COVID-19 Trump should have acted earlier?

Pelosi and Schumer should have held a presser and demanded Trump shut down the economy instead Pelosi went to Chinatown. Reckless.

They are Senators, they are not the President, the Commander And Chief. We grade the President based on what he does or does not do, not on what his political opponents are saying or doing.
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

The vast majority of those infected and killed are in DEM run states and DEM run cities. Where is your demand for Dem accountability?

Its the Job of the President to DEFEND the country and its borders BEFORE it becomes an issue within a particular state regardless of how that state has voted over the last twenty years.
Its like most of this you do to yourselves and then blame everyone else. We all screw up. But you guys promote yourselves with IQ's near 200.

Dems claim to be the smartest people on the planet, the college educated, yet they relied on Trump to save them a man they claim is a complete moron. I smell FAUX RAGE and fake news.
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

The vast majority of those infected and killed are in DEM run states and DEM run cities. Where is your demand for Dem accountability?

Its the Job of the President to DEFEND the country and its borders BEFORE it becomes an issue within a particular state regardless of how that state has voted over the last twenty years.

Oh please spare us your FAUX rage, you people rant daily that Trump is a complete moron. Now you expect us to believe you put all your hopes and faith in his leadership during this pandemic? 0% accountability for your own Dem leaders, there's a shocker. Its official, you are Fake News.

Donald Trump is the President. Its Donald Trump's responsibility as commander and chief to defend the country. He has massive powers to do that including the ability to launch a nuclear attack without consulting congress. Donald Trump has access to intelligence and data that exceed that if any individual Senator or Representative. The BUCK stops with Trump.
The white hot spotlight for Trump is coming.
Hey JerkOffAllTrades, just which white hot spotlight will that be?
  • The one you promised after firing Comey?
  • The one you promised after you were going to seize all his tax returns?
  • The one you said was coming after you were sure his new trade deal with China would fail?
  • The white hot spotlight of Mueller?
  • Or the one that came after Nancy called him the greatest threat to the nation ever and tried to impeach him?

While all of these are really good distractions, only the results of the Mueller report warranted any action. Also, why you hating on Nancy? She called off the dogs of her own party after the Mueller report. Even after Trump doubled down on stupid and corrupt with the whole Ukraine deal, she still held her party off until she couldn't anymore.

The white hot spotlight (poker) for Trump is coming. Bluntly put, no one died as a result of your five distractions. Trump lack of response, his incompetence and ineptitude, and his ignorance is ending up costing a lot of people their lives.
Do you mean like Obumma's JV team? Or Hillary's What Difference Does It Make?

Wow, the pivot to but, but, but Obama, but, but, but Hillary took a lot less time than I thought it would. We're talking about if Trump should have acted earlier on COVID-19. Hell, any action or even acknowledgment before March 13th would have been good.
No pivot needed, JerkOffAll. Just show us one real white hot spotlight one of these times out of the 13,623 you've promised were coming any day now? Still waiting.

Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief

So there were no Dems talking tougher, sooner? OK.

The "Deadly" Don doesn't accept responsibility at all. He blames. The Buck doesn't stop with old Trumpybear, it doesn't even hesitate, it knows it will just be passed.
What Trump should have done, but failed to do: TAIWAN'S response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Below is a 7 minute video talking about how Taiwan has been so successful in fighting this pandemic.

John Hopkins University had predicted Taiwan would have the 2nd worst infection and death rates from coronavirus. Instead, these are Taiwan's figures to date:

Population: 23,603,049
Infections from Coronavirus: 393
Deaths from Coronavirus: 6

Population: 332,639,102
Infections from Coronavirus: 582,065
Deaths from Coronavirus: 23,414

TAIWAN is donating 10 million masks to the rest of the world, including 2 million masks to the United States.

Taiwan closed and put in restrictions on their borders, sea ports, airports, on or just after January 20, 2020.
Since the start of April, Taiwan has had about 5 new infections a day while the United States has had tens of thousands of new infections per day.

Unlike, Trump, Taiwan's government protected its people. Taiwan is the gold standard in fighting this pandemic and its how Trump's response should be graded.

another fucking armchair quarterback....Fuck dont you assholes ever give up? We dont like you for your lies and deceit.
I take it you always compare grapes and watermelons.
Taiwan is not even close to one of our smaller states. They don't have the same number of people. They are missing a little thing like the constitution. They did not just try to remove their leader.
They don't complain hourly that their leader is attempting to grab too much power then in the next breath claim he should have ruled with an iron hand. They did not have mayors refusing to shut down schools or representatives walking the streets trying to get people to join them. They did not have kids partying during spring break. They did not have thousands on cruise ships or vacationing in other areas.
But boy it sure is nice to bash someone that you want to bash anyway even if you have no real idea.
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

The vast majority of those infected and killed are in DEM run states and DEM run cities. Where is your demand for Dem accountability?

Its the Job of the President to DEFEND the country and its borders BEFORE it becomes an issue within a particular state regardless of how that state has voted over the last twenty years.

Oh please spare us your FAUX rage, you people rant daily that Trump is a complete moron. Now you expect us to believe you put all your hopes and faith in his leadership during this pandemic? 0% accountability for your own Dem leaders, there's a shocker. Its official, you are Fake News.

Donald Trump is the President. Its Donald Trump's responsibility as commander and chief to defend the country. He has massive powers to do that including the ability to launch a nuclear attack without consulting congress. Donald Trump has access to intelligence and data that exceed that if any individual Senator or Representative. The BUCK stops with Trump.

^^^ fake news alert. :eusa_hand:
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

You think Trump should have closed the borders immediately? Do you remember the reaction to the ban on travel from China? Do you remember the reaction to his closing the borders to travel from Europe? Until the PEOPLE could see how bad things were going to be, they wouldn't support him in such actions as Taiwan took. Your blind hatred makes you foolish.

Trump has the power to launch a nuclear attack at any time without consulting congress. Shutting down the borders and restricting travel is rather easy compared to that. Trump is now there to please the political opposition, his #1 job is protecting the American people. HE FAILED as the results from Taiwan clearly show!
Pelosi and Schumer should have held a presser and demanded Trump shut down the economy instead Pelosi went to Chinatown. Reckless.

They are Senators, they are not the President, the Commander And Chief. We grade the President based on what he does or does not do, not on what his political opponents are saying or doing.

If they didn’t think Trump was acting properly should have demanded action. They passed the stimulus didn’t they?

Good for Taiwan. Every Dimm should have demanded we shut down the economy on Jan. 20th like Taiwan.
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief

So there were no Dems talking tougher, sooner? OK.

Where does this idea come from, that you can excuse the FAILURE of Donald Trump by pointing to what a particular Democratic Representative/Senator did or did not do?

Taiwan acted swiftly to protect its population. Why didn't Trump do the same for the American people?

Where does this idea come from

The idea that we're not going to elect a leader from Taiwan to be President.

that you can excuse the FAILURE of Donald Trump by pointing to what a particular Democratic Representative/Senator did or did not do?

Well, if no Dem would have done better...…..

Taiwan acted swiftly to protect its population.

Yup, they're a tiny island that knows better than to trust China.

Why didn't Trump do the same for the American people?

Different political system, different laws, fewer whiny Dem twats.
Bunch of reasons.
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief

So there were no Dems talking tougher, sooner? OK.

The "Deadly" Don doesn't accept responsibility at all. He blames. The Buck doesn't stop with old Trumpybear, it doesn't even hesitate, it knows it will just be passed.

Yup, it's awful!
You should whine some more.
I take it you always compare grapes and watermelons.
Taiwan is not even close to one of our smaller states. They don't have the same number of people. They are missing a little thing like the constitution. They did not just try to remove their leader.
They don't complain hourly that their leader is attempting to grab too much power then in the next breath claim he should have ruled with an iron hand. They did not have mayors refusing to shut down schools or representatives walking the streets trying to get people to join them. They did not have kids partying during spring break. They did not have thousands on cruise ships or vacationing in other areas.
But boy it sure is nice to bash someone that you want to bash anyway even if you have no real idea.

Taiwan is a Democracy, an ally of the United States, a country of over 24 million people, larger than New York State.

Taiwan is larger than New York State. New York State has 10,000 dead. Taiwan only has 6 dead.

Taiwan is closer and has more trade and travel contacts with China where the outbreak began as well!

Taiwan's small geography and LARGE population density work against it in combating this pandemic. Yet, they have succeeded.
What Trump should have done, but failed to do: TAIWAN'S response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Below is a 7 minute video talking about how Taiwan has been so successful in fighting this pandemic.

John Hopkins University had predicted Taiwan would have the 2nd worst infection and death rates from coronavirus. Instead, these are Taiwan's figures to date:

Population: 23,603,049
Infections from Coronavirus: 393
Deaths from Coronavirus: 6

Population: 332,639,102
Infections from Coronavirus: 582,065
Deaths from Coronavirus: 23,414

TAIWAN is donating 10 million masks to the rest of the world, including 2 million masks to the United States.

Taiwan closed and put in restrictions on their borders, sea ports, airports, on or just after January 20, 2020.
Since the start of April, Taiwan has had about 5 new infections a day while the United States has had tens of thousands of new infections per day.

Unlike, Trump, Taiwan's government protected its people. Taiwan is the gold standard in fighting this pandemic and its how Trump's response should be graded.

another fucking armchair quarterback....Fuck dont you assholes ever give up? We dont like you for your lies and deceit.

Edge want us to be like Taiwan?

Sure, when do we rip up the Constitution?
Given the country is shut down and we have the most cases it’s pretty obvious we needed more and earlier action.
What Trump should have done, but failed to do: TAIWAN'S response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Below is a 7 minute video talking about how Taiwan has been so successful in fighting this pandemic.

John Hopkins University had predicted Taiwan would have the 2nd worst infection and death rates from coronavirus. Instead, these are Taiwan's figures to date:

Population: 23,603,049
Infections from Coronavirus: 393
Deaths from Coronavirus: 6

Population: 332,639,102
Infections from Coronavirus: 582,065
Deaths from Coronavirus: 23,414

TAIWAN is donating 10 million masks to the rest of the world, including 2 million masks to the United States.

Taiwan closed and put in restrictions on their borders, sea ports, airports, on or just after January 20, 2020.
Since the start of April, Taiwan has had about 5 new infections a day while the United States has had tens of thousands of new infections per day.

Unlike, Trump, Taiwan's government protected its people. Taiwan is the gold standard in fighting this pandemic and its how Trump's response should be graded.

another fucking armchair quarterback....Fuck dont you assholes ever give up? We dont like you for your lies and deceit.

Nobody lied. Just reporting some basic facts. TAIWAN is the gold standard in fighting this pandemic and Trump should be graded by that standard.
What Trump should have done, but failed to do: TAIWAN'S response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Below is a 7 minute video talking about how Taiwan has been so successful in fighting this pandemic.

John Hopkins University had predicted Taiwan would have the 2nd worst infection and death rates from coronavirus. Instead, these are Taiwan's figures to date:

Population: 23,603,049
Infections from Coronavirus: 393
Deaths from Coronavirus: 6

Population: 332,639,102
Infections from Coronavirus: 582,065
Deaths from Coronavirus: 23,414

TAIWAN is donating 10 million masks to the rest of the world, including 2 million masks to the United States.

Taiwan closed and put in restrictions on their borders, sea ports, airports, on or just after January 20, 2020.
Since the start of April, Taiwan has had about 5 new infections a day while the United States has had tens of thousands of new infections per day.

Unlike, Trump, Taiwan's government protected its people. Taiwan is the gold standard in fighting this pandemic and its how Trump's response should be graded.

another fucking armchair quarterback....Fuck dont you assholes ever give up? We dont like you for your lies and deceit.

Edge want us to be like Taiwan?

Sure, when do we rip up the Constitution?

Taiwan is a capitalist democracy. They follow the United States lead when it comes to human rights and freedom. They are also and ally of the United States. We should follow their lead on how to fight a pandemic.
Given the country is shut down and we have the most cases it’s pretty obvious we needed more and earlier action.
I would like to remind people of 2009.

2009 swine flu pandemic in the United States - Wikipedia
The 2009 flu pandemic in the United States was a novel strain of the Influenza A/H1N1 virus, commonly referred to as "swine flu", that began in the spring of 2009. The virus had spread to the US from an outbreak in Mexico.[116]

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, there were 60.8 million cases, 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths (range: 8,868–18,306) in the United States due to the virus.[117]
So we have many peoples, most of course on the Left but also some on the Conservative But Hate Trump side, they all have been saying for many many weeks that The Donald SHOULD have acted earlier on COVID-19 some are literally saying that The Donald was told about COVID-19 and the dangers or whatever in December 2019 and that because of this he has blood on his hands, that he is guilty of murder etc

Well many of us do NOT trust The UN and their medical section WHO, many of us think both are being influenced by China, WHO have definately since February been doing 24/7 PR for China and being China Apologists and at the same time attempting to blame Donald Trump for all of this chaos that is going on.

IF ANYONE is to blame for ALL the World Wide chaos INCLUDING the Economic chaos AND those who have been infected and those who have died, it's The UN and their medical section WHO, WHO ESPECIALLY has blood on it's hands and it SHOULD be defunded, sued and shut down because of this.

WHO taking ORDERS off the Chinese about COVID-19, WHO relying on a Chinese study about COVID-19 and WHO that Tweeted the below Tweet that they KNEW was 100% not ACCURATE but they put it out there anyway on January 14 2020 that the investigations by the Chinese said that COVID-19 could NOT be spread via Human to Human contact.


View attachment 322936

Here are some of the comments to the above:

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View attachment 322939

^^^^ 100 BILLION?! How about forcing China to pay 100 TRILLION to the World OR the Western World will destroy China, it's Economy and it's population. How about 100 TRILLION OR the Western World will WIPE China off the map.

View attachment 322941

View attachment 322942

Knowing that the MSM will NOT and has NOT reported on this because the MSM are ALSO helping China to cover-up while at the SAME time participating in the Blame Donald Trump For COVID-19 smear campaign and the MSM have also been doing 24/7 PR for China AND also trashing ANYONE who trashes WHO they feel COMFORTABLE then STILL having that above Tweet from January 14 2020 still up on their Twitter page:

TAIWAN never trusted WHO or China and started restricting and stopping entry into Taiwan on January 20, 2020. Imagine if the United States had done the same thing as Taiwan, where we would be right now!

No country close enough to be invaded by China will trust China.
Do I actually have to post this?!

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