Court Denies Teen’s Wish to Refuse Cancer Treatment

Anyone who thinks not doing any kind of treatment will result in cancer fairies curing them needs to get informed.

Some people are just going to insist that doctors and healthcare workers are just in some conspiracy.
I posted several doctors who have stated chemo does not work, yet you people what to continue believing in fantasies.

If you bother to get educated on this issue, you will find hundreds if not thousands of doctors and scientists who know chemo is ineffective and dangerous.

But many of you prefer to live in ignorance and denial...and then condemn those who expose the fraud that is chemo.

It does work for different types of cancers. For others, doctors may use it as a palliative form of treatment, in other words to shrink a tumor that is making a patient uncomfortable in some way. A lot of times, chemo and radiation are used to shrink a tumor, so that surgery can be performed and be less invasive to your insides. There are many uses for chemo. Sure, sometimes it is going to be a useless measure. If that is the case, the doctors I type for always inform the patient of this fact. And the patient makes the ultimate decision.
Forgive me for not thanking you for this thread earlier, Drifter. It is one of the most important threads that was posted on USMB today. Because of the ramifications. Thank you for posting this thread. I appreciate it.

I have a relative that was diagnosed with cancer and it is being recommended that he take chemo. I am writing him a letter tomorrow advising against it. I cannot in good conscience see him go through with such a thing. It would destroy any chance of recovery he might have, in my opinion.
I am curious. Why do you think that? What should be done in place of chemo?
"Cassandra C" reportedly believes chemotherapy will do her harm rather than save her life.

A 17-year-old cancer patient does not have the right to refuse treatment for her disease, the state of Connecticut’s highest court has ruled.

Cassandra was removed from Fortin’s care after the mother and daughter missed follow-up appointments and placed into the custody of child welfare officials, who forced her to undergo the cancer treatment. The teenager ran away from hospital after just two days of chemotherapy.

The court made its expedited decision Thursday following a 45-minute hearing, during which lawyers for Cassandra and her mother argued that even though Cassandra is a minor, she can make her own health decisions. Cassandra is months away from turning 18.

Connecticut Rules Cancer-Stricken Teen Must Undergo Chemotherapy

In one instance she is allowed to do what she wants with her body ( as in abortion) but in another instance she is not allowed to seek a medical alternative if she wants to.

I strongly believe a person has the right to accept or refuse treatment. In Ms. Cassandra's case, and several others like it, the courts are simply complying with strange laws passed without knowledge of the people.

Do you know about MEHPA (Model Emergency Health Power Act) passed by republican president George W. Bush? What is MEHPA? From The Wilderness Publications
"Cassandra C" reportedly believes chemotherapy will do her harm rather than save her life.

A 17-year-old cancer patient does not have the right to refuse treatment for her disease, the state of Connecticut’s highest court has ruled.

Cassandra was removed from Fortin’s care after the mother and daughter missed follow-up appointments and placed into the custody of child welfare officials, who forced her to undergo the cancer treatment. The teenager ran away from hospital after just two days of chemotherapy.

The court made its expedited decision Thursday following a 45-minute hearing, during which lawyers for Cassandra and her mother argued that even though Cassandra is a minor, she can make her own health decisions. Cassandra is months away from turning 18.

Connecticut Rules Cancer-Stricken Teen Must Undergo Chemotherapy

In one instance she is allowed to do what she wants with her body ( as in abortion) but in another instance she is not allowed to seek a medical alternative if she wants to.

I strongly believe a person has the right to accept or refuse treatment. In Ms. Cassandra's case, and several others like it, the courts are simply complying with strange laws passed without knowledge of the people.

Do you know about MEHPA (Model Emergency Health Power Act) passed by republican president George W. Bush? What is MEHPA? From The Wilderness Publications

Never heard of it, I will bookmark this and read about it.
Anyone who thinks not doing any kind of treatment will result in cancer fairies curing them needs to get informed.

Some people are just going to insist that doctors and healthcare workers are just in some conspiracy.
They are not in a conspiracy. Just idiots as I have said. Just two days ago they determined aspirin regimens may kill you now. What a bunch of ass clowns. But like I said that is another thread.
I strongly believe a person has the right to accept or refuse treatment.
Do you believe minors do? This is NOT about persons, it is about minor persons

Do you believe all minors should have this right or only ones you think should? Should there be a cutoff age for children and what if one under your new age requirement was more mature than others of their age? Who would get to decide?
Anyone who thinks not doing any kind of treatment will result in cancer fairies curing them needs to get informed.

Some people are just going to insist that doctors and healthcare workers are just in some conspiracy.
I posted several doctors who have stated chemo does not work, yet you people what to continue believing in fantasies.

If you bother to get educated on this issue, you will find hundreds if not thousands of doctors and scientists who know chemo is ineffective and dangerous.

But many of you prefer to live in ignorance and denial...and then condemn those who expose the fraud that is chemo.
This is :cuckoo: There is an overwhelming consensus in the medical field on the efficacy of chemo treatments. Chemo = chemical. D'Oh!

Several doctors who CLAIM chemo doesn't actually work? Why not bring these murders to a court of law with evidence? We could jail the whole medical profession for murdering innocent cancer victims.
Nuttiness about cancer and chemo studies. Some studies may say doctors rely too much on chemo treatments, but in what context? Last resorts? First line of treatment on what specific cancers? Far too many questions to give credence to the nuttiness

The :cuckoo:s on the world wide web:

clue #1: they can't even keep this guy's name straight: Dr. Alan S. Levin, MD.
book reviews, whole web pages with him as the main source -- all with childish errors
I can understand parents not wanting their child to have a child which could potentially ruin her life. I cannot understand parents not wanting their child to have treatment for a potentially deadly disease.

I would imagine the kid has been influenced by her mother somehow.

Ohmigod, people being influenced by other people in their lives! The horror! Anyone who has ever been influenced by someone else - unless it's someone that Noomi agrees with - should automatically have all their rights revoked!

Truly, the only positive thing one can ever say about your existence is that at least your utter uselessness to the universe is consistent.
Sorry, but her mother isn't "denying her medical care". Her mother is acceding to her choice about her body. And the state is superceding BOTH Cassandra's choice AND that of her legal guardian to say it knows better for her.

Reality check. Failure to show at appointments indicates medical neglect. But, hey.........thanks for playing.

Reality check. Failure to show at appointments indicates the patient's lack of desire fo rthe treatment. But hey, thanks for proudly waving your hypocrite flag.

It's called medical neglect. You don't have to like it but there it is.

It's called hypocrisy. You don't have to like it, but it's all over you, anyway.

It's called medical neglect. You're just fucking ignorant.

Hmmm. Complying with a human being's wishes regarding her own body, rather than overriding those wishes and doing what you want with her body, is "medical neglect"? Since I know perfectly well that you would NEVER accept that standard for any treatment you disagreed with, I call hypocritical bullshit. This isn't about medical neglect; this is about your stunningly arrogant hubris. No more, no less.
Reality check. Failure to show at appointments indicates medical neglect. But, hey.........thanks for playing.

Reality check. Failure to show at appointments indicates the patient's lack of desire fo rthe treatment. But hey, thanks for proudly waving your hypocrite flag.

It's called medical neglect. You don't have to like it but there it is.

It's called hypocrisy. You don't have to like it, but it's all over you, anyway.

It's called medical neglect. You're just fucking ignorant.

Hmmm. Complying with a human being's wishes regarding her own body, rather than overriding those wishes and doing what you want with her body, is "medical neglect"? Since I know perfectly well that you would NEVER accept that standard for any treatment you disagreed with, I call hypocritical bullshit. This isn't about medical neglect; this is about your stunningly arrogant hubris. No more, no less.

I'm not under age. This is why you fail. Again.
What are you retarded? Again we are not talking about the idiot medical establishment. Reality is what it is. If you do nothing you die. If you do something you have a chance.

And the reality is ALSO that you consider choosing to die completely valid . . . when it fits your narrative. Hypocrite.
Reality check. Failure to show at appointments indicates the patient's lack of desire fo rthe treatment. But hey, thanks for proudly waving your hypocrite flag.

It's called medical neglect. You don't have to like it but there it is.

It's called hypocrisy. You don't have to like it, but it's all over you, anyway.

It's called medical neglect. You're just fucking ignorant.

Hmmm. Complying with a human being's wishes regarding her own body, rather than overriding those wishes and doing what you want with her body, is "medical neglect"? Since I know perfectly well that you would NEVER accept that standard for any treatment you disagreed with, I call hypocritical bullshit. This isn't about medical neglect; this is about your stunningly arrogant hubris. No more, no less.

I'm not under age. This is why you fail. Again.

You don't give a tinker's damn about "underage" when it agrees with your agenda. This is why I call hypocritical bullshit . . . again.

Is there anything about you that isn't illogical, inconsistent, and blowing enough smoke up your own ass to make your sphincter sue Philip Morris?
It's called medical neglect. You don't have to like it but there it is.

It's called hypocrisy. You don't have to like it, but it's all over you, anyway.

It's called medical neglect. You're just fucking ignorant.

Hmmm. Complying with a human being's wishes regarding her own body, rather than overriding those wishes and doing what you want with her body, is "medical neglect"? Since I know perfectly well that you would NEVER accept that standard for any treatment you disagreed with, I call hypocritical bullshit. This isn't about medical neglect; this is about your stunningly arrogant hubris. No more, no less.

I'm not under age. This is why you fail. Again.

You don't give a tinker's damn about "underage" when it agrees with your agenda. This is why I call hypocritical bullshit . . . again.

Is there anything about you that isn't illogical, inconsistent, and blowing enough smoke up your own ass to make your sphincter sue Philip Morris?

How the fuck would you know that? Oh, you don't. You just thought that you would sound uber cool. You don't. You're just kicking you do.'s throwing a tantrum.

Aww, it's projecting in order to avoid facing reality.

That is reality. Wail, cry, throw tantrums if you must.........but there it is.

You're correct: your hypocrisy and bullshit ARE reality. Although the only thing upsetting about that is if you persist in infecting public policy with your stupidity.

Grow a pair. Stick with one ID. Pull your head out.Your incessant whining does not help your cause. You simply look like an idiot.

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