Court upholds Connecticut's transgender athlete policy

The right wants to control women's lives, making them slaves; nothing's more hateful than that.
Oh I'd say a mother and father nurturing their daughter in an athletic venue from her early years, excelling in whatever sport competition, and having hopes and dreams for her in college and possibly further, have all those hopes and dreams totally shattered forever by some smack who thinks he a female, come along crush those dreams forever.

This is your party.
USA has become the worst nation on earth
If it doesn't change back to having some kind of sanity once again, otherwise to measure as in good moral standards, then look out because bad time's are a coming down the line........ No one gets away with messing with the children's mind's in evil way's without paying a heavy price for it. God don't play dat.......(fact).
The left HATES women.
This is just one of the many problem's going on in the American family today, and listen "don't get stuck on the color thing", because this cuts across all line's of color in this COUNTRY. It lead's to a lot of devastating issue's in the family or what's left of the family, otherwise as the video so illustrates.

Lol, fortunately I am able to voice my opinion without citing links. You should try it some time, think for yourself instead of being someone else's mouthpiece.
Oh is that the game? OK,

All Democrats and left leaning individuals are child grooming pedophiles who want to sexually exploit children for their own perverted pleasure with no regard for the child's wellbeing.

Democrats are also authoritarian fascists who want to stamp out any and all discourse in the public square that counters their agenda.

I have no proof of that but hey since we are just saying things...
Oh is that the game? OK,

All Democrats and left leaning individuals are child grooming pedophiles who want to sexually exploit children for their own perverted pleasure with no regard for the child's wellbeing.

Democrats are also authoritarian fascists who want to stamp out any and all discourse in the public square that counters their agenda.

I have no proof of that but hey since we are just saying things...
Go for it; keep proving that you're a fool.
Lol, fortunately I am able to voice my opinion without citing links. You should try it some time, think for yourself instead of being someone else's mouthpiece.

Oh, so that steaming pile of misogynistic garbage you posted was your opinion. Good to know.

Oh, so that steaming pile of misogynistic garbage you posted was your opinion. Good to know.

I give women credit for knowing what is in their best interests. If everyone else did that there would be no discussions such as this.

This is such B.S, guys competing against girls, because the couldn't beat other guys, just so they can say they are state champions, the leftist pieces of garbage that support this crap, are probably upset they didn't think of it first. Give me one good reason this should be allowed, well that isn't just part of your feels.
"guys competing against girls, because the couldn't beat other guys" -- that's what you see? LOL

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