Country First!

Hey shit stain wry. The ACA (obamacare) is law of the land obama is trying to change that law on his own he can't do that So who is putting country first?

Gee, I would hope that even an ignoramus like you, who post on a message board such as this, would understand how laws are implemented. Have you ever heard of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)? If not I suggest you take a course in U.S. Government and find out. Otherwise some might find your comments not simply ignorant but a product of low intelligence.

Since I pity you I'll give you an 'executive summary', don't worry about its meaning, since I have no doubt you've never been provided one.

Every regulation in the CFR is directly related to a law passed by the Congress. . The regulations spell out in detail how the executive branch will interpret the law.

It's the law of the land dumb ass why do you want it changed now?
A president can't change laws only congress can do that a president only authority to laws is make sure they are enforced I suggest you see the Constitution

Thank you for sharing that bit of ignorance. In my never ending quest I offer this:

Federal Register Tutorial: Table of Contents

"You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think"
Author unknown.
It doesn't take genius to understand the entire battle over the ACA is an effort by the GOP to protect the rich and powerful who profit from illness and injury.

:lol: I remember the democrats tried to float this bit of spin for a couple of days. Sank like a stone. And take a gander at the colossal cluster-fuck obamacare has turned out to be. :lol:

I too recall writing that statement, sometime after reading the special report in Time Magaizne, "Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us". To bad you're one of the willfully ignorant and choose to avoid cognitive dissonance by not reading this issue. I guess if it wasn't broadcast on the Fox News or uttered from the mouth of a Rush Limbaugh, et al, it's not worth knowing.
Enjoying the bitter taste of that bile building up in the back of your throat as you watch obama's signature 'legislation' roll out like a loose, wet turd? :lol: What a disaster.
Enjoying the bitter taste of that bile building up in the back of your throat as you watch obama's signature 'legislation' roll out like a loose, wet turd? :lol: What a disaster.

Not at all. I have no doubt the intent of the PPACA law was needed by the citizens of our county, and both business and government. It's not the first time a bill passed by Congress went awry, consider the rollout of Medicare Part D.
Gee, I would hope that even an ignoramus like you, who post on a message board such as this, would understand how laws are implemented. Have you ever heard of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)? If not I suggest you take a course in U.S. Government and find out. Otherwise some might find your comments not simply ignorant but a product of low intelligence.

Since I pity you I'll give you an 'executive summary', don't worry about its meaning, since I have no doubt you've never been provided one.

Every regulation in the CFR is directly related to a law passed by the Congress. . The regulations spell out in detail how the executive branch will interpret the law.

It's the law of the land dumb ass why do you want it changed now?
A president can't change laws only congress can do that a president only authority to laws is make sure they are enforced I suggest you see the Constitution

Thank you for sharing that bit of ignorance. In my never ending quest I offer this:

Federal Register Tutorial: Table of Contents

"You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think"
Author unknown.
Shit stain obamacare is the law of the land it cannot be changed by the president only congress can make changes.
It's the law of the land dumb ass why do you want it changed now?
A president can't change laws only congress can do that a president only authority to laws is make sure they are enforced I suggest you see the Constitution

Thank you for sharing that bit of ignorance. In my never ending quest I offer this:

Federal Register Tutorial: Table of Contents

"You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think"
Author unknown.
Shit stain obamacare is the law of the land it cannot be changed by the president only congress can make changes.

I posted evidence that you are wrong. Of course you wouldn't read it so let's try another course.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are a Strict constructionist, and believe in the 10th Amendment and in that sense, since the Constitution does not authorize something like the CFR and the Federal Register, such rules and regulations are an abuse of power.

The fact is the Executive can and does write such rules and regulations and has for decades.
Just another lie by the radical conservative coalition intent on transforming our nation's descent further into a Plutocracy.

Shutdown threat puts heat on House GOP

It doesn't take genius to understand the entire battle over the ACA is an effort by the GOP to protect the rich and powerful who profit from illness and injury.
Anyone who can read and would chose to do so would so understand by simply reading "Time Magazine's" Special Report:

Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us |

Here's a primer:
Obamacare: Time Magazine "Bitter Pill"

It doesn't take a genius but it sure as hell takes more intelligence that we see from rw's. And, what is so funny about it is, the Rs themselves have said this themselves.

With the Rs, the answer to all questions is always

1. Screw the president
2. Screw Americans and blame the president
3. Follow the money
It's the law of the land dumb ass why do you want it changed now?
A president can't change laws only congress can do that a president only authority to laws is make sure they are enforced I suggest you see the Constitution

Thank you for sharing that bit of ignorance. In my never ending quest I offer this:

Federal Register Tutorial: Table of Contents

"You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think"
Author unknown.
Shit stain obamacare is the law of the land it cannot be changed by the president only congress can make changes.

Have you looked under your R pinky finger?

Go ahead and take a look ... We'll wait ...
Okay, so, did you see it?
Did you see that little tiny dot thingy?

That's the PERIOD.

You learned about it in the 2nd grade.

Next week, we'll work on teaching you the comma and then, WAHOO, next comes the ShIfT kEy.

I'm serious. If you want to be understoooooo

Oh, never mind.
thank you for sharing that bit of ignorance. In my never ending quest i offer this:

federal register tutorial: Table of contents

"you can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think"
author unknown.
shit stain obamacare is the law of the land it cannot be changed by the president only congress can make changes.

have you looked under your r pinky finger?

Go ahead and take a look ... We'll wait ...
Okay, so, did you see it?
Did you see that little tiny dot thingy?

That's the period.

You learned about it in the 2nd grade.

Next week, we'll work on teaching you the comma and then, wahoo, next comes the shift key.

I'm serious. If you want to be understoooooo

oh, never mind.

shit stain why don't you try a class?
Thank you for sharing that bit of ignorance. In my never ending quest I offer this:

Federal Register Tutorial: Table of Contents

"You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think"
Author unknown.
Shit stain obamacare is the law of the land it cannot be changed by the president only congress can make changes.

I posted evidence that you are wrong. Of course you wouldn't read it so let's try another course.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are a Strict constructionist, and believe in the 10th Amendment and in that sense, since the Constitution does not authorize something like the CFR and the Federal Register, such rules and regulations are an abuse of power.

The fact is the Executive can and does write such rules and regulations and has for decades.

Dumb ass the president can't change a law no matter how the fuck you want it to be true. If the president could change a law on his own why doesn't obama change some gun control laws and ban all guns?
Shit stain obamacare is the law of the land it cannot be changed by the president only congress can make changes.

I posted evidence that you are wrong. Of course you wouldn't read it so let's try another course.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are a Strict constructionist, and believe in the 10th Amendment and in that sense, since the Constitution does not authorize something like the CFR and the Federal Register, such rules and regulations are an abuse of power.

The fact is the Executive can and does write such rules and regulations and has for decades.

Dumb ass the president can't change a law no matter how the fuck you want it to be true. If the president could change a law on his own why doesn't obama change some gun control laws and ban all guns?

You are really ignorant an allow your emotions to run amok.

The Constitution can only be changed in accordance with Article V, hence no one, not even a President, can change the Constitution. So President Obama cannot change gun laws on his own; the Constitution does not speak to the Executives power to promulgate rules and regulations nor does it speak to Judicial Review. You may not like it but every Administration and every Supreme Court (since Marbury v. Madison (1803), has performed their duties in accordance with these principles.
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I posted evidence that you are wrong. Of course you wouldn't read it so let's try another course.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are a Strict constructionist, and believe in the 10th Amendment and in that sense, since the Constitution does not authorize something like the CFR and the Federal Register, such rules and regulations are an abuse of power.

The fact is the Executive can and does write such rules and regulations and has for decades.

Dumb ass the president can't change a law no matter how the fuck you want it to be true. If the president could change a law on his own why doesn't obama change some gun control laws and ban all guns?

You are really ignorant an allow your emotions to run amok.

The Constitution can only be changed in accordance with Article V, hence no one, not even a President, can change the Constitution. So President Obama cannot change gun laws on his own; the Constitution does not speak to the Executives power to promulgate rules and regulations nor does it speak to Judicial Review. You may not like it but every Administration and every Supreme Court (since Marbury v. Madison (1803), has performed their duties in accordance with these principles.
Shut the fuck up dumb ass just shut up
Policy experts say that while the president has broad power to exempt plans that were in effect before his health-care law was passed in March 2010, he doesn’t have that flexibility for policies started after that date, and that includes most individual policies in effect today.

Obama Seen Forced to Go to Congress to Seek Health-Law Changes - Bloomberg
Enjoying the bitter taste of that bile building up in the back of your throat as you watch obama's signature 'legislation' roll out like a loose, wet turd? :lol: What a disaster.

Not at all. I have no doubt the intent of the PPACA law was needed by the citizens of our county, and both business and government.

It wasn't needed or wanted. What was needed was a reasoned, manageable reform of various aspects of healthcare, NOT a massive government grab for power and money that would fuck things up even more for millions and millions of Americans.
Enjoying the bitter taste of that bile building up in the back of your throat as you watch obama's signature 'legislation' roll out like a loose, wet turd? :lol: What a disaster.

Not at all. I have no doubt the intent of the PPACA law was needed by the citizens of our county, and both business and government.

It wasn't needed or wanted. What was needed was a reasoned, manageable reform of various aspects of healthcare, NOT a massive government grab for power and money that would fuck things up even more for millions and millions of Americans.

You need to a 12-step meeting for excessive consumers of Kool-Aid. PPACA isn't a power grab, the Feds have not nationalized the health care system nor turned it into a socialized health care system.
Not at all. I have no doubt the intent of the PPACA law was needed by the citizens of our county, and both business and government.

It wasn't needed or wanted. What was needed was a reasoned, manageable reform of various aspects of healthcare, NOT a massive government grab for power and money that would fuck things up even more for millions and millions of Americans.

You need to a 12-step meeting for excessive consumers of Kool-Aid. PPACA isn't a power grab, the Feds have not nationalized the health care system nor turned it into a socialized health care system.
I see that you stopped calling it what it is.
OBAMACARE. Is it your attempt to distance the failure from obama that you try to calling it something else?
Not at all. I have no doubt the intent of the PPACA law was needed by the citizens of our county, and both business and government.

It wasn't needed or wanted. What was needed was a reasoned, manageable reform of various aspects of healthcare, NOT a massive government grab for power and money that would fuck things up even more for millions and millions of Americans.

You need to a 12-step meeting for excessive consumers of Kool-Aid. PPACA isn't a power grab, the Feds have not nationalized the health care system nor turned it into a socialized health care system.

:lol: I'll bet you accuse other people of being "brainwashed" or "duped," huh? :lol:
Not at all. I have no doubt the intent of the PPACA law was needed by the citizens of our county, and both business and government.

It wasn't needed or wanted. What was needed was a reasoned, manageable reform of various aspects of healthcare, NOT a massive government grab for power and money that would fuck things up even more for millions and millions of Americans.

You need to a 12-step meeting for excessive consumers of Kool-Aid. PPACA isn't a power grab, the Feds have not nationalized the health care system nor turned it into a socialized health care system.

The feds setting the standards for what the consumer HAS to buy with healthcare sure seems like a power grab to me.
Having said that, obamacare is and will be such a disaster that the government will come out and say that the only way to save it will be through the single payer plan, which is.........?(I'll let you connect those dots wry) Even you can't be that stupid...(I think)
Dumb ass the president can't change a law no matter how the fuck you want it to be true. If the president could change a law on his own why doesn't obama change some gun control laws and ban all guns?

You are really ignorant an allow your emotions to run amok.

The Constitution can only be changed in accordance with Article V, hence no one, not even a President, can change the Constitution. So President Obama cannot change gun laws on his own; the Constitution does not speak to the Executives power to promulgate rules and regulations nor does it speak to Judicial Review. You may not like it but every Administration and every Supreme Court (since Marbury v. Madison (1803), has performed their duties in accordance with these principles.
Shut the fuck up dumb ass just shut up
Policy experts say that while the president has broad power to exempt plans that were in effect before his health-care law was passed in March 2010, he doesn’t have that flexibility for policies started after that date, and that includes most individual policies in effect today.

Obama Seen Forced to Go to Congress to Seek Health-Law Changes - Bloomberg

bro........nobody cares about the views of assholes like Wry Catcher.......his views represent far less than 15% of the population. The only place their shit resonates is on websites like this in the nether-regions of the internet. The guy hails from the fairy districts of San Francisco......all you need to know. The whole country knows that city is nothing but a bunch of k00ks......and interestingly enough, its amongst the most racist cities in the nation!!:lol:
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you are really ignorant an allow your emotions to run amok.

The constitution can only be changed in accordance with article v, hence no one, not even a president, can change the constitution. So president obama cannot change gun laws on his own; the constitution does not speak to the executives power to promulgate rules and regulations nor does it speak to judicial review. You may not like it but every administration and every supreme court (since marbury v. Madison (1803), has performed their duties in accordance with these principles.
shut the fuck up dumb ass just shut up
policy experts say that while the president has broad power to exempt plans that were in effect before his health-care law was passed in march 2010, he doesn’t have that flexibility for policies started after that date, and that includes most individual policies in effect today.

obama seen forced to go to congress to seek health-law changes - bloomberg

bro........nobody cares about the views of assholes like wry catcher.......his views represent far less than 15% of the population. The only place their shit resonates is on websites like this in the nether-regions of the internet. The guy hails from the fairy districts of san francisco......all you need to know. The whole country knows that city is nothing but a bunch of k00ks......and interestingly enough, its amongst the most racist cities in the nation!!:lol:

this is how history is rewritten. I'm trying to stop it before it starts.

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