Countdown To Hillary Pardon

Hillary - east thread

Less Than 24 hours from now, should Trump win the Presidency, Hillary Clinton will be calling Obama asking for a Pardon.

In fact, BEFORE she even gives her concession speech she will be begging Barry for that Pardon.

Wrong but now Trump may need to try to pardon himself

Trump Says He Has The Right To Pardon Himself | HuffPost
Clinton and you guys bring up the old hag...then when we rightly savage her, you whine and ask why we still bring her up.
They don't want to be reminded that they just refuse to STFU and go away but instead linger around attempting to stay relevant for a potential 2020 Hillary run, holding interviews like this one in which they only embarrass themselves and the Democratic party. :p
Less Than 24 hours from now, should Trump win the Presidency, Hillary Clinton will be calling Obama asking for a Pardon.

In fact, BEFORE she even gives her concession speech she will be begging Barry for that Pardon.

Wrong but now Trump may need to try to pardon himself

Trump Says He Has The Right To Pardon Himself | HuffPost
Clinton and you guys bring up the old hag...then when we rightly savage her, you whine and ask why we still bring her up.

so how is hillary relevant ?

oh, thats right - SHE RULES THE MINDS OF SIMPLETON RW's 24/7/365
[QUOTE="sealybobo, post: 20067984, member:
so how is hillary relevant ?
1. Snowflakes invoked the name 'Bush' for nearly a decade after he left office....

2. Hillary herself has declared she is intent on being highly visible during the mid-term elections to 'stay relevant'. The 2016 failed felon DNC candidate still have grand delusions that 2020 still might be 'HER TURN'
Trump calls all negative news fake. If this is working you that explains why the American middle class is disappearing. Yall are dumb.
Trump calls 'Fake News' fake.

CNN and a few other sites reported, for example, last Friday that the 1st Lady had gone 'MIA'...despite the fact that she was seen at a few events.

You snowflakes consider Samantha B, a vile liberal talk show host who has mocked a conservative cancer survivor attending a Conservative conference a 'skinhead / Nazi and a disrespectful POS who called the 1st Lady the 'C' word a 'journalist and consider what she says as 'news'.

The number of liberals working for the big surrogate liberal media who have been fired and the number of times these 'media outlets have had to issue retractions and apologize have sky-rocketed since Trump took office, all due to 'Trump Derangement syndrome'....and you snowflakes eat up their spoon-fed BS like starving lost sheep.

...and you call Conservatives 'dumb'. lol
No he calls negative news fake.

He tweeted "The Fake News is working overtime. Just reported that, despite the tremendous success we are having with the economy & all things else, 91% of the Network News about me is negative (Fake). Why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt? Take away credentials?

It was completely obvious that “negative” and “fake” were synonymous terms for Trump. What differentiates Trump from the rest of his party is that he is sloppy enough to come out and say it.
Less Than 24 hours from now, should Trump win the Presidency, Hillary Clinton will be calling Obama asking for a Pardon.

In fact, BEFORE she even gives her concession speech she will be begging Barry for that Pardon.

Hmmmm another easyt65 prediction goes down in flames.
Hillary did not need a 'pardon' because the Obstruction undertaken to keep her ass out of jail was so widespread and deep.l

Great rationalization for this spectacular failure of a thread.

Tell us again how Clinton was going to beg for a pardon and how Obama was going to pardon Clinton.

Tell us all again.

Trump calls all negative news fake. If this is working you that explains why the American middle class is disappearing. Yall are dumb.
Trump calls 'Fake News' fake.

CNN and a few other sites reported, for example, last Friday that the 1st Lady had gone 'MIA'...despite the fact that she was seen at a few events.

You snowflakes consider Samantha B, a vile liberal talk show host who has mocked a conservative cancer survivor attending a Conservative conference a 'skinhead / Nazi and a disrespectful POS who called the 1st Lady the 'C' word a 'journalist and consider what she says as 'news'.

The number of liberals working for the big surrogate liberal media who have been fired and the number of times these 'media outlets have had to issue retractions and apologize have sky-rocketed since Trump took office, all due to 'Trump Derangement syndrome'....and you snowflakes eat up their spoon-fed BS like starving lost sheep.

...and you call Conservatives 'dumb'. lol
No he calls negative news fake.

He tweeted "The Fake News is working overtime. Just reported that, despite the tremendous success we are having with the economy & all things else, 91% of the Network News about me is negative (Fake). Why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt? Take away credentials?

It was completely obvious that “negative” and “fake” were synonymous terms for Trump. What differentiates Trump from the rest of his party is that he is sloppy enough to come out and say it.

No one has generated more 'fake news' than Donald Trump- from being King of the Birthers to his Fake News about 3 million illegal votes to his 'fake news' that he had nothing to do with Donald Trump Jr.'s written testimony.
Less Than 24 hours from now, should Trump win the Presidency, Hillary Clinton will be calling Obama asking for a Pardon.

In fact, BEFORE she even gives her concession speech she will be begging Barry for that Pardon.


She got that Pardon from Trump...

" Pardon me Hillary, but you are in my way to the Oval Office " as Trump walked by Hillary to take his seat as President...
Trump calls all negative news fake. If this is working you that explains why the American middle class is disappearing. Yall are dumb.
Trump calls 'Fake News' fake.

CNN and a few other sites reported, for example, last Friday that the 1st Lady had gone 'MIA'...despite the fact that she was seen at a few events.

You snowflakes consider Samantha B, a vile liberal talk show host who has mocked a conservative cancer survivor attending a Conservative conference a 'skinhead / Nazi and a disrespectful POS who called the 1st Lady the 'C' word a 'journalist and consider what she says as 'news'.

The number of liberals working for the big surrogate liberal media who have been fired and the number of times these 'media outlets have had to issue retractions and apologize have sky-rocketed since Trump took office, all due to 'Trump Derangement syndrome'....and you snowflakes eat up their spoon-fed BS like starving lost sheep.

...and you call Conservatives 'dumb'. lol

You mean this is the guy
Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

He is a fucking Nazi.... The guy is a vile piece of shit...

But you support that type...
Comey pardoned Hillary
Comey elected Trump.
It was a fair trade. Comey protected Hillary from going to jail for the rest of her life...
just bat sh-t crazy! :cuckoo:
Yeah, the FBI declaring Hillary had broken numerous laws then Comey coming out and exonerating her is just bat sh_t crazy. Over 30,000 criminal violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act with supporting evidence, and comey declares there's not enough to convict her on....crazy.

The EVIDENCE showing Loretta lynch and Comey collaborating well before the investigation ended on writing her exoneration is just bat sh_t crazy - they should both be indicted for Conspiracy and Obstruction.

Comey telling how Lynch DIRECTED him (Obstruction) to treat / call the investigations of Hillary going on a 'matter' instead of 'investigations...just NUTS! Again, this bit@h should have been PERP-WALKED by now.
Trump calls all negative news fake. If this is working you that explains why the American middle class is disappearing. Yall are dumb.
Trump calls 'Fake News' fake.

CNN and a few other sites reported, for example, last Friday that the 1st Lady had gone 'MIA'...despite the fact that she was seen at a few events.

You snowflakes consider Samantha B, a vile liberal talk show host who has mocked a conservative cancer survivor attending a Conservative conference a 'skinhead / Nazi and a disrespectful POS who called the 1st Lady the 'C' word a 'journalist and consider what she says as 'news'.

The number of liberals working for the big surrogate liberal media who have been fired and the number of times these 'media outlets have had to issue retractions and apologize have sky-rocketed since Trump took office, all due to 'Trump Derangement syndrome'....and you snowflakes eat up their spoon-fed BS like starving lost sheep.

...and you call Conservatives 'dumb'. lol

You mean this is the guy
Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

He is a fucking Nazi.... The guy is a vile piece of shit...

But you support that type...
I find it fascinating watching Republicans get manipulated. I totally see how the Germans were turned into Nazi's now.

Yesterday this guy driving the shuttle was telling me how soon indictments will be coming for Hillary and the FBI people who fucked with Trump. Eliminating the opposition.

Because Trump is totally innocent:

Prosecutors are accusing former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort of witness tampering as he awaits trial on conspiracy and money laundering charges, and they asked a judge to end his house arrest and consider pretrial detention.

Lawyers working for special counsel Robert Mueller filed a motion with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Monday saying they have probable cause to believe that Manafort attempted to tamper with potential witnesses while on pretrial release.

The documents say that following an indictment against Manafort in February of this year, he and an associate — referred to in court documents as Person A — "repeatedly" contacted two witnesses, identified as Person D1 and Person D2 "in an effort to secure materially false testimony" concerning the nature of Manafort's lobbying and public relations activities on behalf of Ukraine during the tenure of its pro-Moscow former president, Viktor Yanukovych.

The motion says that after the indictment was made public, Manafort called Person D1 on a cellphone, but that the potential witness "sought to avoid Manafort" and "ended the call."

The Russia Investigations: More Pleas, More Charges — Any More Preparation?

Paul Manafort Pleads Not Guilty To Conspiracy, Tax And Bank Fraud Charges

Prosecutors Defend Manafort Warrants Following Challenges Over Evidence

The documents say Manafort then used a text-message encryption application to contact the witness, writing "This is Paul" and "We should talk." The witnesses preserved the texts and turned them over to the government.

Further, the unnamed associate (Person A), also using a text-message encryption application, contacted the other witness (Person D2) to let them know that "My friend P is trying to reach [Person D1] to brief him on what's going on."

"Basically P wants to give him a quick summary that he says to everybody (which is true) that our friends never lobbied in the US, and the purpose of the program was [European Union]," Person A said.

In previous filings, Person A has been used to designate Konstantin Kilimnik, a Manafort associate who prosecutors believe has ties to Russian intelligence — something Kilimnik has denied.

Although the witnesses are unnamed, prosecutors have said they "were principals in a public relations firm that worked with Manafort in organizing a group of former European officials, known as the Hapsburg group, who promoted Ukrainian interests in Europe as well as the U.S.," according to The Associated Press.

"Prosecutors say Manafort directed the group's work and secretly funneled about $2 million to it to take positions favorable to Ukraine including by lobbying in the U.S.," the news agency says.

In the latest filing, Mueller's team says Manafort obstructed justice and attempted to "suborn perjury" by contacting the witnesses. It asked a judge to immediately determine whether there was probable cause that Manafort committed a crime while on bail and, if so, to place him in detention.

This is the second time that prosecutors have accused Manafort of violating the terms of his pretrial release. We reported last year that Manafort was accused of trying to sway public opinion by getting a Russian compatriot to ghostwrite a newspaperopinion piece. Prosecutors say that violated a gag order on Manafort.
Comey pardoned Hillary
Comey elected Trump.
It was a fair trade. Comey protected Hillary from going to jail for the rest of her life...
just bat sh-t crazy! :cuckoo:
Yeah, the FBI declaring Hillary had broken numerous laws then Comey coming out and exonerating her is just bat sh_t crazy. Over 30,000 criminal violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act with supporting evidence, and comey declares there's not enough to convict her on....crazy.

The EVIDENCE showing Loretta lynch and Comey collaborating well before the investigation ended on writing her exoneration is just bat sh_t crazy - they should both be indicted for Conspiracy and Obstruction.

Comey telling how Lynch DIRECTED him (Obstruction) to treat / call the investigations of Hillary going on a 'matter' instead of 'investigations...just NUTS! Again, this bit@h should have been PERP-WALKED by now.

You making up more crap after the disaster of your lies in the OP?

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