COVID-19: Facts vs. Panic


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Guess what percentage of China's population has caught the corona virus, even though the virus was undetected for weeks and then was somewhat ignored for several more weeks? Guess? 10%? 5%? 2%? Try 0.0064%. That's a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of 1%. As of yesterday, per the World Health Organization's daily situation report, there were 81,077 corona cases in China, out of 1.35 billion people. Even rounding up, that means that only 0.0064% of China's population has caught the virus, and no one denies that new cases and new deaths in China have dropped dramatically since mid-February, clearly indicating that the virus has begun to run its course in the country.

In the WHO situation report dated today, 3/17/20, we discover that several nations with hundreds of corona cases have had zero deaths. Zero. They include Finland, Israel, and Portugal. We also learn that a number of nations with between 950 and 1,200 corona cases have had only 3 or 4 deaths, such as Norway, Austria, Sweden, Denmark.

In addition, the corona virus does not spread as easily as some people have claimed. In other words, even if you spend considerable time around someone who has the corona virus, this does not mean you will automatically catch it. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) found that in China only 5-10% of the people who had lived or worked closely with an infected person caught the virus:

"The WHO team found that in China, 5-10% of people living or working closely with an infected person had the disease." (…/coronavirus-lessons-…/4961671002/)​

Could the 5-10% transmission rate from close prolonged contact partly explain why the total number of corona cases in China, with its 1.3 billion population, still has not exceeded 90K, and why the numbers of new cases and deaths in China have dropped dramatically over the last three weeks?

The WHO daily situation report on the virus is an excellent source of information and a good way to track the viruses growth or decline in various nations. Here's the link to it:

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) situation reports
Guess what percentage of China's population has caught the corona virus, even though the virus was undetected for weeks and then was somewhat ignored for several more weeks? Guess? 10%? 5%? 2%? Try 0.0064%. That's a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of 1%. As of yesterday, per the World Health Organization's daily situation report, there were 81,077 corona cases in China, out of 1.35 billion people. Even rounding up, that means that only 0.0064% of China's population has caught the virus, and no one denies that new cases and new deaths in China have dropped dramatically since mid-February, clearly indicating that the virus has begun to run its course in the country.

In the WHO situation report dated today, 3/17/20, we discover that several nations with hundreds of corona cases have had zero deaths. Zero. They include Finland, Israel, and Portugal. We also learn that a number of nations with between 950 and 1,200 corona cases have had only 3 or 4 deaths, such as Norway, Austria, Sweden, Denmark.

In addition, the corona virus does not spread as easily as some people have claimed. In other words, even if you spend considerable time around someone who has the corona virus, this does not mean you will automatically catch it. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) found that in China only 5-10% of the people who had lived or worked closely with an infected person caught the virus:

"The WHO team found that in China, 5-10% of people living or working closely with an infected person had the disease." (…/coronavirus-lessons-…/4961671002/)​

Could the 5-10% transmission rate from close prolonged contact partly explain why the total number of corona cases in China, with its 1.3 billion population, still has not exceeded 90K, and why the numbers of new cases and deaths in China have dropped dramatically over the last three weeks?

The WHO daily situation report on the virus is an excellent source of information and a good way to track the viruses growth or decline in various nations. Here's the link to it:

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) situation reports
Sez the media.
China was able to contain the coronavirus because they quarantined 30 million people and began massive testing.

The US has not been testing at all, so we have no idea how far and wide the virus is. It has been spreading completely unabated.

Trump did not take this pandemic seriously until he was told he could no longer hold his campaign rallies.
Quick reality check:

1) There are approximately 100 US deaths attributed to Covid -19 - more than half the claimed "victims" recovered completely in less than 2 weeks.
2) The USA had 18,000 deaths attributed from the regular flu
3) Tuberculosis killed nearly 1.6 million people in 2017- this is a worldwide number.
Guess what percentage of China's population has caught the corona virus, even though the virus was undetected for weeks and then was somewhat ignored for several more weeks? Guess? 10%? 5%? 2%? Try 0.0064%. That's a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of 1%. As of yesterday, per the World Health Organization's daily situation report, there were 81,077 corona cases in China, out of 1.35 billion people. Even rounding up, that means that only 0.0064% of China's population has caught the virus, and no one denies that new cases and new deaths in China have dropped dramatically since mid-February, clearly indicating that the virus has begun to run its course in the country.

In the WHO situation report dated today, 3/17/20, we discover that several nations with hundreds of corona cases have had zero deaths. Zero. They include Finland, Israel, and Portugal. We also learn that a number of nations with between 950 and 1,200 corona cases have had only 3 or 4 deaths, such as Norway, Austria, Sweden, Denmark.

In addition, the corona virus does not spread as easily as some people have claimed. In other words, even if you spend considerable time around someone who has the corona virus, this does not mean you will automatically catch it. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) found that in China only 5-10% of the people who had lived or worked closely with an infected person caught the virus:

"The WHO team found that in China, 5-10% of people living or working closely with an infected person had the disease." (…/coronavirus-lessons-…/4961671002/)​

Could the 5-10% transmission rate from close prolonged contact partly explain why the total number of corona cases in China, with its 1.3 billion population, still has not exceeded 90K, and why the numbers of new cases and deaths in China have dropped dramatically over the last three weeks?

The WHO daily situation report on the virus is an excellent source of information and a good way to track the viruses growth or decline in various nations. Here's the link to it:

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) situation reports

And how many people would have gotten covid19 had China not essentially shut down for 2 months? It’s really difficult to say this is an overreaction when we don’t know how bad it would be if no actions were taken. Every country seems to think they need to stop the spread at the expense of nearly certain recession. So are all these countries part of a grand conspiracy, or have they been told by experts that you better shut this down now? We will never know for sure.
Guess what percentage of China's population has caught the corona virus, even though the virus was undetected for weeks and then was somewhat ignored for several more weeks? Guess? 10%? 5%? 2%? Try 0.0064%. That's a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of 1%. As of yesterday, per the World Health Organization's daily situation report, there were 81,077 corona cases in China, out of 1.35 billion people. Even rounding up, that means that only 0.0064% of China's population has caught the virus, and no one denies that new cases and new deaths in China have dropped dramatically since mid-February, clearly indicating that the virus has begun to run its course in the country.

In the WHO situation report dated today, 3/17/20, we discover that several nations with hundreds of corona cases have had zero deaths. Zero. They include Finland, Israel, and Portugal. We also learn that a number of nations with between 950 and 1,200 corona cases have had only 3 or 4 deaths, such as Norway, Austria, Sweden, Denmark.

In addition, the corona virus does not spread as easily as some people have claimed. In other words, even if you spend considerable time around someone who has the corona virus, this does not mean you will automatically catch it. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) found that in China only 5-10% of the people who had lived or worked closely with an infected person caught the virus:

"The WHO team found that in China, 5-10% of people living or working closely with an infected person had the disease." (…/coronavirus-lessons-…/4961671002/)​

Could the 5-10% transmission rate from close prolonged contact partly explain why the total number of corona cases in China, with its 1.3 billion population, still has not exceeded 90K, and why the numbers of new cases and deaths in China have dropped dramatically over the last three weeks?

The WHO daily situation report on the virus is an excellent source of information and a good way to track the viruses growth or decline in various nations. Here's the link to it:

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) situation reports
84,000 people? That's not "nothing"

How many died?

How many recovered on their own?

That's what I want to know.

84,000 people? That's not "nothing"

How many died?

How many recovered on their own?

That's what I want to know.

How many were infected and showed no significant signs or symptoms?....Nobody will ever know because none of those people will get tested.

This is the biggest mass hysteria media scare since the War of the Worlds.
I understand President Trump doing what he is doing now, but his instincts are 99% correct and he called it a hoax from the start. And it is a hoax. Devastating economic damage as a result of the overpaid state and local politicians!
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I understand President Trump doing what he is doing now, but his instincts are 99% correct and he called it a hoax from the start. And it is a hoax. Devastating economic damage.

My wife will be happy to know she does not need to wear all that PPE while trying to treat patients since this is all just a hoax.
Obviously, I hope for the best for you and your family. Don't get me started on the incompetence of emergency room doctors and infectious disease doctors in general. As I indicated previously, I have had to argue (or politely question) doctors (and technicians - who are clueless and hate patients more than most doctors) a number of times. As a 12 year old youngster, I read Hardy Boy mystery novels and The Merck Manual. :p My aunt, who was a physician in Switzerland (where you had to actually know your stuff) said being a hypochondriac runs in the family to some extent. Anyhoo, generally the only reason to go to the hospital is to get stitched up, and that could easily be done with a competent nurse at an urgent care facility in most cases. Only a mental case like Congressman Schiff's lawyer would go to the ER because of "flu-like" symptoms. Individuals who go to the hospital for "flu-like" symptoms are the same folks who attack Walmart employees for not stocking enough toilet paper!

These beasts have underlying medical and mental conditions IMO! Volume warning! :p

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There is far more to be feared in government response than in the bug itself.

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