Court orders Trump to turn over Mar-a-Lago visitor records

Untrue. She stored and transmitted information that was classified and properly labeled.

Actully none of the classified emails was properly labeled. They had (c)'s and (s)'s indications, but none had the required classification header stating the highest classification level of the document, and the declassification date.
Unauthorized disclosure of tax information is a felony crime, with a maximum penalty of a $250,000 fine and five years in prison.

Only by someone with fiduciary responsibilities over the information. If somebody voluntarily releases the information, anybody can publish it.
They suck in other places to.

Liberals are a world all unto themselves. They make themselves feel real good until another election comes along next year to hit them right in the face. Reality really sucks.

[insert egg joke here]
Some stupid Liberals and a stupid liberal Judge: "Turn over the visitor records!"

If he doesn't: "See? He's guilty!"

If he does: "See? He's Guilty!"

That's what Eric Trump said of why Donald wouldn't release his tax records. He said if he did, he would lose the election. I guess Eric knows something about his dasds taxes.especially now that he's running the company.

Learn to read, idiot.
Untrue. She stored and transmitted information that was classified and properly labeled.

Actully none of the classified emails was properly labeled. They had (c)'s and (s)'s indications, but none had the required classification header stating the highest classification level of the document, and the declassification date.
That's proper labeling.

Unless you she is an incompetent moron as Secy of State.
"Si modo, post: 17738720, member: 20811"If any other government employee had done even half of what she did, they would be doing time and their careers would be done.

You are being generous. Hillary probably did enough to lock away a HUNDRED people for ten years or longer. Trump said it himself in Debate 2 I think, that Hillary might be the greatest unpunished criminal in modern history.

I bet sooner or later, Trump remedies that situation. Just you wait.
Actully none of the classified emails was properly labeled. They had (c)'s and (s)'s indications, but none had the required classification header stating the highest classification level of the document, and the declassification date.
That's proper labeling.

Unless you she is an incompetent moron as Secy of State.

It's NOT, which is why Comey said that Clinton was careless, but not criminal. If they were properly marked, there would be no question about their classification. Since they weren't properly marked, they had to say that Clinton should have known by their content, that the information was classified.
Not that it was properly marked as classified.
Actully none of the classified emails was properly labeled. They had (c)'s and (s)'s indications, but none had the required classification header stating the highest classification level of the document, and the declassification date.
That's proper labeling.

Unless you she is an incompetent moron as Secy of State.

It's NOT, which is why Comey said that Clinton was careless, but not criminal. If they were properly marked, there would be no question about their classification. Since they weren't properly marked, they had to say that Clinton should have known by their content, that the information was classified.
Not that it was properly marked as classified.

A former AG and judge said Comey is an idiot, intent is not a requirement to be guilty of breaking those laws.
Good grief.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI

"For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters. There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. In addition to this highly sensitive information, we also found information that was properly classified as Secret by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the time it was discussed on e-mail (that is, excluding the later “up-classified” e-mails).

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail."
A former AG and judge said Comey is an idiot, intent is not a requirement to be guilty of breaking those laws.

Actually intent (mens rea) is a requirement of most criminal statutes. The only exception are the "reckless" crimes, which only require a depraved indifference.
"For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters.

None of them had a classification header.
The records are not all visitors to Mar a Lago, just the records kept by the secret service. There are likely no records of all visitors.
"For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters.

None of them had a classification header.
It doesn't matter. They were properly labeled.

She knew what she was doing, or she is an incompetent moron who had no business even being a custodian in the government.
A former AG and judge said Comey is an idiot, intent is not a requirement to be guilty of breaking those laws.

Actually intent (mens rea) is a requirement of most criminal statutes. The only exception are the "reckless" crimes, which only require a depraved indifference.
The code is about a duty to handle classified information correctly; intent has no place.
The code is about a duty to handle classified information correctly; intent has no place.

Why do you right wing fuckheads ALWAYS "defend" the orange piece of lard with your bullshit about Clinton???

Either defend what the thread alludes to....or go hump a lamppost somewhere else.
The code is about a duty to handle classified information correctly; intent has no place.

Why do you right wing fuckheads ALWAYS "defend" the orange piece of lard with your bullshit about Clinton???

Either defend what the thread alludes to....or go hump a lamppost somewhere else.
I didn't bring Hilary up, fuck-chop.

And, to visitor logs, Obama already set precedent by redacting his logs the same organization asked for. Done. Trump will also redact. Colossal waste of time.

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