Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

He should have signed the NDA in Jan, not March.

Armchair quaterback much? Look, in March Nancy was in San Fran telling people to "come down to Chinatown." So don't give me that BS....

The shortage also highlighted the sad state our stockpiles were in during the Trump administration that did nothing to address that issue until we were in the middle of a pandemic more than 3 years after taking office.

Yep, he should have addressed that, or at least his CDC, and HHS should have....You seem to forget the deluge of crap on a daily basis Trump was hit with from people like you, on both sides of the isle...
How exactly does that contradict what he posted?

Trump put all of his chips on the vaccines coming out before he left.

What he did not do, and other countries did, was lockdown, suggest people wear masks from the beginning, stay indoors as much as possible, and other things which would have made the number of cases and death significantly smaller than it was when he left office.

And there it is....Look, just because you lefties are in love with totalitarian control, doesn't mean everyone is....

Trump was following guess who's advice? That's right, your vaunted St. Fauci....So, there you have it...I guess you're saying that St. Fauci failed...:smoke:
Armchair quaterback much? Look, in March Nancy was in San Fran telling people to "come down to Chinatown." So don't give me that BS....

Yep, I am glad you agree that Trump is just as bad as Nancy. The VA knew in early Feb that it was going to be bad enough to justify spending money on a 6 week construction project to retrofit a unit into a negatvie pressure area for the purpose of treating COVID patients....but their boss did not know till late March?

Yeah, no, that does not fly

Yep, he should have addressed that, or at least his CDC, and HHS should have....You seem to forget the deluge of crap on a daily basis Trump was hit with from people like you, on both sides of the isle...

Poor little donny, so abused and mistreated.
Yep, I am glad you agree that Trump is just as bad as Nancy. The VA knew in early Feb that it was going to be bad enough to justify spending money on a 6 week construction project to retrofit a unit into a negatvie pressure area for the purpose of treating COVID patients....but their boss did not know till late March?

Yeah, no, that does not fly

Oh boy, are you swinging for the fences....No, I don't believe that Trump was as bad as Nancy, and didn't say as much either. That's your dishonesty showing...

My God man, do you know how Government works? The POTUS is not some King sitting there ordering every detail...He has Agency heads that these things are delegated to...No?

It is the height of dishonesty to sit there 2 years after the first case of Covid, and say what anyone should have done at the time...You haven't a clue...

And, I don't really care if it "fly's" with you or not...I don't see that scrutiny aimed at Biden today from you, why not, fence sitter?

Poor little donny, so abused and mistreated.

If you don't recognize the disparity in how one President is treated, as opposed to another, in terms of press coverage, and in ease in getting his initiatives through, then, I don't know what to tell you. Obviously, playing obtuse as a strategy comes easily for you....:bye1:
Yep, I saw those articles...Please point to me anyone hospitalized with bleach injection, or consumption of household cleaners....Then we can judge for ourselves whether or not the hysteria surrounding this is a lot of hype, or was a real problem...

People can call these hotlines for any reason what so ever. And I wouldn't put it past liberal progressive democrats to flood the lines to skew the data....
That is too desperate to bother with. But I will, since you won't .

People are getting sick and dying after drinking hand sanitizer.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a report Wednesday saying that four people have died and nearly a dozen others have suffered health complications after swallowing alcohol-based hand sanitizers in recent months.

From May through June 30, there were 15 cases of methanol poisoning reported in Arizona and New Mexico, and each was associated with people drinking hand sanitizer, the agency said. The CDC says hand sanitizers should contain ethanol or isopropanol as active ingredients, but some products imported from other countries contain methanol, which is "not an acceptable ingredient."

The ages of the patients ranged from 21 to 65, and 13 of them were men, the agency said. Among the four patients who died, three had seizures when they arrived at the hospital. Three other patients were discharged with vision loss.

You want names, phone numbers and addresses of those who got sick or died, call the CDC
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Two things happenend.

The delta variant started coming here in the summer.

And the second is the larger proportion of people refusing vaccinations. The mandates rolled out in September, but was considered two months late. The legal challenges to bad mandates would have been difficult to defend while it wasn't yet known how bad Delta would have become. And now we are seeing a rerun of this with omnicron. So, in the end Biden is simultaneously an authoritarian while not doing enough to stop covid. It requires leadership at the state level, but instead some states are fighting.
Lol, the exact thing with Trump, only he didn't have a vaccine. So Biden is doing a worse job.
Oh boy, are you swinging for the fences....No, I don't believe that Trump was as bad as Nancy, and didn't say as much either. That's your dishonesty showing...

By comparing their actions you showed they are the same, that you are too stupid to realize that is not really my fault.

My God man, do you know how Government works? The POTUS is not some King sitting there ordering every detail...He has Agency heads that these things are delegated to...No?

So, what you are saying is that the VA had information that the CDC and advisors to Trump did not have? I disagree with that. They would have been getting their information from the same people Trump was. Clearly the Govt knew how bad it was going to be. We had a Senator telling his donors schools might close and it would be more contagious than the 1918 flu. We had another Senator buying up stock in the very Telework company the Govt uses not long before a large percent of the Fed workforce was sent home to work

It is the height of dishonesty to sit there 2 years after the first case of Covid, and say what anyone should have done at the time...You haven't a clue...

Not at all. It is clear where the mistake were made at the start of the pandemic. Had he just done the few simple steps that Moon Jae-in did in early Jan perhaps we would not have had a death rate 20 times that of South Korea.

If you don't recognize the disparity in how one President is treated, as opposed to another, in terms of press coverage, and in ease in getting his initiatives through, then, I don't know what to tell you.

Poor little Donny, the most abused billionaire to ever sit in the White House.
And there it is....Look, just because you lefties are in love with totalitarian control, doesn't mean everyone is....

Trump was following guess who's advice? That's right, your vaunted St. Fauci....So, there you have it...I guess you're saying that St. Fauci failed...:smoke:
He did not fully follow Dr. Fauci's advice, the CDC or anyone else's.

Take a good look as to who tried to change the rule of law and the constitution to give themselves more power between 2017 and the end of 2020 when you can.

"Covid 19, Just like the Flu" said Trump

But here is the step by step of what happened between Trump and Dr. Fauci

That is too desperate to bother with. But I will, since you won't .

People are getting sick and dying after drinking hand sanitizer.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a report Wednesday saying that four people have died and nearly a dozen others have suffered health complications after swallowing alcohol-based hand sanitizers in recent months.

From May through June 30, there were 15 cases of methanol poisoning reported in Arizona and New Mexico, and each was associated with people drinking hand sanitizer, the agency said. The CDC says hand sanitizers should contain ethanol or isopropanol as active ingredients, but some products imported from other countries contain methanol, which is "not an acceptable ingredient."

The ages of the patients ranged from 21 to 65, and 13 of them were men, the agency said. Among the four patients who died, three had seizures when they arrived at the hospital. Three other patients were discharged with vision loss.

You want names, phone numbers and addresses of those who got sick or died, call the CDC
Yep, people sometimes do stupid shit....Funny, I didn't see anything in there where the 19 people you cited died, or got sick specifically because of Trump's sarcastic comment to Dr. Birx in that presser....That is a leap YOU take because you are ate up with hatred for Trump....

We also had at least one dumbass that I can think of whom ingested fish tank cleaner, but not because of anything Trump said, rather because he was a dumbass....

Also, there were some reported cases of people in Iran drinking Methanol....Is that Trump's fault too?

You guy's are too much....Where's this scrutiny directed toward Biden who IS POTUS now....And failing....???
Yep, people sometimes do stupid shit....Funny, I didn't see anything in there where the 19 people you cited died, or got sick specifically because of Trump's sarcastic comment to Dr. Birx in that presser....That is a leap YOU take because you are ate up with hatred for Trump....

We also had at least one dumbass that I can think of whom ingested fish tank cleaner, but not because of anything Trump said, rather because he was a dumbass....

Also, there were some reported cases of people in Iran drinking Methanol....Is that Trump's fault too?

You guy's are too much....Where's this scrutiny directed toward Biden who IS POTUS now....And failing....???
No hatred for Trump. Why be so theatrical?

What 19 people? Covid 19 confusion?

Did you call the CDC?

The ones who took the disinfectants, lysol or whichever, are the one's who told the hospitals they went to about responding to Trump's speech. They could have said anything else, and it would have been reported as such, as the cause.

Can you call any hospitals, from any city, or any State, being in such doubt about your fellow Republicans who suffered what they did?

What is the current President failing about?

He has gotten millions of people to be vaccinated since January 20, 2021. That is a win.

Many more are getting vaccinated since Omicron. Another win.

What are the failures about covid 19 you are mentioning in your post?
What is the current President failing about?

This overall list is HUGE, but I will stick to the topic of COVID. Biden said he had answers, but he doesn't. All he says is to get vaccinated and boosted again and again. A brain-dead cockroach could say as much. If the left and Biden along with big pharma would have allowed the use of many older drugs that were being used in other countries, we may have had far fewer deaths, but politics and money were involved. The second the CDC flat out knowingly, purposely and very publicly lied and then slyly retracted the lie regarding HCQ, I knew we were in trouble. The MSM did their jobs and the misinformed masses fell for it.
By comparing their actions you showed they are the same, that you are too stupid to realize that is not really my fault.

Where did I say that actions taken by the federal government in the beginning stages of the Pandemic were "YOUR fault"? Boy, you are really full of yourself aren't you?

So, what you are saying is that the VA had information that the CDC and advisors to Trump did not have? I disagree with that. They would have been getting their information from the same people Trump was. Clearly the Govt knew how bad it was going to be. We had a Senator telling his donors schools might close and it would be more contagious than the 1918 flu. We had another Senator buying up stock in the very Telework company the Govt uses not long before a large percent of the Fed workforce was sent home to work

I guess we should all have been running around screaming the sky was falling eh? Hell, you had St. Fauci, at the time all over TV, saying that masking was unnecessary...Plus, he was saying that panic was unwarranted....You do know he was the primary advisor to Trump in the earliest days right?

I personally think that we panicked way too early with shutdowns and such...What we have learned, or should have is that many of these measures did very little to actually slow the spread, or the deaths from this virus....And it actually is not helpful to you bleating forth what we should have done two years ago from the sidelines as if you would have done anything differently....

Not at all. It is clear where the mistake were made at the start of the pandemic. Had he just done the few simple steps that Moon Jae-in did in early Jan perhaps we would not have had a death rate 20 times that of South Korea.

Then why didn't St. Fauci tell Trump we should be doing that? Or Birx? Or any of the people surrounding the Covid team that met every damned day to advise the President? See, that's the problem with hindsight, you think you have all the answers, when in reality, when the crisis is in the present, you don't...

Poor little Donny, the most abused billionaire to ever sit in the White House.

Yeah, yeah, we all know you don't care for Trump....Making yourself look like an ass does nothing but make you look small.
Where did I say that actions taken by the federal government in the beginning stages of the Pandemic were "YOUR fault"? Boy, you are really full of yourself aren't you?

You compared Trump's actions to Pelosi. Do you not even remember what you posted 30 minutes ago.

I guess we should all have been running around screaming the sky was falling eh? Hell, you had St. Fauci, at the time all over TV, saying that masking was unnecessary...Plus, he was saying that panic was unwarranted....You do know he was the primary advisor to Trump in the earliest days right?

I think just telling the American people the truth would have been the right thing to do. We all know the Govt knew more than that they were telling us. We also know that Trump himself told Woodward that he choose not to tell us the whole truth.

Then why didn't St. Fauci tell Trump we should be doing that? Or Birx? Or any of the people surrounding the Covid team that met every damned day to advise the President? See, that's the problem with hindsight, you think you have all the answers, when in reality, when the crisis is in the present, you don't...

We do not know what they told the President, all we know is what he allowed them to tell us.

Yeah, yeah, we all know you don't care for Trump....Making yourself look like an ass does nothing but make you look small.

I do not really care if me not worshiping Trump as you do makes me look small to you. You do you, I will do me.
This overall list is HUGE, but I will stick to the topic of COVID. Biden said he had answers, but he doesn't. All he says is to get vaccinated and boosted again and again. A brain-dead cockroach could say as much. If the left and Biden along with big pharma would have allowed the use of many older drugs that were being used in other countries, we may have had far fewer deaths, but politics and money were involved. The second the CDC flat out knowingly, purposely and very publicly lied and then slyly retracted the lie regarding HCQ, I knew we were in trouble. The MSM did their jobs and the misinformed masses fell for it.
This is what he said:

"I’m never going to raise the white flag and surrender. We’re going to beat this virus. We’re going to get it under control, I promise you."

That is all one can do to start with and go from there.

So far this is the only country and only drug used back in June of 2020.

I am not seeing any other country having drugs or trying anything else besides the vaccines available here, or the Russian one, etc.

There is this article:

Nothing which substitutes the 3 vaccines, now 2 we have had in this country so far.

Is there a treatment in particular you are interested in and which is not available in the US, but is successful in another country?

Which one and which country?
Careful, your envy is showing.

Oh yeah, nothing I want more than to be a piece of shit that cannot be faithful to their spouse.

Yeah, no thanks. No amount of money is worth being a disgusting human being like Trump.
No hatred for Trump. Why be so theatrical?

What 19 people? Covid 19 confusion?

Did you call the CDC?

The ones who took the disinfectants, lysol or whichever, are the one's who told the hospitals they went to about responding to Trump's speech. They could have said anything else, and it would have been reported as such, as the cause.

Can you call any hospitals, from any city, or any State, being in such doubt about your fellow Republicans who suffered what they did?

Fail....Here is what your article from USAToday says about it...

"It remains unclear why the people in question were drinking hand sanitizer, though the CDC says some people drink it for its alcohol content."

Then they can't help themselves...They just have to make an unfounded correlation...

"The documented incidents occurred after President Donald Trump suggested during an April White House coronavirus briefing that disinfectant might be a good treatment option."

So, the incidents occured after the statement/question in question....So what? There is nothing reported that ANY of these people said they did it BECAUSE Trump said that to Dr. Birx. What you are doing is the same thing that the columnist from USAToday is doing which is to correlate the two for political purposes...It is dishonest.

What is the current President failing about?

He has gotten millions of people to be vaccinated since January 20, 2021. That is a win.

Many more are getting vaccinated since Omicron. Another win.

What are the failures about covid 19 you are mentioning in your post?
I want you to understand that what I am about to post right here is from a liberal outlet...Newsweek...So, learn something right here....

"Another Biden failure has been his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Biden inherited the enormous benefit of coronavirus vaccines produced by the Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed. His response to the COVID pandemic thereafter has been characterized by frequent policy reversals. The most recent of which is the unconstitutional ordering of vaccine mandates—a move that, previously, the president said he would never make. As a result, the country is faced with the resignation and firing of police officers, firefighters, health care workers and armed forces personnel. Even worse is that, despite the availability of vaccines, more people have died of COVID-19 during Biden's presidency than during Trump's."

As you can see, that's Newsweek, NOT FNC, or any of the others you so gleefully tell other posters to stop watching....Which explains Biden's horrible poll numbers today...

"According to a new Quinnipiac University poll published Thursday, just 36 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s performance in the White House"

But hey, you must be one of those
Yep, I saw those articles...Please point to me anyone hospitalized with bleach injection, or consumption of household cleaners....Then we can judge for ourselves whether or not the hysteria surrounding this is a lot of hype, or was a real problem...

People can call these hotlines for any reason what so ever. And I wouldn't put it past liberal progressive democrats to flood the lines to skew the data....
Here is a clue to a person who was hospitalized for it, in Wichita, Kansas

Apr 28, 2020 — Kansas's top health official said a man drank cleaning product over the weekend after receiving advice to do so. President Donald Trump has ...

May need to subscribe or call the Newspaper for details, but there it is.
You compared Trump's actions to Pelosi. Do you not even remember what you posted 30 minutes ago.

I think just telling the American people the truth would have been the right thing to do. We all know the Govt knew more than that they were telling us. We also know that Trump himself told Woodward that he choose not to tell us the whole truth.

We do not know what they told the President, all we know is what he allowed them to tell us.

I do not really care if me not worshiping Trump as you do makes me look small to you. You do you, I will do me.
Good grief you are one lying puke aren't you?

1. What in the hell does me telling you that you are full of yourself have to do with Trump vs Pelosi?

2. Woodward is not an honest broker....Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he made it up....

3. What he allowed? Are you freaking kidding me? Trump couldn't wash his ass without someone leaking that he used premium towels....What he allowed them to say...pfft...Yeah right...

4. No, what makes you look small is acting small, and petty...Like you do....

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