COVID cases surge in Florida....will Desantis create another t-shirt? "FLORIDA #1 IN COVID!"

More than 61,000 migrants released into the US from the ...

More than 61,000 immigrants who illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border have been released into the United States since President Joe Biden took office, according to federal data.

The releases of adults and families do not include the tens of thousands of unaccompanied children who are also being discharged by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Border Patrol agents are so overwhelmed that they have started releasing families without giving them legal documents that mandate the families appear before an immigration judge about their unlawful entry. Rep. Henry Cuellar, a Texas Democrat, told the Washington Examiner last week that border officials are so busy processing people that they do not have time to identify the court that immigrants will be seen at.
Just where in this article does it mention Florida. If you want to consider U.S. citizens, from Louisiana, Arkansas, Mo, Tx, Ga, Al, MS migrants that's fine and as a matter of fact that is the way we look at these people in my area of Florida. We are overrun with them this year, more than I can ever remember and they are here thinking locals owe them something. My area went for 2% positivity rate since may to 18% this past week and still climbing. No migrants here.
So why is Sleepy Joe killing people in Florida with the corona virus?

Smells like genocide to me, just saying.
DisSantis has continually repeated his wishes that more Floridians die of Covid. How many deaths will satisfy him? Perhaps his own or the deaths of his children?
Just where in this article does it mention Florida. If you want to consider U.S. citizens, from Louisiana, Arkansas, Mo, Tx, Ga, Al, MS migrants that's fine and as a matter of fact that is the way we look at these people in my area of Florida. We are overrun with them this year, more than I can ever remember and they are here thinking locals owe them something. My area went for 2% positivity rate since may to 18% this past week and still climbing. No migrants here.

I see, so the narrative has changed from "there is no crisis at the border" to they are not being sent to Florida?

But since you asked..........

Border Patrol Sending Busloads of Illegal Immigrants to ...

They are coming by busloads and it’s all thanks to President Joe Biden and his new immigration policies. The Biden administration is now sending busloads of illegal immigrants from the border region to Florida and other parts of the U.S., in what some legislators call the return of “catch and release” and the criminal act of “human trafficking.”
Andrew Cuomo and Ron Deathsantis continue to be the worst governors in the handling regarding covid-19 in the nation, although cases in NY are more under control now.
Let's play for the people of Florida.

Same thing in Atlanta. The variant is surging here too.
So why is Sleepy Joe killing people in Florida with the corona virus?

Smells like genocide to me, just saying.
Actually it fits the goal of Ezekiel Emanuel, eminent oncologist, medical sage, policy advisor to the Obama White House,(brother to Rahm Emmanuel..advisor to Obama).

Why I hope to die at 75’: Doctor hired to Biden’s coronavirus task force faces backlash for resurfaced article‘Living too long is also a loss. It renders many of us, if not disabled, then faltering and declining’​

So why would they criticize Florida with the 2nd highest # of people over 65!
Masks are a hoax, they do not filter the virus. Only a brainwashed functional moron would believe that. Social distancing does work, it’s the only thing that does work. The numbers are inflated, the CDC has admitted that there are really only 7-12 thousand COVID deaths, the rest were people dying of other health issues while they had WuFlu. The lockdowns were a sham that did nothing, other countries like Sweden have proven that.
Masks are not a hoax. If you have covid and are wearing a mask, the mask helps. Let me ask you one question. If you cough, do you cover your mouth with your hand? Why? Hands don't work. Only a brainwashed moron would say what you just said about masks.

Do you have a link showing us the CDC admitted this?

If social distancing works then why the fuck did Trump have rallies?

If Sweden's lockdown didn't work it's because they have assholes like you in Sweden.

99% of the people dying of covid are non vaccinated. Is that a lie too? Because right now Republican governors are coming out and saying it's true. Almost all the deaths are the unvaccinated. So I am glad you aren't getting vaccinated. It's what I wished for back in 2020.
Actually it fits the goal of Ezekiel Emanuel, eminent oncologist, medical sage, policy advisor to the Obama White House,(brother to Rahm Emmanuel..advisor to Obama).

Why I hope to die at 75’: Doctor hired to Biden’s coronavirus task force faces backlash for resurfaced article‘Living too long is also a loss. It renders many of us, if not disabled, then faltering and declining’​

So why would they criticize Florida with the 2nd highest # of people over 65!

Jesus, you are a Fascist.
You are lying. We on the Left work. If you're looking for parasites, visit the corporate boardroom. The Left wants decent pay for work. The Left wants decent education and jobs. The Right wants laissez-faire corporate hegemony, essentially neo-feudalism, and cares nothing for the victims of that. The Right is ethically and intellectually bankrupt, not to mention treasonous.
Jesus, you are a Fascist.
Does this statement support the definition of "fascism"?
Why I hope to die at 75’: Doctor hired to Biden’s coronavirus task force faces backlash for resurfaced article
‘Living too long is also a loss. It renders many of us, if not disabled, then faltering and declining’
Fascism, political ideology
a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.
So you believe that I'm a "fascist" based on the point I'm making with links by the way... not dumb ass name calling!
I see, so the narrative has changed from "there is no crisis at the border" to they are not being sent to Florida?

But since you asked..........

Border Patrol Sending Busloads of Illegal Immigrants to ...

They are coming by busloads and it’s all thanks to President Joe Biden and his new immigration policies. The Biden administration is now sending busloads of illegal immigrants from the border region to Florida and other parts of the U.S., in what some legislators call the return of “catch and release” and the criminal act of “human trafficking.”
The only bad part of this is that we can't exchange them for Trumpoids, though of course Guatemala wouldn't want that sort of social misfit. Certainly the USA is better off with 1000 illegal Central Americans here than 1 delusional treasonous insurrectionist white-right misogynist incel Trump supporter!
The only bad part of this is that we can't exchange them for Trumpoids, though of course Guatemala wouldn't want that sort of social misfit. Certainly the USA is better off with 1000 illegal Central Americans here than 1 delusional treasonous insurrectionist white-right misogynist incel Trump supporter!
Sinajuavi.... are you a legal immigrant or an illegal immigrant?
DisSantis has continually repeated his wishes that more Floridians die of Covid. How many deaths will satisfy him? Perhaps his own or the deaths of his children?
Look at the RepubliQans now scrambling to avoid the blame they've earned for this new wave of COVID death. Even as their own constituents and friends die... somehow it's Biden's fault.

It is time these people all be treated as the fringe misfits they are, the treasonous dangerous sociopaths they've become thanks to the barrage of white-right media which has rotted their minds. I for one no longer will do business with any Trump supporter, nor treat them as humans. They are not. They are the rot which is sinking this country.
Andrew Cuomo and Ron Deathsantis continue to be the worst governors in the handling regarding covid-19 in the nation, although cases in NY are more under control now.
Let's play for the people of Florida.
If you want to play this game then in the big picture it is Covid Case in the United States surge ubder Biden. as he transports infected illegal aliens to red states

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