COVID cases surge in Florida....will Desantis create another t-shirt? "FLORIDA #1 IN COVID!"

That wasn’t a deflection. We are talking about Covid in Florida. You don’t want to blame the people of Florida or the governor, you want to blame Biden and the border so I’m asking if the people coming from the border who you blame for the spread are making up any kind of significant numbers of cases hospitalizations or deaths in the Florida stats we are talking about. Yes or no or you don’t know
why not, the immigrants who weren't stopped at the border are being sent to Florida. Why do you not trust the people you voted for?
Why do you think so many republicans and red states are lagging to be vaxed? Are you seeing good leadership from their elected officials to promote vaccinations?
none of your business what we do.
One idiot says people shouldn't live beyond 75 (for the good of the nation) and you buy into that? Are you stupid?
Remember... I don't say it. I am sharing WITH links by the way. I'm not the person that said it... the former Obama/Biden expert said it... who's brother was an Obama advisor. But I'm not surprised at these people's position as they are very important people in the Democrat party... not GOP!
Cool report. Might be true might not be… I don’t take anything I hear from the media too seriously but you seem pretty sure this is real. What gives you the confidence that this is all happening and not part of the fake news apparatus I hear your side bitch about non stop?
Mostly common sense..... Especially when I see things like this.

Why do you think so many republicans and red states are lagging to be vaxed? Are you seeing good leadership from their elected officials to promote vaccinations?

Well, since the largest groups of unvaxxed are blacks and Latnio's, maybe it's not that simple.

Democrats are simpletons. Simple is your field of expertise
Remember... I don't say it. I am sharing WITH links by the way. I'm not the person that said it... the former Obama/Biden expert said it... who's brother was an Obama advisor. But I'm not surprised at these people's position as they are very important people in the Democrat party... not GOP!

Why would you ASSUME his beliefs are important to Democrats? Are you dafted?
That wasn’t a deflection. We are talking about Covid in Florida. You don’t want to blame the people of Florida or the governor, you want to blame Biden and the border so I’m asking if the people coming from the border who you blame for the spread are making up any kind of significant numbers of cases hospitalizations or deaths in the Florida stats we are talking about. Yes or no or you don’t know
*biden is the president right?

Didn't/don't the left blame Trump for the covid numbers when he was president?
Because Biden is a democrat whose policy on the border has been more focused on humanitarian aid than border security. That’s not new, he was elected with that position clearly expressed
Are American citizens included in his "humanitarian aid"? I thought we had a pandemic on our hands? NO?!?
Well, since the largest groups of unvaxxed are blacks and Latnio's, maybe it's not that simple.

Democrats are simpletons. Simple is your field of expertise

47% of TRumper reject the vaccination. Same crowd that thought the flu shot was a government plot and fought seatbelt laws,
Why would you ASSUME his beliefs are important to Democrats? Are you dafted?
Obama disagreed with you...NPR's Ari Shapiro speaks with Dr. Zeke Emanuel, an architect of the Affordable Care Act about the "Medicare for All" issue in the Democratic presidential debates.
While arguing against getting rid of the Affordable Care Act, Ezekiel Emanuel, an oncologist and former health policy advisor in the administration of Barack Obama,

And where are your links, your proof I'm "daft"?
NOTHING. NADA... ZERO... give me proof as I've given you that Emanuel who favored euthanasia for over 75 WAS NOT important to the Democrats? WHERE is your proof as I've given proof HE WAS an adviser to Obamacare!
47% of TRumper reject the vaccination. Same crowd that thought the flu shot was a government plot and fought seatbelt laws,
Proof please as you are making a personal, subjective observation. Who the hell are YOU?
What is your point? Wearing a mask wouldn’t filter any virus you are breathing.
Are you saying covering your mouth won't filter any virus you may have in your mouth and nose?

Still you are purposely missing the point. Covering your mouth when you sneeze clearly must not work either then. So why do it? Why not just sneeze into the room where everyone else is without covering?

I think you are being obtuse. Like from the movie Shawshank Redemption.
A quirky bunch of (fully vaccinated?) Texas democrats fled the state and came back with covid and infected the Vice President of the United States who was also fully vaccinated. What does that tell you? The stuff doesn't necessarily work? When you factor in the part where Florida is full of 80 and 90 year old's who can die from a freaking cold it tells you that Florida is a target for left wing propaganda because the governor is a republican. It beats talking about sleepy Joe anyway.
All the deaths are coming from Red States. Just ask the Republican governors. They're telling you to pull your head out of your ass.

Who infected Kamala? Does she have Covid? I bet she survives it because she's been vaccinated.

It doesn't FULLY work? What an idiot. Let me know if you die.
Proof please as you are making a personal, subjective observation. Who the hell are YOU?

Why 41 percent of Republicans don’t plan to get the COVID ...
Mar 19, 2021 · According to a recent "PBS NewsHour"/NPR/Marist poll, 41 percent of all Republicans say they won't get a COVID-19 vaccine. That makes them the most vaccine-hesitant demographic in …

Mostly common sense..... Especially when I see things like this.

Wow man, that video was a blockbuster!!! Thanks for wasting three minutes of my time on more random mumbo jumbo that has nothing to do with this thread
Proof please as you are making a personal, subjective observation. Who the hell are YOU?

How many do you need?

How Republican Coronavirus Vaccine Opposition Got to This ...
Jul 17, 2021 · In a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, 47 percent of Republicans said they weren’t likely to get vaccinated, compared with just 6 percent of …

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