Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

2. Worries me that you have to ask this. Makes me realize you are not watching the news or keeping up with current events as all reputable media outlets reported on this, but here you go.

And another.

3. We agree a little, but don't see how a government action causes a hardship on a business, yet you claim they are not to blame.
4. A link to CNN for a fact check is awesome. That is like trying getting a fact check if an unborn baby is a life from Planned Parenthood. However, here you go on this one as well.

Now let's look at what CNN said when Trump incorrectly stated something similar. Keep in mind this is CNN, so don't take it as fact. However, since you used them I thought I would do the same.

2) The vaccines were available in December/January 2021. That is the beginning.

The Town Hall was 7 months later.

That is not "from the beginning".

3) Governments actions have always impacted businesses and non businesses and people's lives.

Businesses actions impact other businesses and people's lives, like giant corporations buying off or forcing small businesses to close.

4) What is your point on the CNN link you posted. Is CNN's report incorrect about anything relating to the issue on that article?
Yes. The vaccine has killed over 20,000 as of 12/17/2021.

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Edit: And again Trump never stated for anyone to take bleach as I showed in earlier post even via liberal fact checking sites, yet you keep trying to state.
Unfortunately Trump tends to suggest too many things others should not follow. But the least knowledgable of people will do so, because they have heard it from him.

How do you explain him pushing the Hydroxy one for others to take when it is only for people with Lupus and Malaria? What is the point of so many Republicans doing the same thing?

J & J vaccine is not being used as a buster for a reason. It may be responsible for some deaths.

As to Vaer 's reliable sources:

An article widely shared on social media claims more than 150,000 people have died from COVID-19 vaccines. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) told Reuters this claim is inaccurate and based on misinterpreted data.

The article, published on Sept. 22 on a website known for spreading misinformation (here and here), claims scientists concluded through an “in-depth analysis” that “at least 150,000 Americans have been killed”.

Social media users have also shared the blog and repeated its claims here,

The blog article cites a paper titled: “Estimating the number of COVID vaccine deaths in America” (here), which Rose co-authored alongside Mathew Crawford, a statistician (here). Both appear to be members of a group questioning COVID-19 vaccines (here).

The document itself states that it used a “simple analysis” of data from the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) – not an in-depth study as the article in question suggests.

VAERS, managed by the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), documents suspected reactions to COVID-19 vaccines to detect possible safety issues.

Of more than 390 million doses of COVID-19 shots administered in the U.S. up to Sept. 27, VAERS received 8,164 reports of death (0.0021%) among people who were vaccinated. Healthcare providers are required to report any death after vaccination to VAERS even if there is no indication it was caused by the vaccine, and reported incidents are not evidence of a causal link, according to CDC guidance. It says reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare (here).

There is, however, a plausible causal relationship between Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine, as the CDC documents (here), and blood clots with low platelets — a rare and serious adverse event that has caused three deaths (here).

In an email to Reuters, Crawford suggested “most medical professionals” are not aware of the existence of VAERS and the FDA’s emergency use requirements. However, he did not provide evidence to support the claims.

Reuters previously addressed a similar document containing the claim that COVID-19 vaccines have killed more than 150,000 people, along with other miscalculations using VAERS data, here.

False claims of death using VAERS data were also addressed by Reuters here as well as misrepresentations of VAERS data here.


False. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and there is no evidence to suggest they have caused more than 150,000 deaths. The claim is based on misinterpreted data.

Yes of course people like you LOVED lockdowns because you got paid more than people like me, who had to keep working to make up for you people who refused to. The health care system can’t keep up now. Oh wait, it’s because they fired all the health care workers and didn’t think this through.

I hated the lockdown. I lost money due to the lockdowns, and I couldn't do a lot of things I enjoyed doing. ( I run a business, and my customer flow dropped to 30% during the Lockdown and for months after they were lifted.)

Very few health care workers were fired for non-compliance and they should have been. The last thing you want is Typhoid Mary working in your hospital.
Again not true...

1. The vaccines weren't available for distribution until after the election. And, once available, there was a plan to get them out.

Trump was president for three months after the election. He spent more time trying to undermine democracy than he did trying to get vaccines distributed. Point was, by the time he left, very few shots were in arms.

2. The reason for your numbers of vaccinated, which I question because as we've seen in this thread all you seem to do is parrot lies from the worst outlets out there, but common sense dictates here. The reason Trump only had few vaccinated, and Biden much more is a simple timing thing. Trump aided in development, and Biden distribution. He should thank Trump.

The reason why trump had few vaccinated was that it wasn't his priority to have a plan. This is why vaccines were sent out, and then went bad on shelves because they didn't get them into arms. Trump also didn't order enough vaccinations for the first go around.
I hated the lockdown. I lost money due to the lockdowns, and I couldn't do a lot of things I enjoyed doing. ( I run a business, and my customer flow dropped to 30% during the Lockdown and for months after they were lifted.)

Very few health care workers were fired for non-compliance and they should have been. The last thing you want is Typhoid Mary working in your hospital.
People do not respond well as to be the ones blamed for every wrong in the world. you have seen the current installed President lie over and over and give him a pass. We don't. He ran on demonizing the last guy. And we all see him as a fraud. You will see your selfishness to liberty diminish us all to the final solution. Whatever that is.
Biden stated almost a year ago he was going to get rid of covid. What happened?
Exactly what is any President or person in government supposed to say when confronting such a pandemic. "Give up people, it is much too hard and difficult to beat it. Let us throw the towel as we will never get it under control" ?????

"I’m never going to raise the white flag and surrender. We’re going to beat this virus. We’re going to get it under control, I promise you. "
Joe Biden
Despite all of this, Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., is hopeful.

If things move forward expeditiously, "by sometime this winter we could have COVID under control," he said. That doesn't mean it will be completely gone.

Instead, Schaffner said, "we would be on the same track as before delta, entering a new normal."

Kates envisions a point in which COVID-19 does become manageable, if the U.S. is able to significantly increase vaccination rates. But she also thinks the virus will still likely be circulating and become an endemic disease.

"The likelihood of it not being an issue is diminishing since vaccine coverage is so poor in other countries. Containing COVID depends on what we do globally, too," said Kates. "The likely scenario of the U.S. is we'll be living with it for a while, and containment will be dependent on vaccination rates."

Beating the virus is a global endeavor. If people keep traveling and spreading any of the variants, it will take longer to make it go away, or make it less dangerous or contagious.

Vaccines and masks are helping all over the world.

Let us kill hope, why don't we?
What would you have done differently @JoeB131 . Be specific and use 29/20 hindsight.


I wouldn't have called it a hoax.
I wouldn't have gottten all upset that Dr. Fauci was getting better press than I was (to the point where Trump supporters were threatening Fauci's family)
I wouldn't have disbanded the Pandemic Response team.
I wouldn't have openly undermined governors who were trying to get it under control. I would have slapped around GOP governors who weren't.
I wouldn't have lied to people telling them it would go away by Easter, when Dr. Fauci was telling me otherwise.
Not because of him. Another lie. At least you’re consistent. Guess you believed the numbers coming out of China lol.

Actually, China did what we FAILED to do. They locked down Wuhan tighter than a fly's butthole.

But did they underreport their numbers? Probably.

Let's look at Japan and South Korea, countries that had very few Covid Deaths because they took it seriously. No doubt about those numbers. While a few countries did fuck up the response - mainly ones with leaders like Trump such as the UK and Brazil - most countries took this seriously and saved countless lives.

The US. Not so much. We made this a cultural issue when it never, ever should have been.
People do not respond well as to be the ones blamed for every wrong in the world. you have seen the current installed President lie over and over and give him a pass. We don't. He ran on demonizing the last guy. And we all see him as a fraud. You will see your selfishness to liberty diminish us all to the final solution. Whatever that is.

Does your doctor know you are off your meds?
People do not respond well as to be the ones blamed for every wrong in the world. you have seen the current installed President lie over and over and give him a pass. We don't. He ran on demonizing the last guy. And we all see him as a fraud. You will see your selfishness to liberty diminish us all to the final solution. Whatever that is.
That is too much of a religious point of view about this issue. There is no "final solution" in question here, never has been.

No liberties are taken away when one has to take Malaria or Cholera vaccines to travel to certain parts of the world. It is a health issue. Or flu shots. Or any other vaccine like Polio.

No liberties are being taken away, anywhere in the world, from anyone in order to fight, combat an enemy which is a virus which spreads and can kill too many people ALL Over The World, as it has done.

It is a health issue. It is a saving lives issue.

Nothing more.
Does your doctor know you are off your meds?
You keep typing the same stuff. I do to. There are tens of millions who will never believe you anymore. You promote people living anyway they want but demand....demand that others pay for their self destructive ways. And somehow Covid is different.
You keep typing the same stuff. I do to. There are tens of millions who will never believe you anymore. You promote people living anyway they want but demand....demand that others pay for their self destructive ways. And somehow Covid is different.
What are "others" paying with for what you call "their self destructive ways" ?

Surely there will be Millions of people who will never take the vaccine, not only in the US but around the world, mostly based of the walls put in front of them by anti vaccine, any vaccine, groups.

But then, there have been Millions more since January , and especially since Omicron came about, who have decided to take the vaccine. They did so because they have realized it will keep them from contracting the virus and ending up in the hospital or worse.

So, what is the "Cost" of taking the vaccine - without mentioning liberties, the right to choose if you want the vaccine or not?
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That is too much of a religious point of view about this issue. There is no "final solution" in question here, never has been.

No liberties are taken away when one has to take Malaria or Cholera vaccines to travel to certain parts of the world. It is a health issue. Or flu shots. Or any other vaccine like Polio.

No liberties are being taken away, anywhere in the world, from anyone in order to fight, combat an enemy which is a virus which spreads and can kill too many people ALL Over The World, as it has done.

It is a health issue. It is a saving lives issue.

Nothing more.
You love Omar. Omar is a Prog here. But she is representative of pure domination of a religious belief in her home caliphate. She is a shill. For her world is not what she promotes here. And the people who vote for her here know it well. The final solution today is the elimination of Christians religiously or the the elimination of many more secularly. But people need to be eliminated.
What are "others" paying with for what you call "their self destructive ways" ?

Surely there will be Millions of people who will never take the vaccine, not only in the US but around the world, mostly based of the walls put in front of them by anti vaccine, any vaccine, groups.

But then, there have been Millions more since January , and especially since Omicron came about, who have decided to take the vaccine. They did so because they have realized it will keep them from contracting the virus and ending up in the hospital or worse.

So, what is the "Cost" of taking the vaccine - without mentioning liberties, the right to choose if you want the vaccine or not?
The Virus may be a reality. The Virus is still not being told to us of what is the origin. People being denied the right to buy and sell is the issue. And there is proof of that in a growing way.
You love Omar. Omar is a Prog here. But she is representative of pure domination of a religious belief in her home caliphate. She is a shill. For her world is not what she promotes here. And the people who vote for her here know it well. The final solution today is the elimination of Christians religiously or the the elimination of many more secularly. But people need to be eliminated.
I do not like or love Omar. Do not put ideas about anyone you do not know in your head.
Neither Christianity nor Islam are innocent about their intent to dominate the world with their religions.

You have a very poor idea of Christianity, and your ideas of final solution have nothing to do with covid 19 and the need for the vaccine, which is what we are discussing on this thread.
The Virus may be a reality. The Virus is still not being told to us of what is the origin. People being denied the right to buy and sell is the issue. And there is proof of that in a growing way.
The conclusion of how the covid 19 actually happened is still being investigated all over the world.
Stay tuned.

People being denied the right to buy and sell what?
What are you not being allowed to buy or sell?

Show me that proof
I do not like or love Omar. Do not put ideas about anyone you do not know in your head.
Neither Christianity or Islam are innocent about their intent to dominate the world with their religions.

You have a very poor idea of Christianity, and your ideas of final solution have nothing to do with covid 19 and the need for the vaccine, which is what we are discussing on this thread.
The Covid issue has everything to do with this thread. Omar and you are on the same side. I do not believe her. And I want to. People are being destroyed for their beliefs now. And you are the evil at this point.
The conclusion of how the covid 19 actually happened is still being investigated all over the world.
Stay tuned.

People being denied the right to buy and sell what?
What are you not being allowed to buy or sell?

Show me that proof
They are being denied and spat on and attacked and abused.
The Covid issue has everything to do with this thread. Omar and you are on the same side. I do not believe her. And I want to. People are being destroyed for their beliefs now. And you are the evil at this point.
Omar has nothing to do with this thread. And I have never voted for or would vote for Omar.

A discussion on her and her beliefs belong in a political forum, not here.

What about what she says you would want to believe?
About Covid, as that is what is being discussed here?
And why are you focused on only her?
They are being denied and spat on and attacked and abused.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

I asked you what is it that you cannot buy or sell?

Apparently there is nothing you are being denied to buy or sell or you would tell us.

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