COVID-19 Trump should have acted earlier?

Yes the FACTS are that Trump was pilloried by Democrats across the board for EVERY decision he made. And NOW those idiots are claiming he did not act fast enough, when they wouldn't have acted AT ALL.
Trump knew he had to tread carefully. What he said about Coronavirus could freak out investors and make the jittery. Problem is jittery investors pull their money out of stock markets. Trump was trying to protect our economy.
Reminder, on February 28 we had only 14 cases on corona virus in the country, and media was all over saying how corona virus is not a threat, and that flu is more dangerous. Now they want to know why Trump didn't issue travel ban earlier, and waited till early March to take additional severe actions.

Here is why!

Reminder, on February 28 we had only 14 cases on corona virus in the country, and media was all over saying how corona virus is not a threat, and that flu is more dangerous. Now they want to know why Trump didn't issue travel ban earlier, and waited till early March to take additional severe actions.

Here is why!

View attachment 323870

They are going to respond incompetently no matter what you prove because they aren't interested in reaching a truthful conclusion, they want instead to upset people and what better way than saying "you're wrong" 100% of the time. They don't function on an intellectual level, they're like little girls with extremely sensitive emotions to feed at the price of life itself if need be.
They are going to respond incompetently no matter what you prove because they aren't interested in reaching a truthful conclusion, they want instead to upset people and what better way than saying "you're wrong" 100% of the time. They don't function on an intellectual level, they're like little girls with extremely sensitive emotions to feed at the price of life itself if need be.
We need more Americans who aren't too chickensh*t to leave their homes. The only way forward is to completely open society and the economy and let this virus take it's course. Eventually we will have herd immunity.
if people want "to let the disease take its course" here's an ethical and safer way of doing that that doesn't needlessly put the vulnerable at risk.

If you recall, for other viruses we’ve seen factors of 3-30 cuts in death rates for low dose infections. This dose effect for viruses is very well established in virology. So I propose to quickly test different ways to dose, deliver, and mitigate Covid19 infections in 1000 volunteers. This is easy, lo-tech, and pretty sure to give big gains. Then I’d open Hero Hotels where one (or one’s health plan) pays to enter, gets quickly deliberately infected, then must stay until recovered, after which one can leave and is certified to work and socialize. This can be completely voluntary, though it could also be subsidized or even required. The young and healthy, and critical workers, seem especially good candidates.

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Also we don't really know for sure whether, to what degree, or for how long immunity persists. There are an alarming number of people who have recovered and have gotten sick again, or letting the virus free reign could allow it to mutate into a deadlier strain, so it might be a moot or partially moot point anyway.

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So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


View attachment 322936

Here are some of the comments to the above:

View attachment 322938

View attachment 322939

^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

View attachment 322941

View attachment 322942

Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

Trump acted on time, as soon CDC confirmed first human-to-human transmission on Jan 30, next day he declared National Health Emergency, issued 14 days quarantine rules for US citizens entering the US from China (mandatory if entering from the Hubei province), and issued an order to deny entry to foreigners who have traveled to China within the past two weeks. There was not single elected official on federal or state level that said until end of February that coronavirus is something to worry about, and to take steps to slow its spread, except the president. On the contrary, many were encouraging people to ride the subway, go for a movies, go to parade and celebrate Chinese New Year, while virus was already spreading like crazy.

Democrats efforts to sabotage Trump are not stopping for a second. It's one thing not to agree with president on policy, fine if you don't agree explain yourself why, let's discuss it, it's OK to have disagreement, but to constantly try to not just criticize, but sabotage the president's efforts from every angle, weather from politicians, or media, is completely different thing.

It doesn’t matter what and how you spin this Americano Trump is responsible for all these death, sick, financial crisis because of his incompetence. Look at his reactions handling of CV in January, February as early part of March by watching Tommytainant video post# 112. Even calling it the New Democratic hoax enforced by lunatics of Fox News.
So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


View attachment 322936

Here are some of the comments to the above:

View attachment 322938

View attachment 322939

^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

View attachment 322941

View attachment 322942

Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

Just this morning too. Just wait. The white hot spotlight for Trump is coming. But you just keep on deflecting.
The single most damning sentence in the New York Times coronavirus exposé

Are you freaking nuts? You're referring to two media outlets (CNN and NY Times) who are responsible for most vicious lies about the president, and who openly worked with Democrats to overturn the results of elections. We had media individuals, instructed by some politicians, one after another telling us how corona virus is not a big deal and criticized the president on "premature border closing".

Oh please. Compared to Fox News, gaewaypundit, QAnon etc etc etc? Trump calling fake news when it’s against him. Real news for Trump are those media supporting his lies and conspiracies.
It's sad that the left continue to attack the president even during a global pandemic. Proves just how pathetic and butthurt they are.
He deserves attacking since he was the head guy and even into the early days of March he didn't take action. Not getting this head start on the virus that a more intelligent president like Obama would have done has cost many lives unnecessarily.

Lib please your own liberal media was attacking president Trump after every step he took to combat the virus spread. FACT! You have zero credibility to attack the president so blow it out your ass.
Zero credibility? Just wondering why Trump supporters used this kind of attack. What is your credibility? What is your credibility?

How Trump created his enemies against his own people the democrats but catered only to people like you.
Trump deserves to be attacked at all cause NO MERCY. Trump is responsible for US Pandemic.
Trump acted sooner than Pelosi or Biden or Schumer or Cuomo or Newsome did...he even beat the WHO to the thing you libs need to understand about a CEO...they get the best minds around and place them in a room so he can make the best decision possible....Trump is crushing this...thank God Obama is not still president.....he would have turned our health care covid response over to China via the WHO.....and you all know it.....

Correct. WHO issued Global Public Health Emergency after Trump issued National Health Emergency in USA. It came after CDC confirmed the first US case of human to human transmission, while WHO was still following China result of no human-to-human transmission.

Stop both of you. Like what I told you in a separate thread.
We knew for decades that China is a communist, cannot be trusted and very secretive. So what’s new?
We knew what is going on in China since November, December, January that CV is killing Chinese. While Trump ....... see video post #112.

Suddenly Trump and gullibles blamed them as unreliable and lying. DUH! This is hilarious. Pelosi and Schumer are Senators they don’t control the entire federal that is Trump’s incompetent job. Keep repeating Pelosi or Schumer doesn’t change anything how Trump fucked up this country big time.

So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


View attachment 322936

Here are some of the comments to the above:

View attachment 322938

View attachment 322939

^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

View attachment 322941

View attachment 322942

Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

Trump acted on time, as soon CDC confirmed first human-to-human transmission on Jan 30, next day he declared National Health Emergency, issued 14 days quarantine rules for US citizens entering the US from China (mandatory if entering from the Hubei province), and issued an order to deny entry to foreigners who have traveled to China within the past two weeks. There was not single elected official on federal or state level that said until end of February that coronavirus is something to worry about, and to take steps to slow its spread, except the president. On the contrary, many were encouraging people to ride the subway, go for a movies, go to parade and celebrate Chinese New Year, while virus was already spreading like crazy.

Democrats efforts to sabotage Trump are not stopping for a second. It's one thing not to agree with president on policy, fine if you don't agree explain yourself why, let's discuss it, it's OK to have disagreement, but to constantly try to not just criticize, but sabotage the president's efforts from every angle, weather from politicians, or media, is completely different thing.

It doesn’t matter what and how you spin this Americano Trump is responsible for all these death, sick, financial crisis because of his incompetence. Look at his reactions handling of CV in January, February as early part of March by watching Tommytainant video post# 112. Even calling it the New Democratic hoax enforced by lunatics of Fox News.

There is no spin, dude. I don't really care if you believe me or not, we're so far ideologically that it really doesn't even matter.

But do you really believe corporate media? I don't, no use of it. And you shouldn't neither. Do you think we can't think for ourselves?

I posted my opinions throughout this thread. Read my post #300, for start, then skip to #312.

And Tommy Tainant is British socialist faggot. I wouldn't listen single word from him.
Reminder, on February 28 we had only 14 cases on corona virus in the country, and media was all over saying how corona virus is not a threat, and that flu is more dangerous. Now they want to know why Trump didn't issue travel ban earlier, and waited till early March to take additional severe actions.

Here is why!

View attachment 323870

So you are saying that just because it’s only 14 cases Trump decided to downplayed and minimizing the CV? At the same time busy finger pointing blamed Obama, the democrats new hoax etc etc etc enforced by Fox News. Then didn’t do anything whole part of February till mid March. Only then Kushner starts the panic buying life savings medical equipments like mask and ventilators from China that you called enemy.

Wait till thousands of cases and death before doing anything? That is just pure stupidity don’t you think? Is that why we are now over 28,000 death?

Very wrong Americano. How Trump reacted, handling and minimizing the CV was just unbelievably incompetent, inept, amateur and ignorant.

You knew, we knew, the world knew ........... that CV killed Chinese and in full scale war. Except Trump???
Reminder, on February 28 we had only 14 cases on corona virus in the country, and media was all over saying how corona virus is not a threat, and that flu is more dangerous. Now they want to know why Trump didn't issue travel ban earlier, and waited till early March to take additional severe actions.

Here is why!

View attachment 323870

So you are saying that just because it’s only 14 cases Trump decided to downplayed and minimizing the CV? At the same time busy finger pointing blamed Obama, the democrats new hoax etc etc etc enforced by Fox News. Then didn’t do anything whole part of February till mid March. Only then Kushner starts the panic buying life savings medical equipments like mask and ventilators from China that you called enemy.

Wait till thousands of cases and death before doing anything? That is just pure stupidity don’t you think? Is that why we are now over 28,000 death?

Very wrong Americano. How Trump reacted, handling and minimizing the CV was just unbelievably incompetent, inept, amateur and ignorant.

You knew, we knew, the world knew ........... that CV killed Chinese and in full scale war. Except Trump???

That's not what I am saying at all.

If that's what you get from my post, than something is really wrong with your reading comprehension.

Read the first sentence again, please.
So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


View attachment 322936

Here are some of the comments to the above:

View attachment 322938

View attachment 322939

^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

View attachment 322941

View attachment 322942

Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

Trump acted on time, as soon CDC confirmed first human-to-human transmission on Jan 30, next day he declared National Health Emergency, issued 14 days quarantine rules for US citizens entering the US from China (mandatory if entering from the Hubei province), and issued an order to deny entry to foreigners who have traveled to China within the past two weeks. There was not single elected official on federal or state level that said until end of February that coronavirus is something to worry about, and to take steps to slow its spread, except the president. On the contrary, many were encouraging people to ride the subway, go for a movies, go to parade and celebrate Chinese New Year, while virus was already spreading like crazy.

Democrats efforts to sabotage Trump are not stopping for a second. It's one thing not to agree with president on policy, fine if you don't agree explain yourself why, let's discuss it, it's OK to have disagreement, but to constantly try to not just criticize, but sabotage the president's efforts from every angle, weather from politicians, or media, is completely different thing.

It doesn’t matter what and how you spin this Americano Trump is responsible for all these death, sick, financial crisis because of his incompetence. Look at his reactions handling of CV in January, February as early part of March by watching Tommytainant video post# 112. Even calling it the New Democratic hoax enforced by lunatics of Fox News.

There is no spin, dude. I don't really care if you believe me or not, we're so far ideologically that it really doesn't even matter.

But do you really believe corporate media? I don't, no use of it. And you shouldn't neither. Do you think we can't think for ourselves?

I posted my opinions throughout this thread. Read my post #300, for start, then skip to #312.

And Tommy Tainant is British socialist faggot. I wouldn't listen single word from him.

It doesn’t matter what Tonmytainant politically or sexual orientation belonged. It is what it is the video is very accurate.

Yes you and your buddies are spinning and denying what and how Trump mishandled this CV crisis. You can defend, deny and give excuses however and whatever you want. This pandemic CV crisis fell in Trump’s lap. PERIOD.

Reminder, on February 28 we had only 14 cases on corona virus in the country, and media was all over saying how corona virus is not a threat, and that flu is more dangerous. Now they want to know why Trump didn't issue travel ban earlier, and waited till early March to take additional severe actions.

Here is why!

View attachment 323870

So you are saying that just because it’s only 14 cases Trump decided to downplayed and minimizing the CV? At the same time busy finger pointing blamed Obama, the democrats new hoax etc etc etc enforced by Fox News. Then didn’t do anything whole part of February till mid March. Only then Kushner starts the panic buying life savings medical equipments like mask and ventilators from China that you called enemy.

Wait till thousands of cases and death before doing anything? That is just pure stupidity don’t you think? Is that why we are now over 28,000 death?

Very wrong Americano. How Trump reacted, handling and minimizing the CV was just unbelievably incompetent, inept, amateur and ignorant.

You knew, we knew, the world knew ........... that CV killed Chinese and in full scale war. Except Trump???

That's not what I am saying at all.

If that's what you get from my post, than something is really wrong with your reading comprehension.

Read the first sentence again, please.

I did. You said ......... On February 28 we only have 14 cases on coronavirus in this country. and the media was all over how coronavirus is not a threat and that flu is more dangerous.

What part of your post don’t you understand?

The only media that downplayed this CV that keeps saying flu is more dangerous is Fox News.
In my first 2 years when I joined this site during that time Obama was the president.

I fought a lot of traitors. A lot of them that China is a friend against Obama. Even when China is taking over the China sea. China is a hero and friend against the US. TRAITORS.

Trump is the president China is the enemy at the same time we depend on China just about every thing. Like life saving medical supplies that we desperately need. Just imagine if China is not there to save American lives. This is hilariously very funny.

So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


View attachment 322936

Here are some of the comments to the above:

View attachment 322938

View attachment 322939

^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

View attachment 322941

View attachment 322942

Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

Trump acted on time, as soon CDC confirmed first human-to-human transmission on Jan 30, next day he declared National Health Emergency, issued 14 days quarantine rules for US citizens entering the US from China (mandatory if entering from the Hubei province), and issued an order to deny entry to foreigners who have traveled to China within the past two weeks. There was not single elected official on federal or state level that said until end of February that coronavirus is something to worry about, and to take steps to slow its spread, except the president. On the contrary, many were encouraging people to ride the subway, go for a movies, go to parade and celebrate Chinese New Year, while virus was already spreading like crazy.

Democrats efforts to sabotage Trump are not stopping for a second. It's one thing not to agree with president on policy, fine if you don't agree explain yourself why, let's discuss it, it's OK to have disagreement, but to constantly try to not just criticize, but sabotage the president's efforts from every angle, weather from politicians, or media, is completely different thing.

It doesn’t matter what and how you spin this Americano Trump is responsible for all these death, sick, financial crisis because of his incompetence. Look at his reactions handling of CV in January, February as early part of March by watching Tommytainant video post# 112. Even calling it the New Democratic hoax enforced by lunatics of Fox News.

There is no spin, dude. I don't really care if you believe me or not, we're so far ideologically that it really doesn't even matter.

But do you really believe corporate media? I don't, no use of it. And you shouldn't neither. Do you think we can't think for ourselves?

I posted my opinions throughout this thread. Read my post #300, for start, then skip to #312.

And Tommy Tainant is British socialist faggot. I wouldn't listen single word from him.

It doesn’t matter what Tonmytainant politically or sexual orientation belonged. It is what it is the video is very accurate.

Yes you and your buddies are spinning and denying what and how Trump mishandled this CV crisis. You can defend, deny and give excuses however and whatever you want. This pandemic CV crisis fell in Trump’s lap. PERIOD.


Meanwhile you IGNORANT Buffoon the Democrats WANTED to do nothing and were ACTIVELY refuting what Trump WAS doing. So either admit Trump was working on the problem while democrats said there was no problem or accept you are nothing more than a LIBERAL RETARD.
Reminder, on February 28 we had only 14 cases on corona virus in the country, and media was all over saying how corona virus is not a threat, and that flu is more dangerous. Now they want to know why Trump didn't issue travel ban earlier, and waited till early March to take additional severe actions.

Here is why!

View attachment 323870

There were 68 cases of Coronavirus on February 29, 2020 and the United States had its first death on that date from coronavirus. Taiwan was already over a month into their shut down and restrictions.

As of Today, TAIWAN only has 6 deaths while the UNITED STATES has over 28,000. That shows the scale of Trump's failure to protect the American people.

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