this country under the authority of that state alone?

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


I appreciate your consession that there are no state laws against illegal immigration, and that all such laws are federal. It takes a big man to admit that he is wrong.



How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


Occasionally, I become curious of exactly what the hell you are talking about, but that soon fades......

Stop stonewalling and address the fucking issues as painful as it appears they are to you:

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.
Maybe you should consider that 50% of the illegals simply walked through the border checkpoint and overstayed their visas.

Again, so if we can't stop every illegal crossing we shouldn't stop any illegal crossing. You already made that point.

I'm not sure where you get "50%," but who said the wall is the only thing we should do for illegals? You're full of shit

Don't get me wrong, Kaz. if I actually thought that Trump was going to build a wall, I would be down at the border right now putting together a shovel and ladder supply company. I am very pragmatic.

Damn, every time I think you can't get any dumber, you prove me wrong. So you think they'd build a cinder block wall and leave? Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

Kaz, have you every even BEEN to the Mexican Border? I live on the Mexican border. There is no infrastructure. There are no roads, no electricity, no water, no sewage, no houses, no gas stations, no stores, No place for people to live and no people who want to live there if they HAD infrastructure.

And what do you think that means in terms of not having a wall? That's why illegals flow across the border by the millions

Last 3 to 5 years our BP has done a tremendous job in securing our borders. Right now it's just a trickle. Wall is just a waste.
At the same time there are about 500k tourists visa violations from last year.
Again, so if we can't stop every illegal crossing we shouldn't stop any illegal crossing. You already made that point.

I'm not sure where you get "50%," but who said the wall is the only thing we should do for illegals? You're full of shit

Don't get me wrong, Kaz. if I actually thought that Trump was going to build a wall, I would be down at the border right now putting together a shovel and ladder supply company. I am very pragmatic.

Damn, every time I think you can't get any dumber, you prove me wrong. So you think they'd build a cinder block wall and leave? Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

Kaz, have you every even BEEN to the Mexican Border? I live on the Mexican border. There is no infrastructure. There are no roads, no electricity, no water, no sewage, no houses, no gas stations, no stores, No place for people to live and no people who want to live there if they HAD infrastructure.

And what do you think that means in terms of not having a wall? That's why illegals flow across the border by the millions

Last 3 to 5 years our BP has done a tremendous job in securing our borders. Right now it's just a trickle. Wall is just a waste.
At the same time there are about 500k tourists visa violations from last year.

More horseshit. When the BP catches illegals crossing the border, the let them go into the general population. They aren't stopping anything. You spout all the same lies the Obama administration puts out. You're nothing but a propaganda organ.
That would be a tiny number of jobs.
Illegals didn't cause companies to outsource their manufacturing.
Would you pick fruit and vegetables for the wages they get?
You might have to if that kind of mass deportation happens or pay huge amounts for fresh food.
Typical LW lying and derailing. The fact both Democrats and Republicans profit from illegals isn't directly related to offshore outsourcing of jobs. That outsourcing does, however, explain why so many Americans are jobless and why illegal immigration has become an important issue.

My consumables are made overseas.......... Do you even understand what you are talking about?
How about the fact that in the entire history of the USA, no state has every deported someone out of this country under the authority of that state alone?

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


I appreciate your consession that there are no state laws against illegal immigration, and that all such laws are federal. It takes a big man to admit that he is wrong.



How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


Occasionally, I become curious of exactly what the hell you are talking about, but that soon fades......

Stop stonewalling and address the fucking issues as painful as it appears they are to you:

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

Don't get me wrong, Kaz. if I actually thought that Trump was going to build a wall, I would be down at the border right now putting together a shovel and ladder supply company. I am very pragmatic.

Damn, every time I think you can't get any dumber, you prove me wrong. So you think they'd build a cinder block wall and leave? Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

Kaz, have you every even BEEN to the Mexican Border? I live on the Mexican border. There is no infrastructure. There are no roads, no electricity, no water, no sewage, no houses, no gas stations, no stores, No place for people to live and no people who want to live there if they HAD infrastructure.

And what do you think that means in terms of not having a wall? That's why illegals flow across the border by the millions

Last 3 to 5 years our BP has done a tremendous job in securing our borders. Right now it's just a trickle. Wall is just a waste.
At the same time there are about 500k tourists visa violations from last year.

More horseshit. When the BP catches illegals crossing the border, the let them go into the general population. They aren't stopping anything. You spout all the same lies the Obama administration puts out. You're nothing but a propaganda organ.

What the fuck are you talking about. Why do you lie? Do you have link to support your bullshit?
How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


I appreciate your consession that there are no state laws against illegal immigration, and that all such laws are federal. It takes a big man to admit that he is wrong.



How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


Occasionally, I become curious of exactly what the hell you are talking about, but that soon fades......

Stop stonewalling and address the fucking issues as painful as it appears they are to you:

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

Damn, every time I think you can't get any dumber, you prove me wrong. So you think they'd build a cinder block wall and leave? Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

Kaz, have you every even BEEN to the Mexican Border? I live on the Mexican border. There is no infrastructure. There are no roads, no electricity, no water, no sewage, no houses, no gas stations, no stores, No place for people to live and no people who want to live there if they HAD infrastructure.

And what do you think that means in terms of not having a wall? That's why illegals flow across the border by the millions

Last 3 to 5 years our BP has done a tremendous job in securing our borders. Right now it's just a trickle. Wall is just a waste.
At the same time there are about 500k tourists visa violations from last year.

More horseshit. When the BP catches illegals crossing the border, the let them go into the general population. They aren't stopping anything. You spout all the same lies the Obama administration puts out. You're nothing but a propaganda organ.

What the fuck are you talking about. Why do you lie? Do you have link to support your bullshit?

If you are talking to Contum, it is best that you know that he is somewhat disconnected..........
Damn, every time I think you can't get any dumber, you prove me wrong. So you think they'd build a cinder block wall and leave? Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

Kaz, have you every even BEEN to the Mexican Border? I live on the Mexican border. There is no infrastructure. There are no roads, no electricity, no water, no sewage, no houses, no gas stations, no stores, No place for people to live and no people who want to live there if they HAD infrastructure.

And what do you think that means in terms of not having a wall? That's why illegals flow across the border by the millions

Last 3 to 5 years our BP has done a tremendous job in securing our borders. Right now it's just a trickle. Wall is just a waste.
At the same time there are about 500k tourists visa violations from last year.

More horseshit. When the BP catches illegals crossing the border, the let them go into the general population. They aren't stopping anything. You spout all the same lies the Obama administration puts out. You're nothing but a propaganda organ.

What the fuck are you talking about. Why do you lie? Do you have link to support your bullshit?

Read the entire article:

Additionally, ICE officers and agents find the mission of their jobs — which is to enforce immigration law — is often counter to the orders given to them when they are told to release criminal illegal aliens into the public.

“They are just so fed up. The organizational culture from where they’ve come from, it has become so politicized. The immigration system is not just broken. It’s dead. A lot of people at ICE are just so fed up,” the source said. “There’s no enforcement, and worse than that when you’re not enforcing you’re being told, ‘Well you basically can’t do the right thing.’ And the right thing being ‘Well, here’s someone who needs to be detained and you’re not being allowed to have this person detained.’”
11 million people at 100 per bus is somewhere around 110,000 bus loads.
If they buy 1000 buses, that's 100 trips per bus - something they can easily do in a year.
Of course they will all voluntarily line up for said buses.
No, they will be escorted onto the buses by ICE agents.

No hearings Adolf?

Did I say there wouldn't be any hearings, douche bag?
11 million people at 100 per bus is somewhere around 110,000 bus loads.
If they buy 1000 buses, that's 100 trips per bus - something they can easily do in a year.
Of course they will all voluntarily line up for said buses.
No, they will be escorted onto the buses by ICE agents.

No hearings Adolf?

Did I say there wouldn't be any hearings, douche bag?
If they buy 1000 buses, that's 100 trips per bus - something they can easily do in a year.

11,000,000 hearings in a year Adolf?

Something like 127 every second of every day….

You’re dumber than I tell people.
If they buy 1000 buses, that's 100 trips per bus - something they can easily do in a year.
Of course they will all voluntarily line up for said buses.
No, they will be escorted onto the buses by ICE agents.

No hearings Adolf?

Did I say there wouldn't be any hearings, douche bag?
If they buy 1000 buses, that's 100 trips per bus - something they can easily do in a year.

11,000,000 hearings in a year Adolf?

Something like 127 every second of every day….

You’re dumber than I tell people.

Who said it would happen in one year?
Of course they will all voluntarily line up for said buses.
No, they will be escorted onto the buses by ICE agents.

No hearings Adolf?

Did I say there wouldn't be any hearings, douche bag?
If they buy 1000 buses, that's 100 trips per bus - something they can easily do in a year.

11,000,000 hearings in a year Adolf?

Something like 127 every second of every day….

You’re dumber than I tell people.

Who said it would happen in one year?


Like i said, you’re dumber than I tell people.
Maybe you should consider that 50% of the illegals simply walked through the border checkpoint and overstayed their visas.

Again, so if we can't stop every illegal crossing we shouldn't stop any illegal crossing. You already made that point.

I'm not sure where you get "50%," but who said the wall is the only thing we should do for illegals? You're full of shit

Don't get me wrong, Kaz. if I actually thought that Trump was going to build a wall, I would be down at the border right now putting together a shovel and ladder supply company. I am very pragmatic.

Damn, every time I think you can't get any dumber, you prove me wrong. So you think they'd build a cinder block wall and leave? Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

Trump proposed wall is 30 feet high. Do you know how easy it is to build 31 feet ladder? Wall is just a waste.,

Why doesn't that strategy work on the wall around the West Bank?

BTW, Trump hasn't stated how high his wall will be.

Of course, you're just another open borders douche bag traitor making excuses for doing nothing.

You are an idiot. Okay I will make it 50 feet....... How about a rope with a hook at the end? How is that?
Israel West Bank Barrier.......... Both sides of the wall are residential. Our borders are not except close to cities............. I will leave that your stupid brain why you cannot compare these 2 walls.
Wall is just a waste.

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