Could Trump lose Texas in the General Election?

Actually, it was part of his platform when he declared himself. Rounding up Mexicans.
How else are you going to catch all the murderers and rapists that Mexicans are sending here?

Why do Hispanic citizens object to Trumps roundup? Because they know their brown skin will be an excuse to pull them over and demand papers. They know innocent Hispanics will be swept up in the roundup

There are lots of ways to find the illegals. Rounding up Hispanic citizens is not one of them.

Do you ever leave your house without your I.D.?

Hard to tell the legal from the illegal isn't it?

I don't think so.

Do you ever leave your house without your I.D.?

When I go jogging, walk the dog or go for a bicycle ride

Point is...I don't have cops pulling me over to ask for ID because of the color of my skin

And you've done nothing to support your claim that Hispanics will in Trump's America.

I got pulled over a while back. Cop asked for my I.D., I gave it to him.

I assume that 99.9 percent of the time, an American can do that.

I assume that most of the time, illegals cannot.
The grey area that you seem incapable of understanding is the fact that many illegals have been here for years/decades, they have jobs and families... You want to yank them out of their cars when they're pulled over without an ID and ship them back to Mexico. Whether you like it or not that has an impact on communities... It's also quite an expensive and time consuming process. A more sensible solution is to put them in a legalization program, one that is more rigorous than the legal immigration path (which also needs major reform). This will bring them out of the shadows and make them accountable and a more contributing part of our economy and society. The left can give by accepting a program that deports convicted criminals and funding to improve border security and visa tracking, I don't think you will get much blow back there. How's that for a basic start to a compromise?
Normally, I would agree

I just don't see the Texas political machines getting behind Trump. Yes his build a big wall and make Mexico pay for it will draw support. But Trumps racist policies will also turn off Hispanics in big numbers

The biggest threat to Trump is if Romney's 4.5 million voters don't show up for the polls

Except that it is not racist to want to enforce immigration laws.

But lying about that is soooooo effective for you leftists that you will NEVER admit that Truth.
The racism isn't from wanting to enforce immigration laws. It's from the harsh and divisive language used by so many hardliners to degrade millions of people. What kind of reaction do you expect from those who are friends, family or sympathizers for the GOOD people who came over illegally. They want a common sense solution not a mass extermination. You do realize that to actually get something done there needs to be a middle ground solution, right? We need to weed out the noise from the fringe extremists on both sides so we can actually talk about realistic action items.

You claim there needs to be a MIddle Ground in the same paragraph that you misrepresent our positions as "mass extermination".

And the same paragraph that starts with a complaint of Trump's "harsh and divisive language".

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
Enlighten me please... By mass extermination I am referring to mass deportation, is that not your position? I wasn't referring to Trump I was referring to the hardline extremists... Perhaps you should read a little more slowly to increase comprehension... As us Turnips do.

Mass deportation is not mass extermination.

IN one millions of people are sent home.

IN the other millions of people are murdered.

That you are appearing to not understand that shows that you are either completely dishonest, or so radicalized that you cannot even see how "harsh and divisive" your language is.

Either way, you have demonstrated that a "middle ground" is impossible, and that you and yours are the irrational ones.
I'm glad you can recognize the power of exaggerated language. You are right... substituting extermination for deportation brings a falsity, prejudice and divisiveness to the conversation. Perhaps now you understand how "racist" implications can be derived from statements made by Trump and the hardliners who use language of a similar manner.
I know it sounds bizarre, but I think Trump could lose Texas

1. He will not have the Bush/Cruz political machines behind him
2. The Hispanic vote is adamantly against him (Texas is 40% Hispanic)
3. He has alienated women (50% of the voters)
4. Texas has seen an influx of liberals from other states
5. He is an obnoxious Yankee
Trump's biggest base is rednecks. Of course he'd win Texas. The South is too stupid to recognize a New York carpetbagger when they see one any more.
Are you trying to say hillary isn't a New York carpetbagger. Even New York thinks she's a carpet bagger.
YOu are against securing the border and mass deportations, correct?

I AM for securing the border, but I am NOT for mass deportation since that smacks quite a bit of a Nazi-esque technique.
There are lots of ways to find the illegals. Rounding up Hispanic citizens is not one of them.

Do you ever leave your house without your I.D.?

Hard to tell the legal from the illegal isn't it?

I don't think so.

Do you ever leave your house without your I.D.?

When I go jogging, walk the dog or go for a bicycle ride

Point is...I don't have cops pulling me over to ask for ID because of the color of my skin

And you've done nothing to support your claim that Hispanics will in Trump's America.

I got pulled over a while back. Cop asked for my I.D., I gave it to him.

I assume that 99.9 percent of the time, an American can do that.

I assume that most of the time, illegals cannot.
The grey area that you seem incapable of understanding is the fact that many illegals have been here for years/decades, they have jobs and families... You want to yank them out of their cars when they're pulled over without an ID and ship them back to Mexico. Whether you like it or not that has an impact on communities... It's also quite an expensive and time consuming process. A more sensible solution is to put them in a legalization program, one that is more rigorous than the legal immigration path (which also needs major reform). This will bring them out of the shadows and make them accountable and a more contributing part of our economy and society. The left can give by accepting a program that deports convicted criminals and funding to improve border security and visa tracking, I don't think you will get much blow back there. How's that for a basic start to a compromise?

Hispanics in Texas understand the implication of Trumps round up of Hispanics. All Hispanics will be suspects

Hillary needs to play the "Fear Trump" card in Texas to get the Hispanic vote out
I know it sounds bizarre, but I think Trump could lose Texas

1. He will not have the Bush/Cruz political machines behind him
2. The Hispanic vote is adamantly against him (Texas is 40% Hispanic)
3. He has alienated women (50% of the voters)
4. Texas has seen an influx of liberals from other states
5. He is an obnoxious Yankee

interesting thought. i'd be surprised. but it's too early for texas to go purple.
Hard to tell the legal from the illegal isn't it?

I don't think so.

Do you ever leave your house without your I.D.?

When I go jogging, walk the dog or go for a bicycle ride

Point is...I don't have cops pulling me over to ask for ID because of the color of my skin

And you've done nothing to support your claim that Hispanics will in Trump's America.

I got pulled over a while back. Cop asked for my I.D., I gave it to him.

I assume that 99.9 percent of the time, an American can do that.

I assume that most of the time, illegals cannot.
The grey area that you seem incapable of understanding is the fact that many illegals have been here for years/decades, they have jobs and families... You want to yank them out of their cars when they're pulled over without an ID and ship them back to Mexico. Whether you like it or not that has an impact on communities... It's also quite an expensive and time consuming process. A more sensible solution is to put them in a legalization program, one that is more rigorous than the legal immigration path (which also needs major reform). This will bring them out of the shadows and make them accountable and a more contributing part of our economy and society. The left can give by accepting a program that deports convicted criminals and funding to improve border security and visa tracking, I don't think you will get much blow back there. How's that for a basic start to a compromise?

Hispanics in Texas understand the implication of Trumps round up of Hispanics. All Hispanics will be suspects

Hillary needs to play the "Fear Trump" card in Texas to get the Hispanic vote out
This is definitely an election like no other... I have a feeling there are still many surprises ahead of us.
Ohhhh God, are we going to have to go through another 49 posts like this?
In case you didn't get the memo, we live in the land of the free... Meaning you are free to skip right over any posts or threads that do not interest you.
I don't think so.

Do you ever leave your house without your I.D.?

When I go jogging, walk the dog or go for a bicycle ride

Point is...I don't have cops pulling me over to ask for ID because of the color of my skin

And you've done nothing to support your claim that Hispanics will in Trump's America.

I got pulled over a while back. Cop asked for my I.D., I gave it to him.

I assume that 99.9 percent of the time, an American can do that.

I assume that most of the time, illegals cannot.
The grey area that you seem incapable of understanding is the fact that many illegals have been here for years/decades, they have jobs and families... You want to yank them out of their cars when they're pulled over without an ID and ship them back to Mexico. Whether you like it or not that has an impact on communities... It's also quite an expensive and time consuming process. A more sensible solution is to put them in a legalization program, one that is more rigorous than the legal immigration path (which also needs major reform). This will bring them out of the shadows and make them accountable and a more contributing part of our economy and society. The left can give by accepting a program that deports convicted criminals and funding to improve border security and visa tracking, I don't think you will get much blow back there. How's that for a basic start to a compromise?

Hispanics in Texas understand the implication of Trumps round up of Hispanics. All Hispanics will be suspects

Hillary needs to play the "Fear Trump" card in Texas to get the Hispanic vote out
This is definitely an election like no other... I have a feeling there are still many surprises ahead of us.

If this election follows the previous two, Hillary should win around 340 electoral votes with the usual red/blue splits and Hillary taking almost all the swing states

However, if things start to steamroll, look for Trump to give up one red state after another losing the Carolina's, Georgia, Indiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas and dare we say? Texas
Possible but not probable it's highly likely Trump will have the support of the Current Governor and LT Governor who both did very well with Hispanic voters in the 2014 election. That said I will not underestimate Trumps ability to piss people off more than he already has.

I basically agree with you. Any normal GOP candidate would take Texas without a second thought

I just get the feeling that Trump could screw it up....especially if they get out the Hispanic vote
We also have to consider who the VP pick is if it's Rubio or Cruz that changes the landscape. I know both have said they wouldn't take the VP slot but politicians often change their mind on that one.
I don't know if Hillary will win Texas, but I and a lot more of us are going to try like hell to make that happen.Texas will be royal blue before too long anyway. Why not now?
And the Northeast and Midwest will be blood red.

Losing white voters will kill your party.
No way in Hell Texans choose Hillary over Trump. At most, alot of people stay home. Still leaves alot of people who would throw themselves over a cliff before they flip blue. Non-Hispanic whites still constitute 45% of all Texans. And Texan women like men who treat them like shit. Remember Davis' loss to Abbott a couple years ago?
Davis was an idiot.
Once hilly wins the nomination, pissed off Bernies will stay home to punish her for stealing the nomination.
There are lots of ways to find the illegals. Rounding up Hispanic citizens is not one of them.

Do you ever leave your house without your I.D.?

Hard to tell the legal from the illegal isn't it?

I don't think so.

Do you ever leave your house without your I.D.?

When I go jogging, walk the dog or go for a bicycle ride

Point is...I don't have cops pulling me over to ask for ID because of the color of my skin

And you've done nothing to support your claim that Hispanics will in Trump's America.

I got pulled over a while back. Cop asked for my I.D., I gave it to him.

I assume that 99.9 percent of the time, an American can do that.

I assume that most of the time, illegals cannot.

White people don't mind when they get pulled over and asked for ID...It happens so rarely
Another lie....
Last Presidential election, Texas went Republican by 16 points.

Not a chance it goes Democrat...especially with Hillary as the nominee.

Wishful thinking, or intentional misdirection. If liberals like Rightwinger actually believe they can easily beat Trump...why a thread like this???
Possible but not probable it's highly likely Trump will have the support of the Current Governor and LT Governor who both did very well with Hispanic voters in the 2014 election. That said I will not underestimate Trumps ability to piss people off more than he already has.

I basically agree with you. Any normal GOP candidate would take Texas without a second thought

I just get the feeling that Trump could screw it up....especially if they get out the Hispanic vote
We also have to consider who the VP pick is if it's Rubio or Cruz that changes the landscape. I know both have said they wouldn't take the VP slot but politicians often change their mind on that one.

If it's Little Marco or Lying Ted, the Republican Party has lost what little is left of their credibility

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