COVID cases surge in Florida....will Desantis create another t-shirt? "FLORIDA #1 IN COVID!"


More than 61,000 migrants released into the US from the ...

More than 61,000 immigrants who illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border have been released into the United States since President Joe Biden took office, according to federal data.

The releases of adults and families do not include the tens of thousands of unaccompanied children who are also being discharged by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Border Patrol agents are so overwhelmed that they have started releasing families without giving them legal documents that mandate the families appear before an immigration judge about their unlawful entry. Rep. Henry Cuellar, a Texas Democrat, told the Washington Examiner last week that border officials are so busy processing people that they do not have time to identify the court that immigrants will be seen at.
And they're all COVID-19 positive!!!
Well thanks for your opinion. I, as well as many others ( some witnesses ) disagree.
Why? Are a significant number of the cases and hospitalizations and deaths illegal immigrants? What numbers or data are you using to bases this option besides people on Steve Bannon’s podcast?
Because we asked them to rush it to us rather than go through years of beurocracy. Duh.

I don't want you to the get vaccine.

Did you answer my question? Does covering your mouth when you cough work? Then why do you bother doing it?
Yes, according to your beloved Obama it does. Do you not remember Swine Flu?

Yes, according to your beloved Obama it does. Do you not remember Swine Flu?

You are purposely missing my point. Do you cover your sneeze or just let it fly into the room without covering your mouth/nose?
You are purposely missing my point. Do you cover your sneeze or just let it fly into the room without covering your mouth/nose?

What is your point? Wearing a mask wouldn’t filter any virus you are breathing.
Why? Are a significant number of the cases and hospitalizations and deaths illegal immigrants? What numbers or data are you using to bases this option besides people on Steve Bannon’s podcast?
Nice try at deflection, not. The border crisis is being caused by *biden's policies along with the surge in covid numbers. Own it.
A quirky bunch of (fully vaccinated?) Texas democrats fled the state and came back with covid and infected the Vice President of the United States who was also fully vaccinated. What does that tell you? The stuff doesn't necessarily work? When you factor in the part where Florida is full of 80 and 90 year old's who can die from a freaking cold it tells you that Florida is a target for left wing propaganda because the governor is a republican. It beats talking about sleepy Joe anyway.
I had a hunch that the Biden administration was positioning illegal immigrants in states like Florida after waving them through the border.

Thanks for confirming.
OK smart guy.

Illegal Aliens are Being Flown to Cities Across the U.S ...

One local news station, WRCBtv in Tennessee, obtained a video of planes arriving at Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center “carrying migrant children who are being bussed to multiple southeastern cities during overnight hours.” Two of the busses seen in the video were headed for Miami and Dallas.
Cool report. Might be true might not be… I don’t take anything I hear from the media too seriously but you seem pretty sure this is real. What gives you the confidence that this is all happening and not part of the fake news apparatus I hear your side bitch about non stop?
Andrew Cuomo and Ron Deathsantis continue to be the worst governors in the handling regarding covid-19 in the nation, although cases in NY are more under control now.
Let's play for the people of Florida.

As a person of Florida, go fuck yourself. We don't need your faux concern, liar. You're fist pumping for every death.

You can get your first vaccination same day in Florida. The vaccine is available all over the place. We have all been offered the vaccine. Ignoring that you're lying about deaths being high, what is DeSantis supposed to do exactly since the cases are virtually all among people who decided not to get vaccinated?
Nice try at deflection, not. The border crisis is being caused by *biden's policies along with the surge in covid numbers. Own it.
That wasn’t a deflection. We are talking about Covid in Florida. You don’t want to blame the people of Florida or the governor, you want to blame Biden and the border so I’m asking if the people coming from the border who you blame for the spread are making up any kind of significant numbers of cases hospitalizations or deaths in the Florida stats we are talking about. Yes or no or you don’t know

Yet it is true... and I also wonder... how many will die before you Trumpoid traitors admit you were wrong, wise up, shape up and stop trashing this country?

Will you have to watch family members die before you get it?

Hey, news flash: SCIENCE is real!

So get the vaccine and you're protected, jackass. Then you don't need to worry about what other people do
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As a person of Florida, go fuck yourself. We don't need your faux concern, liar. You're fist pumping for every death.

You can get your first vaccination same day in Florida. The vaccine is available all over the place. We have all been offered the vaccine. Ignoring that you're lying about deaths being high, what is DeSantis supposed to do exactly since the cases are virtually all among people who decided not to get vaccinated?
Why do you think so many republicans and red states are lagging to be vaxed? Are you seeing good leadership from their elected officials to promote vaccinations?

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