Florida is a basket case when it comes to its handling of the Covid crisis. Hospitals are full and people are dying. DeSantis should resign immediately or be impeached for his gross incompetence.

Given Slow Joe's performance lately I wouldn't be mentioning impeachment
COVID cases are up in Florida because its like living on the surface of the sun in the summer there so people hang out in the AC. Kinda like how the northern states get a spike in the winter because no-one wants to hang out outside freezing their nuts off so they go inside. It's really that simple. Im sure all you fools will be apoplectic when NY and Michigan see a spike in December/January.......
Also who gives a shit how many cases there are. People getting COVID and getting over it is a good thing. It's just like getting a vaccine, likely better.
26,000 infections ands supposedly only 9 deaths
I spent the past 2 weeks in lying Florida Governor Ron DeSantis hell hole. His numbers are fake as hell. 4 unvaccinated Broward county teachers died in one day while I was there, yet his data shows ZERO deaths in that county for months.

There ain't nearly enough doctors to give the infected people hours of IV infusions of DeSantis touted monoclonal antibody treatment.

A ml of vaccine prevention is worth way more than pounds of cure that you won't get as you suffer in the streets as hospitals have already been turning away every kind of injured & infected people.

Florida accident victims are turned away from covid overcrowded Hospital ER's & left to suffer in silence & leave the state for treatment as my wife & I had to because of an auto accident there. Only fools believe anything from DeSantis.

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Florida is a basket case when it comes to its handling of the Covid crisis. Hospitals are full and people are dying. DeSantis should resign immediately or be impeached for his gross incompetence.

You Nazis are really scared of DeSantis. As well you should be - he is our next President.

Remember Herr Goering, Florida has more vaccinated people than New York does.
I remember seeing data that they were higher.

But I'd be wasting my time digging it up.

You're just another Trumpster, so who cares.

So Herr Nazi - your claims of "massive death" are just hyperbole to gain power for your filthy Reich? In fact, the only thing that is different in the death rate is the classification of cause of death. A death that used to be "Motorcycle accident" is now "Covid."

I'm shocked - no one thought you were such a sleazy, lying Nazi pile of shit..

Oh wait, everyone knew that.
So Herr Nazi - your claims of "massive death" are just hyperbole to gain power for your filthy Reich? In fact, the only thing that is different in the death rate is the classification of cause of death. A death that used to be "Motorcycle accident" is now "Covid."

I'm shocked - no one thought you were such a sleazy, lying Nazi pile of shit..

Oh wait, everyone knew that.
I see that you put the term "massive death" in quotations.

Evidently you think I said that.

I probably did, in your universe. Not much I can do about that.
I see that you put the term "massive death" in quotations.

Evidently you think I said that.

I probably did, in your universe. Not much I can do about that.

Oh look, Nazi Mac is prevaricating again...

{In the alternate universe, it's just a little flu and any death numbers are fake news.}

That WAS you, wasn't it?
Oh look, Nazi Mac is prevaricating again...

{In the alternate universe, it's just a little flu and any death numbers are fake news.}

That WAS you, wasn't it?
Yes it was. Again, evidently you think I said "massive death", and I didn't.

I don't know how words are perceived in your universe, so I can't help you.
Yes it was. Again, evidently you think I said "massive death", and I didn't.

I don't know how words are perceived in your universe, so I can't help you.

Word of the day for the Nazis among us...

in·ti·mate 2​

tr.v. in·ti·mat·ed, in·ti·mat·ing, in·ti·mates
To state or express indirectly: She intimated that she did not want him to call back. See Synonyms at suggest.
b. To make evident indirectly: His worn clothes intimated that he was in need of money.
2. Archaic To announce; proclaim.

[Latin intimāre, intimāt-, to make known, from intimus, innermost; see en in Indo-European roots.]

in′ti·mat′er n.
in′ti·ma′tion n.
Word of the day for the Nazis among us...

in·ti·mate 2​

tr.v. in·ti·mat·ed, in·ti·mat·ing, in·ti·mates
To state or express indirectly: She intimated that she did not want him to call back. See Synonyms at suggest.
b. To make evident indirectly: His worn clothes intimated that he was in need of money.
2. Archaic To announce; proclaim.

[Latin intimāre, intimāt-, to make known, from intimus, innermost; see en in Indo-European roots.]

in′ti·mat′er n.
in′ti·ma′tion n.
If that's what you perceive that I was intimating or inferring, great.

It was not, of course, but I realize you're going to believe what you're going to believe.

And, helpful hint: The use of quotation marks is typically used for actual accurate quotes, not perceptions of inference. By most normal people, anyway.

This is boring. You are boring.
If that's what you perceive that I was intimating or inferring, great.

It was not, of course, but I realize you're going to believe what you're going to believe.

And, helpful hint: The use of quotation marks is typically used for actual accurate quotes, not perceptions of inference. By most normal people, anyway.

This is boring. You are boring.

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