Covid 19 Killed My Aunt Today

I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I lost my most beloved aunt, who was my Godmother and almost sister and was there within hours of my birth, suddenly when she was only 52, so I have some idea of what you are going through. There is not much to say anymore than this. I hope that you and your family find peace and comfort. Remember that she always loved you.

Thank you very much Lysitrata.

She was my favorite aunt. The last adult from my youth left alive. Now she's gone.

My mom and her were best friends. She was my dad's sister and they were extremely close.

She married her childhood sweetheart and they had many wonderful decades together.

I know all four of them are in the afterlife partying and watching over us.

I'm just very angry she had to die alone. Everyone else had all of us there around them. My aunt had to die alone. That is what's killing me the most.

She was such a great woman. She didn't deserve to die alone.

No one does.

I'm sorry for your loss. She knew you loved her, so you were with her when she died the same way she will be with you forever in your heart and memory.

Thank you very much.

I laugh just like her. So when I laugh I can hear her.

I'm a chocolate addict. Just like her. Godiva is her favorite. The next time you buy chocolate buy some Godiva. Smile and enjoy it.

Dana I'm sorry you lost your aunt. I am always sorry life is lost. It's when the loss of life is politicized that I get suspicious.....
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I lost my most beloved aunt, who was my Godmother and almost sister and was there within hours of my birth, suddenly when she was only 52, so I have some idea of what you are going through. There is not much to say anymore than this. I hope that you and your family find peace and comfort. Remember that she always loved you.

Thank you very much Lysitrata.

She was my favorite aunt. The last adult from my youth left alive. Now she's gone.

My mom and her were best friends. She was my dad's sister and they were extremely close.

She married her childhood sweetheart and they had many wonderful decades together.

I know all four of them are in the afterlife partying and watching over us.

I'm just very angry she had to die alone. Everyone else had all of us there around them. My aunt had to die alone. That is what's killing me the most.

She was such a great woman. She didn't deserve to die alone.

No one does.

I'm sorry for your loss. She knew you loved her, so you were with her when she died the same way she will be with you forever in your heart and memory.

Thank you very much.

I laugh just like her. So when I laugh I can hear her.

I'm a chocolate addict. Just like her. Godiva is her favorite. The next time you buy chocolate buy some Godiva. Smile and enjoy it.

I will.
My 11 year old favorite computer died today. Of cornona virus bullshit overload.

But it's not the loss it might have been!

I've taken a leaf from Planned Parenthood and am already selling the parts. While they're still warm!

I'll miss it but I have others, including one I adopted. OK, it's a different color than the others but,hey, that's diversity for you. Yes, I plead guilty to virtue signaling. Shamelessly.

This comment is among the most disgusting that I have ever read on USMB or elsewhere. Dana7360 and family have suffered a significant and life-changing loss today. Keep your stupid politics out of it and have some decency.
Like death angel, he is just another one of the many anonymous, yellow-bellied cowards who spend their lives hiding behind an internet connection.

Guaranteed they are both ball less little pussies in real life.
Nope. Just tired of the destruction of my country because of you guys and your hatred of the president.

We wouldn't be following this path except Trump is in office.

I wont be bullied. My own mother died at 79, but it never occured to me to use her death to politically bludgeon my enemies. She died of "old age" at 79
This thread has nothing to do with politics!!!!
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.
Sorry for your loss, Dana.
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I lost my most beloved aunt, who was my Godmother and almost sister and was there within hours of my birth, suddenly when she was only 52, so I have some idea of what you are going through. There is not much to say anymore than this. I hope that you and your family find peace and comfort. Remember that she always loved you.

Thank you very much Lysitrata.

She was my favorite aunt. The last adult from my youth left alive. Now she's gone.

My mom and her were best friends. She was my dad's sister and they were extremely close.

She married her childhood sweetheart and they had many wonderful decades together.

I know all four of them are in the afterlife partying and watching over us.

I'm just very angry she had to die alone. Everyone else had all of us there around them. My aunt had to die alone. That is what's killing me the most.

She was such a great woman. She didn't deserve to die alone.

No one does.

I'm sorry for your loss. She knew you loved her, so you were with her when she died the same way she will be with you forever in your heart and memory.

Thank you very much.

I laugh just like her. So when I laugh I can hear her.

I'm a chocolate addict. Just like her. Godiva is her favorite. The next time you buy chocolate buy some Godiva. Smile and enjoy it.

Dana I'm sorry you lost your aunt. I am always sorry life is lost. It's when the loss of life is politicized that I get suspicious.....

Asshole. Suspicious asshole.
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.

Sorry to hear this Dana, I know we often disagree, however I respect you and your views. I am so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how you feel. Sunday my wife and I spoke on what would happen if we had to die alone or worse yet, knew the other would die alone. Again, so sorry.

Thank you very much Papageorgio.

The fact that we don't often agree on things only shows that we both can think for ourselves. If everyone was the same and we all agreed on everything this would be a very boring world to live in.

Yes I think the worst thing about this virus is that it forces people to die alone.

She literally married her childhood sweetheart. She had been with my uncle from childhood until January 2014 when he died. She is with him my mom and my dad now.

My mom and her were best friends and if there's a higher power or a creator or something running the afterlife, that entity better watch out. My mom and my aunt together will end up running the place.
So, I'm sorry for your loss- however, her immune system was weakened from fighting infection from the fall and she caught the flu in a Nursing Home re-hab center. Correct?

No one, even the godvernment, or a vaccination, can protect from weakened conditions of age- nor can anyone rob your memory bank where you have deposited memories that will last til your time is up. It's withdrawal time. It's why deposits are made in a savings acct- be happy you made many deposits. This is a reason why we do it.

Read that again.
So, I'm sorry for your loss- however, her immune system was weakened from fighting infection from the fall and she caught the flu in a Nursing Home re-hab center. Correct?

No one, even the godvernment, or a vaccination, can protect from weakened conditions of age- nor can anyone rob your memory bank where you have deposited memories that will last til your time is up. It's withdrawal time. It's why deposits are made in a savings acct- be happy you made many deposits. This is a reason why we do it.

Read that again.

No need. I got the meaning the first time.
My 11 year old favorite computer died today. Of cornona virus bullshit overload.

But it's not the loss it might have been!

I've taken a leaf from Planned Parenthood and am already selling the parts. While they're still warm!

I'll miss it but I have others, including one I adopted. OK, it's a different color than the others but,hey, that's diversity for you. Yes, I plead guilty to virtue signaling. Shamelessly.

Not cool.
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.
You do her real honor. She sounds like a great lady who brought sunshine to a lot of people. Hope the day isn't too far away when you can remember her with joy instead of grief.

Goddamned nasty Virus.

She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.

Never the right words for a time like this.

All the best to you and her other survivors.

May your happy memories be the priority in your considerations.
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.

Sorry to hear this Dana, I know we often disagree, however I respect you and your views. I am so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how you feel. Sunday my wife and I spoke on what would happen if we had to die alone or worse yet, knew the other would die alone. Again, so sorry.

Thank you very much Papageorgio.

The fact that we don't often agree on things only shows that we both can think for ourselves. If everyone was the same and we all agreed on everything this would be a very boring world to live in.

Yes I think the worst thing about this virus is that it forces people to die alone.

She literally married her childhood sweetheart. She had been with my uncle from childhood until January 2014 when he died. She is with him my mom and my dad now.

My mom and her were best friends and if there's a higher power or a creator or something running the afterlife, that entity better watch out. My mom and my aunt together will end up running the place.

My daughter died several years ago in a vehicle accident, my wife and we didn't get to tell her goodbye, she knew we loved her, as your aunt knew you loved her. If your mom and aunt do end up running the place something tells me it will be in good hands.
I thought at first that this was overblown. I now realize through research this is no flu. This is in no way overblown. I wonder how in the same he#l anyone can possibly believe that this is overblown. That being said things are going to be a lot different after everyone is back to work. The quarantine guidelines were very necessary to give us time to learn about this virus. In the end lives are worth more than a $.
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.
I'm very sorry to learn of this Dana.

Do accept my deepest and most sincere condolences.

What part of the country is this, if you don't mind me asking?

Thank you Marc.

This happened in Massachusetts.

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