Coulter tore into Trump, once her idol, with "unprecedented ferocity": people were right to vote for him, wanted wall, Trump too stupid to get it done

Ann needs to factor in the multitude of forces arrayed against Trump, and now Nikki Haley. In summary...
Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!
Beating Hillary wasn't really an upset. The Democrats thought it was a forgone conclusion but any (R) would have beat her she is so profoundly disliked. There was no push to run her in 2020 nor will there be in 2024.

As for the topic, I guess Ann is saying her political acumen isn't what she wants people to believe it is.
Beating Hillary wasn't really an upset. The Democrats thought it was a forgone conclusion but any (R) would have beat her she is so profoundly disliked. There was no push to run her in 2020 nor will there be in 2024. As for the topic, I guess Ann is saying her political acumen isn't what she wants people to believe it is.
Revisionist history? Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. She even bought tons of fireworks! Trump's win was in-fact the biggest upset in US history.

Revisionist history? Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. She even bought tons of fireworks! Trump's win was in-fact the biggest upset in US history.

Nate Silver said he allowed his own personal biases screw his election model up. I noted that Hillary lost Pennsylvania and Michigan to Sanders and it was not a sure thing she would win. (I don't think anyone saw her losing Wisconsin).

Now granted, it was harder for Trump but any (R) would have beat her. Biden would have won Pa and Wisc and the election in 2016.
Is this how she’s able to continue to go on shows like Bill Maher?

It’s a case of yet again another rich famous person criticizing Donald Trump.

Let’s just look at the bottom line our Economy was way better under Mr. Trump there was no war in Russia and Ukraine. What do we have now in America we have leading Democrats who constantly deride the police force and who are dividing this country by race. Why in the world are democratic posters here just handwaving that or when they hear it they don’t criticize the messenger. What the hell happened to America?

You know it’s easy for Rich elite liberals or wannabe be to hand wave how horrible our country is today. How eggs are six dollars a gallon how the price of a home mortgage loan has gone up 3x. Apparently a bunch of the Democrats here are happy either living in tiny apartment and they just like it …or they don’t give a shit about this country they don’t give a shit about America.
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the orange buffoon's

So much irrational hate over 'mean tweets' and jealousy over his popularity after so many years...


To the far left ….Waive your LGBT flag wave your Black Lives Matter flag , pat yourself on the back while Vietnam veterans are starving to death. While working class black men and black women in this country can’t get a good job

Oh yeah it’s OK though Black Lives Matter leaders live in mansions, LGBT leaders live in mansions. What a disgusting country this is.

What a bunch of nonsense. You got leading Democrats championing hiring people based on their skin color and gender…. forget about hiring the best person for the job. That is a terrible country we have terrible leader ship in this country
In your mind, sure.


Dude, you just irrationally lashed out again, as you always do when mentioning Trump. You are compelled to hurl insults and engage in immature name-calling when you talk about him. You literally can't help yourself.

He lives 24/7 in your triggered, TDS-suffering noggin'. Don't feel bad - you are not alone. There are quite a lot of you snowflakes out there.

You should start up a support group.


Dude, you just irrationally lashed out again, as you always do when mentioning Trump. You are compelled to hurl insults and engage in immature name-calling when you talk about him. You literally can't help yourself.

He lives 24/7 in your triggered, TDS-suffering noggin'. Don't feel bad - you are not alone. There are quite a lot of you snowflakes out there.

You should start up a support group.



NOW you irrationally lash out at ME for pointing out YOUR constant need to irrationally lash out and immaturely insult Trump and claim it is a sign of MY being 'triggered'?!

Wow, its worse than I poor, delusional, TDS-suffering bastard.

Seriously, Mac - get help.

NOW you irrationally lash out at ME for pointing out YOUR constant need to irrationally lash out and immaturely insult Trump and claim it is a sign of MY being 'triggered'?!

Wow, its worse than I poor, delusional, TDS-suffering bastard.

Seriously, Mac - get help.


Hey Easy, do you recall the Dems doing everything they could to stop the building of the wall? I sure do. Tulsi Gabbard even admitted she was told the Dems could never let Trump accomplish anything. She was told to never cooperate with Republicans, even if it hurts her constiruents.
Hey Easy, do you recall the Dems doing everything they could to stop the building of the wall? I sure do. Tulsi Gabbard even admitted she was told the Dems could never let Trump accomplish anything. She was told to never cooperate with Republicans, even if it hurts her constiruents.

And McConnell said the same about Democrats.

And we cheer the mess politicians have made.
Hey Easy, do you recall the Dems doing everything they could to stop the building of the wall? I sure do. Tulsi Gabbard even admitted she was told the Dems could never let Trump accomplish anything. She was told to never cooperate with Republicans, even if it hurts her constiruents.
Democrats have selective memory.

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