Covid-19 crisis, an analysis.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Back in my day if you lost your job there was no paycheck protection plan. You could collect unemployment benefits if you qualified but there was no way to stack benefits to the extent that you got more money than if you were working. But back in my day there was no one in the White House who was considered so dangerous to the state establishment that he had to be removed by any means necessary during an election year.

The US dollar is the world’s reserve currency so the government can keep printing those dollars until they are not worth the paper they are printed on-billions, trillions, it is just a bunch of zeros. Now, each side in this election year cannot risk an economic backlash of dissatisfaction. Money keeps popping up to prop up the economy during the Covid-19 crisis that is decimating small businesses that employ millions of people.

What is this doing to the people? Well, it is creating a very different kind of US citizen compared to previous generations. After the election reality will set in. Many of those jobs will be gone forever. Benefits will disappear while real poverty and everything that goes with it will materialize. If you think the cities are powder kegs now, wait until after the election.

Colleges are going to close, newspapers are going to go out of business, and US society will retrogress about two decades. We are lucky here. In some countries bloody revolution is on the doorstep as desperate citizens fight for basic needs. We have the resources here to recover, but wars all over the world are a real possibility.

Donald Trump’s election was the flashpoint that touched this off because he is a legitimate threat to globalization and the timetable of world government. He is such a threat that wicked science was used to weaponize biology to crush world economies and wipe out any notions of nationalism. The US government has been riding shotgun for globalization for decades and a total purge of Congressional leadership is the only thing that can preserve America as it was imagined by our founders.

This may be a good time to take firearms training because the corporate elites that own the wealth that is in the ground and in the banks will destroy you and everything you hold dear to keep it. This is what is coming.
Back in your day things sucked just as much as they do now if not more so. Nostalgia is fine as long as you realize you are lying to yourself a little. The good old days were not that good for a lot of people.
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Back in your day things sucked just as much as they do now if not more so. Nostalgia is fine as long as you realize you are lying to yourself a little. The good old days were not that good for a lot of people.
Things were no prize back in my day I agree. I gave up on partisan politics when I watched Bush the elder dispatch April Glaspie to meet with Saddam Hussein. Her ineptitude led to the invasion of Kuwait, the Gulf War and eventually the destruction of the World Trade center. Globalization was not that well understood then. It is now.

Back in your day things sucked just as much as they do now if not more so. Nostalgia is fine as long as you realize you are lying to yourself a little. The good old days were not that good for a lot of people.
Things were no prize back in my day I agree. I gave up on partisan politics when I watched Bush the elder dispatch April Glaspie to meet with Saddam Hussein. Her ineptitude led to the invasion of Kuwait, the Gulf War and eventually the destruction of the World Trade center. Globalization was not that well understood then. It is now.

No one who cares about politics has totally given up on partisanship. Since there is now a clear ideological divide in America everyone in the privacy of the voting booth is a partisan even if they do not admit it or like it.
Back in your day things sucked just as much as they do now if not more so.

Examples (in the last 50 years)?
I'm not a good one to ask. My childhood during the 60s and 70s was a depressing ordeal of rural poverty and abuse of every kind. I have no nostalgia for that time at all. I am of the first generation of my family since before the civil war that never picked cotton for a living. Ever read about the life of a red mud sharecropper? For me life just keeps getting better.
Back in your day things sucked just as much as they do now if not more so.

Examples (in the last 50 years)?
I'm not a good one to ask. My childhood during the 60s and 70s was a depressing ordeal of rural poverty and abuse of every kind. I have no nostalgia for that time at all. I am of the first generation of my family since before the civil war that never picked cotton for a living. Ever read about the life of a red mud sharecropper? For me life just keeps getting better.
I doubt you've ever seen real poverty or even know what it looks like.
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If you are reluctant to buy into this analysis I don't blame you. But what do you think the odds are of a hundred year pandemic striking at just the right time? Especially after everything but the kitchen sink has been thrown and was not working. Things are not going back to normal. At least not like they were before. Things will be very different. Adaptation will be the key. Many won't adapt. It will be tough going.
If you are reluctant to buy into this analysis I don't blame you. But what do you think the odds are of a hundred year pandemic striking at just the right time? Especially after everything but the kitchen sink has been thrown and was not working. Things are not going back to normal. At least not like they were before. Things will be very different. Adaptation will be the key. Many won't adapt. It will be tough going.
It's not like no one saw this coming for the last 100 years. We are only having such a hard time because of an almost total neglect of public health education and infrastructure. .
My childhood during the 60s and 70s was a depressing ordeal of rural poverty and abuse of every kind. I have no nostalgia for that time at all. I am of the first generation of my family since before the civil war that never picked cotton for a living. Ever read about the life of a red mud sharecropper? For me life just keeps getting better.
Glad to hear it! To what do you attribute your improved circumstances?

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