Country First!

Obama himself has stated that he preferred a single payer system, wry.
I don't trust my goverment to take over an industry and have it run properly.
They have a pathetic track record, IMO. That's not from any echo chamber.

So, you have no idea how a single payer system works. So why fear it? Do you actually believe a for profit system is less expensive then a non profit system (if that is what a single payer system might be)? I'm not of the opinion the private sector is always better than the public; I do know that is a common perception.

The problem with government is too many cooks are involved in the meal plan; private industry has less 'input" to contend with, and the private sector is not required to accept the lowest bid if using subs.

Instead of being an asshole trying to get your talking points across, go back and re-read my post . :eusa_whistle:

Oops, Meister has defaulted to the emotional personal attack, sad but not unexpected. So Meister, why not admit you have no idea how a single payer system might work (or not) and simply reject it because Obama is for it.?

Calling me an asshole may not make you a member of the Echo Chamber, but if you walk like one, talk like one you soon become to look like one.
So, you have no idea how a single payer system works. So why fear it? Do you actually believe a for profit system is less expensive then a non profit system (if that is what a single payer system might be)? I'm not of the opinion the private sector is always better than the public; I do know that is a common perception.

The problem with government is too many cooks are involved in the meal plan; private industry has less 'input" to contend with, and the private sector is not required to accept the lowest bid if using subs.

Instead of being an asshole trying to get your talking points across, go back and re-read my post . :eusa_whistle:

Oops, Meister has defaulted to the emotional personal attack, sad but not unexpected. So Meister, why not admit you have no idea how a single payer system might work (or not) and simply reject it because Obama is for it.?

Calling me an asshole may not make you a member of the Echo Chamber, but if you walk like one, talk like one you soon become to look like one.

I call you for what you are, just need to own up to it.
If you think taking the competition out of pricing and quality of care in HC, and having our government dictate to all of us what premiums and quality of care will be, then you're not near as smart as you TRY and portray yourself. Like I said and you completely ignored.....I don't trust our government. Too bad that you just can't understand or accept that.

You are such an uber liberal that you have no idea just how the rest of the country sees the frisco area politically. I kind of feel sorry for you, but just a little bit, because you willfully lack critical thinking. It's not that I don't like obama....I don't like his policies, something you can't get through your indoctrinated brain.
By the way, most on this board view you as no more than a condescending with it.
Most communities demonstrate giving values to others, think that frisco is unique in that way? :cuckoo: sheesh
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Instead of being an asshole trying to get your talking points across, go back and re-read my post . :eusa_whistle:

Oops, Meister has defaulted to the emotional personal attack, sad but not unexpected. So Meister, why not admit you have no idea how a single payer system might work (or not) and simply reject it because Obama is for it.?

Calling me an asshole may not make you a member of the Echo Chamber, but if you walk like one, talk like one you soon become to look like one.

I call you for what you are, just need to own up to it.
If you think taking the competition out of pricing and quality of care in HC, and having our government dictate to all of us what premiums and quality of care will be, then you're not near as smart as you TRY and portray yourself. Like I said and you completely ignored.....I don't trust our government. Too bad that you just can't understand or accept that.

You are such an uber liberal that you have no idea just how the rest of the country sees the frisco area politically. I kind of feel sorry for you, but just a little bit, because you willfully lack critical thinking. It's not that I don't like obama....I don't like his policies, something you can't get through your indoctrinated brain.
By the way, most on this board view you as no more than a condescending with it.

I suppose a look at my list of neg. reps and pos reps would be appropriate now. I usually have a better than 80% pos. reps, but that's not the whole story. The neg. reps. are almost exclusively from members of the Echo Chamber: Rabbi, Warrior, Stephanie, Daveman, CrusaderFrank, etc. So I value the opinion of others over these and other members of the Echo Chamber.

What I post are opinions, based on my experience reading and watching the news, reading of biographies of renown Americans and the posts of those with whom I generally disagree. I generally respond to those who actually try to make a credible argument with proper decorum, but some are so stupid and so vulgar I feel a duty to call them out.

Distrust of the Government is healthy; paranoid posts and character assassination of public figures is the grist for many members of the Echo Chamber and the dangerous far right. There is a difference between honorable opposition and hate for anyone who holds opinions which differ from their own. The latter are the bigots, the racists and the despicable. You come close to that line in your recent posts. I suggest you consider your remarks a bit more carefully.
Time Magazine?

Another democrat trustworthy news source.

Do you have a source for news / current events you trust?

It's sad yet funny that Katndogz, one of the most partisan and mendacious members of the echo chamber engaged in calumny directed at Time Magazine. Only the mentally challenged or mendacious partisans would respond to a factual article as did s/he.
I posted on Pathfinder Baords at Time back when. Their moderator changed the posts of people he didn't like, especially republicans. When he was called on it by a group of us, Time responded by shutting down Pathfinder boards in short order claiming their editors chose not to waste their time on board issues. I was there. I hated what the moderator did to our posts whenever he felt like abusing other people's free speech and inserting his own rearrangements to cater to liberals. It's a liberal, uncompromising site most of the time, and I can't stand them to this day for supporting the leftist jerk who was screwing around with people's posts.

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