Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

The fire started under trump, who did nothing to put it out.

Now Joe's putting it out.
so creating three vaccines was nothing?

and how has xiden put it out when we have more people dying, record number of hospitalizations, amd new variants flooding the country?

are you are liar? just a brain numb cultist that’s ignoring reality? or all the above?
I don't want to step on anyone's toes here, so if this topic has been posted before, and I am sure it has, some of our leftist friends in here either didn't see it, or are ignoring the fact...

In a different thread Faun and I were talking about this, and he contorted himself like some in the MSM are doing to magically come up with a 35K buffer, arguing that the pandemic killed more under Trump. That's not true....As NR points out, 1000 people a day are dying, and on Jan 19, 2021 Biden made a big show holding a vigil infront of the national mall for the fallen to Covid, which on that day was 400K. As of today more than 801K have perished....That number with simple math means that under Biden's watch more have died under Biden than under Trump...Plus Trump gave Biden 3 vaccines....

When will you leftists admit that Biden is a disaster for this country, and you made a mistake....?
Ask a lefty and everything good will be all Biden, all of the bad during Joe's entire time in office will be Trump's fault. It's SOP for Democrats.
so creating three vaccines was nothing?

and how has xiden put it out when we have more people dying, record number of hospitalizations, amd new variants flooding the country?

are you are liar? just a brain numb cultist that’s ignoring reality? or all the above?
Trump created the vaccines?

I will be darned.

I could have sworn that it is up to Pfizer, Moderna and J&J to start, or continue creating vaccines in order to save people's lives, regardless of what the US government wants.

Ask all the people who continue to refuse to be vaccinated what they are doing taking up beds in hospitals needed by people with other illnesses which require hospitalization when there is no vaccine to what issue they have.
Omar has nothing to do with this thread. And I have never voted for or would vote for Omar.

A discussion on her and her beliefs belong in a political forum, not here.

What about what she says you would want to believe?
About Covid, as that is what is being discussed here?
And why are you focused on only her?
Because I live in a current Free State or freer one than where she is from. For how long I do not know. But our selfishness with our comforts that you obviously sold out on will spread for the extremes.
The problem with your thread is that you are unable to intelligently frame it. Was there such a thing as Omicron or Delta when Trump was in office? How many cases did we have when the Coronavirus was first discovered before it spread, when Trump was in office?

You totally glossed over the fact that when Trump took office, we started out with very few cases.

It's obvious you are not one for critical thinking, but are more than eager to scapegoat one president over another without taking in those key factors. It's an apples to orange comparison, and you aren't smart enough to know that.
or course we didn’t have the xiden variants when trump was in office

and you are right this was a brand new, chinese virus when trump was in office thst the world was dealing with. Trump didn’t have the luxury of having 3 vaccines, all the treatments, and all the knowledge that xiden has now
Ask a lefty and everything good will be all Biden, all of the bad during Joe's entire time in office will be Trump's fault. It's SOP for Democrats.
Nonsense generalization.

And that goes for any government in any country around the world.

Trump did any good, list them. Same with the bad.

Biden did any good, list them. Same with the bad.

That is how it works.
Because I live in a current Free State or freer one than where she is from. For how long I do not know. But our selfishness with our comforts that you obviously sold out on will spread for the extremes.
Read what you wrote.

Nothing but scared mumbo jumbo nonsense.

You are incapable of listing anything you cannot buy or sell, and throw out generalizations which come from the fears you have chosen to believe in.

No one is selling out. And Omar has nothing to do with the Vaccine.

Muslims are not controlling the world with the vaccine, or anything else. Neither is she.

Minnesota is not as free as your State? Imagine that. Go tell it to the population of that State, as that would be news to them.
or course we didn’t have the xiden variants when trump was in office

and you are right this was a brand new, chinese virus when trump was in office thst the world was dealing with. Trump didn’t have the luxury of having 3 vaccines, all the treatments, and all the knowledge that xiden has now
He knew that it was deadly and did not do what other governments did to try to stop it. Masks, lockdowns, etc, they all worked in other countries. He wanted non of it knowing in February of 2020 how dangerous it was.

The US and Brazil had Presidents at that time, who did not want businesses to close, wanted all to go about life as if nothing has happened.

People in both countries, from all beliefs and parties, paid the price with their lives as they became the two highest in cases for covid.

Are you talking about xenophobe Trump for putting travel restrictions on China or racist Trump for not flooding America with infected illegals and shipping them to every corner of America?
Trump did relocate many migrants to other States before covid 19 happened.

Many countries put travel restrictions on China, and then on Europe once covid 19 was identified.

Two different issues at two different times

Proof of his xenophobia or racism ?

During the 2016 campaign:

Read what you wrote.

Nothing but scared mumbo jumbo nonsense.

You are incapable of listing anything you cannot buy or sell, and throw out generalizations which come from the fears you have chosen to believe in.

No one is selling out. And Omar has nothing to do with the Vaccine.

Muslims are not controlling the world with the vaccine, or anything else. Neither is she.

Minnesota is not as free as your State? Imagine that. Go tell it to the population of that State, as that would be news to them.
You will never be trusted. Even if you end up in total rule. You waste precious resources that can enrich your areas more.
You will never be trusted. Even if you end up in total rule. You waste precious resources that can enrich your areas more.
Why is it that you cannot answer a question over something you posted?

There is no total rule. The US is a Democracy and will remain one.

Enlarge your scope of places where you get your information and most of your fears will be gone.
What Partisan?

Trump supporters only, took disinfectants or injected themselves with bleach or whatever, because he mentioned such a thing during a speech. That doing so would save them from covid.

Fellow Americans for sure, who decided to listen 100% to the President, something they should have known better, but did not.

And therefore the consequences of poisoning and death.
Ok, Since you seem to like partisan sites, and partisan bull ya go....

"Biden said Trump said drinking bleach could help fight the coronavirus. Trump did not specifically recommend ingesting disinfectants, but he did express interest in exploring whether disinfectants could be applied to the site of a coronavirus infection inside the body, such as the lungs. We rate Biden’s claim Mostly False."

And no one went out right after that presser and bought up bleach to drink or Inject....That's just silly...
Ok, Since you seem to like partisan sites, and partisan bull ya go....

"Biden said Trump said drinking bleach could help fight the coronavirus. Trump did not specifically recommend ingesting disinfectants, but he did express interest in exploring whether disinfectants could be applied to the site of a coronavirus infection inside the body, such as the lungs. We rate Biden’s claim Mostly False."

And no one went out right after that presser and bought up bleach to drink or Inject....That's just silly...
I posted it already on another page, here it is again:

Trump was president for three months after the election. He spent more time trying to undermine democracy than he did trying to get vaccines distributed. Point was, by the time he left, very few shots were in arms.

Good grief man....Do you really let your partisan hate rule your entire brain....?

*sigh* ok here we go again....

"As part of Operation Warp Speed, we have been laying the groundwork for months to distribute and administer a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it meets FDA’s gold standard,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “This in-depth, round-the-clock planning work with our state and local partners and trusted community organizations, especially through CDC, will ensure that Americans can receive a safe and effective vaccine in record time."

This was taken from a joint HHS/CDC press release in September of 2020. So, your first clam here is obliterated....

The reason why trump had few vaccinated was that it wasn't his priority to have a plan. This is why vaccines were sent out, and then went bad on shelves because they didn't get them into arms. Trump also didn't order enough vaccinations for the first go around.

"On August 14, CDC executed an existing contract option with McKesson Corporation to support vaccine distribution. The company also distributed the H1N1 vaccine during the H1N1 pandemic in 2009-2010. The current contract with McKesson, awarded as part of a competitive bidding process in 2016, includes an option for the distribution of vaccines in the event of a pandemic."

Also, concerning your lack of understanding the vaccines....From Mid January 2021, NBC news...

"Why is this happening? Covid-19 vaccines have a short shelf life once they are thawed out for use, Jha said. And because of federal and state mandates, hospitals and other health care providers would rather risk a dose going bad than give it to somebody who isn't scheduled to get a shot."

So, as usual we see that you are straight up misrepresenting what went on...A real hack move...Although no one is shocked here by your blatant lying, I am going to make sure to be ability I can to not only call you out on it, but make sure you know that you're lying...this post from you is officially debunked...
I posted it already on another page, here it is again:

Yep, I saw those articles...Please point to me anyone hospitalized with bleach injection, or consumption of household cleaners....Then we can judge for ourselves whether or not the hysteria surrounding this is a lot of hype, or was a real problem...

People can call these hotlines for any reason what so ever. And I wouldn't put it past liberal progressive democrats to flood the lines to skew the data....
3. "He failed to replenish emergency supplies of PPE"

Not true...As of March 2020 Trump signed the NDA to enable private industry to manufacture PPE, and ventilators. The shortage also highlighted the sad state our stockpiles were in due to the previous administration doing nothing to address that issue...

He should have signed the NDA in Jan, not March.

The shortage also highlighted the sad state our stockpiles were in during the Trump administration that did nothing to address that issue until we were in the middle of a pandemic more than 3 years after taking office.
Ask a lefty and everything good will be all Biden, all of the bad during Joe's entire time in office will be Trump's fault. It's SOP for Democrats.
Oh yeah, I know....It is astonishing sometimes to watch....But, in politics that kind of thing to some extent goes on between both parties...
Good grief man....Do you really let your partisan hate rule your entire brain....?

*sigh* ok here we go again....

"As part of Operation Warp Speed, we have been laying the groundwork for months to distribute and administer a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it meets FDA’s gold standard,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “This in-depth, round-the-clock planning work with our state and local partners and trusted community organizations, especially through CDC, will ensure that Americans can receive a safe and effective vaccine in record time."

This was taken from a joint HHS/CDC press release in September of 2020. So, your first clam here is obliterated....

"On August 14, CDC executed an existing contract option with McKesson Corporation to support vaccine distribution. The company also distributed the H1N1 vaccine during the H1N1 pandemic in 2009-2010. The current contract with McKesson, awarded as part of a competitive bidding process in 2016, includes an option for the distribution of vaccines in the event of a pandemic."

Also, concerning your lack of understanding the vaccines....From Mid January 2021, NBC news...

"Why is this happening? Covid-19 vaccines have a short shelf life once they are thawed out for use, Jha said. And because of federal and state mandates, hospitals and other health care providers would rather risk a dose going bad than give it to somebody who isn't scheduled to get a shot."

So, as usual we see that you are straight up misrepresenting what went on...A real hack move...Although no one is shocked here by your blatant lying, I am going to make sure to be ability I can to not only call you out on it, but make sure you know that you're lying...this post from you is officially debunked...
How exactly does that contradict what he posted?

Trump put all of his chips on the vaccines coming out before he left.

What he did not do, and other countries did, was lockdown, suggest people wear masks from the beginning, stay indoors as much as possible, and other things which would have made the number of cases and death significantly smaller than it was when he left office.

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