Court upholds Connecticut's transgender athlete policy

That you’re a hypocrite? Yeah that’s rather obvious. Though I’m nit sure why I have to ”deal with it“.
LOL, says the guy who totally hates transgenders and wants to deny them their rights.
I'm really not into the subject. I can't answer your question, but I bet you can. I'm only interested with equality and justice. Hate and discrimination have no place in our country.
I can answer the question. No TRANSGENDER MALE has ever completed with a BIOLOGICAL MALE . Why is it “ equality and Justice and hate?” For those who don’t believe BIOLOGICAL MALES should compete with females is “ hate?” You’re extremely ignorant 👍
I can answer the question. No TRANSGENDER MALE has ever completed with a BIOLOGICAL MALE . Why is it “ equality and Justice and hate?” For those who don’t believe BIOLOGICAL MALES should compete with females is “ hate?” You’re extremely ignorant 👍
No one's rights should depend on the negative emotions of others.
Objecting to a Biological Male competing with a Biological Female is a NEGATIVE EMOTION?? You’re sicker then I thought 💭
Your argument is with the equality laws of Connecticut. Not me, good luck with that.
No minority can be judged by the majority, it would never be fair.
Notice he has NO comment when asked about TRANSGENDER MEN competing against BIOLOGICAL MEN?? Who CLEARLY has the advantage??
Your argument is with the equality laws of Connecticut. Not me, good luck with that.
What equality, he is a man, pretending to be a woman, it's a farce, it's mental illness, and you are harming people by agreeing with it! Sure don't see many women pretending to be men to compete!

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