COVID-19 Trump should have acted earlier?

Hindsight is 20/20....maybe if the WHO was not lying and covering for China he would have acted sooner....he ended up brushing them off and shutting down travel....thank God he did that....
When Trump's semi-ban took place, most airlines had already nearly stopped. Tens of thousands flew in from China after this so called ban.
Good for Taiwan. Italy should have done what they did.

It’s a small island. Very easy to shut down travel and they are like 50 miles from China.

So they had to react early. I am they are handling it well.

It takes less than 13 hours for a person to travel from China to the United States by plane. So that gives the United States about 12 hours more time than Taiwan to prepare to stop a pandemic. 12 hours is all. TRUMP the idiot thought it meant he could have months!
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

The vast majority of those infected and killed are in DEM run states and DEM run cities. Where is your demand for Dem accountability?
Why didn’t Pelosi tell him to shut down the nation instead of going to Chinatown on Feb 24th? She dropped the ball.

Pelosi is a Representative from San Francisco and Speaker of the House. She is NOT the Commander and Chief. Its the Commander and Chiefs responsibility to DEFEND the nation. Taiwan shows the degree to which Donald Trump FAILED to defend American citizens.
Trumpetters in my area still scoff at the virus. Went for supplies today here in Trump country, the two places I stopped at had no one wearing a mask.
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

The vast majority of those infected and killed are in DEM run states and DEM run cities. Where is your demand for Dem accountability?

Its the Job of the President to DEFEND the country and its borders BEFORE it becomes an issue within a particular state regardless of how that state has voted over the last twenty years.
What Trump should have done, but failed to do: TAIWAN'S response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Below is a 7 minute video talking about how Taiwan has been so successful in fighting this pandemic.

John Hopkins University had predicted Taiwan would have the 2nd worst infection and death rates from coronavirus. Instead, these are Taiwan's figures to date:

Population: 23,603,049
Infections from Coronavirus: 393
Deaths from Coronavirus: 6

Population: 332,639,102
Infections from Coronavirus: 582,065
Deaths from Coronavirus: 23,414

TAIWAN is donating 10 million masks to the rest of the world, including 2 million masks to the United States.

Taiwan closed and put in restrictions on their borders, sea ports, airports, on or just after January 20, 2020.
Since the start of April, Taiwan has had about 5 new infections a day while the United States has had tens of thousands of new infections per day.

Unlike, Trump, Taiwan's government protected its people. Taiwan is the gold standard in fighting this pandemic and its how Trump's response should be graded.

I posted this last week, a partial comparison -- check out the graphics

Tie one active.jpg
US active.jpg

US dailies.jpg

Tie one daily cases.jpg

Taiwan has (right now) 17 cases per 1M population and 0.3 deaths.
The same numbers for the US are 1763 cases, 73 deaths.
Good for Taiwan. Italy should have done what they did.

It’s a small island. Very easy to shut down travel and they are like 50 miles from China.

So they had to react early. I am they are handling it well.

It takes less than 13 hours for a person to travel from China to the United States by plane. So that gives the United States about 12 hours more time than Taiwan to prepare to stop a pandemic. 12 hours is all. TRUMP the idiot thought it meant he could have months!

Taiwan closed January 20th. Pelosi went to Chinatown on Feb. 24th. What a dumb bitch. She has lots of deaths on her hands. What an irresponsible leader of the house.
Why didn’t Pelosi tell him to shut down the nation instead of going to Chinatown on Feb 24th? She dropped the ball.

Pelosi is a Representative from San Francisco and Speaker of the House. She is NOT the Commander and Chief. Its the Commander and Chiefs responsibility to DEFEND the nation. Taiwan shows the degree to which Donald Trump FAILED to defend American citizens.

She never has a problem telling Trump what to do. Nice try. The bitch went to Chinatown and told everyone there was nothing to be concerned about.
What Trump should have done, but failed to do: TAIWAN'S response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Below is a 7 minute video talking about how Taiwan has been so successful in fighting this pandemic.

John Hopkins University had predicted Taiwan would have the 2nd worst infection and death rates from coronavirus. Instead, these are Taiwan's figures to date:

Population: 23,603,049
Infections from Coronavirus: 393
Deaths from Coronavirus: 6

Population: 332,639,102
Infections from Coronavirus: 582,065
Deaths from Coronavirus: 23,414

TAIWAN is donating 10 million masks to the rest of the world, including 2 million masks to the United States.

Taiwan closed and put in restrictions on their borders, sea ports, airports, on or just after January 20, 2020.
Since the start of April, Taiwan has had about 5 new infections a day while the United States has had tens of thousands of new infections per day.

Unlike, Trump, Taiwan's government protected its people. Taiwan is the gold standard in fighting this pandemic and its how Trump's response should be graded.

I posted this last week, a partial comparison -- check out the graphics

Good visuals that really bring it home, although I'm worried that some will think the numbers on the Taiwan graph are in THOUSANDS instead of literally just 10, 20, or 30 people.
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

The vast majority of those infected and killed are in DEM run states and DEM run cities. Where is your demand for Dem accountability?

Its the Job of the President to DEFEND the country and its borders BEFORE it becomes an issue within a particular state regardless of how that state has voted over the last twenty years.
Its like most of this you do to yourselves and then blame everyone else. We all screw up. But you guys promote yourselves with IQ's near 200.
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief

So there were no Dems talking tougher, sooner? OK.
Why didn’t Pelosi tell him to shut down the nation instead of going to Chinatown on Feb 24th? She dropped the ball.

Pelosi is a Representative from San Francisco and Speaker of the House. She is NOT the Commander and Chief. Its the Commander and Chiefs responsibility to DEFEND the nation. Taiwan shows the degree to which Donald Trump FAILED to defend American citizens.

She never has a problem telling Trump what to do. Nice try. The bitch went to Chinatown and told everyone there was nothing to be concerned about.

What does that have to do with Trump's response to defending this country as Commander and Chief?
Pelosi and Schumer should have held a presser and demanded Trump shut down the economy instead Pelosi went to Chinatown. Reckless.
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

You think Trump should have closed the borders immediately? Do you remember the reaction to the ban on travel from China? Do you remember the reaction to his closing the borders to travel from Europe? Until the PEOPLE could see how bad things were going to be, they wouldn't support him in such actions as Taiwan took. Your blind hatred makes you foolish.
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief

So there were no Dems talking tougher, sooner? OK.

Where does this idea come from, that you can excuse the FAILURE of Donald Trump by pointing to what a particular Democratic Representative/Senator did or did not do?

Taiwan acted swiftly to protect its population. Why didn't Trump do the same for the American people?
Which Democrat said we should act like Taiwan?
On what day?

Donald Trump is Commander and Chief and its his job is to use all his resources to protect the United States from its enemies, whether that enemy is another country, a terrorist group, or a deadly pathogen.

If the United States of America under Donald Trump was truly GREAT, it would have done what Taiwan did to fight this pandemic. Don't trust China or the W.H.O..

IF the United States had the same level of deaths from Coronavirus as Taiwan adjusted for population, the United States would have less than 100 deaths. 23,000 American lives could have been saved. The scale of Trump's failure in January grows by the day.

The vast majority of those infected and killed are in DEM run states and DEM run cities. Where is your demand for Dem accountability?

Its the Job of the President to DEFEND the country and its borders BEFORE it becomes an issue within a particular state regardless of how that state has voted over the last twenty years.

Oh please spare us your FAUX rage, you people rant daily that Trump is a complete moron. Now you expect us to believe you put all your hopes and faith in his leadership during this pandemic? 0% accountability for your own Dem leaders, there's a shocker. Its official, you are Fake News.
What Trump should have done, but failed to do: TAIWAN'S response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Below is a 7 minute video talking about how Taiwan has been so successful in fighting this pandemic.

John Hopkins University had predicted Taiwan would have the 2nd worst infection and death rates from coronavirus. Instead, these are Taiwan's figures to date:

Population: 23,603,049
Infections from Coronavirus: 393
Deaths from Coronavirus: 6

Population: 332,639,102
Infections from Coronavirus: 582,065
Deaths from Coronavirus: 23,414

TAIWAN is donating 10 million masks to the rest of the world, including 2 million masks to the United States.

Taiwan closed and put in restrictions on their borders, sea ports, airports, on or just after January 20, 2020.
Since the start of April, Taiwan has had about 5 new infections a day while the United States has had tens of thousands of new infections per day.

Unlike, Trump, Taiwan's government protected its people. Taiwan is the gold standard in fighting this pandemic and its how Trump's response should be graded.

I posted this last week, a partial comparison -- check out the graphics

Good visuals that really bring it home, although I'm worried that some will think the numbers on the Taiwan graph are in THOUSANDS instead of literally just 10, 20, or 30 people.

Yeah every country's graphs get a different scale. The crucial aspect to notice there is the shape of the curve, what they call "flattening".

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