Covid 19 Killed My Aunt Today

Dana has the guts to share her loss.

Respect this!
Don't 2nd guess it, use it as a political prop to stroke your own ego.....Dana is in mourning and act human, for Chrissakes!

Thank you very much B. Kidd.

I hope you are able to get through this without knowing anyone who was taken by it.

Stay healthy and safe.
She remembers you from the last time you talked and saw each other. Celebrate her life and now in peace.

My 11 year old favorite computer died today. Of cornona virus bullshit overload.

But it's not the loss it might have been!

I've taken a leaf from Planned Parenthood and am already selling the parts. While they're still warm!

I'll miss it but I have others, including one I adopted. OK, it's a different color than the others but,hey, that's diversity for you. Yes, I plead guilty to virtue signaling. Shamelessly.
Sorry for your loss. I imagine an old computer stores a lot of memories.

Big with the name calling overly emotive pussy
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.
did she have pre existing condition?

The doctors told you she died from it, or had it?

Just stop.

She was tested a week ago yesterday. The confirmation of the virus came last Thursday.

She died today.

She was 88 years old. She was in a rehab nursing facility because she fell and was doing very well rehabilitating from the injuries from the fall.

She got the virus at the facility.

Go away. If you dan't be civil and human, just please don't reply.
88 years old! I am sorry for your sense of loss but 88 is a long life. Too bad she was in a nursing home. Those places are deadly petri dishes. Was there no one in the family who would open their home to her?
How dare you how dare you how dare you
Dana lost a very close loved one, she wasn't politicizing it, she was telling us how and sharing her personal suffering. It is a loss and we need to respect her for sharing and put away the politics for once.
He blamed Wuhan flu. His aunt had an accident, it happens. To blame her death on this flu is politicizing it IMO. My own mother fell and broke her hip and died three weeks later. She was a swimmer. Stop with blaming the flu on all deaths. My condolences, it happens.

Get out of this thread, scumbag
I thought at first that this was overblown. I now realize through research this is no flu. This is in no way overblown. I wonder how in the same he#l anyone can possibly believe that this is overblown. That being said things are going to be a lot different after everyone is back to work. The quarantine guidelines were very necessary to give us time to learn about this virus. In the end lives are worth more than a $.

You really want to debate this on this thread.

This person lost an aunt. I'd leave it at that.

Hurt does not care one way or the other.
Dana is a pos ala this issue just like the people in my community who aren't adding to the management of this disease.
Living to 88 is a blessing, especially when you have people in your life who love you.

The fuckers have to be prodded for info because they're too fucking emotionally frail to deal with...reality.
My 61 year old friend of 40 years died last week because C19 prevented his life saving medication from working.
Anyone who doesn't share the details for future management of this plague, or those assholes who support these self-pitying, self-serving assholes, is also an asshole.

And once again the hard fact...
People 60+ not in good health have to be quarantined until we get past this horror.
And if you lose someone, or know of someone who passed away, share the fucking info!
Dana has the guts to share her loss.

Respect this!
Don't 2nd guess it, use it as a political prop to stroke your own ego.....Dana is in mourning and act human, for Chrissakes!
Why did it need to be here then?

To politicize it. Bad flu

Dana's choice.
You either respect it or not.
I respect it and have nothing more to add here.
Bullshit...this C19 is killing people all over the world!
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I lost my most beloved aunt, who was my Godmother and almost sister and was there within hours of my birth, suddenly when she was only 52, so I have some idea of what you are going through. There is not much to say anymore than this. I hope that you and your family find peace and comfort. Remember that she always loved you.

Thank you very much Lysitrata.

She was my favorite aunt. The last adult from my youth left alive. Now she's gone.

My mom and her were best friends. She was my dad's sister and they were extremely close.

She married her childhood sweetheart and they had many wonderful decades together.

I know all four of them are in the afterlife partying and watching over us.

I'm just very angry she had to die alone. Everyone else had all of us there around them. My aunt had to die alone. That is what's killing me the most.

She was such a great woman. She didn't deserve to die alone.

No one does.

I'm sorry for your loss. She knew you loved her, so you were with her when she died the same way she will be with you forever in your heart and memory.

Thank you very much.

I laugh just like her. So when I laugh I can hear her.

I'm a chocolate addict. Just like her. Godiva is her favorite. The next time you buy chocolate buy some Godiva. Smile and enjoy it.

Dana I'm sorry you lost your aunt. I am always sorry life is lost. It's when the loss of life is politicized that I get suspicious.....

Thank you very much Sue.

This has nothing to do with politics. Which is why it's in current events instead of politics.

I just scroll right on by the posts from those who are trying to make it political.

They just aren't worth the time.

My aunt was a great woman. She saved countless lives. Of people she never met and never met her.

My dad's side of the family is Armenian. When the earthquakes happened in the 80s my dad and aunt started what ended up being called the Armenian Children's Milk Fund. It is much more than that.

My dad got Bill Gates to let him fill one of his planes with food, medicine, clothes and yes powder milk to send to all the children in Armenia who lost their parents. Which was countless children. It went on for years. When my dad died in 2001 my aunt continued the organization. The organization still goes on today.

My aunt's grandson became an orthopedic surgeon. He continues the help by spending his summers in Armenia treating people and children who otherwise wouldn't have gotten medical care.

Hers and my dad's legacy of helping people continues through all of us.
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I lost my most beloved aunt, who was my Godmother and almost sister and was there within hours of my birth, suddenly when she was only 52, so I have some idea of what you are going through. There is not much to say anymore than this. I hope that you and your family find peace and comfort. Remember that she always loved you.

Thank you very much Lysitrata.

She was my favorite aunt. The last adult from my youth left alive. Now she's gone.

My mom and her were best friends. She was my dad's sister and they were extremely close.

She married her childhood sweetheart and they had many wonderful decades together.

I know all four of them are in the afterlife partying and watching over us.

I'm just very angry she had to die alone. Everyone else had all of us there around them. My aunt had to die alone. That is what's killing me the most.

She was such a great woman. She didn't deserve to die alone.

No one does.

I'm sorry for your loss. She knew you loved her, so you were with her when she died the same way she will be with you forever in your heart and memory.

Thank you very much.

I laugh just like her. So when I laugh I can hear her.

I'm a chocolate addict. Just like her. Godiva is her favorite. The next time you buy chocolate buy some Godiva. Smile and enjoy it.

I will.

Thank you.
Nature intended people to grow, have and raise children until they can have children and then die. Nature did not intend for people to live into their 80s or 90s or not even their 70s. Additionally, the infirm kept alive by medicine even though their immune systems are seriously compromised are also victims of this "scourge".

Viruses are strange things. Renegade strains of RNA which are perhaps agents of nature intended to rectify that which is unnatural.

At the end of the day, nature will win...always.
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She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.
Sorry for your loss, Dana.

Thank you very much Billy.

I hope you get to do what I thought I would get to do.

Get through this without losing anyone to this virus.
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.
My sympathies on your loss I’m grateful that no one I know has gotten this so far.

Thank you very much.

I was very stupid. I thought I would get through this without knowing anyone who got it. I was so wrong.

I hope you never know anyone who dies from it. It forces the person to die alone. Which in my opinion is very wrong. No one should die alone.

I am so sorry to read about the death of your aunt.

And this post will make me think...

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