Court orders Trump to turn over Mar-a-Lago visitor records

If a court "asks" for something I'm thinking it isn't a legal matter. You can't think.

If it's a new york court, they don't have jurisdiction over either the federal government or records from the state of florida. Which may explain the ask, instead of order.

Even a federal district court may have to ask for voluntary compliance, since the information may fall under information exceptions for national security.
...and? That was my point, it's meaningless. It's sole purpose is to fluff the liberals.
I thought her excuse was that there was absolutely nothing, zero, nada about computer servers in the law the GOP claimed she violated it
Wrong. That's why Comey went to the intent defense.

But I expect this answer to get deleted too.
Quote where the law mentioned servers while Hillary was SoS. If you could, then you would have actually had a shot at her.
It was government business. I didn't need to shoot her, she shot her mouth off and did the job. In other words you have no clue what it was all about but you are highly opinionated.
Yeah it was about her using a private server. Admit the law said nothing about them so we can move on.
You're a know nothing punk. You just had to highlight it too!

Why Clinton's Private Email Server Was Such a Security Fail
For a secretary of state, running your own email server might be a clever—if controversial—way to keep your conversations hidden from journalists and their pesky Freedom of Information Act requests. But ask a few security experts, and the consensus is that it's not a very smart way to keep those conversations hidden from hackers.

On Monday, the New York Times revealed that former secretary of state and future presidential candidate Hillary Clinton used a private email account rather than her official email address while serving in the State Department. And this was no Gmail or Yahoo! Mail account: On Wednesday the AP reported that Clinton actually ran a private mail server in her home during her entire tenure leading the State Department, hosting her email at the domain

Much of the criticism of that in-house email strategy has centered on its violation of the federal government's record-keeping and transparency rules. But as the controversy continues to swirl, the security community is focused on a different issue: the possibility that an unofficial, unprotected server held the communications of America's top foreign affairs official for four years, leaving all of it potentially vulnerable to state-sponsored hackers.
Man you're having a ton of trouble quoting the part about servers in the law back when Clinton was SoS.
Ruh roh Trump thumpers... how many Boris and Natasha's are going to turn up on that list? Should we take an over/under?

Washington (AFP) - A US court has asked President Donald Trump's staff to turn over records of visitors to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, according to a ruling made public Monday.
As president, Trump has visited his southern bolthole -- which he calls the "Winter White House" -- seven times between February and May when it closed for the season, according to an AFP tally.

The constant string of visitors raised transparency concerns and prompted a legal challenge from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

In response, a New York court has asked the Secret Service to turn over records of the people who visited Trump by September 8.

Trump asked to turn over Mar-a-Lago visitor records

Good news!
Trump is losing pretty bad right now. He really wants to keep his visitor logs secret. Soon we'll know why.

HA HA HA! Trump is doing spectacular. Sounds just like election night all over again! Trump's gonna lose any minute now. Time to throw the towel in! We got him on the ropes!

except the ass clown you have always been.

STILL waiting for the dirt on Russia!
STILL waiting for the dirt on Flynn!
STILL waiting for the dirt on the Administration, Manafort and all!
STILL waiting for the dirt on Sessions!
STILL waiting for the dirt on Jared!
STILL waiting for the dirt on Donald Jr.

YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT. You are a phony, a fake, a FRAUD.

If you could PRODUCE half as much as the cheap talk that flows out of your ass, you'd be worth your weight in gold.
Your nurse is doing a terrible job
For a secretary of state, running your own email server might be a clever—if controversial—way to keep your conversations hidden from journalists and their pesky Freedom of Information Act requests. But ask a few security experts, and the consensus is that it's not a very smart way to keep those conversations hidden from hackers..

Where was that oppinion of yours when George W. Bush ran a private RNC server in the white house. And after the US attorney firing scandal, congress tried to subpoena Bush's e-mails, and was told that they accidentally erased 22 million of them.

22 million emails deleted, and the backup tapes erased. oops.....
Ruh roh Trump thumpers... how many Boris and Natasha's are going to turn up on that list? Should we take an over/under?

Washington (AFP) - A US court has asked President Donald Trump's staff to turn over records of visitors to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, according to a ruling made public Monday.
As president, Trump has visited his southern bolthole -- which he calls the "Winter White House" -- seven times between February and May when it closed for the season, according to an AFP tally.

The constant string of visitors raised transparency concerns and prompted a legal challenge from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

In response, a New York court has asked the Secret Service to turn over records of the people who visited Trump by September 8.

Trump asked to turn over Mar-a-Lago visitor records

they should have to turn over the visitors records at the white house, too.... and his tax returns...

but again, rightwingnut loons don't care. if a dem did this they'd have been impeached already.

You are losing it lib, he's under no obligation to release his tax returns the law protects his privacy from filth liberals.
Dems will subpoena them when they're back in power. And Republican's are fatigued from covering for him.

Dems won't be back in power for some time. You idiots keep hanging yourselves with this stupidity. ONLY the rabid left believes any of this. The right and the moderates are fed up with you assholes.

Now, quote me a poll you fool!
Dems won't be back in power for some time. You idiots keep hanging yourselves with this stupidity. ONLY the rabid left believes any of this. The right and the moderates are fed up with you assholes.

Now, quote me a poll you fool!

Analysts this morning were saying that the Dems look to lose about ten seats in the senate next year. They need to win that many in districts where Trump won heavy last year (double digits) just to keep their nose above water.
Some stupid Liberals and a stupid liberal Judge: "Turn over the visitor records!"

If he doesn't: "See? He's guilty!"

If he does: "See? He's Guilty!"
Where was that oppinion of yours when George W. Bush ran a private RNC server in the white house. And after the US attorney firing scandal, congress tried to subpoena Bush's e-mails, and was told that they accidentally erased 22 million of them.

22 million emails deleted, and the backup tapes erased. oops.....

To the bolded, political party data is the property of the party, not the people...and, it's not classified.
Some stupid Liberals and a stupid liberal Judge: "Turn over the visitor records!"

If he doesn't: "See? He's guilty!"

If he does: "See? He's Guilty!"

That's what Eric Trump said of why Donald wouldn't release his tax records. He said if he did, he would lose the election. I guess Eric knows something about his dasds taxes.especially now that he's running the company.
Ruh roh Trump thumpers... how many Boris and Natasha's are going to turn up on that list? Should we take an over/under?

Washington (AFP) - A US court has asked President Donald Trump's staff to turn over records of visitors to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, according to a ruling made public Monday.
As president, Trump has visited his southern bolthole -- which he calls the "Winter White House" -- seven times between February and May when it closed for the season, according to an AFP tally.

The constant string of visitors raised transparency concerns and prompted a legal challenge from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

In response, a New York court has asked the Secret Service to turn over records of the people who visited Trump by September 8.

Trump asked to turn over Mar-a-Lago visitor records

they should have to turn over the visitors records at the white house, too.... and his tax returns...

but again, rightwingnut loons don't care. if a dem did this they'd have been impeached already.

You are losing it lib, he's under no obligation to release his tax returns the law protects his privacy from filth liberals.
Dems will subpoena them when they're back in power. And Republican's are fatigued from covering for him.

Subpoena until you are blue in the face lib, Trump has Federal law on his side go ahead pummel yourself. Everybody knows filth liberals only want his tax returns so they can publish fake news. :laugh:
since ho sold the most expensive house in South Florida to a Russian, and he prefers long golfing weekends in South Florida to Pennsylvania Ave we need to see who he entertains with $10 million dollar taxpayer money ...

A "pitch and put" course on White House lawn?
Where was that oppinion of yours when George W. Bush ran a private RNC server in the white house. And after the US attorney firing scandal, congress tried to subpoena Bush's e-mails, and was told that they accidentally erased 22 million of them.

22 million emails deleted, and the backup tapes erased. oops.....

To the bolded, political party data is the property of the party, not the people...and, it's not classified.

They used it for official government emails. Just like the way Hillary used hers.

Trump is guilt of conspiracy to collude to hide the visitor logs....or something

Plus he's guilty because, well because I just really really hate Trump.

poor uninformed nutbar

we get it,..;.. you freaks of nature don't want him investigations. investigations are only for running down the approval ratings of democrats.

now STFU

You mad bro? Bwhahahaha you lost the election, you lost the White House, the Senate, the House, now you have sour grapes and you are throwing a tantrum boo hoo. :laugh:
Quote where the law mentioned servers while Hillary was SoS. If you could, then you would have actually had a shot at her.

46 CFR 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information.
Cool but language on computer servers was not in the law until after Hillary left as SoS
If you read the code, classified information can only be hand delivered, or, if delivered electronically, must be sent on a secure system.such as NIPRnet of SIPRnet. Classified information is NEVER to be shared with anyone who does not have a clearance AND only on a need-to-know basis.

For starters.
Trump should just follow Obama's lead and redact most of the names.

"The Obama administration began voluntarily disclosing its visitor records in 2009 after CREW sued and won. Obama's White House, however, reserved the right to redact records of visitors that were personal guests not involved in official or political business, as well as records related to "particularly sensitive meetings." "
Ruh roh Trump thumpers... how many Boris and Natasha's are going to turn up on that list? Should we take an over/under?

Washington (AFP) - A US court has asked President Donald Trump's staff to turn over records of visitors to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, according to a ruling made public Monday.
As president, Trump has visited his southern bolthole -- which he calls the "Winter White House" -- seven times between February and May when it closed for the season, according to an AFP tally.

The constant string of visitors raised transparency concerns and prompted a legal challenge from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

In response, a New York court has asked the Secret Service to turn over records of the people who visited Trump by September 8.

Trump asked to turn over Mar-a-Lago visitor records

they should have to turn over the visitors records at the white house, too.... and his tax returns...

but again, rightwingnut loons don't care. if a dem did this they'd have been impeached already.

You are losing it lib, he's under no obligation to release his tax returns the law protects his privacy from filth liberals.
Dems will subpoena them when they're back in power. And Republican's are fatigued from covering for him.

Dems won't be back in power for some time. You idiots keep hanging yourselves with this stupidity. ONLY the rabid left believes any of this. The right and the moderates are fed up with you assholes.

Now, quote me a poll you fool!

Ouch! That was mean, approved! :eusa_clap:

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