Couple discriminated against by Kim Davis marries

Eye bleach please

When she died, Maureen O'Hara was no prize either. So here's hoping you live long enough to be equally ugly and hear from everyone about it.

"When you eight-hundred years you reach, look as good you will not." - Yoda

I really doubt either of the two in the photo were ever "lookers"

Easy to forgot online that people we discuss are real people. With real feelings, histories, families, and dreams. So when people say something designe donly to hurt with no leigitmacy to them I think they should take a step back, do other things for a while and reflect on how they behave and think of other people.

Said something I instantly regretted the other day and msg'd the guy I said it to to apologise. You ever apologise? Or do you exist in a bubble where no one matters but you?

I say what I mean. The fact is the two are not good looking women and I doubt they ever were. I can't help if the truth harms your tender delicacies
A "couple" is a man and a woman.

Two queers are not a "couple". They are simple two queers.

The two labels are not the same.
Eye bleach please

When she died, Maureen O'Hara was no prize either. So here's hoping you live long enough to be equally ugly and hear from everyone about it.

"When you eight-hundred years you reach, look as good you will not." - Yoda

I really doubt either of the two in the photo were ever "lookers"

Easy to forgot online that people we discuss are real people. With real feelings, histories, families, and dreams. So when people say something designe donly to hurt with no leigitmacy to them I think they should take a step back, do other things for a while and reflect on how they behave and think of other people.

Said something I instantly regretted the other day and msg'd the guy I said it to to apologise. You ever apologise? Or do you exist in a bubble where no one matters but you?

I say what I mean. The fact is the two are not good looking women and I doubt they ever were. I can't help if the truth harms your tender delicacies

They're what, 50+? 60? If you only see people for how they appear now you're missing an awful lot.
Eye bleach please

When she died, Maureen O'Hara was no prize either. So here's hoping you live long enough to be equally ugly and hear from everyone about it.

"When you eight-hundred years you reach, look as good you will not." - Yoda

I really doubt either of the two in the photo were ever "lookers"

Easy to forgot online that people we discuss are real people. With real feelings, histories, families, and dreams. So when people say something designe donly to hurt with no leigitmacy to them I think they should take a step back, do other things for a while and reflect on how they behave and think of other people.

Said something I instantly regretted the other day and msg'd the guy I said it to to apologise. You ever apologise? Or do you exist in a bubble where no one matters but you?

I say what I mean. The fact is the two are not good looking women and I doubt they ever were. I can't help if the truth harms your tender delicacies

They're what, 50+? 60? If you only see people for how they appear now you're missing an awful lot.

Uhm,,,,I don't agree with SSM?
Eye bleach please

When she died, Maureen O'Hara was no prize either. So here's hoping you live long enough to be equally ugly and hear from everyone about it.

"When you eight-hundred years you reach, look as good you will not." - Yoda

I really doubt either of the two in the photo were ever "lookers"

Easy to forgot online that people we discuss are real people. With real feelings, histories, families, and dreams. So when people say something designe donly to hurt with no leigitmacy to them I think they should take a step back, do other things for a while and reflect on how they behave and think of other people.

Said something I instantly regretted the other day and msg'd the guy I said it to to apologise. You ever apologise? Or do you exist in a bubble where no one matters but you?

If they don't like being in the public eye, they shouldn't have made themselves into high profile public figures. IF they want to sue heterosexuals so they can ram their lifestyle down our throats, then they better not start crying about how we're so mean to them, because no one gives a crap.
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So according to cons the floods in Texas are 'god's' wrath for whatever he is pissed about re this and other things cons don't like? Or is it just floody in Texas lately.

Strange how 'god's wrath' shows up when politically convenient but its just bad weather otherwise. That whole chestnut takes an organizer and calculator to keep straight one would think. Some 'kristian' woman said the drought in CA was 'god's wrath' as well. "I will make them use 26% less water! THEN they will know I am the lord". Should have said it was the fires in CA, that aligns more closely with the whole 'lake of fire' brickabrack. And was the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs 'god's wrath'? They wouldn't stop fornicating so he smote them en masse, except for two of each which he saved so they could walk on the ark. You could call that 'god's math'.

Doesn't add up, but eh, it also doesn't add up he would create people knowing they would be gay just so he could send them to eternal torture. "I created you but it was a mistake but I can't make a mistake because I'm god and I'm perfect but you are a mistake but you can't be a mistake because then I wouldn't be perfect..."

Thankfully he has angry people on Earth to properly interpret what he MEANT.
Grampa Murked U647237 said:
BTW I think quadruple rather than couple is a better description for them nasty fat dykes.
Where's your pic, prison bitch?
Fatass get offended?

Poor baby
So, no pic. Got it :thup:
Even if I was a fat pig like them, which I am not at 5'8" & 180lbs, it wouldn't excuse their disgusting obesity or lifestyle.

Now what?
They don't look obese. Overweight, sure. Out of shape. They're what, 59, 60 yrs old? I'm sure you're no prize yourself. And their lifestyle is none of your business. Nobody is judging you for taking cock up your ass in prison. I mean, you did what you had to do to survive. I get it.
Grampa Murked U647237 said:
BTW I think quadruple rather than couple is a better description for them nasty fat dykes.
Where's your pic, prison bitch?
Fatass get offended?

Poor baby
So, no pic. Got it :thup:
Even if I was a fat pig like them, which I am not at 5'8" & 180lbs, it wouldn't excuse their disgusting obesity or lifestyle.

Now what?
They don't look obese. Overweight, sure. Out of shape. They're what, 59, 60 yrs old? I'm sure you're no prize yourself. And their lifestyle is none of your business. Nobody is judging you for taking cock up your ass in prison. I mean, you did what you had to do to survive. I get it.
Your psychotic wet dreams are not a reflection of reality.
For them, justice, for you, nothing...

For them.... make sure their coffins are packed with SPF50. They'll need it in Hell.

I do believe that your holy book book says that is up to God eh? And according to it, you are unworthy...

We've discussed this multiple tines.... Im not a Christian. The Bible is no more Holy to me than the Torah, Koran, or whichever science book or Communist manifesto you worship.

My "religion" not only Expects but DEMANDS that I call out those who act Immorally, lest I be held as responsible for their crimes/sins as they are.

What's immoral about 2 women living together in a committed relationship?
The ceremony was held last night on the courthouse lawn right in front of Kim Davis' office. Good for them. A lawsuit against Kim Davis by the couple is still ongoing.

Couple Who Sued Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Marry


I just married my sister! Or was it my mom? That is what this picture looks like.
In a way you gotta feel bad for these conservatives. They live in a scary world they no longer recognize. They are confused, depressed, sometimes they feel lost and don't know where they are anymore...

Wait a minute, do we need to build nursing homes for conservatives?! Omg I found the answer! :rofl:
I know...apparently these two women marrying frightens and intimidates them to the point they have to be hateful. Whatever. It's their issues.

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