Covid 19: ‘Reopening the Country’ – Trump Can’t be Trusted

Trump has ignored facts, science, and the truth during the entire pandemic; lying about its severity, downplaying its significance – concerned solely about his reelection bid, not the health and safety of the American people.

And the same applies to Trump ending the Covid 19 safety protocols too soon, before it’s safe for Americans to return to work, school, and public spaces.

‘WASHINGTON (AP) — By the time President Donald Trump first spoke publicly about the coronavirus, it may already have been too late.

Interviewed at Davos, a gathering of global elites in the Swiss Alps, the president on Jan. 22 played down the threat posed by the respiratory virus from China, which had just reached American shores in the form of a solitary patient in Washington state.

“We have it totally under control,” Trump said on CNBC. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

In the 11 weeks since that interview, the coronavirus has reached every corner of the globe. It has infected more than 500,000 Americans and killed at least 20,000. It has rewritten the rules of society, isolated people in their homes, closed schools, devastated the economy and put millions out of work.’

TDS thread 1,369.
Trump has ignored facts, science, and the truth during the entire pandemic; lying about its severity,
None of that is true and you can't show proof that it are either really misinformed or you are lying....

"It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

Meanwhile 20k deaths later.......
You vermin own this.
You mindless fools that follow the incompetent fuckup in the white house are the ones that own this. Go drink some aquarium cleaner. Drumpf said it should make you immune from the hoax virus. :)
Why would I drink aquarium cleaner, I don't have the china virus?
Drumpf said it would make you immune from the china virus. Hurry up and go take a swig.
You keep hiding under your pillow, we’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out.
That wont change the facts. Drumpf is a fuckup that didnt listen to his own intelligence community and let China trick his dumb ass. :)
There is that Drumpf guy again...who is he?...and how old are you?...
One more time. Drumpf is the incompetent fuckup currently occupying the white house. As for my age that none of your business. I dont know you like that. :)
Actually his name is President Trump...the greatest president in a very long time....
You call him Drumpf, I call him an incompetent fuckup. I agree. He is the GOAT of presidents that fucked up.
I didn't call anyone Drumpf....I'm all grown a big are still in diapers obviously....
Well I called him Drumpf and I called him an incompetent fuckup. You mad brah?

No not mad at all....I'm glad you exposed your disrespectful childish ass for all to shows more about you than whoever Mr Drumpf is....grow up kid....
Trump has ignored facts, science, and the truth during the entire pandemic; lying about its severity, downplaying its significance – concerned solely about his reelection bid, not the health and safety of the American people.

And the same applies to Trump ending the Covid 19 safety protocols too soon, before it’s safe for Americans to return to work, school, and public spaces.

‘WASHINGTON (AP) — By the time President Donald Trump first spoke publicly about the coronavirus, it may already have been too late.

Interviewed at Davos, a gathering of global elites in the Swiss Alps, the president on Jan. 22 played down the threat posed by the respiratory virus from China, which had just reached American shores in the form of a solitary patient in Washington state.

“We have it totally under control,” Trump said on CNBC. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

In the 11 weeks since that interview, the coronavirus has reached every corner of the globe. It has infected more than 500,000 Americans and killed at least 20,000. It has rewritten the rules of society, isolated people in their homes, closed schools, devastated the economy and put millions out of work.’

TDS thread 1,369.
Drumpfbot post 57,966,412
Trump has ignored facts, science, and the truth during the entire pandemic; lying about its severity,
None of that is true and you can't show proof that it are either really misinformed or you are lying....

"It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

Meanwhile 20k deaths later.......
You vermin own this.
You mindless fools that follow the incompetent fuckup in the white house are the ones that own this. Go drink some aquarium cleaner. Drumpf said it should make you immune from the hoax virus. :)
Why would I drink aquarium cleaner, I don't have the china virus?
Drumpf said it would make you immune from the china virus. Hurry up and go take a swig.
You keep hiding under your pillow, we’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out.
That wont change the facts. Drumpf is a fuckup that didnt listen to his own intelligence community and let China trick his dumb ass. :)
There is that Drumpf guy again...who is he?...and how old are you?...
One more time. Drumpf is the incompetent fuckup currently occupying the white house. As for my age that none of your business. I dont know you like that. :)
Actually his name is President Trump...the greatest president in a very long time....
You call him Drumpf, I call him an incompetent fuckup. I agree. He is the GOAT of presidents that fucked up.
I didn't call anyone Drumpf....I'm all grown a big are still in diapers obviously....
Well I called him Drumpf and I called him an incompetent fuckup. You mad brah?

No not mad at all....I'm glad you exposed your disrespectful childish ass for all to shows more about you than whoever Mr Drumpf is....grow up kid....
Look at you trying to go the appeal to community support route to hide your anger. Thats kinda cute. :)

It wont change the fact that Drumpf is a colossal fuckup and child molestor.
Trump has ignored facts, science, and the truth during the entire pandemic; lying about its severity, downplaying its significance – concerned solely about his reelection bid, not the health and safety of the American people.

And the same applies to Trump ending the Covid 19 safety protocols too soon, before it’s safe for Americans to return to work, school, and public spaces.

‘WASHINGTON (AP) — By the time President Donald Trump first spoke publicly about the coronavirus, it may already have been too late.

Interviewed at Davos, a gathering of global elites in the Swiss Alps, the president on Jan. 22 played down the threat posed by the respiratory virus from China, which had just reached American shores in the form of a solitary patient in Washington state.

“We have it totally under control,” Trump said on CNBC. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

In the 11 weeks since that interview, the coronavirus has reached every corner of the globe. It has infected more than 500,000 Americans and killed at least 20,000. It has rewritten the rules of society, isolated people in their homes, closed schools, devastated the economy and put millions out of work.’

Drumpf is unmitigated fuckup. Anyone that trusts that clown to do more than stick his finger up his ass is a fucking fool.
I was actually happy for you that Trump's economy kept you so busy you had 0 time to post (yes, we know it wasn't Honky Trump's economy, it was because you bee the mahn!!!).
Your return is a good argument for supplying everyone with n95 masks and gloves and getting you back to work.
Drumpfs economy has dick to do with me not posting. Frankly I am happy to know I have such an affect on you that you even noticed. I cant remember ever caring if I saw you post or not.
That's bullshit.
I work in 3 Hoods and for the last year or so they have been constructing homes and refurbishing businesses and thriving.
Your field is this type of IT work and your absence from here coincided with the boom.
So yes, you're full shit.
I dont work in the home building or refurbishing business. Nothing I currently do has to do with any of those businesses. I work for a state entity. I cant help where you work nor did I ask you.
You didn't post that last year; you said you were your own man working project to project.
Always remember what you post...because I remember what you post.
Was it "social distancing" that saved us? Let's look at the states and countries that did not lock down - they should have massively higher deaths. Do they?

Why did you omit the words after "Do they?" Then comes the best of all: "Watch today's Liberty Report:"

Ron Paul's "Liberty Report", where those for whom Fox and that outfit's complexity is an intellectual challenge receive what they take for information.
Trump has ignored facts, science, and the truth during the entire pandemic; lying about its severity, downplaying its significance – concerned solely about his reelection bid, not the health and safety of the American people.

And the same applies to Trump ending the Covid 19 safety protocols too soon, before it’s safe for Americans to return to work, school, and public spaces.

‘WASHINGTON (AP) — By the time President Donald Trump first spoke publicly about the coronavirus, it may already have been too late.

Interviewed at Davos, a gathering of global elites in the Swiss Alps, the president on Jan. 22 played down the threat posed by the respiratory virus from China, which had just reached American shores in the form of a solitary patient in Washington state.

“We have it totally under control,” Trump said on CNBC. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

In the 11 weeks since that interview, the coronavirus has reached every corner of the globe. It has infected more than 500,000 Americans and killed at least 20,000. It has rewritten the rules of society, isolated people in their homes, closed schools, devastated the economy and put millions out of work.’

TDS thread 1,369.
Drumpfbot post 57,966,412


You back from dumbass school. Did you graduate ?
Trump has ignored facts, science, and the truth during the entire pandemic; lying about its severity, downplaying its significance – concerned solely about his reelection bid, not the health and safety of the American people.

And the same applies to Trump ending the Covid 19 safety protocols too soon, before it’s safe for Americans to return to work, school, and public spaces.

‘WASHINGTON (AP) — By the time President Donald Trump first spoke publicly about the coronavirus, it may already have been too late.

Interviewed at Davos, a gathering of global elites in the Swiss Alps, the president on Jan. 22 played down the threat posed by the respiratory virus from China, which had just reached American shores in the form of a solitary patient in Washington state.

“We have it totally under control,” Trump said on CNBC. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

In the 11 weeks since that interview, the coronavirus has reached every corner of the globe. It has infected more than 500,000 Americans and killed at least 20,000. It has rewritten the rules of society, isolated people in their homes, closed schools, devastated the economy and put millions out of work.’

Drumpf is unmitigated fuckup. Anyone that trusts that clown to do more than stick his finger up his ass is a fucking fool.
I was actually happy for you that Trump's economy kept you so busy you had 0 time to post (yes, we know it wasn't Honky Trump's economy, it was because you bee the mahn!!!).
Your return is a good argument for supplying everyone with n95 masks and gloves and getting you back to work.
Drumpfs economy has dick to do with me not posting. Frankly I am happy to know I have such an affect on you that you even noticed. I cant remember ever caring if I saw you post or not.
That's bullshit.
I work in 3 Hoods and for the last year or so they have been constructing homes and refurbishing businesses and thriving.
Your field is this type of IT work and your absence from here coincided with the boom.
So yes, you're full shit.
I dont work in the home building or refurbishing business. Nothing I currently do has to do with any of those businesses. I work for a state entity. I cant help where you work nor did I ask you.
You didn't post that last year; you said you were your own man working project to project.
Always remember what you post...because I remember what you post.
Doesnt matter what I posted last year. Times change and you have to go back to school so to say to keep up with the current technology. I'm flattered you are so interested in me.
Trump has ignored facts, science, and the truth during the entire pandemic; lying about its severity, downplaying its significance – concerned solely about his reelection bid, not the health and safety of the American people.

And the same applies to Trump ending the Covid 19 safety protocols too soon, before it’s safe for Americans to return to work, school, and public spaces.

‘WASHINGTON (AP) — By the time President Donald Trump first spoke publicly about the coronavirus, it may already have been too late.

Interviewed at Davos, a gathering of global elites in the Swiss Alps, the president on Jan. 22 played down the threat posed by the respiratory virus from China, which had just reached American shores in the form of a solitary patient in Washington state.

“We have it totally under control,” Trump said on CNBC. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

In the 11 weeks since that interview, the coronavirus has reached every corner of the globe. It has infected more than 500,000 Americans and killed at least 20,000. It has rewritten the rules of society, isolated people in their homes, closed schools, devastated the economy and put millions out of work.’

TDS thread 1,369.
Drumpfbot post 57,966,412


You back from dumbass school. Did you graduate ?
I never attended Drumpf no.
Trump has ignored facts, science, and the truth during the entire pandemic; lying about its severity, downplaying its significance – concerned solely about his reelection bid, not the health and safety of the American people.

And the same applies to Trump ending the Covid 19 safety protocols too soon, before it’s safe for Americans to return to work, school, and public spaces.

‘WASHINGTON (AP) — By the time President Donald Trump first spoke publicly about the coronavirus, it may already have been too late.

Interviewed at Davos, a gathering of global elites in the Swiss Alps, the president on Jan. 22 played down the threat posed by the respiratory virus from China, which had just reached American shores in the form of a solitary patient in Washington state.

“We have it totally under control,” Trump said on CNBC. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

In the 11 weeks since that interview, the coronavirus has reached every corner of the globe. It has infected more than 500,000 Americans and killed at least 20,000. It has rewritten the rules of society, isolated people in their homes, closed schools, devastated the economy and put millions out of work.’

TDS thread 1,369.
Drumpfbot post 57,966,412


You back from dumbass school. Did you graduate ?
I never attended Drumpf no.
Maybe you would have learned something if you had....
Trump has ignored facts, science, and the truth during the entire pandemic; lying about its severity, downplaying its significance – concerned solely about his reelection bid, not the health and safety of the American people.

And the same applies to Trump ending the Covid 19 safety protocols too soon, before it’s safe for Americans to return to work, school, and public spaces.

‘WASHINGTON (AP) — By the time President Donald Trump first spoke publicly about the coronavirus, it may already have been too late.

Interviewed at Davos, a gathering of global elites in the Swiss Alps, the president on Jan. 22 played down the threat posed by the respiratory virus from China, which had just reached American shores in the form of a solitary patient in Washington state.

“We have it totally under control,” Trump said on CNBC. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

In the 11 weeks since that interview, the coronavirus has reached every corner of the globe. It has infected more than 500,000 Americans and killed at least 20,000. It has rewritten the rules of society, isolated people in their homes, closed schools, devastated the economy and put millions out of work.’

TDS thread 1,369.
Drumpfbot post 57,966,412


You back from dumbass school. Did you graduate ?
I never attended Drumpf no.
Maybe you would have learned something if you had....
I would have only learned that Drumpf was a scam artist and I didnt need to attend his university to figure that one out.
Trump has ignored facts, science, and the truth during the entire pandemic; lying about its severity, downplaying its significance – concerned solely about his reelection bid, not the health and safety of the American people.

And the same applies to Trump ending the Covid 19 safety protocols too soon, before it’s safe for Americans to return to work, school, and public spaces.

‘WASHINGTON (AP) — By the time President Donald Trump first spoke publicly about the coronavirus, it may already have been too late.

Interviewed at Davos, a gathering of global elites in the Swiss Alps, the president on Jan. 22 played down the threat posed by the respiratory virus from China, which had just reached American shores in the form of a solitary patient in Washington state.

“We have it totally under control,” Trump said on CNBC. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

In the 11 weeks since that interview, the coronavirus has reached every corner of the globe. It has infected more than 500,000 Americans and killed at least 20,000. It has rewritten the rules of society, isolated people in their homes, closed schools, devastated the economy and put millions out of work.’

TDS thread 1,369.
Drumpfbot post 57,966,412


You back from dumbass school. Did you graduate ?
I never attended Drumpf no.
Maybe you would have learned something if you had....
I would have only learned that Drumpf was a scam artist and I didnt need to attend his university to figure that one out.
How do you know? didn't attend...silly kid.....

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