The Feds can't even tell the difference between Flu, Covid and Pneumonia. They've been lumping such "cases" together. The flu season in the U.S. starts earlier in the South than in the North, so we should expect to see cases increasing.

26,000 infections yesterday and Governor Covid is against masks and vaccines
To be clear, has DeSantis actually said you cant wear a mask and get vaccinated or shouldnt do either of those things or said the government isnt going to mandate that you do either of those things? That a pretty huge distinction. I know a lot of people here on this board and in the US in general are A OK with Governor's just mandating all kinds of shit without actually getting legislation enacted to allow them to do that but.....
Florida has more vulnerable senior citizens than any other state and coincidentally the Tampa area alone has about 7% of the total illegal alien population of the U.S. . You have to wonder if the Biden administration is actually engaging in a sort of intentional genocide for political purposes by placing infected illegal aliens who have never seen a doctor among 70-80 and 90 year old American citizens. Cuomo did it successfully in NY by taking about 10,000 mostly seniors off the rolls.
To be clear, has DeSantis actually said you cant wear a mask and get vaccinated or shouldnt do either of those things or said the government isnt going to mandate that you do either of those things? That a pretty huge distinction. I know a lot of people here on this board and in the US in general are A OK with Governor's just mandating all kinds of shit without actually getting legislation enacted to allow them to do that but.....
He’s getting in the way of schools masking their students and private enterprises requiring vaccinations ( like cruise lines)

For two examples
See: COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations on the rise in Florida …

"MIAMI (AP) – Hospital admissions for coronavirus patients continue to rise in Florida, with at least two areas of the state surpassing previous peaks in the summer 2020 rebound, prompting local authorities to urge the governor to declare an emergency."

Of course cases are on the rise . . . the vaccine is not preventing the fully vaccinated from still getting covid, and in large numbers.

Breakthrough cases count for a large number of the rise in cases, e.g., in Massachusetts we find “More than 3,000 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts tested positive for the coronavirus last week, a daily average of nearly 450 people in the Bay State as breakthrough infections keep rising amid the delta variant.” LINK

Now, let us talk about the benefits of “natural immunity”, one benefit is ”People who had COVID-19 had an 84% lower risk of becoming reinfected and a 93% lower risk of symptomatic infection during 7 months of follow-up, according to findings from a large, multicenter study published late last week in The Lancet.”

The article goes on to point out "the findings of the authors suggest that infection and the development of an antibody response provides protection similar to or even better than currently used SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.” See Previous COVID-19 may cut risk of reinfection 84%

Is it not common sense that those least likely to have complications from covid, if allowed to beat the virus on their own, would be a giant step forward in creating “herd immunity”?

Unfortunately, we are now finding that the covid vaccine may risk one’s natural immunity to covid. See: Vaccination could jeopardize our natural immunity to COVID-19, virologist cautions

Those shouting "get the vaccine or die" need to be confronted and made to support their outlandish claim.


President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border
If that's what you perceive that I was intimating or inferring, great.
You don't fool anyone.

It was not, of course, but I realize you're going to believe what you're going to believe.

And you're going to rattle off mindless talking points from the leftist hate sites
And, helpful hint: The use of quotation marks is typically used for actual accurate quotes, not perceptions of inference. By most normal people, anyway.

This is boring. You are boring.
My quote was perfectly accurate.
Something that will be much more effect than the stupid masks or unproven vaccines would be to simply keep the filthy ass infected Yankees out of the state. Especially those assholes from New York.

We need to set up check points on I-95 and I-75 and all the airports and turn the infected bastards around and send them beack where they came from.
See: COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations on the rise in Florida …

"MIAMI (AP) – Hospital admissions for coronavirus patients continue to rise in Florida, with at least two areas of the state surpassing previous peaks in the summer 2020 rebound, prompting local authorities to urge the governor to declare an emergency."

Of course cases are on the rise . . . the vaccine is not preventing the fully vaccinated from still getting covid, and in large numbers.

Breakthrough cases count for a large number of the rise in cases, e.g., in Massachusetts we find “More than 3,000 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts tested positive for the coronavirus last week, a daily average of nearly 450 people in the Bay State as breakthrough infections keep rising amid the delta variant.” LINK

Now, let us talk about the benefits of “natural immunity”, one benefit is ”People who had COVID-19 had an 84% lower risk of becoming reinfected and a 93% lower risk of symptomatic infection during 7 months of follow-up, according to findings from a large, multicenter study published late last week in The Lancet.”

The article goes on to point out "the findings of the authors suggest that infection and the development of an antibody response provides protection similar to or even better than currently used SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.” See Previous COVID-19 may cut risk of reinfection 84%

Is it not common sense that those least likely to have complications from covid, if allowed to beat the virus on their own, would be a giant step forward in creating “herd immunity”?

Unfortunately, we are now finding that the covid vaccine may risk one’s natural immunity to covid. See: Vaccination could jeopardize our natural immunity to COVID-19, virologist cautions

Those shouting "get the vaccine or die" need to be confronted and made to support their outlandish claim.


President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border
Well over 90% of people showing up in hospitals with Covid are UNVACCINATED

21,000 infections in Florida and Governor Covid claims only 8 deaths

Texas...thousands fewer infections and over 250 dead.

Do ya believe DeathSantis?

21,000 infections in Florida and Governor Covid claims only 8 deaths

Texas...thousands fewer infections and over 250 dead.

Do ya believe DeathSantis?

You filthy Nazis are right to fear DeSantis, he WILL be president in 2025.
So Florida is experiencing infections numbers higher than at any point in the pandemic and what does Governor Covid do?

Simply stop reporting the numbers.

Nope. No numbers for two days...after having to add eight HUNDRED deaths to the numbers they reported in July

Actually, it's not a bad strategy! Nebraska has stopped reporting Covid stats AT ALL --- there's a white Nebraska-shaped spot on the Covid maps I see. And Florida is only reporting certain days of the week.

I don't see why they should, really. It's a huge burden, this kind of reporting.
Governor covid just left the building in NY and left his prop dog there....
Apparently it really was a prop! A photo-op dog. Darn. At least if it's true that he asked if somebody couldn't keep it and meant forever rather than just till he got into a new place. This may not be real, but if it is, yuck.
Actually, it's not a bad strategy! Nebraska has stopped reporting Covid stats AT ALL --- there's a white Nebraska-shaped spot on the Covid maps I see. And Florida is only reporting certain days of the week.

I don't see why they should, really. It's a huge burden, this kind of reporting.
Huge burden?

Yea...honesty is tough
Huge burden?

Yea...honesty is tough
It just pushes local government to start up the lockdowns and mask mandates yet, yet again, to no purpose. We've started all that up again here in Maryland. I'm hoping our County Exec. will hold out against the panic. The data reporting just feeds the panic, and like the masks and lockdowns and even the vaccine (unfortunately) nothing seems to actually WORK. So I say stop the reporting: the numbers are probably wrong and the local governments just start putting in more anti-people regulations that make us more miserable than ever.

You do notice none of these things have WORKED, right? If they worked, the epidemic would stop or fade, rather than getting worse and worse. This is so obvious that I am amazed so few get it. "X doesn't work! So quick, everybody do more of it!!" There is something deeply wrong with this kind of thinking.

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