COVID cases surge in Florida....will Desantis create another t-shirt? "FLORIDA #1 IN COVID!"

You relegate yourself to the child's Thanksgiving table when you say such patently stupid shit.
Yet it is true... and I also wonder... how many will die before you Trumpoid traitors admit you were wrong, wise up, shape up and stop trashing this country?

Will you have to watch family members die before you get it?

Hey, news flash: SCIENCE is real!
Masks are not a hoax. If you have covid and are wearing a mask, the mask helps. Let me ask you one question. If you cough, do you cover your mouth with your hand? Why? Hands don't work. Only a brainwashed moron would say what you just said about masks.

Do you have a link showing us the CDC admitted this?

If social distancing works then why the fuck did Trump have rallies?

If Sweden's lockdown didn't work it's because they have assholes like you in Sweden.

99% of the people dying of covid are non vaccinated. Is that a lie too? Because right now Republican governors are coming out and saying it's true. Almost all the deaths are the unvaccinated. So I am glad you aren't getting vaccinated. It's what I wished for back in 2020.
Masks are a hoax, they don’t prevent you from getting the virus, nor do they filter it if you have it.

If the vaccines are safe then why are the Big Pharma companies immune from liability? You know the answer to that. You know it’s because of all the side effects and death they have been causing. So when the Big Pharma companies are willing to put their money where their mouth is, then I will consider it.
He's not a citizen so it's irrelevant.
Anyone is relevant, except for a Trump supporter, who can no longer be considered human. I certainly do not consider them human, and treat them accordingly.

Let's play "guess my citizenship", because the responses from you submental white-right treasonous misfits will be amusing to me.
Look at the RepubliQans now scrambling to avoid the blame they've earned for this new wave of COVID death. Even as their own constituents and friends die... somehow it's Biden's fault.

It is time these people all be treated as the fringe misfits they are, the treasonous dangerous sociopaths they've become thanks to the barrage of white-right media which has rotted their minds. I for one no longer will do business with any Trump supporter, nor treat them as humans. They are not. They are the rot which is sinking this country.
Speaking of lying....... Own your failure.

Border Patrol Sending Busloads of Illegal Immigrants to ...

Does this statement support the definition of "fascism"?
Why I hope to die at 75’: Doctor hired to Biden’s coronavirus task force faces backlash for resurfaced article
‘Living too long is also a loss. It renders many of us, if not disabled, then faltering and declining’
Fascism, political ideology
a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.
So you believe that I'm a "fascist" based on the point I'm making with links by the way... not dumb ass name calling!
Your description of fascism is incomplete, but it does describe Trump and his idiot minions perfectly!

I have zero tolerance for such filth, as my parents' generations sacrificed mightily to protect us from fascism, and now white-right psyQotics wish to implement it here! You'll not succeed. You are speeding toward a brick wall. I will NOT lament your deaths for one microsecond.
358 deaths in a high population state in one week.
I wonder how many were ACTUAL COVID deaths and not old age with underlying conditions. Or even worse, car accidents with occupants who tested positive for it...

Our media, government & CDC have proven themselves to be untrustworthy on this topic.

I'd also like to note that DeSantis vaccinated his seniors first not his gas station workers.

As far as "cases" go that a pretty irrelevant number as most people who get it have mild to no symptoms.

But don't let me stop you from parroting your msm propaganda & fear mongering
358 deaths in a high population state in one week.
I wonder how many were ACTUAL COVID deaths and not old age with underlying conditions. Or even worse, car accidents with occupants who tested positive for it...

The vaccine is a shield, not a suit of armor.

Old people, even fully vaccinated are at risk, when community spread is out of control.
Andrew Cuomo and Ron Deathsantis continue to be the worst governors in the handling regarding covid-19 in the nation, although cases in NY are more under control now.
Let's play for the people of Florida.
The old Prog shell game. This is the one where when one Prog who is in the crosshairs is balanced out with a Republican. Whatever problems and issues are in a general sense, the specifics of those need to be applied also. So the deep blue cities/counties of Florida as compared to the more purple and red ones must be included. Also of course the ages of the people in areas.
Except that wouldn't explain Florida. Migrants aren't being sent to Florida.
Stop lying
He's not a citizen so it's irrelevant.
That maybe true that he's not a legal citizen which is indicated by the distaste he has for America which is the common attribute most people that liked Trump like me liked in Trump... i.e. Trump was always America first. And based on the
world wide affect of the USA ON the world, with mostly honest efforts, the vast majority of Americans like me with "legal" immigrant heritage believe America first is not such a bad thing. Granted there have been some errors. No question. But Americans because the majority of us come from other countries respect the right to make those errors! But if Sinajuavi is an "ILLEGAL" immigrant or off-spring of illegals I have very little respect for his comments...even though he has a right...I just don't believe him!
I read the story. It 'hints" of busloads being sent to Florida, but doesn't give any proof. And the only proof of immigrants going to Florida, is that they "might" take a plane there. But of course the government isn't paying for any such flights.
According to Todd Bensman, a senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigrant Studies, who appeared on the Steve Bannon War Room podcast, witnessed the busing being arraigned by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Masks are a hoax, they don’t prevent you from getting the virus, nor do they filter it if you have it.

If the vaccines are safe then why are the Big Pharma companies immune from liability? You know the answer to that. You know it’s because of all the side effects and death they have been causing. So when the Big Pharma companies are willing to put their money where their mouth is, then I will consider it.
Because we asked them to rush it to us rather than go through years of beurocracy. Duh.

I don't want you to the get vaccine.

Did you answer my question? Does covering your mouth when you cough work? Then why do you bother doing it?

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