COVID-19 will be here forever like the Flu

Well said. That's the thing!! Anyone (and they are myriad) who actually caught the disease, with or without benefit of horrible people sticking swabs up one's nose (that's not happening to me!!!) --

All have better immunization than they possibly could have via vaccine. That's how the immune system works. Catching smallpox was HUGELY better than the vaccine --- which has probably failed by now even for those of us who still remember where the round vaccine scar (nickle-size, sometimes larger) was. Problem: those people who actually caught smallpox ------ or COVID ------ might die. Often did. But wow, if they didn't, they were immune into the 21st century and as long as they lived!

Does anyone but me realize how much better real immunity --- from catching COVID --- is to the dubious vaccines? And yet, the little Hitlers still make you wear masks whether or not you had it ------------- go figure. I'm thinking they don't care about disease; they care about getting control of everyone.

My brother got the vax, my family did not. We got covid in Jan. He called yesterday and told us he tested positive for covid. The vax is a farce.

COVID-19 will be here forever like the Flu​

Yup! a poison jab every month from now till the end of days...

Until we fall of the perch! LOL
That’s just it. Fau Chi testifies to the Senate about influenza as the sick Tongguan miners are going into the hospital in Kunming, from working in a place that produced SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative. The coronavirus that links to Fau Chi’s bird flu testimony came from pigs in Canada in 1962. That particular coronavirus is special, because it uses a hemagglutinin enzyme. That enzyme is the link between all influenza viruses and the coronavirus family.
When comparing sequences of this Canadian pig virus from 1962 that links to influenza, they’re almost identical to yak coronaviruses in Yunnan, China. Are the Belarus scientists onto something when they suggest that yaks could be one intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2?
There must be some pro-experimental injection people here who can explain the virtue of getting something that just doesn't do anything for them . . . and not just once, but multiple times. If none of them can, it means they've come to accept an insane proposition simply because they were told to do so. It also means that they've willingly forfeited their right to apply critical thinking skills to such a ridiculous proposition and to see it for what it is.
Really? Is there not one person here who can put into words the reason for accepting something that doesn't do anything for them? If not, then why not voice your disappointment in that substance?
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We're not willingly going to live with a disease this lethal. We've lost more than 400,000 in America alone so far, and I'm impressed, if you're not. We are sure to hit half a million in February. The 1918 influenza deaths totaled 675,000 in America alone: COVID will surely equal that even with vaccination. Why you think this is so benign, I don't know. The Hopkins epidemiologists are now worried about a substantial UNDERCOUNT of virus-associated deaths, because excess deaths for 2020 are over the COVID count by some tens of thousands.

We may have to live with it if we can't vaccinate against it ------- we ARE living with HIV/AIDS, after at least 50 million deaths since about 1980, because they can't get a vaccine for it. They do have drugs that allow people to live for a long time with it, though. They die of it in the end, however.

It looks like this one is possible to vaccinate against, though. I think that Moderna guy just meant we'll have to vaccinate forever, like we do for measles, mumps, etc. We have never wiped out any disease except smallpox to date. (And they have stocks of that in freezers in Atlanta and Moscow, just saying.) So he's right: we'll have to live with COVID, at least with the vaccine, indefinitely. Unless it dies out totally on its own, and several historical and recent diseases have done that.

Not a chance. We're done with this shit.

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