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Court to hear case on Guantanamo detainees

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Spikes, now that I, and everyone else on the board, knows you're so full of shit you're eyes are brown I'll just dismiss you.

Your pathetic attempt at looking shocked is the worst acting job I've seen since mariah carey made glitter.

My credibility as a Mod is unquestionable, except maybe to lowlife non thinkers like yourself.

I'm only sorry that I dragged myself to the gutter to meet you at your level.

Tout free speech all you like, when I catch you full of shit and hatred, I'm going to call you on it...all's fair, right?

When you have zero clue as to whats going on, your opinion about foreigners rights are worthless, just like you.

Keep living in your fantasy world, keep thinking you're such a great american. I've done more for this country than you could ever hope to do, simply by being a marine. You obviously didn't have the courage to even try.

you're a worthless, cowardly, and all around fascist anti-constitutional scum.


take care, k? :bye1:
Originally posted by gop_jeff

As much as you and I agree on lots of issues, you ought to read up a little bit more on DK. He is one of the most clear-headed people on this board, mod or not. He always has a clear position on the issues, and he backs his positions up with fact. Now I don't always agree with him on stuff, but for the most part, he is a very clear and level-headed guy. In fact, I rarely see him make personal attacks, unless someone assumes that he is a typical anti-war liberal (which he is not). Your ranting against him is not going to gain you anything, especially with the "old-timers" on the board.

Thank you sir. ;)
I never really understood the whole creation of the gitmo bay prison in the first place. Was it to bring these scumbags to an isolated place for interrogation that could not be attacked by the enemy? I would think your only going to get useful info out of someone in the short term. Eventually your going to have to do something with all these assholes..............
They'll go back when the wars over. Why is this so difficult to understand?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
They'll go back when the wars over. Why is this so difficult to understand?

1) They're not classified prisoners of war, they have been designated 'enemy combatants'.

2) with such a designation they are not afforded rights under geneva conventions, although I understand that they are receiving some of them.

3) As 'enemy combatants', and NOT prisoners of war, They are currently setting up military tribunals as if they are war criminals. This is clear violation of geneva conventions, which is why they are not designated POW's.

4) Since the WoT(war on terror) is going to be a long and arduous war, how long is it conceivable that they'll be held? 5 years? 10 years? maybe 20 or more?
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
I never really understood the whole creation of the gitmo bay prison in the first place. Was it to bring these scumbags to an isolated place for interrogation that could not be attacked by the enemy? I would think your only going to get useful info out of someone in the short term. Eventually your going to have to do something with all these assholes..............

That's a good question.
Because our prisons are overcrowded, maybe?
Or because we don't have proper facilitites for "enemy combatants" here?
Or because the farther away from US soils they are held, the easier it will be to do with them whatever one pleases?
I dunno. I'm sure there is a simple answer to this question...

Anyway, regarding these "enemy combatants," I too could give a shit about the rights about any terrorists who wishes to do harm to the American people. However, like any prisoner/POW, we have to draw the line somewhere...right?

So throughout this whole war, one of the things that has concerned me, is that if we lock people away for months/years without seeing a lawyer or a judge...well, you can see where I am going. I take it all these prisoners are foreign nationals, not people captured on US soil. However, as a good an decent people, the way we treat those that we capture is a reflection of the values we hold dear. And I just don't want to see the good name of America dragged down even further.

So as these cases move forward, it will please me to just see things moving along and get a better sense of what the hell is going on down at Gitmo...

"Col. Jessep: Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have more responsibility here than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. I know deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you don't want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then question the manner in which I provide it. I prefer you said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand to post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to....

I run my unit how I run my unit. You want to investigate me, roll the dice and take your chances. I eat breakfast 300 yards from 4000 Cubans who are trained to kill me, so don't think for one second that you can come down here, flash a badge, and make me nervous."
-A Few Good Men

More later.
No thinking person would criticize a nation for holding POW's till the end of conflict. They're probably living better in gtmo than they did in their terrorist hole.
I may be wrong about this, but I think that reason they are at Gitmo is so that they don't have to be afforded rights under the Constitution. Certain Constitutional safeguards apply just by being on American soil (even though in some ways being on a military base is similar to being on American soil). I don't believe some of the safeguards apply as long as they are held at Gitmo.
hopefully thats something the USSC will resolve this time around. There should be no legal blackhole that any part of our government has the ability to exploit.
Originally posted by Reilly
I may be wrong about this, but I think that reason they are at Gitmo is so that they don't have to be afforded rights under the Constitution. Certain Constitutional safeguards apply just by being on American soil (even though in some ways being on a military base is similar to being on American soil). I don't believe some of the safeguards apply as long as they are held at Gitmo.

Works for me. They were people trying to kill our servicemen. They're lucky thery're alive. And all you shits can do is criticize the u.s. It's a never ending story from you guys. A never ending story of distorted perspective and historical revisionism.
Honey, it was obvious I wasn't getting an apology by high noon, so why wait? Sitting on the fence is what LIBERALS do.



I love how your entire retort is even MORE name-calling, the liberals only defense, even MORE vulgar & empty insults, and astutely explaining how I live in a fantasy world. Wow, were you on the debate team?

Look, you say I'm dismissed? Fine!

You go your way, I'll go mine.


Look, I really like and respect you, but I'm a little baffled by your support of DK. Yes, I agree that he is usually very level-headed. Matter of fact, I was JUST saying to myself last week that, for a liberal, he seems like a decent, thoughtful guy. So, I know he claims my shock was an act, but I swear, may I die of cancer if I am lying: His vicious attack, so personal in nature, COMPLETELY caught me off guard. Yes, at times I come off as very condescending & bitingly sarcastic, but my jaw was on the ground when I saw his initial tirade. Actually, I had to go back just to make sure it was intended for me.

Now, I know you guys probably go back a ways, but did you even bother to read the sequence of events? My original retort was snarky & sarcastic, but his was a double-barrel shot of personal attacks, vulgar slurs, and rabid hatred. Look, I'm not complaining, just explaining. I LOVE a good heated debate, even with some true acrimony involved. What I do NOT care for is having that kind of personal, filthy-mouthed venom aimed my way. Either way, I'll stand my ground until my dying day!

As I said, I respect you very much, but as for getting in good with the "old timers," well, I am here to help spread the truth, NOT win a popularity contest. If this somehow puts me in poor standing with fellow posters, I'll just have to shake it off and keep moving forward.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Works for me. They were people trying to kill our servicemen. They're lucky thery're alive. And all you shits can do is criticize the u.s. It's a never ending story from you guys. A never ending story of distorted perspective and historical revisionism.

This is where we differ. Some of these people are indeed AQ supporters, for that reason they should remain there, but some of these people may be afghanistanis honestly defending their soveriegn nation, some may be innocent bystanders (as we've already seen happen a few times here) but the question is do we all just bunch em up together and say 'fuck em all'?

I know that may work for you, simply because they dared fire at our servicemen, and if thats the case we shouldn't whine and cry if the enemy does it to any of ours that they may capture.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
This is where we differ. Some of these people are indeed AQ supporters, for that reason they should remain there, but some of these people may be afghanistanis honestly defending their soveriegn nation, some may be innocent bystanders (as we've already seen happen a few times here) but the question is do we all just bunch em up together and say 'fuck em all'?

I know that may work for you, simply because they dared fire at our servicemen, and if thats the case we shouldn't whine and cry if the enemy does it to any of ours that they may capture.

Does what? Houses them and feeds them till the war is over. Do you think they would treat them that WELL!

This a ridiculous nonissue. Mountain of mole hill.
Originally posted by Reilly
I may be wrong about this, but I think that reason they are at Gitmo is so that they don't have to be afforded rights under the Constitution. Certain Constitutional safeguards apply just by being on American soil (even though in some ways being on a military base is similar to being on American soil). I don't believe some of the safeguards apply as long as they are held at Gitmo.

Yeah, I think that's it. And I agree with DK, hopefully this will be resolved.

Tough business war is, but it would not be very American to hold people in Cuba just so we could torture them or something. Kind of like hading them over to another government so they could do the same. If torture is a requirement of our defense then do it on US soil and defend your action to the American people. Well, better than skirting our laws anyways.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Yeah, I think that's it. And I agree with DK, hopefully this will be resolved.

Tough business war is, but it would not be very American to hold people in Cuba just so we could torture them or something. Kind of like hading them over to another government so they could do the same. If torture is a requirement of our defense then do it on US soil and defend your action to the American people. Well, better than skirting our laws anyways.

The main democratic export: sympathy for our nation's sworn enemies. And they still want to be considered patriots in high standing. A joke. A sick joke.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
The main democratic export: sympathy for our nation's sworn enemies. And they still want to be considered patriots in high standing. A joke. A sick joke.

Quite contrarily, sympathy for human life is what makes me human.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
The main democratic export: sympathy for our nation's sworn enemies. And they still want to be considered patriots in high standing. A joke. A sick joke.

determine which of them are enemies and which are not. That hasn't been done except by the word of the executive branch, with no check or balance on the power as defined by the constitution. But I guess its ok to ignore the constitution when it concerns suspected terrorists :rolleyes:
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
determine which of them are enemies and which are not. That hasn't been done except by the word of the executive branch, with no check or balance on the power as defined by the constitution. But I guess its ok to ignore the constitution when it concerns suspected terrorists :rolleyes:

They're not protected by our constitution. They're pows. I don't care what legal status they're giving them to placate global libs.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
They're not protected by our constitution. They're pows. I don't care what legal status they're giving them to placate global libs.

ask the bush admin whether they are pow's or not :rolleyes:
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