Coulter On Feminism: 'All Pretty Girls Are Right-Wingers'...

that's funny... given that you think michelle malkin and annie coultergeist have something to say. :clap2:


Little dolt Jillian attacks Coulter.

Hey Jillian, Ann Coulter is a REAL lawyer. Went to law school, got a JD, passed the bar.

I mean, you eating bon-bons and watching "Law and Order" reruns is ALMOST as good, but still....
Ok. Bad example.

But there's always:


Natale Portman is gorgeous - but has the intellect of a bag of potatoes. Did you see her at the dem convention? I sorry, the girl is simply dumb.

You thinking she is stupid carries zero weight.

I've seen "tranny's" with smaller Adam's apples. I didn't even know a woman could have one of those.

FWI. This isn't "photo-shopped". It's really there.

The GOP's greatest beauty, aptly named Congresswoman Virginia Fox.


Oh, and this isn't photoshopped either. She really is that "striking".

But I suspect the next one might be photo-shopped.

Yes, at 40 something Anne looks like Petty did in his early 20s.

When I was 25 I looked exactly like my dad at 16, lol.

Evidence of the deep workings of the liberal mind. It's always about physical appearance. Hence their dedication to breeding/abortion programs.

um... allie, the libs weren't the ones starting threads about rightwing women not being attractive.

and it isn't libs saying idiotic things like only rightwing women are attractive.

just saying.

She's a satirist, Jillian. I'm sure you understand what satire is.
Say what you want about Coulter, but she is very honest.

Conservative columnist and Conservative Political Action Conference fan favorite Ann Coulter took to the stage at CPAC Friday afternoon to offer some comments about her frustrations with President Obama, her support for presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and the general unattractiveness of liberal women.

In response to an audience question regarding how a person could be both a women and a conservative, Coulter explained that is what true women actually are.

“I think all real females are right-wingers,” Coulter said, ” and I can tell you that based on experience — and my bodyguard will back me up on this — all pretty girls are right-wingers.”

The best-selling author added that she can always tell who her female fans are because they are the attractive ones. But unfortunately, she said, it is difficult to discern some men’s ideology because they have a diverse range of looks.

“Some of my male fans have hair to their derriere and tattoos up and down their arms; some of my antagonists seem like perfectly attractive, preppy young men,” she said. “Girls — a pretty girl walking toward your table, you know she is a fan.”

According to Coulter, the feminist movement has set conservative women back.

“I don’t write about feminism. It seems to manifestly obvious it doesn’t need my stunning skills or analysis,” she said sarcastically. “But, I mean, the reason unattractive — I suppose — the reason liberal women are liberal is because they have to date liberal men and as we’ve seen from Bill Clinton and Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Anthony Weiner, we’ve seen how liberal men treat women. I’d be angry too.”

Read more: Ann Coulter | Feminism | Pretty Conservative Girls | The Daily Caller

The chauvinist mentality dictates that all women are whores or mothers, and the male members of the Republican party embrace this idea. If you're not any useful for sex or for raising kids, they think you're a useless woman.

So a girl who has no assets except her looks would certainly be more inclined to join the Republican party, because she conveniently fits into the whore category and will be accepted.
^^^Ironic coming from the group that refers to women as "vaginas" when it comes to abortion, and who will move heaven and earth to establish promiscuity as an "American Value".
Isn't THAT what rw's look for in their women?

What do you figure Ann Coulter has, 150 IQ? 160? She has the quickest wit (and sharpest tongue) of anyone I've seen. She's a riot to watch, especially when she tears Bill Maher to shreds. (Yeah, I realize she was fucking him.)

There are some smart people on the left, I admit it. But the high profile women on the right are generally extremely bright. Malkin, Coulter, Deborah Saunders, Star Parker, et al.

The left has a flurry of cute little starlets; Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, Kerry Washington - but let's face it, the IQ's of the three combined don't break into triple digits. These are the cheer-leaders you want to fuck, but not marry, because after the fucking is done, you can't hold a conversation with them.

So no, it appears to be the left that likes them dumb and pretty.
What a joke!
Melissa Harris-Perry, Krystal Ball just to mention two.
This thread is a joke anyway at something political.

Isn't THAT what rw's look for in their women?

What do you figure Ann Coulter has, 150 IQ? 160? She has the quickest wit (and sharpest tongue) of anyone I've seen. She's a riot to watch, especially when she tears Bill Maher to shreds. (Yeah, I realize she was fucking him.)

There are some smart people on the left, I admit it. But the high profile women on the right are generally extremely bright. Malkin, Coulter, Deborah Saunders, Star Parker, et al.

The left has a flurry of cute little starlets; Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, Kerry Washington - but let's face it, the IQ's of the three combined don't break into triple digits. These are the cheer-leaders you want to fuck, but not marry, because after the fucking is done, you can't hold a conversation with them.

So no, it appears to be the left that likes them dumb and pretty.
I seriously think the male left wing hostility towards Ann is resentment because no matter how hard they try, they don't look as good as Ann when they cross-dress.
Isn't THAT what rw's look for in their women?

What do you figure Ann Coulter has, 150 IQ? 160? She has the quickest wit (and sharpest tongue) of anyone I've seen. She's a riot to watch, especially when she tears Bill Maher to shreds. (Yeah, I realize she was fucking him.)

There are some smart people on the left, I admit it. But the high profile women on the right are generally extremely bright. Malkin, Coulter, Deborah Saunders, Star Parker, et al.

The left has a flurry of cute little starlets; Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, Kerry Washington - but let's face it, the IQ's of the three combined don't break into triple digits. These are the cheer-leaders you want to fuck, but not marry, because after the fucking is done, you can't hold a conversation with them.

So no, it appears to be the left that likes them dumb and pretty.

I think it can be said that Bill Maher is on the left. Now, I must take issue with that part of your statement regarding how the left likes them. Apparently, the left (at least the left that Bill Maher represents), likes them with dangling naughty bits and a ghoulish face.

I seriously think the male left wing hostility towards Ann is resentment because no matter how hard they try, they don't look as good as Ann when they cross-dress.

Leftists are so fucking stupid.

"Ann has an ADAMS APPLE."


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