Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

This is what he said:

"I’m never going to raise the white flag and surrender. We’re going to beat this virus. We’re going to get it under control, I promise you."

That is all one can do to start with and go from there.

So far this is the only country and only drug used back in June of 2020.

I am not seeing any other country having drugs or trying anything else besides the vaccines available here, or the Russian one, etc.

There is this article:

Nothing which substitutes the 3 vaccines, now 2 we have had in this country so far.

Is there a treatment in particular you are interested in and which is not available in the US, but is successful in another country?

Which one and which country?

Ivermectin for one. Many poorer countries not beholden to big pharma have been using it.

Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines
Here is a clue to a person who was hospitalized for it, in Wichita, Kansas

Apr 28, 2020 — Kansas's top health official said a man drank cleaning product over the weekend after receiving advice to do so. President Donald Trump has ...

May need to subscribe or call the Newspaper for details, but there it is.
I may need to do what? Here's a protip....Why don't you post something that can be read for verification?

In the blurb you posted please show me where this man, one man, did so because Trump said that to Birx....You are really reaching here....
These libs must really enjoy getting their asses handed to them all over this thread....

I would list this as one of the failures of the Biden regime....If we are really in an all out war against this thing, why isn't Biden taking advantage of every tool to fight it?
Fail....Here is what your article from USAToday says about it...

"It remains unclear why the people in question were drinking hand sanitizer, though the CDC says some people drink it for its alcohol content."

Then they can't help themselves...They just have to make an unfounded correlation...

"The documented incidents occurred after President Donald Trump suggested during an April White House coronavirus briefing that disinfectant might be a good treatment option."

So, the incidents occured after the statement/question in question....So what? There is nothing reported that ANY of these people said they did it BECAUSE Trump said that to Dr. Birx. What you are doing is the same thing that the columnist from USAToday is doing which is to correlate the two for political purposes...It is dishonest.

I want you to understand that what I am about to post right here is from a liberal outlet...Newsweek...So, learn something right here....

"Another Biden failure has been his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Biden inherited the enormous benefit of coronavirus vaccines produced by the Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed. His response to the COVID pandemic thereafter has been characterized by frequent policy reversals. The most recent of which is the unconstitutional ordering of vaccine mandates—a move that, previously, the president said he would never make. As a result, the country is faced with the resignation and firing of police officers, firefighters, health care workers and armed forces personnel. Even worse is that, despite the availability of vaccines, more people have died of COVID-19 during Biden's presidency than during Trump's."

As you can see, that's Newsweek, NOT FNC, or any of the others you so gleefully tell other posters to stop watching....Which explains Biden's horrible poll numbers today...

"According to a new Quinnipiac University poll published Thursday, just 36 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s performance in the White House"

But hey, you must be one of those
There are failures from all over. And as I posted, the mandate is not unconstitutional, even if someone at Newsweek thinks it is so. Based on what ?

Did you take into account that David Alexander, who wrote that opinion, and it is an opinion, is a Republican?

"Larry Alexander Green (age 73) Sarasota, Fl and is affiliated with the Republican Party."

Was he being unbiased when he wrote that opinion?

Approval of disapproval this first year is not as important as you think compared to the number of people who are being vaccinated and being protected from contracting a serious reaction to covid, be hospitalized or possibly die.
Good grief you are one lying puke aren't you?

1. What in the hell does me telling you that you are full of yourself have to do with Trump vs Pelosi?

2. Woodward is not an honest broker....Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he made it up....

3. What he allowed? Are you freaking kidding me? Trump couldn't wash his ass without someone leaking that he used premium towels....What he allowed them to say...pfft...Yeah right...

4. No, what makes you look small is acting small, and petty...Like you do....

1. When I said something bout Trump you did the old "what about Pelosi". What you did by that action was to show how alike they are. Ever since I told you that you have been attacking me.

2. Yet even Trump did not dispute his words, not to mention Woodward is smart enough to record it all.

3. Yes, what he allowed. He as the boss after all.

4. Again, coming from a Trump worshiper those are just empty words
I may need to do what? Here's a protip....Why don't you post something that can be read for verification?

In the blurb you posted please show me where this man, one man, did so because Trump said that to Birx....You are really reaching here....
You are demanding people who did so. I came up with it.

You do not want to call that Newspaper, why? They may tell you what you do not want to hear?

Keep your delusion, and it is really not a delusion, but an attempt to delegitimize any wrong doings by Trump.
These libs must really enjoy getting their asses handed to them all over this thread....

I would list this as one of the failures of the Biden regime....If we are really in an all out war against this thing, why isn't Biden taking advantage of every tool to fight it?
What tools?

What do you know Mr. Dr, and other actual Doctors do not know and have not advised the President about that he should be doing but is not?
There are failures from all over. And as I posted, the mandate is not unconstitutional, even if someone at Newsweek thinks it is so. Based on what ?

Did you take into account that David Alexander, who wrote that opinion, and it is an opinion, is a Republican?

"Larry Alexander Green (age 73) Sarasota, Fl and is affiliated with the Republican Party."

Was he being unbiased when he wrote that opinion?

Approval of disapproval this first year is not as important as you think compared to the number of people who are being vaccinated and being protected from contracting a serious reaction to covid, be hospitalized or possibly die.

Oh I see...Ad hom is your new approach....Got it...

The mandate is unconstitutional, as it is nowhere in the enumerated powers that the Federal Government has this power...The SCOTUS will rule on it..
You are demanding people who did so. I came up with it.

You do not want to call that Newspaper, why? They may tell you what you do not want to hear?

Keep your delusion, and it is really not a delusion, but an attempt to delegitimize any wrong doings by Trump.
LOL...No you didn't....No where in the caption from your paywalled article did it say the man did what he did because Trump told him to....You are getting more ridiculous by the post....
Good grief you are one lying puke aren't you?

1. What in the hell does me telling you that you are full of yourself have to do with Trump vs Pelosi?

2. Woodward is not an honest broker....Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he made it up....

3. What he allowed? Are you freaking kidding me? Trump couldn't wash his ass without someone leaking that he used premium towels....What he allowed them to say...pfft...Yeah right...

4. No, what makes you look small is acting small, and petty...Like you do....
Woodward made up the tapes with Trump's voice saying what he said?

No, say it is not so.

And no one but you have called him on it. Call the Presses.
Woodward made up the tapes with Trump's voice saying what he said?

No, say it is not so.

And no one but you have called him on it. Call the Presses.
Nope, didn't say that...Why must you lie...?
Oh I see...Ad hom is your new approach....Got it...

The mandate is unconstitutional, as it is nowhere in the enumerated powers that the Federal Government has this power...The SCOTUS will rule on it..
I will not post the 1905 Court finding again. You are a denier. So be it.

Ad hom?????

The article is an opinion written by a Republican.

And you are attacking others for what he wrote which you want to take at face value.

The court ruled on it once. Let us see what SCOTUS will say this time.
Nope, didn't say that...Why must you lie...?
Did not say what?

This is what I answered to.

"2. Woodward is not an honest broker....Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he made it up...."

Where is my lie?
Did not say what?

This is what I answered to.

"2. Woodward is not an honest broker....Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he made it up...."

Where is my lie?
Woodward is famous for taking his subjects out of context in his books...This is well known...
I will not post the 1905 Court finding again. You are a denier. So be it.

Ad hom?????

The article is an opinion written by a Republican.

And you are attacking others for what he wrote which you want to take at face value.

The court ruled on it once. Let us see what SCOTUS will say this time.
lol, I'm a denier eh, even though I am fully vaxxed and boosted right? Look, I am bored now with your dishonesty...
Lol, the exact thing with Trump, only he didn't have a vaccine. So Biden is doing a worse job.
The variant that Trump had was less infectious. Trump didn't follow the scientist and did his own thing. Biden follows the advice of the CDC and science.
Woodward is famous for taking his subjects out of context in his books...This is well known...
It is on tape. No one can take anything out of context, including any Republicans, as to what he said in person to Woodward on tape, knowing that he was being taped.

What a total stretch. Total.

Many around the world heard the tapes.

I am not finding one review of the book or tape which say that Trump was interpreted wrong.

"Boring " is all Trump could say about the book Rage.

What, nothing in it is taken out of contest, wrong?
He knew that it was deadly and did not do what other governments did to try to stop it. Masks, lockdowns, etc, they all worked in other countries. He wanted non of it knowing in February of 2020 how dangerous it was.

The US and Brazil had Presidents at that time, who did not want businesses to close, wanted all to go about life as if nothing has happened.

People in both countries, from all beliefs and parties, paid the price with their lives as they became the two highest in cases for covid.

what countries did they work?

and yes we had mask, lock downs etc
It is on tape. No one can take anything out of context, including any Republicans, as to what he said in person to Woodward on tape, knowing that he was being taped.

What a total stretch. Total.

Many around the world heard the tapes.

I am not finding one review of the book or tape which say that Trump was interpreted wrong.

"Boring " is all Trump could say about the book Rage.

What, nothing in it is taken out of contest, wrong?

What is out of context is that in Trump's sometimes inartful way, he was trying to exhibit calm, and not panic....

Are you saying he should have panicked the nation?
This was taken from a joint HHS/CDC press release in September of 2020. So, your first clam here is obliterated....

Yes, Trump was very good at taking credit for other people's hard work. Because no one would have been working on a Covid Vaccine if Trump didn't say so.

Forget the Mordena vaccine was developed in Germany.

Also, concerning your lack of understanding the vaccines....From Mid January 2021, NBC news...

"Why is this happening? Covid-19 vaccines have a short shelf life once they are thawed out for use, Jha said. And because of federal and state mandates, hospitals and other health care providers would rather risk a dose going bad than give it to somebody who isn't scheduled to get a shot."

So you are kind of making my point for me, Trump didn't have a plan. That's why so many vaccines got wasted.

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