Country First!

shut the fuck up dumb ass just shut up
policy experts say that while the president has broad power to exempt plans that were in effect before his health-care law was passed in march 2010, he doesn’t have that flexibility for policies started after that date, and that includes most individual policies in effect today.

obama seen forced to go to congress to seek health-law changes - bloomberg

bro........nobody cares about the views of assholes like wry catcher.......his views represent far less than 15% of the population. The only place their shit resonates is on websites like this in the nether-regions of the internet. The guy hails from the fairy districts of san francisco......all you need to know. The whole country knows that city is nothing but a bunch of k00ks......and interestingly enough, its amongst the most racist cities in the nation!!:lol:

this is how history is rewritten. I'm trying to stop it before it starts.

Nah.......the left has been busy the past 5 years blowing themselves up. Its all good......just gotta wait 'till next year at this time. It took people 5 years to realize the level of fraud we got going on in Washington......better late than never dude!!

Look at the numbers.......guys like Wry Catcher are fringe >>>>
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At times the legislature writes into the law, legislative powers that the president can exercise.
The first one I was aware of was FDR's second bill to Congress in 1933. Congress gave powers to the president to balance the budget. Interesting bill.
At times the legislature writes into the law, legislative powers that the president can exercise.
The first one I was aware of was FDR's second bill to Congress in 1933. Congress gave powers to the president to balance the budget. Interesting bill.

the president does have some power, but he does not have the authority to do what obama wants to do.
It wasn't needed or wanted. What was needed was a reasoned, manageable reform of various aspects of healthcare, NOT a massive government grab for power and money that would fuck things up even more for millions and millions of Americans.

You need to a 12-step meeting for excessive consumers of Kool-Aid. PPACA isn't a power grab, the Feds have not nationalized the health care system nor turned it into a socialized health care system.

:lol: I'll bet you accuse other people of being "brainwashed" or "duped," huh? :lol:

Of course. You're only one member of the club (Echo Chamber, United).
You need to a 12-step meeting for excessive consumers of Kool-Aid. PPACA isn't a power grab, the Feds have not nationalized the health care system nor turned it into a socialized health care system.

:lol: I'll bet you accuse other people of being "brainwashed" or "duped," huh? :lol:

Of course. You're only one member of the club (Echo Chamber, United).

does your head hurt when that pea brain loose it grip and start rattling in your head?
Dumb ass the president can't change a law no matter how the fuck you want it to be true. If the president could change a law on his own why doesn't obama change some gun control laws and ban all guns?

You are really ignorant an allow your emotions to run amok.

The Constitution can only be changed in accordance with Article V, hence no one, not even a President, can change the Constitution. So President Obama cannot change gun laws on his own; the Constitution does not speak to the Executives power to promulgate rules and regulations nor does it speak to Judicial Review. You may not like it but every Administration and every Supreme Court (since Marbury v. Madison (1803), has performed their duties in accordance with these principles.
Shut the fuck up dumb ass just shut up
Policy experts say that while the president has broad power to exempt plans that were in effect before his health-care law was passed in March 2010, he doesn’t have that flexibility for policies started after that date, and that includes most individual policies in effect today.

Obama Seen Forced to Go to Congress to Seek Health-Law Changes - Bloomberg

The reason I never put anyone on ignore is I learned long ago I can learn something new even from the retarded and bigots. Now, what you posted is something of which I was not aware. However, "policy experts" are not the final authority on this issue, the judiciary is.

We'll see how this unfolds, the fact remains your side will do everything possible to repeal the PPACA (Obamacare). And the GOP, having railed against Obamacare has had a couple of years to offer solutions to or an alternative to Obamacard and have not done so.

You are really ignorant an allow your emotions to run amok.

The Constitution can only be changed in accordance with Article V, hence no one, not even a President, can change the Constitution. So President Obama cannot change gun laws on his own; the Constitution does not speak to the Executives power to promulgate rules and regulations nor does it speak to Judicial Review. You may not like it but every Administration and every Supreme Court (since Marbury v. Madison (1803), has performed their duties in accordance with these principles.
Shut the fuck up dumb ass just shut up
Policy experts say that while the president has broad power to exempt plans that were in effect before his health-care law was passed in March 2010, he doesn’t have that flexibility for policies started after that date, and that includes most individual policies in effect today.

Obama Seen Forced to Go to Congress to Seek Health-Law Changes - Bloomberg

The reason I never put anyone on ignore is I learned long ago I can learn something new even from the retarded and bigots. Now, what you posted is something of which I was not aware. However, "policy experts" are not the final authority on this issue, the judiciary is.

We'll see how this unfolds, the fact remains your side will do everything possible to repeal the PPACA (Obamacare). And the GOP, having railed against Obamacare has had a couple of years to offer solutions to or an alternative to Obamacard and have not done so.


:eusa_whistle: In other word retard obama cannot do what he wants to do with obamacare. that's all you had to say, but you had to retard it up.
It wasn't needed or wanted. What was needed was a reasoned, manageable reform of various aspects of healthcare, NOT a massive government grab for power and money that would fuck things up even more for millions and millions of Americans.

You need to a 12-step meeting for excessive consumers of Kool-Aid. PPACA isn't a power grab, the Feds have not nationalized the health care system nor turned it into a socialized health care system.

The feds setting the standards for what the consumer HAS to buy with healthcare sure seems like a power grab to me.
Having said that, obamacare is and will be such a disaster that the government will come out and say that the only way to save it will be through the single payer plan, which is.........?(I'll let you connect those dots wry) Even you can't be that stupid...(I think)

I have no idea what a single payer (SP) system would look like, who might benefit, what effect a SP plan might have on total costs and who would be harmed. Do you?

I have some idea, from reading "Time Magazines" article Why Medial Bills Are Killing Us (March 4, 2013), on billing, the impact of Chargemaster and the negative impact the current system (pre Obamacare) had on a snapshot of patients described in the article.
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Country First!

Remember what Limbaugh said about accusing the Dems of doing what the Rs area actually doing. The funny thing is, even though the Rs say they are motivated by greed ruin and the desire to ruin this president and our country, rw's pretend they can't hear that.

nobody cares about the views of assholes like wry catcher.......his views represent far less 15% of the population.

Another trick common from the right is the statement of some asssssinine figure like this and then pretending its true. All the other rw's will all just nod their empty heads up and down and once again, an outright lie has become a fact.
Shut the fuck up dumb ass just shut up
Policy experts say that while the president has broad power to exempt plans that were in effect before his health-care law was passed in March 2010, he doesn’t have that flexibility for policies started after that date, and that includes most individual policies in effect today.

Obama Seen Forced to Go to Congress to Seek Health-Law Changes - Bloomberg

The reason I never put anyone on ignore is I learned long ago I can learn something new even from the retarded and bigots. Now, what you posted is something of which I was not aware. However, "policy experts" are not the final authority on this issue, the judiciary is.

We'll see how this unfolds, the fact remains your side will do everything possible to repeal the PPACA (Obamacare). And the GOP, having railed against Obamacare has had a couple of years to offer solutions to or an alternative to Obamacard and have not done so.


:eusa_whistle: In other word retard obama cannot do what he wants to do with obamacare. that's all you had to say, but you had to retard it up.

Actually I had to retard it down so you might understand. But, THANKS FOR SHARING
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Looks as if the Echo Chamber has moved on, better to cut and run than to defend prior errors of irrelevance and ignorance. Or worse, admit they were wrong on anything.

Q. Why is the Echo Chamber membership never able to admit they're wrong?

A. I suspect for one of them to open that door would create a vortex of uncivil war in the ranks of the Echo Chamber Ruck.
Country First!

Remember what Limbaugh said about accusing the Dems of doing what the Rs area actually doing. The funny thing is, even though the Rs say they are motivated by greed ruin and the desire to ruin this president and our country, rw's pretend they can't hear that.

nobody cares about the views of assholes like wry catcher.......his views represent far less 15% of the population.

Another trick common from the right is the statement of some asssssinine figure like this and then pretending its true. All the other rw's will all just nod their empty heads up and down and once again, an outright lie has become a fact.

Backed up with a link s0n!!! Since you clearly have shit in your eyes like most far lefties, I'll pop it up again!!!

Gallup poll: Conservatives outnumber liberals - Tim Mak -

21% liberal........fringe assholes like you and Wry are far left. 15% is a highly conservative number......likely closer to below 10%.

In other words.....nobody thinks like you clowns.:D:D:D:eusa_dance:
Country First!

Remember what Limbaugh said about accusing the Dems of doing what the Rs area actually doing. The funny thing is, even though the Rs say they are motivated by greed ruin and the desire to ruin this president and our country, rw's pretend they can't hear that.

nobody cares about the views of assholes like wry catcher.......his views represent far less 15% of the population.

Another trick common from the right is the statement of some asssssinine figure like this and then pretending its true. All the other rw's will all just nod their empty heads up and down and once again, an outright lie has become a fact.

Backed up with a link s0n!!! Since you clearly have shit in your eyes like most far lefties, I'll pop it up again!!!

Gallup poll: Conservatives outnumber liberals - Tim Mak -

21% liberal........fringe assholes like you and Wry are far left. 15% is a highly conservative number......likely closer to below 10%.

In other words.....nobody thinks like you clowns.:D:D:D:eusa_dance:

Ironically you're spot on Kook. Very few think like us. Sadly, your side, and you, don't think - you emote. You and the rest of the Echo Chamber simply can't (or won't) look at data which refutes or doesn't confirm your opinions.

Consider Global Climate Change, aka, Global Warming. You and others on the idiot fringe bloviate it's all a fraud based on snow in early October or a cooler summer. Drawing absolute conclusions from single data points isn't a sign critical thinking. It's lazy thinking, if it is thinking at all.
The reason I never put anyone on ignore is I learned long ago I can learn something new even from the retarded and bigots. Now, what you posted is something of which I was not aware. However, "policy experts" are not the final authority on this issue, the judiciary is.

We'll see how this unfolds, the fact remains your side will do everything possible to repeal the PPACA (Obamacare). And the GOP, having railed against Obamacare has had a couple of years to offer solutions to or an alternative to Obamacard and have not done so.


:eusa_whistle: In other word retard obama cannot do what he wants to do with obamacare. that's all you had to say, but you had to retard it up.

Actually I had to retard it down so you might understand. But, THANKS FOR SHARING

dumbing it down is all you can do because you couldn't understand it any other way.
:lol: I thought so. You're just another in a long line of empty, irrelevant, hyper-partisan hacks.

it [sic] is dishonest to change my post...

I didn't change your post, I responded to the part of it that I intended to.

Nice try, it was out of context and therefore dishonest. A lie is a lie is a lie. It matters not if the lie is a lie of commission or a lie of omission. An don't feel bad, a lie of omission is a lie most common to right wingers who need to lie, for the truth is their greatest enemy.

Consider how Secretary Clinton's comments on Benghazi were taken out of context by dirt bag Republican Members of Congress, and echoed on this message board. Or the scurrilous lies about our President's place of birth, ethnicity, religion, political beliefs and even his sexuality.
Country First!

Remember what Limbaugh said about accusing the Dems of doing what the Rs area actually doing. The funny thing is, even though the Rs say they are motivated by greed ruin and the desire to ruin this president and our country, rw's pretend they can't hear that.

nobody cares about the views of assholes like wry catcher.......his views represent far less 15% of the population.

Another trick common from the right is the statement of some asssssinine figure like this and then pretending its true. All the other rw's will all just nod their empty heads up and down and once again, an outright lie has become a fact.

Backed up with a link s0n!!! Since you clearly have shit in your eyes like most far lefties, I'll pop it up again!!!

Gallup poll: Conservatives outnumber liberals - Tim Mak -

21% liberal........fringe assholes like you and Wry are far left. 15% is a highly conservative number......likely closer to below 10%.

In other words.....nobody thinks like you clowns.:D:D:D:eusa_dance:


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