Coulter On Feminism: 'All Pretty Girls Are Right-Wingers'...

Ah, she was cute in the day.

And man she can sing.

Any close up of her young face in a kissing scene (ala "the Way We Were") cost the scene credibility. The honker just wrecked things.

On the other hand. Yeah. Amazing pipes.

It's true. She could have hooked that nose over a tree limb and picked cherries with both hands.

It is amazing libs can show their face here when Hollywood constantly parades out moron after moron for their left-wing causes.

Sean Penn claims the UK stole the Fawklands from Argentina as a colony when the Fawklands were setttled by the Brits before Argentina figured out how to be a so-called country....
I would like to get in a chaRACTEr shot at Coulter before leaving this thread: she is a Scumbag who's entire wealth is based on dividing people. If hell is real, I hope she has some marshmallows in her casket.

Come now. The President's domestic policies are premised on dividing people.

And Coulter's wealth is based on exposing the bullshit she sees from the left.

I disagree with #2. She employs over-dramatic sensationalism and hyperbole in such a way - that if any of the fans of hers out there took it seriously? They in fact SHOULD be out gunning mother fuckers down - LITERALLY.

Stop kissing her ass so much. Ann Coulter is nothing more than the Jerry Springer of print. Fodder reading for white trash.
Buckley did it better, as does George Will. Both men wrote coherent sentences, and could, and can, use FOOTNOTES.

The GOP’s front-runners: Bad and worse - The Washington Post

George Will is an excellent counter example of Coulter. He expresses his position with conviction, but doesn't bother being so intentionally inflammatory or bordering on the vulgar. He is clear and articulate, and produces dignified work. Coulter may as well be writing for Penthouse.
It is amazing libs can show their face here when Hollywood constantly parades out moron after moron for their left-wing causes.

Sean Penn claims the UK stole the Fawklands from Argentina as a colony when the Fawklands were setttled by the Brits before Argentina figured out how to be a so-called country....
Sean Penn is so far out in space, he isn't liberal. Just nuts. He once joined the "9/11 was an inside job" crackpots. That IS insane.
No, he is a Democrat lib like you....

It is amazing libs can show their face here when Hollywood constantly parades out moron after moron for their left-wing causes.

Sean Penn claims the UK stole the Fawklands from Argentina as a colony when the Fawklands were setttled by the Brits before Argentina figured out how to be a so-called country....
Sean Penn is so far out in space, he isn't liberal. Just nuts. He once joined the "9/11 was an inside job" crackpots. That IS insane.
Ann is a little more than a publicity whore.

Her insane inflammatory statements (like this one about pretty women) are designed to keep her from disappearing from the news cycle entirely.

She's smart women who knows how to manipulate the media to keep her in the public eye.
You actually consider this an intelligent statement? More Coulter:

"You will find liberals always rooting for savages against civilization." –Ann Coulter
"They didn't root for the Nazis against civilization." –Bill O'Reilly
"Oh yes they did. ... It was only when Hitler invaded their precious Soviet Union that at the last minute they came in and suddenly started saying oh no, now you have to fight Hitler." –Ann Coulter, "The O'Reilly Factor," May 7, 2010

That's 100% accurate. So what's stupid about it?
Coulter On Feminism: 'All Pretty Girls Are Right-Wingers'...

Coulter said this? Ol horse face flipper finners?
wow old thread but...just reaffirms how big of a retard paulitician is.

"all pretty girls are right winger"

"say what you want about ann coulter, but she is very honest"

derp derp derp
You actually consider this an intelligent statement? More Coulter:

"You will find liberals always rooting for savages against civilization." –Ann Coulter
"They didn't root for the Nazis against civilization." –Bill O'Reilly
"Oh yes they did. ... It was only when Hitler invaded their precious Soviet Union that at the last minute they came in and suddenly started saying oh no, now you have to fight Hitler." –Ann Coulter, "The O'Reilly Factor," May 7, 2010

That's 100% accurate. So what's stupid about it?

Interesting considering that it was the Republicans who had no problem with Hitler and Mussolini...and sold scrap metal to the Japanese....up to that December day when the Japanese started giving it back.
Actually, progressives supported Hitler and approved his methods.

They still do.

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