Coulter On Feminism: 'All Pretty Girls Are Right-Wingers'...

Man Coulter is a closet liberal who says the shit she says to make Conservatives look like utter morons by supporting the BS she spews. Remember she's also the fuckwad that said "our blacks are better than their blacks".

And she's making tons of money doing it.
If money makes one smart or great or incisive, I guess Lady GaGa is one of our deepest thinkers with valid solutions at hand for every problem from a nuclear Iran to Giselle's post Super Bowl tantrum.
why does anyone think the general public can address the most difficult issues of our time when they would rather bicker about who is prettier?
why does anyone think the general public can address the most difficult issues of our time when they would rather bicker about who is prettier?
Absolutely not! But Ann will always throw up smoke screens like this. She is a provocateur of the first water. She is the zoo keeper feeding the ravenous lions of the contemporary Conservative movement the red meat they need in order to maintain a high level of rage. There's no thinking, no problem solving, no cogent energy of any kind where Ann is concerned. Just open the cage and flop in the meat and giggle like the nit wit she actually is.

And it takes a ton of intellect to be an effective one.

She is extremely effective, incidentally. The ones who rise to the bait and flop are, per usual, the left. Idiotically, you prove every one of her points.
This should sum it all up for you guys.
Gee.....a meathead gettin' hot over some half-witted Bimbo.



Whatta shocker.


Gimme a SHARP WOMAN....
(....Who isn't lookin' to marry a full-time babysitter.)

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Gee.....a meathead gettin' hot over some half-witted Bimbo.



Whatta shocker.



Caution.......Hell is about to freeze over................

I'm guessin' there aren't that many benefits to dyin' o' boredom.

A bit more of the wretch:
(talking to a disabled Vietnam vet) "People like you caused us to lose that war." --'

"My libertarian friends are probably getting a little upset now but I think that's because they never appreciate the benefits of local fascism." -- MSNBC 2/8/97

The presumption of innocence only means you don't go right to jail.

I'm getting a little fed up with hearing about, oh, civilian casualties. I think we ought to nuke North Korea right now just to give the rest of the world a warning.

When we were fighting communism, OK, they had mass murderers and gulags, but they were white men and they were sane. Now we're up against absolutely insane savages.

When we were fighting communism, OK, they had mass murderers and gulags, but they were white men and they were sane. Now we're up against absolutely insane savages.
Could not the one where she BRAGGED about picking up strange guys in bars; many women do NOT consider that an "accomplishment".
I would like to get in a chaRACTEr shot at Coulter before leaving this thread: she is a Scumbag who's entire wealth is based on dividing people. If hell is real, I hope she has some marshmallows in her casket.
I would like to get in a chaRACTEr shot at Coulter before leaving this thread: she is a Scumbag who's entire wealth is based on dividing people. If hell is real, I hope she has some marshmallows in her casket.

Come now. The President's domestic policies are premised on dividing people.

And Coulter's wealth is based on exposing the bullshit she sees from the left.
I would like to get in a chaRACTEr shot at Coulter before leaving this thread: she is a Scumbag who's entire wealth is based on dividing people. If hell is real, I hope she has some marshmallows in her casket.

Come now. The President's domestic policies are premised on dividing people.

And Coulter's wealth is based on exposing the bullshit she sees from the left.

I disagree with #2. She employs over-dramatic sensationalism and hyperbole in such a way - that if any of the fans of hers out there took it seriously? They in fact SHOULD be out gunning mother fuckers down - LITERALLY.
I would like to get in a chaRACTEr shot at Coulter before leaving this thread: she is a Scumbag who's entire wealth is based on dividing people. If hell is real, I hope she has some marshmallows in her casket.

Come now. The President's domestic policies are premised on dividing people.

And Coulter's wealth is based on exposing the bullshit she sees from the left.

I disagree with #2. She employs over-dramatic sensationalism and hyperbole in such a way - that if any of the fans of hers out there took it seriously? They in fact SHOULD be out gunning mother fuckers down - LITERALLY.

That's ok. You disagree with my view of what she's doing and I disagree with your view.

She is often very caustic and occasionally -- yeah -- maybe even over the top. But she's still engaged in what she apparently sees as the exposure of hypocrisy from the left and she's mocking the lack of logic under-girding the premises of modern American liberal political thinking.
Come now. The President's domestic policies are premised on dividing people.

And Coulter's wealth is based on exposing the bullshit she sees from the left.

I disagree with #2. She employs over-dramatic sensationalism and hyperbole in such a way - that if any of the fans of hers out there took it seriously? They in fact SHOULD be out gunning mother fuckers down - LITERALLY.

That's ok. You disagree with my view of what she's doing and I disagree with your view.

She is often very caustic and occasionally -- yeah -- maybe even over the top. But she's still engaged in what she apparently sees as the exposure of hypocrisy from the left and she's mocking the lack of logic under-girding the premises of modern American liberal political thinking.

The pomposity of making a career of "exposing hypocrisy" is all I need to know about a person to begin with. It just wreaks of either o.c.d. or insecurity, one of the two. Half of these pundits, right and left, don't even truly believe in most of the shit they say; I can't imagine that they really do. I'm either insane myself or....I dunno. No way they could.
Come now. The President's domestic policies are premised on dividing people.

And Coulter's wealth is based on exposing the bullshit she sees from the left.

I disagree with #2. She employs over-dramatic sensationalism and hyperbole in such a way - that if any of the fans of hers out there took it seriously? They in fact SHOULD be out gunning mother fuckers down - LITERALLY.

That's ok. You disagree with my view of what she's doing and I disagree with your view.

She is often very caustic and occasionally -- yeah -- maybe even over the top. But she's still engaged in what she apparently sees as the exposure of hypocrisy from the left and she's mocking the lack of logic under-girding the premises of modern American liberal political thinking.
Buckley did it better, as does George Will. Both men wrote coherent sentences, and could, and can, use FOOTNOTES.

The GOP’s front-runners: Bad and worse - The Washington Post
I disagree with #2. She employs over-dramatic sensationalism and hyperbole in such a way - that if any of the fans of hers out there took it seriously? They in fact SHOULD be out gunning mother fuckers down - LITERALLY.

That's ok. You disagree with my view of what she's doing and I disagree with your view.

She is often very caustic and occasionally -- yeah -- maybe even over the top. But she's still engaged in what she apparently sees as the exposure of hypocrisy from the left and she's mocking the lack of logic under-girding the premises of modern American liberal political thinking.

The pomposity of making a career of "exposing hypocrisy" is all I need to know about a person to begin with. It just wreaks of either o.c.d. or insecurity, one of the two. Half of these pundits, right and left, don't even truly believe in most of the shit they say; I can't imagine that they really do. I'm either insane myself or....I dunno. No way they could.

What? You don't think she might have some license to occasionally exaggerate to support her main thesis? I mean, she's not exactly a "reporter." She's a commentator. A political pundit.
I disagree with #2. She employs over-dramatic sensationalism and hyperbole in such a way - that if any of the fans of hers out there took it seriously? They in fact SHOULD be out gunning mother fuckers down - LITERALLY.

That's ok. You disagree with my view of what she's doing and I disagree with your view.

She is often very caustic and occasionally -- yeah -- maybe even over the top. But she's still engaged in what she apparently sees as the exposure of hypocrisy from the left and she's mocking the lack of logic under-girding the premises of modern American liberal political thinking.
Buckley did it better, as does George Will. Both men wrote coherent sentences, and could, and can, use FOOTNOTES.

The GOP’s front-runners: Bad and worse - The Washington Post

Oh nozies! Coulter will be crushed to find that Peachy ain't a fan of hers.

Suggestion: Don't read anything by Coulter. Problem solved.
Celebs without makeup. Some unfortunate shots including the lovely Sarah Palin.

FALSE BEAUTY - Celebrities Without Makeup (TOP 14) - YouTube
OK. Wait.

Not that I assign all that much importance to any correlation between hotness and political leaning, but I suggest you look at the section of the vid containing Palin. Ain't it curious how her hair is exactly the exactly the same what the less observant might call two different pics? :lol:

Anyway, some of those celebs look great without their make-up, too - Rihanna, Tyra, Beyonce, JLo, etc. Even Madonna is rocking it for her age. Some look like crap, too.

But, I had to mention the Palin thing because that's just funny that folks are so unobservant. (Willfully? That's quite possible. ;))
That's ok. You disagree with my view of what she's doing and I disagree with your view.

She is often very caustic and occasionally -- yeah -- maybe even over the top. But she's still engaged in what she apparently sees as the exposure of hypocrisy from the left and she's mocking the lack of logic under-girding the premises of modern American liberal political thinking.

The pomposity of making a career of "exposing hypocrisy" is all I need to know about a person to begin with. It just wreaks of either o.c.d. or insecurity, one of the two. Half of these pundits, right and left, don't even truly believe in most of the shit they say; I can't imagine that they really do. I'm either insane myself or....I dunno. No way they could.

What? You don't think she might have some license to occasionally exaggerate to support her main thesis? I mean, she's not exactly a "reporter." She's a commentator. A political pundit.

Believe me - I'm not against anyone using a poetic license or exaggeration to make a point. I just think the nature - of the realm of life - in which she does so is, what I'd call, "evil."

I wouldn't mind so much if there weren't people out there on both sides who actually agree with the satirist, hyperbolic & sensationalist pundits VERBATIM. That's both sad and scary.
The pomposity of making a career of "exposing hypocrisy" is all I need to know about a person to begin with. It just wreaks of either o.c.d. or insecurity, one of the two. Half of these pundits, right and left, don't even truly believe in most of the shit they say; I can't imagine that they really do. I'm either insane myself or....I dunno. No way they could.

What? You don't think she might have some license to occasionally exaggerate to support her main thesis? I mean, she's not exactly a "reporter." She's a commentator. A political pundit.

Believe me - I'm not against anyone using a poetic license or exaggeration to make a point. I just think the nature - of the realm of life - in which she does so is, what I'd call, "evil."

I wouldn't mind so much if there weren't people out there on both sides who actually agree with the satirist, hyperbolic & sensationalist pundits VERBATIM. That's both sad and scary.

Hm. I wonder if folks who are so dull-witted that they are at risk of taking her literally are also the kinds of people who read political commentary at all?
What? You don't think she might have some license to occasionally exaggerate to support her main thesis? I mean, she's not exactly a "reporter." She's a commentator. A political pundit.

Believe me - I'm not against anyone using a poetic license or exaggeration to make a point. I just think the nature - of the realm of life - in which she does so is, what I'd call, "evil."

I wouldn't mind so much if there weren't people out there on both sides who actually agree with the satirist, hyperbolic & sensationalist pundits VERBATIM. That's both sad and scary.

Hm. I wonder if folks who are so dull-witted that they are at risk of taking her literally are also the kinds of people who read political commentary at all?

Look at political message boards for all the answers, on that question, that you need :razz:

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